Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 642: Jiuzhong Dan, Jiuzhong Dan!

Chu Yang eyes condensed: "..."

"Notifying Tianzhu, let Tianzhu face the danger of the demon, it is really more difficult than this battle." Ji Huitian sneered and smiled: "The ones who used to be peaceful and used to the comfort of the big brothers ……Ha ha……"

With a wry smile, the season did not speak again, and silenced.

It seems that this paragraph has evoked the strong anger in his heart. On the way back, the quarterly shots were more sinister, more unrelenting, and more unrequited.

Xuanyuan’s long-lost brothers obviously knew what had been learned from the mouth of Xuanyuan’s sky, and everyone was silent.

This night is destined to be not calm, or a long night.

With the raging murderous temper with the boundless magic, the demon army finally arrived.

With the arrival of this huge number of Tianmo army, Xuanyuan’s long-air brothers and nine people rushed out like crazy, and no one was allowed to help. It was just a crazy killing, and there were hundreds of thousands of Tianmo camps. I rushed all night, all night!

Everyone is as crazy as crazy. No one knows that they are only in the fight of life and death. When facing the enemy, they are killing and bursting into tears!

While shouting at the boss's name, he continued to kill the enemy.

Perhaps only at that time, they really showed the grief and regret of the bottom of my heart!

Perhaps only the scars of the body, when the enemy's sword cut through their flesh, the bitter pain, can make their hearts uncomfortable less...

This night!

A whole night!

The demon army with a total strength of more than 200,000 was scared by the nine people!

This is the nine complete killing madmen!

Fighting such a madman is undoubtedly the most terrible thing.

First, they are not dead gold; second, the madman who is not dead...

After a full night of killing, the Demon army collapsed.

In the early hours of the morning, the whistling away; and by the time of the withdrawal, the army of more than 200,000 troops will eventually be able to withdraw less than half of the total!

Success or failure, Jiang Shanghan and other nine people in ragged clothes, covered in scars, all over the body, standing in the middle of the corpse of the demon, all face grief, full of red.

Nine people played against 200,000, which clearly won a huge victory.

This is a classic battle that is enough to derive legends and legends!

However, the faces of the nine people did not see the slightest joy, but they were saddened by the grief.

Under this circumstance, the other nine robbery brothers who are greeted with joy are all face to face: What happened to these nine people? How did it win or not?

After the season back to the sky, the middle-aged scribes frowned for a moment, and the flash of light in their minds seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly his face changed dramatically. Raise his head and watch the nine people who are in a state of success or failure. His eyes are burning, but they are not instantaneous.

"Come and bring them back to heal!" The season screamed.

Everyone rushed up one by one.

When I turned around and turned around, I saw the ugly face of my brother. I couldn’t help but be surprised: "Zuo Qiu, what's wrong with you?"

This person is the think tank of the second generation of the nine robbery brothers, Zuoqiu operations.

Zuoqiu’s face was a little pale, and his body was shaken inexplicably. His eyes followed the success and failure, but he immediately gaze at Xuanyuan’s sky and took a deep breath. “I’m almost I can guess why they are so abnormal today."

Season back to heaven wondering: "Well?"

Zuoqiu took a big breath and breathed, and his face showed a kind of abnormal fainting like a sickness. He said: "You can still remember... Just some time ago, Jun Weiling and others have once made such a crazy What?"

The quarter brows suddenly wrinkled, and suddenly thought: "Yes, that time, there were eight people who did not know why, suddenly I rushed out of the first bridge, and within a radius of eight thousand miles, it would be within eight thousand miles. All the demons almost killed a clean, and eventually everyone was tired and almost died... Is it..."

"Not bad." Zuo Qiu sings and laughs: "If I didn't estimate the mistake... The reason for that time and the cause of the success or failure of the nine people should be the same thing."

He murmured, seems to be asking himself, and also asked the season back to heaven: "What is it that can make Jun Weiling and others so sinister? So do you not hesitate to die? What is it that can make Xuanyuan sky long these people... ...and so lost? What did they know?"

Looking back to the sky for a long time, I suddenly changed my face!

The body that has always been calm and steady has also shaken abruptly, almost with a trembling voice: "Unless it is... that thing..."

Zuoqiu Yunji smirked and nodded: "Yes, and during this time, Yan Fei and others have repeatedly claimed to be arrogant! Why? Their minds have always understood that the only reason for them to be so is that only... ..."

The season suddenly returned to the sky and felt a chaos inside the brain. The next moment, it was suddenly dizzy, and the whole person almost fell to the ground.

Like the senior sages who are going back to the sky, there will be footsteps and even dizziness, and it can be seen how big the shock is.

The two face each other, they are all in the depths of the other's eyes, the faint inexplicable fear.

Also, a speculative and hopeful speculation hidden deeper.

Looking around, I saw that the nine people had been surrounded by others, and everyone quickly arranged some tents. Jun Weiling was taking out the wounds and healed them.

Ji Huitian and Zuoqiu Yunji both rushed past in the same place.

At this time, a gentle voice said: "Is your medicine enough? What is the effect? ​​I have Jiu Dan in the nine robbers, or they can let them recover faster..."

Jiu Dan of the Nine Robbery Sword Master!

Almost everyone looked up and looked at the direction of the sound.

These words have not been heard for many years.

But who can really forget?

At the time of any injury, only one need to recover all the injuries instantaneously, and restore all the masterpieces that have been repaired.

Only, that medicine is only for one person!

That is the peerless medicine for our boss...

Now, I heard it again.

Mo light dance and stand on the outside of the crowd, the jade hand gently stretched out, in the palm of the hand, a bottle of amethyst chalcedony was placed on the palm of the white jade.

Like a pure lily, in bloom, there are purple flowers.

Everyone’s gaze is staring at the purple bottle, and many people suddenly become hot and sour.

Even the serious injury, the fatigue, the success or failure of non-equivalent people also raised their heads with enthusiasm, eyes looked at this small bottle, suddenly burst into the tears of crystal.

One by one can not help but choked up.

Tiehan has tears, and the water is condensed. I believe this situation is hard to come by, but so many Tiehan are all like this. I believe that it is absolutely rare in the world.

Mo light dances slowly and approaches, everyone unknowingly let a road open, everyone's eyes, all the minds at the moment are all left on this small bottle, everyone's eyes are complex.

The pain is extremely extreme.

Success or failure is not struggling to stand up, let the blood flow like a note, but it is standing straight; face is solemn, looking at the gradual approaching Mo light dance.

Behind him, Jiang Shanghan and Xuanyuan Sky and other people also stood up and stood up. They looked infinitely serious, almost with the expression of ‘pilgrimage’ and looked at this purple bottle.

Inside, it is Jiu Dan!

Long-lost Jiu Dan!

Jiu Dan of the Nine Robbery Sword Master!

Boss's nine-density Dan!

Although the boss is no longer here, Jiu Dan is not going to change!

The jade finger swayed, the mouth of the bottle opened, and a pleasant and pleasant fragrance came out, instantly filling the air.

The success or failure of the non-throat was rolling up and down, and the tears in his eyes finally couldn’t help but flow out. His lips trembled, but he couldn’t say a word.

Boss, after a long period of 50,000 years, I smelled this long-lost taste.


The other few people, all of them shivered, watching the nine Dandan one grain and one grain poured out from the amethyst bottle.

Everyone trembled and stretched out their hands, just like welcoming the king to come, devoutly catching the nine-density Dan who fell to his palm, looking down at the cherished look, in the tiger's eyes, a drop of tears, the broken beads are generally dripping. drop.

"Silly look at it? Eat it quickly." Mo light dance anxiously urged: "Don't you know that Jiu Dan should not be exposed to the outside for too long, the time will be long, the utility will be greatly reduced."

"I don't want to be ok..." Success or failure is not a long sigh.

Not willing.

These four words are almost the voice of all the people present.

It is indeed not willing.

This is Jiuzhong Dan... the nine-density Dan with the old atmosphere!

The boss is now gone. At this moment, how can I be willing to eat this thing?

Mo lightly and eagerly jumped: "Is there anything that I don't want? The role of elixir is to heal and save lives. I have a lot of here. You are going to take it seriously. I will give you one for each one. Commemoration, this is the headline!?"

"And? One per person?" The eyes of everyone are shining.

Under the repeated insistence of Mo Qingwu, the successor and non-nine people finally took the nine-density Danzhen in their hands and began to close their eyes. Everyone’s face is like a tearful mark...

Such a big man can't control the tears, which seems to be a very ridiculous thing, but everyone is heavy, don't laugh, and even a little bit of want to laugh is not.

Everyone is thinking about what... I just feel confused.

Mo light dance step back.

Watching the nine people who had been covered with bruises and bruises with other people since the medication, the injuries were recovered at a visible rate, and the whole scene was silent.


Something to prepare for the arrival of friends... The update is late, sorry. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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