Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 643: Suddenly uncover the truth!

Looking at the success or failure, they did not take the service of Jiuzhong Dan. Jun Weiling suddenly took a step forward and looked at the Mo-light dance. He almost prayed for the general saying: "Mo girl, you...the amethyst bottle is now empty, Jun There is a ruthless request, can you give this bottle to me... okay?"

An amethyst bottle that carries the elixir and makes it effective, is indeed a different kind of treasure in general sense, but this thing is not even a small thing for the senior saint, if someone red The white teeth said that there are senior saints asking people for help. One hundred people heard that absolutely 100 people were scornful, but this happened at this moment!

Jun Weiling’s tone is so earnest, so cautious, wrong to see, seeing it, it’s hard to imagine, a senior saint, a jagged man, would be so low because of such a thing.

And in his tone, the kind of intense pray, clearly expressed his urgency!

Unlimited desire to get this little bottle!

Empty bottle!

After listening to this sentence, Mo light dance suddenly felt that his nose was sour, almost tears.

Nodded and slowly handed the amethyst bottle over.

Jun Wei’s cautious hands were taken over, and his face passed by a trace of excitement.

His brothers suddenly came up and asked: "Let me smell... let me smell that smell..."

For a time, Jun was not squeezed in the middle of the crowd and was at a loss.

I don’t know who is blurring out next: "How come this kid is the first to grab it, how can I not take the lead?"

Seeing this situation, Mo light dance finally couldn't help but squint, and shed tears, turned around and rushed to find Chuyang.

This is a bunch of cute and respectable men...

Everyone else is looking at the amethyst bottle that is being scrambled...

"Jun Weiling! Ximen Wanli!" Ji Huitian couldn't help it anymore, loudly: "You two come over!"

He looked fiercely at Jun Weiling and this generation of think tank Ximen Wanli, angered: "Talk about it, what is this all about? How come, is it going to explain the explanation to the brothers?"

Zuoqiu’s operations also followed, and his eyes looked at Ximen Wanli with an extremely complicated look. “Well, what happened in the end? Is it...”

Ximen Wanli took a deep breath and looked up at the eyes of Zuoqiu's operations. He only answered one word: "Yes!"

It was this word. When I heard the left-handed operation of this word, the whole body swayed abruptly, closed my eyes, and for a long time, I opened it. "You are not... know what... other ... message?"

Simon Wan was silent for a long time and fell silent.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to say it, but he really doesn’t know what he should say and how to describe it.

How can I say this, from the blood of my heart.

"Say!! What is your mother's thinking?" The season was violent.

This violent drink is almost a shock in the sunny days.

"At the moment... the timing is not right..." Simon said in a difficult way: "At this moment, I have already penetrated into the purple sky.... At least millions of people around us, even tens of millions of days of demon... if it affects everyone’s mood at this moment, do it. It’s wrong to judge... then we’re all done.”

He looked up and whispered: "When we go back... I will tell you little by little, knowing everything, saying nothing, but now, it's really not the right time."

The body of Zuoqiu’s operation was shaken again, and he said sternly: “Is it about the nine robbers?”

On the one hand, the season suddenly became angry and violently caught a handful of Ximen Wanli’s chest robes, and roared: “If you talk about this, you can’t say it quickly, I’ll... I’ll ...I will die in front of you!"

This is a big noise, so that everyone's eyes are projected!

Ximen Wanli was lifted into the air by the season, but his eyes were sadly staring at the season, whispered: "Do you really want to listen?"

The season is full of anger: "nonsense!"

"Do you not regret it?" Simon Meng sighed and laughed.

"Why should I regret it! Hurry and say it!" Ji Huitian placed Ximen Wanli on the ground, loudly: "Say!"

"And slow." Zuoqiu waved his hand and said: "Ximen, is this matter related to all of us here?"

Simon Wanli closed his eyes in pain and nodded.

"If this is the case, then simply let everyone come over and listen." Zuo Qiu said, he said: "Ximen... You and Changkong are obviously already aware of it... This will calm down a lot, if it is waiting ...what we are doing, or maybe... some impulsive decisions, you two have to help us save. If you don’t listen, just keep your breath."

Chu Yang’s heart sighed far away.

It is worthy of the nine-robbery think tank of the year, all of which are strategists who are strategists and smart.

Zuoqiu’s operation said that it must have been faintly guessed, and even if it has already been realized, it will only be smug... otherwise, it will not be so premature.

Ximen Wanli gasped a few breaths and said: "Good! I know."

In the season, I waved my hand and all the brothers came round.

Ximen Wanli and Jun Weiling were surrounded by the center.

Jun did not sigh, but he bowed his head.

"You say it." Jun is not too hard.

"Or you say it." Simon Wanli is also very reluctant.

They are not willing to tell the tragic past by their own mouth...

"You said in a thousand miles." Zuo Qiu rushed to make a speech.

Simon Wan sighed.

"Things are like this..." Simon Mengli brewed his emotions. He wanted to say this thing calmly, but the words were on his lips, but suddenly he felt an indescribable grief rushing into his heart. Among them, there is a kind of anger that is eager to die, and it is almost subconsciously screaming out!

"Actually, we were wrong in the past! It is that we are wrong! It is completely wrong!"

"Our boss, and your boss, they have never betrayed us! We have never framed us! We have never used us!"

"We didn't have a chance to die in the past, but we didn't die, but we never had a death. All the risks of crisis were taken over by the boss!"

"We are wrong!"

"The truth of the matter is that the boss died in order to fulfill us. The **** brothers who have been blinded by hatred have smashed him for tens of thousands of years!" Simon Wanli’s emotion suddenly went out of control, and he said: "It’s our soul. Sorry boss, never the boss is sorry for us!"

"Including you! Everyone included here!" Simon Wanli's sharp eyes swept over everyone's face and shouted: "From beginning to end, we are a group of downright pens! The heart of the human heart is a super fool of the gentleman's belly! Enthusiastic, ungrateful! Injustice and injustice! It is a group of garbage!"

"Nine robbery brothers... Hey, these high-ranking names, I am now blushing myself! Are we equipped? We are not worthy!"

The sudden violent attack of Simon Wanli made everyone slammed!

I haven’t started to talk about business, how is this crazy? Why didn’t you get yourself on the head and tail, and even more people? !

However, everyone did not say anything, just waiting for him to go quietly. Obviously, everyone realized that, next, it must be one, it is an earth-shattering news for itself!

Even, everyone has vaguely guessed what the truth of what Simon is going to say, but everyone needs a testimony, and everyone is waiting for this truth to break through the mouth of Simon!

Ximen Wanli hurriedly breathed a few breaths, and this gradually calmed down and began to tell the story that every time I think about it.

In the past, the unforgettable past, in the broken heart, **** turned out, say it again.

As he complained, everyone did not stop breathing completely.

A pair of eyes stared at Simon's Wanli, almost to his tens of thousands of ordinary look!

"This is the case..." Simon Meng sneered: "The boss for the sake of our gang of waste materials, the death of the dead, the soul flies, but also by our ungrateful guys for tens of thousands of years ... until now!"

Still no one is talking.

The body of Zuoqiu’s operation was shaking slightly. The palm of the season returned to the sky, and the general shaking suddenly, biting his teeth, like being stupid by the thunder, sitting there.

Everyone is a sign that the pupil is somewhat loose. There is no focal length at all looking at the front of the sky...

After a long, long time, suddenly someone shouted and stood up in tears: "This is impossible! This is impossible!"

"You lie! What you said is not true!"

He pointed his finger at Simon and snarled in anger! The body was trembled fiercely, and a face rose red, and there was a pathological one. It seemed that the blood of the whole body had rushed to the head, that kind of blush!

His pupil seems to be scattered at this moment.

Confused empty.

Simon Wanli looked at him coldly and said sharply: "From your reaction, you actually believe it, but you choose to snarl at me. Why, you don't want to admit your own injustice, ungratefulness, sorrow, and sorrow. Is the dog worse?"

"Or do you want to escape?" Simon's voice is even more embarrassing.


The big man squatted back two steps, suddenly squirting a blood in his mouth, muttering: "Boss... is it really like this... Is it really that we misunderstood him?" Suddenly "plop" fell to the ground, Actually, it was so dizzy.

Everyone did not move, and no one came forward to help the big man.

But the breathing of everyone is getting thicker and heavier, gradually increasing, like a bellows.


I am going to pick up people... (to be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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