Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 635: Nine years of robbery

"Because the Purple Emperor is the hero we all deeply admire!..."

Xuanyuan’s sorrowful smile in the sky seemed to be unconsciously whispered: “Hero... no matter whether you are alive or dead, you should not leave regrets! The daughter of His Majesty the Emperor came to worship him, we should contribute! No matter what the final result, What is the price, but... The singer of the Purple Emperor, you should get the visit of his own blood!"

"Whether it is not here, this kind of love, we have to send his descendants to him! Then, safely escorted back!"

After Xuanyuan’s sky was over, he turned around and went.

Going to the door, the footsteps were a little paused, muttering: "We have left regrets, and it is difficult to make up, how can we create another regret? Hahaha..."

The laughter was fierce.

His figure has disappeared at the door.

Chu Yang deeply sighed.

"Chuyang, your story... irritating them crazy." Purple evil sighed softly.

Chu Yang’s heavy road: “There is no way to do this... This truth, they have to know sooner or later... Instead of letting others say it, it’s better for me to be a party, the contemporary nine-robber sword master! More importantly, The current decisive battle demon... is the best time to express their emotions, and ... you went to visit your father this time, and gave them the best reason to express their feelings... If they are not allowed to negatively Emotions broke out completely. Is it really necessary to watch such a good man fail to commit suicide?"

Purple evil sighs: "But... they are also born with death..."

Chu Yang nodded.

This point, he just faintly noticed.

Purple evil sighs: "This is going, I am afraid that there will be many casualties... And these people, any one of them will be a great loss. If you don’t look at me one after another, I just planned Change your mind..."

Chu Yang's eyes flashed, said: "This section... I have my own plans. The nine masters of the swordsmanship are certainly heroes. His brothers are not good men. I will try my best not to let them surprise."

His gaze turned to Mo light dance: "Light dance, this thing, handed it to you."

Mo light dance nodded deeply.


In this matter, people in the distance constantly swayed, and dozens of figures came from all directions.

"What?" Someone eagerly asked: "How many of you are on this side, how do you also send a call signal that is not easily issued by the invasion of the devil?"

Chu Yang looked at the people coming from afar, but another kind of fascinating awareness rose.

It is said that it is Ming Wu, or it is moving!

The people who came, it is obvious that they are divided into seven camps!

Or maybe it should be... seven people. In the meantime, it is even obvious that people feel a kind of ambiguity.

The relationship between these people is undoubtedly very friendly. It seems that there is no such thing as a partisan, or a partner who works together for the same goal. However, it is able to make people clearly feel that they are different and belong to one camp after another. .

Every group of people is coming side by side. The distance between each other is precisely a specific formation that guards each other. It seems that everyone puts all their attention on the brothers around them, but completely ignores their own flaws. Or the weakness has already been exposed.

However, when everyone is doing this, all the flaws, but all become non-existent, or a fatal temptation to lure any enemy!

Although each person's clothing color is different, but everyone's skin, and eyes, are filled with a touch of gold.

Undead golden body!

Everyone is in this state.

However, these seven groups of people, apart from their own brothers, have maintained a distance from other groups outside of themselves.

This distance is very subtle.

You can watch and help each other, you can live and die together, but you can't live and die together.

Life and death and the common life and death concentric... What is the difference between the middle? Chu Yang did not know, but Chu Yang felt such a small gap.

"A total of seven batches? How can it be seven batches? It shouldn't be so much..." Chu Yang thought of a sentence: "The vast majority of the nine robbery sword masters chose to sacrifice themselves and become brothers at the moment of choice. In addition to the first generation of sword masters chose to really kill the brothers, to complete themselves ... but in the end, he was suppressed in the dead lake, the end of the bleak ... and the sixth generation of nine robber sword master Qin Fang, the fifth Let the fixed trajectory change, that is to say, everyone else is already fascinated... How can there be seven batches..."

"Don't the fifth group of brothers, actually did not die?" Chu Yang has spent a lot of time in his heart, thinking of how many do not know.

The first person came first, and nine people came together.

From the acquiescence of others as the leader, and the look of these people, Chu Yang can guess: This is perhaps the nine brothers of the second generation of the nine-robber sword!

That is to say, the first batch of the first batch arrived at the Nine Heavens, the first nine people who started fighting against the Devil!

In addition to the traces of the weather and the frost on the faces of the nine people, there are still some calm feelings that can be clearly felt. This is the long-awaited shackles between life and death after life and death, and it is also a self-defeating force field that can be cultivated!

This kind of demeanor makes people look at it and feels heartfelt.

The second batch, still the complete nine people roaring, the third generation of nine robbery sword master Meng Cang's nine brothers.

In the third batch, this group had only six people, and the six people were most eager to look at them. When they came over, they were surrounded by the three people of Xuanyuan, and there were infinite concerns in each look. These six people are obviously the other six brothers of the fourth generation of the nine-robbery sword, and only they will be so concerned about Xuanyuan’s sky and other three.

The number of people in the fourth batch was not nine. They only had eight people. When they arrived, their eyes were looked at Chu Yang. These people did not know Chu Yang, but the look of these people revealed an indescribable Friendly taste, and there is a sense of excitement.

It seems to be... a long-cherished wish, is about to be reached, or... has been reached.

Seeing Chu Yang, it is like seeing their most respected person, the most embarrassing person, and the most missed person... such a feeling of mixed feelings.

Chu Yang’s thoughts between the electric and the electric, instantly wake up, these people must be the brothers of the fifth generation of the nine-robbery sword master Yundong, but also the brothers of the dance city, and only these people, will be Chu Yang and others, there are As you know, goodwill is expressed from the beginning.

Because they have learned everything from the mouth of the dance city.

Seeing these people, Chu Yang’s heart emerged with a sentence: I am on the grass, and the sword refers to Baiyun East! I am Yundong, who dares to move my brother? !

It seems that there is already a person in the darkness, the white sword and the sword, the air is coming!

When Chu Yang appeared in this fascinating expression, the look of the eight people was even more excited.

In some people's eyes, there are already tears.

Because... at this moment, they think of...the same person.

The number of people in the fifth batch is only eight people. The look is very tired. According to the order, it should be the brother of the sixth generation of the nine-robbery sword.

Looking at them, Chu Yang couldn't help but raise a layer of incomprehensible questions, and at this moment, the eyes of the purple evil thoughts came over. On that day, Chu Yang and purple evils could be parties.

The words of the fifth hexagram are still in the ear. But now, these people are in front of their eyes.

"How are these people still alive? Isn't it all gone, is the soul flying away?" Chu Yang's heart is really a bit puzzled, because the fifth day of the day has explained that he was able to escape from birth and return to the Nine Heaven, it is the soul of all the brothers, which is lucky enough to survive the black hole.

At this point, Chu Yang remembered the enemies of the day, "Fa Zun", the fifth one.

In order to avenge the brothers, they have been loyal to tens of thousands of years, and they crouched in waiting for the opportunity.

The generation of heroes who had been transformed by heroes.

For his purpose, for his hate, he spared no expense in the whole process of washing the nine heavens...

Chu Yang sighed long, but inadvertently noticed that there was a seat between the eight people, intentionally or unintentionally.

Chu Yang thought... This seat is to be left to the fifth one. If it is the fifth one, the whole formation will become seamless, but... nowadays there is one such person missing, but it seems to be a lot less. There is a big flaw.

But they would rather keep this flaw, but they still retain this position - even though each of them knows which brother who belongs to which position, it is never possible to come here!

Chu Yang looked at the vacancy and stared for a long time.

In my heart, I sigh long.

Fa Zun, if you know the scene now, would you regret it?


The sixth batch is a complete nine-person combination. This group of people should be the nine brothers of the seventh generation of the nine-robbery swordlord Lin Zun!

Before the Chuyang three saw the street sign, the golden man who came out was in it.

The seventh batch is also a complete nine people. It is also the strongest group for Chu Yang. The reason why it feels strong is not that the strength of these people is beyond the others, but... Chu Yang has already determined the origin of these people: the eighth generation of nine robbery swords A brother of the Lord!

And Chu Yang and others subverted the nine heavens, the most powerful enemy facing the front, the nine dominant families, is the descendants of these nine people!

Chu Yang suddenly felt that ... the days of leaving the mainland of Jiuzhongtian, it seems that it is very far away and far away... It seems to be like the past life...

The eight people in the fourth batch did not pay attention to other people, but they went to Chuyang in front of them. The person in the lead looked at Chuyang with an unusually sharp look and said softly: "Are you Chu Yang?"

Chu Yang nodded and smiled: "Yes, I am Chu Yang."

The man's body trembled a bit, and in the eyes of eight people, they suddenly shot an extremely hot look.

At the same time look at Chu Yang waist!

Waist, is the place where the average person hangs the scabbard. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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