Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 638: The devil does not kill me and kills!

"It is the person who belongs to the demon emperor, and the elites of several super-sects come to trial and try to make an abnormal battle." The middle-aged scribe answered with precision: "The leader of the team is the master of the saint, and the heavenly man." There are more than 30 masters, and the rest are masters."

I went back to the sky and nodded. "Is the rescue preparation ready?"

The middle-aged scribe nodded: "It's done... It's guaranteed that these people will be rescued when they die only the elite. As for others, I am afraid that death will be inevitable."

The season nodded to the sky: "This is what it should be. In the rivers and lakes, the guests are dead, this kind of thing is very common, it is not easy to retain the elite."

Seeing the front and killing the sound, everyone here is indifferent, it seems to have become commonplace.

The purple evil sentiment looked at these two sides killed on the purple sky, could not help but show their eyebrows and said: "You are not going to help the front? We have the ability to defeat this demon here. Why? Also choose the tactics of sacrifice. Such sacrifices are completely unnecessary."

"As long as you take the shot, then you can easily annihilate this demon in the blink of an eye! Is this a light-hearted thing for you?"

The voice in the purple evil sentiment was a little angry. Seeing the warriors who came to fight the demon in the thousands of miles but lost their lives here, they only felt uncomfortable in their hearts.

On the battlefield, the screams came one after another, and it was obvious that life was degraded every moment.

Jiuqiu and other nine robbery brothers looked at it all, one by one, the face was indifferent, and there was no action at all. The season returned to the sky: "His Royal Highness, you know, how many people are gilded in this? How many people are actually greedy and fearful of death? How many people are simply not qualified to fight against the devil? How many people are the real warriors?"

"These are all tested by life and death. Only life and death are the only criteria for eligibility."

The season is faint: "There may be sudden death, or not. But these, we can't take care of it. Some sacrifices are necessary. Some sacrifices are self-seeking. Some sacrifices are meaningful. ""

He said faintly: "Manpower is sometimes poor, we have our responsibility, we have to guard the entire Nine Heavens, not the people who come here to try."

"This has a fundamental difference."

He sighed deeply: "Moreover, the battle of this series, the demon will not send the main force. But there are countless super masters lurking on one side... those people are what we really have to face. Opponents. We rushed to participate in the war, only to provoke the other party's real tyrannical force to intervene, our joining, not to rescue them, will only accelerate their death!"

"But you will still be shot today." Purple evil said sharply.

The season is faint: "But we have to let the **** people in this wave of trials die almost!"

"The real warrior, hero, we will not allow him to die, but those who are greedy and greedy to gilt, but want to live to leave here!"

He pointed to the battlefield and said, "Have you seen that person? He just went behind his companion when the enemy attack came... This move led to the casualties of his comrades... although he eventually suffered casualties from his comrades. The opportunity to kill the demon... but this person is despicable, the devil does not kill him, I will kill him!"

"The comrades-in-arms are the ones who live and die with each other, not for the glory of fame!"

"There is that... simply pull the disciples under the door to die, and that... there is no sword from beginning to end; that...hehe... such a person, what is the use? Just shameful!"

The season is sharp and sharp: "This is the battlefield. We are on the battlefield. We are soldiers. The soldiers do not care about the power position, only care about the dignity of the mission! And these people insult the words, so these people are not dead, we will not Hands-on."

"Because we can't stand to pay our strength, it's such a bastard!"

When the season returns to the sky, let the purple evils silence.

Chu Yang sighed deeply.

Can't help but think of the words of the Purple Emperor: Why is the heart so cold?

Those who use their companions to block their knives and use their comrades' bodies for survival opportunities are undoubtedly the perfect interpretation of this sentence. The rhetoric of the season may be somewhat extreme, but, as he said: this is the battlefield!

Not a church, not a school!

Warriors respect, always strong and hero!

Looking back at the battlefield on the other side of the season, he said: "I am waiting for the **** of the Princess Temple to worship the Emperor of Heaven, then, who is here to stay?"

In this sentence, he said that he would come out so casually, but he gave a choice.

After a silence, no one is willing to stand up and stay behind.

These people are all iron-and-blood men. For the battle, there is a desire from the bones. No one will give up such an opportunity.

"Alright." The season sighed helplessly: "Then, it is still left by the original lords of the world. This matter is not too late, we will start as soon as possible."

At this moment, the situation has become more and more serious in the battlefield; most of those who have come back to the season have already died in the hands of the demon.

"The greedy and fearful of death will inevitably not suffer; if you can't suffer, you will not be high, and you will not be high. In this battlefield, you will only die!"

Looking back at the sky indifferently, said: "Almost! Out!"

The voice did not fall, Yan Fei burly figure suddenly rushed out, the mouth screamed in general: "Gai Qiong, Chang Tianyan, spread wings and soaring between heaven and earth! Who can compare with Fei Ling Jiu, the eighth off of the nine robbers!"

Yan Fei rushed out.

The burly body rushed into the demon crowd for the first time, and suddenly it was like a wave of waves to separate a **** road.

However, other people are sluggish at the same time.

Just because of one sentence -

When did Yan Fei... actually claim to be a robbery again?

What's happening here?

But no matter what, no matter how repented the heart is, or is it angry, sad, incomprehensible... But when I heard this voice, when I heard this long-lost 'ninth robbery brother’s eighth pass', Everyone’s eyes are brightly lit.

Yes, nine robbers!

This can't wait to forget it, but it has already been imprinted in the bottom of my heart, and I can never be erased!

Perhaps, it used to be an unbearable pain in life, but it was also the happiest part of a lifetime!

The most glorious and glorious period!

When you hear these words, everyone will be full of blood!

"Jun Weiling!" The season came back to the sky and grew up.

"I am!" Jun did not volley.

"You and your brothers protect the three of the princesses of the princess, everyone together, rush out! Let's kill the gangsters!"

In the end, the season is back to the sky, and the whole person, the whole body suddenly shines in the air, and the whole body is full of burly and majestic body, with a splendid sword light, turned into a meteor.

A horse rushed into the Devil camp!


I don't know who is drinking.

So he has seven hands and rushed out, and the trend is unparalleled.

The three people, such as Chu Yang and Mo Qingwu, were mixed in a small battle surrounded by eight people, such as Jun Weiling. For a time, they were passively moving forward, and it was only a moment of time, they felt themselves. Has already rushed into the camp of the devil.

The group headed the season back to the sky, and the raging dragon was generally rolled into the group of the gods. In the sound of the long whistle, the swords flowed through the clouds, and the vertical and horizontal splendor. Thousands of swords screamed out.

The screams rang into pieces, and countless grotesque devils fell in this moment.

It’s not a sword, but the body of the devil is divided, and you can’t die anymore.

Chu Yang discovered: in the battle, these former nine robbing people, without exception, are exuding a splendid golden light!

Moreover, they are still flashing, not at all dim.

Even... It seems that the more people who die with the demon, the more golden the light on these people.

Is it... what else is there?

Isn't the golden body not just as simple as imagined? !

Chu Yang heart silently thinking.

Under the protection of such a tyrannical team, the confrontation is a small number of extraterrestrial demons whose strengths are not so good; the two sides can’t be called enemy against each other, but only unilateral slaughter. There are no opportunities for shooting. I saw that these people rushed out of a **** way by cutting melons and cutting vegetables. They never walked through the tens of thousands of extraterrestrial demons, and they did not bother.

Behind the enemies of this group of enemies, the group is still in the end, the speed of travel is not reduced, but the wind is generally rolled out, facing the deepest part of the white bones, straight into the stab!

This way, the devil is wounded into pieces. However, those who are pointed out to be greedy and fearful of death, even if they are lucky enough to live to the present, have no exception and are strangely dead.

Who is the hand? It is not clear at all.

The season has said: This kind of person, even if the devil does not kill, we have to kill!

Chu Yang sighed in the heart: in the eyes of these people, it is really not allowed to sand a little! But on the battlefield, trusting your back to the nine robbers, whether you know it or not, you can rest assured!

Because these people are the real fighters!

I heard a sneak screaming: "Thank you for helping me...Is it..."

Jun Weiling, they ignored the question completely, and already separated from the battlefield with the brigade rushing out thousands of feet! They just did it, and they had to rush out anyway. Then, when they rushed out, they killed a few more demons, just adding them.

As for merits, accept thanks...

Everyone does not think so.

"Death is life, life is luck! This is the battlefield! Nothing makes sense!"

The faint words of the season are rushing out with the sword. In front of hundreds of days, the devil bursts at the same time, and the plum blossoms are scattered in the air!


Today, the computer is broken, but it is not broken, but I don’t know why it is impossible to open the machine.... I have found a lot of people to repair it all the time. Finally, a buddy got it, and then told me euphemistically: You don’t understand the buddy. Don't mess with the place, don't delete it... You are just a code word. Just use WORD and you won't finish it. Don't worry about other things...

Suddenly, my heart was whizzing through the swamps full of mud... I was messed up for a moment...

(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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