Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 634: Blood in the chest, dreams are flammable!

Facing the situation at hand, Chu Yang sighed deeply.

This time, he said this past, but deliberately took a humorous tone, hoping to make things as easy as possible, but for these iron-blooded men, the truth of the incident is still in life. Can not bear the weight!

Originally, Chu Yang did not think about saying the most cruel one at a time, but now, he has changed his mind.

Any concealment is a great injury to such a brother. Dedication to concealment will only have more serious consequences.

They have strength and power to know the truth!

Even the truth is so unacceptable.

Not only do they need the truth, but the dead are also fair!

The crying of the three people has slowly been curbed, but the body is still shaking slightly.

They are still in grief and still unacceptable, but in front of outsiders, they just lost their emotions for a moment.

The mouth of Xuanyuan’s sky was overflowing with a touch of bright red.

That is the internal injury caused by the rebellion caused by my own cultivation to forcefully suppress the grief of my heart!

But he ignored the injury and forced himself to take a deep breath.

This tone seems to **** a lot of white mist around him into the belly.

It seems that all the grief and pains are buried deep in my heart.

"Chu brother, I am waiting for the brothers to be confused." Xuanyuan took a deep breath and said in a word: "Please also ask for three... rest for a while... let me wait... carefully understand the mood, then Do communication."

Chu Yang stood up and stood up. Dao: "Understood, this is what it should be."

Xuanyuan smiled sadly in the sky and said: "Three people go out and turn left. There is another house over there... The facilities are quite simple, and the Princess's Highness is slowed down... But now we... the mood is so excited, it is not appropriate Receive a few more guests."

He controlled himself with enthusiasm and said to the purple evil: "The Princess of the Royal Highness is forgiving."

The purple evil spirit nodded silently and whispered: "It can be seen from your reaction, or you are the predecessor of the nine-day screaming nine-day brothers... the sword master seeks the benevolence. The wish is to pay early... so sacrifice, when In his budget, the palace is more convinced. He will not want to see his brothers grief and hurt in any case..."

She paused for a moment, and after a long while, she finally did not continue to talk, holding a gentle dance. As Chu Yang went out.

The figure of the three people faded. Xuanyuan sat in a chair in the sky and seemed to have lost consciousness.

After a long, long time, I finally sighed softly. With this sigh, the tears that had been forbearing before were once again looted.

The three, after Chu Yang and others left, were quietly sitting in a chair and quietly thinking about the past. Silent tears... In addition to the sound of teardrops falling on the ground, the needle can be heard.

outside. On the bridge leading to the time, the white mist filled the air and floated away.

In such a white fog, nothing can be seen clearly, hehe.

This kind of white fog already exists and I don't know how much time.

It seems that since the nine heavens, with the purple sky, these fogs exist here.

Or the Ming Dynasty, the future, will still exist forever, as old as ever.

Isn't it just like everything in the world? - No one can see what the other side of the fog of life is.

Chu Yang and Mo light dance purple evil three people sitting silently on the other side of the house, a relatively silent.

There is nothing to say at the moment.

In the face of this situation, persuasion is not, no persuasion is not; but it still has to be said, because it is always time to move, heroes can not be obscured, love can not be denied.

But this truth has brought great sorrow to the survivors.

It hurts even more sadly!

Chu Yang sighed and sighed, "Morning things... How can we be perfect?"

The purple evil spirits sighed leisurely and whispered: "The world can be as good as it can be. Everyone will say, just, when you are in the first place, how many people can avoid it?"

Mo light dance is also a slight sigh, and said with ecstasy: "If the nine masters who followed the predecessors are still alive ... then it is best."

Chu Yang and the purple evil sigh at the same time.

Still alive...

Is it possible?

Is it possible? - Chu Yang is asking himself in his heart.

Outside, there was a sigh of sorrow.

That is the voice of Xuanyuan’s sky.

At this moment, Xuanyuan three people have walked out of the room, just on the extremely steep first bridge, sitting side by side, looking at the clouds and seas.

"Blood blood, dreams are flammable; brothers, there should be no regrets; shoulder-to-shoulder, together can push the Kunkun turn; nine brothers have no regrets, whistling the wind and the wind nine days..."

Suddenly, Xuanyuan’s mouth is soft and soft.

This was the song that the nine brothers and the brothers circulated in the same year when they gathered together.

However, this song has been tens of thousands of years and has not been sung again.

Because as long as you sing, you will remember the thing of that year, that person...

Although everyone, countless times of midnight dreams, always in the heart of thousands of turns, little bit of forgetting, but who will speak out? Who can say it? But now, here, once again, the dust mite is reappeared.

Yang Zong and Yan Fei burst into tears and whispered and picked it up.

"The road under the feet, the sword in the hand, the flat mountains, the broken sky; the nine robbery swords, the warm blood and the pneumatic eight rivers; the romantic figures who can be, the nine robbery swords the main name Duan Tian!"

- Nine robbery sword master, Duan Tian!

"It is also difficult to make it, and it is difficult to defeat. Three-footed Qingfeng is proud of the world. Since ancient times, it has been a day of success, and a sword has been shot in the cold of the world. It is the first name of the nine-robbery brothers!"

- The first person of the nine robbery brothers, success or failure!

"The ancestral soul river, the eternal rumor, the autumn wind blew the river on the cold..."

- The second person of the nine robbery brothers, Jiang Shanghan.


"The sky is long, there is Xuanyuan; the palm of the heart changes. The heart is cold in the sun; the sword is scared; the wisdom can turn to the sky; the center of the nine robbers, sitting on the mountain; the tactics of the slap in the middle, talking and laughing over the nine heavens!" - nine Robbery fifth. Nine robbery thinks Xuanyuan long sky.


"Gai Qiong, Chang Tianyan; spreading wings and soaring between heaven and earth..." Yan Fei of the nine robbers.


The three people whispered softly, sang and shed tears, and their hearts were sour and unspeakable. This song sang, almost instinctive humming. Not autonomous, the heart of the three, has already returned to the past in the beginning of the humming. The most memorable moment.

In the past, the time when the brothers gathered together, every moment, every moment, every time, it’s just like this. It’s the memory that I thought I haven’t rebuilt for tens of thousands of years. I thought it’s been forgotten. At the moment, it is as vivid as painting. Just like yesterday.

Forget the past?

It’s all in my heart!

The once mad songs were drunk, once fighting side by side, once singing and laughing, once the Zema River...

In the vagueness, the face that is familiar is appearing in everyone's mind.

Black hair, four faces, tall and straight, white; eyes deep. The two sharp eyes are like swords, just like wearing time and space. In the long rivers of tens of thousands of years ago, three faces were again exposed.

The three bodies trembled at the same time, and seemed to feel the sincere gaze of the two eyes.

Sharp, sharp, cold, but when looking at yourself, this sharp and infinite eyes, but full of endless care, infinite soft.

Xuanyuan suddenly slammed his face and cried: "Boss..."

The sound is like a deep mountain, and the cone is sore.

"Ah~~~~ Boss~~~~" Yan Fei screamed in the sky, suddenly squirting a blood, and smiled sadly: "Hello heart! You are so hearty... Hello. ruthless!!!"

However, now this ‘you are awkward heart’ complains with the previous curse in the heart, but it has a completely different meaning.

You are good to yourself... a good heart...

Thinking of what Chu Yang said just now, the three people are inseparable.

"...The nine robbing swords of the dynasties...Open the reincarnation channel, open the door outside the domain, the bones are the walls, the meat paves the road, the **** wind leads, the soul makes the green; send my brother, the extraterrestrial warfare; Reinventing the flesh, becoming the golden body of immortality; fulfilling my brother, outside the domain, becoming an immortal skill; let my brother, enjoy the heavens and the earth, and be crowned with glory!"

Boss, our brothers are now in the field of warfare, but... Where are you? Where have you been?

Boss, the brothers are now the golden body of immortality, but what about you?

The brothers have already achieved immortality, but you have left an unknown name!

The brothers have already...


When you cleaned up our bodies, can you feel pain in your heart? I must have a heartache! All the brothers are gone, can you regret when you are alone? I must have regretted it! Repent without regretting!

You know that the brothers have lived in the hatred of you since then... Can you really be so calm? !

However, we have misunderstood you for so many years, and you have been stunned for so many years, and we are now aware of the truth... but it’s so embarrassing!

The three of them burst into tears and whimpered.

After a long, long time, Xuanyuan suddenly stood up and shouted!

The whistle sounded through the golden cracked stone and spread far.

Immediately, somewhere in the distance, the same shouting sounded...

One after another!

Xuanyuan looked red in the sky and suddenly stood up and strode into the room of Chuyang.

As soon as the door opened, Chuyang three people looked at each other.

Xuanyuan’s long-eyed eyes glared at Chuyang for a long time, and did not say a word.

Just looking at Chu Yang, I finally took a deep breath and said: "You said before, want to worship the Purple Emperor?"

Chu Yang frowned at him, and he could talk in the future, and he heard Xuanyuan’s long and empty road: "We think about it, let us send you in the past!"

"Give you all the time at all costs! As long as we have a sigh of relief, you are safe!"

In the look of Xuanyuan’s long sky and handsome, he even took a slap in the face: "It’s scheduled to be after five hours, everyone is leaving!"

"Why?" asked the purple evil.

Not long ago, you were still desperately blocking, there was no room for conversion, but now why suddenly changed his mind one hundred and eighty degrees.


<I am back... I can only say that I am tired and half-dead...not only the tiredness of the body, but also the heart... that’s...and, then...

A long sigh... Life, life...> (To be continued, please search for Astronomy, the novel is better and faster!

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