Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 639: Rush into the purple day!

A total of sixty-four people, like the same hurricane that was completely condensed together, whizzed!

The tens of thousands of demon people in the ocean, even the strength to block them is not.

"This is the legendary extraterrestrial demon? This is too weak, is this strength able to capture the purple sky?!" The purple evil is a bit strange, even incredible.

Chu Yang smiled bitterly: "Seeing is not necessarily true. You and I see only the frogs peek into the sky. I estimate that this wave of extraterrestrial demon is just the middle and lower level of the last devil clown. At most, there are some cannon fodder, just those ones. It is also the battlefield that Tiange and Tianzhu are training each other. It is not a real battle... The master of the Tianmo side has not come out at all. At most, there are only one or two leaders. How can you stop more than 60 people at the same time? The senior saint of the body? How can we judge the real power of the demon outside the field!"

"Against... This is a big world, but can you reach the master level of the saints? How many can you have a total? A team composed entirely of senior saints... I believe that it is not possible to find out a few under the heavens?"

Chu Yang smiled and explained.

Purple evil feelings relieved, yes, such a team consisting entirely of senior saints and undead golden body, even if it is a party emperor, even my sage, it may not be formed, before this tyrannical power, generally The demon lineup, if there is no scene of destruction, it is the real ghost!

"If the general situation can be more than once, this time is largely because of the cheapness of the defense. The real masters of the extraterrestrial world have not had time to shoot, but after we rushed out of a distance, they only have I am afraid that I will react. When it is time... it will not be so easy..."

Chu Yang looked at the front of the empty, some worries: "The road ahead, this time I am afraid that it will be an unprecedented battle!"

"Light dance." Chu Yang turned to look at Mo light dance: "I give you Jiuzhong Dan, be ready at all times. Do not have any regrets. Once someone is injured, it is not necessarily a life-and-death injury, as long as it is affected. If you act or are injured, don't hesitate to give them medicine immediately. Make sure that everyone is always at the peak. Otherwise, in this time, there will be a great possibility that someone will fall. In the event of casualties, it will trigger a series of deaths and injuries, so be sure to remember!"

Mo light dance black and white eyes are full of determination. Solemn nodded.

The bow on the head spreads its wings.

If it is not on the battlefield now, the battle situation will change rapidly. Seeing the huntering heart, Chu Yang almost wants to take a sip on the pink face of this girl.

Seeing the color is not fascinating with the hero, there is obviously a certain distance from this realm!

Eight people who did not have a shot, they simply rushed out.

But this time, their faces. Everyone’s face has some flushes that are excited by excitement.

Almost everyone sees Chu Yang’s eyes, mixed with infinite heat and sentimentality.

This is the nine robbery sword master!

Although this nine robbery sword master is not my boss, but ... is the contemporary nine robbery sword master face, I think the long-lost nine robbery sword has returned to us. The nine robbery swords have returned, as if the boss has returned... and it has appeared in our camp.

The brothers can fight together again!

This kind of thinking makes each of them excited and the heart almost bursts.

I really want to see again, the nine-robbery sword is infinitely gorgeous, endless. That’s why the world is killing the unparalleled domineering!

If you can see that trick, "Sword refers to Baiyun East," it is even better...

However, that is the boss’s homemade trick, and the sword master basically has nothing to do...

Boss, where are you now?

All the way, the people did not have the slightest rest.

The group of people rushed to the speed of an hour, and did not know how far it went.

However, as the white bones under the feet have become less and less. In some places, land has been able to be seen.

Although it is still so desolate, it is no longer the same as before.

Looking at it, some places can see some broken houses and walls.

Standing alone on the open earth. There is an endless depression.

Seeing the purple evil feelings looking around, Jun did not smile, and said: "You don't have to look at it... This is not the battlefield site of the year... At the beginning, the purple scorpion building that was established by the Purple Emperor All of them have already been destroyed; as for the eyes in front of them, these are the fortress whistle stations that the devil wants to build in these years, but every time, every place is destroyed by us..."

The purple evil sighs, and suddenly loses.

Chu Yang’s eyes emitted light: all buildings were destroyed!

Then, what was the point of the tragic war in that year?

Just thinking about it, suddenly in the front of the season back to the sky suddenly stopped, waved.

Everyone stopped at the same time.

Everyone's gaze, while looking at the sky ahead.

I saw it on the cloudy sky, and suddenly a black shadow flew out, long wings, and slid back in the sky.

It’s like a dark cloud, suddenly flying an evil black eagle!

Looking closely, the comer is a strange human with a strange shape and wings.

"This wave appears to be the devil in the devil!" Season back to the face cautiously, said: "It seems that the devil has completed this wave of defense, changed to the front line of the flying demon family."

Sure enough, with the appearance of the first demon outside the field, from the cloud, there were numerous shadows, and countless wings opened and landed down here.

The formation is unusually neat.

It is like a huge black iron plate, falling from the air, the momentum sinks!

Chu Yang stared at it, only to see that the number of these demons is not a lot, and it is more than three thousand.

However, I can't guarantee that there are no hidden ambushes above the clouds...

Naturally, this figure can't make Chu Yang move. What really shocked Chu Yang is that these alien gods from the opposite side actually can't see the depth. If it's just two, I can't see it. This is not surprising. But the opposite of the three thousand people, all of them can not see the depth. This can be said that some can't be said, it's hard to be done. The strength of these more than three thousand flying demons is far above them. This is too shocking to hear about it.

It seems to be a shock to Chu Yang. Jun Wuling explained: "Not so surprised, although these flying magic strengths are certainly not weak. But they may not be too high. Although there is no white fog here, the interference of shielding the gods is It still exists... who is strong and who is weak, only the real hands can be achieved... So, don’t be too fussed. With these birds, you can’t stop us.”

Jun did not pick up an eyebrow, and killed the murderer: "This **** is just to die."

Chu Yang's smile, the doubts in his heart disappeared, and the strength of the other party is not so exaggerated in the imagination, naturally fearless.

I saw that the flying demons in front had all fallen and faced everyone.

There is a dark gold stripe in the middle of one wing. The body is extraordinarily burly, far beyond the rest of the crowd, the tip of the mouth is sharp, and the guy who has a burly sarcoma on his forehead has stepped forward and sneered: "I really can’t think of it, you will have a day. The rushed out of the first bridge... oh... came to our site to find death?"

These days, these people have already strangled them for tens of thousands of years with them. They have almost become ‘acquaintances’; and they have never revealed the identity of the nine-robbery brothers, just burying their heads and killing the enemy. Concentrate on guarding the land of Tianzhu.

Therefore, the unified title of the extraterrestrial demon to these people is: Jin Yi Tian Wei.

For this title, Ji Huitian and others do not refute.

Although they actually want others to know: we are nine brothers! The nine robbery brothers are our real name!

Even though these **** don't know what the nine robbers mean, everyone has the pride of the bones and soul for these two words!

The season returned to the sky and stood up, looking at the flying demon leader in front of the eyes, faintly said: "The brothers are always waiting for you to die. I am really bored... I say that you are indeed greedy and afraid of death. Let's kill it, we have to find it out. We have to look for it. If we go through it, we will go back and adjust it. It is really no big deal."

The flying demon was furious and said: "Dad brother! Stop the man arrogantly! Do you know who you are talking to?"

For a long time, Scorpio’s counterattack stopped at ‘that boundary’ (the name of a foreign city’s devil for a city in Zixiaotian)—so the extraterrestrial demon called the Scorpio person to be “stop the man”. It means that people who stop in that world...

Of course, this sentence 'Daddy' looks like a father and a brother, but for the extraterrestrial demon, it is a swearing word, and it is the most commonly used swearing words, almost equivalent to the human race. ".

In the words of Yan Fei: This group of gangs don’t know how to get rid of their brains and ask their brothers to call their fathers, but they themselves are filled with stools. They stubbornly believe that this sentence is a slut. the meaning of……

"Don't call it so intimate. You don't have that qualification... Because Laozi doesn't even know what your mother looks like, you are purely deducting the scorpion from Laozi..." The season is ridiculous: "If Laozi can You did it... I believe I was ashamed to commit suicide."

The singer trembled and opened his mouth to reveal the mouth of the pit, sharply whistling: "Kill this stupid stop the pig!"

"Oh gram ~~"

Hundreds of flying demons leaped at the same time, their wings flapping against the sky, flying like lightning, and the sky was smeared with endless haze.

In the season, I smiled and smiled. With a clear sword, a grand sword appeared.


"Today is the birthday of the girl who dreams of the old scene, let us wish her a happy birthday!" The dream-back sister has joined us since the evil lord, and has been a good partner until now.

Laugh with the same joy and fight side by side!

On the occasion of my birthday, let me sincerely wish you a happy birthday! Sister!

Everyone in the book review area to brush ‘dream back to the sister happy birthday! ‘Look at how many can be brushed? 》

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