Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 644: That kind of sorrow

"Actually, there have been many doubts about this matter, only then..." Simon Meng smirked: "I don't know how you got along with each other on the same day, but my boss has been very good to us, how many times are the brothers together? Life and death together, how many times into a mortal situation, but the boss has never escaped alone, every time, he is alone to hold up the crisis, even if it is really impossible, to retreat, the boss is always the one after the break... ”

"How can such a boss be able to frame us and how to do the same thing that day? This is an extremely unreasonable thing..."

"It's just that we have a lard that is blinded and ungrateful!" Simon Wan stood up and sneered: "The inferiority of human beings is revealed here!"

"Others are a thousand times better for you, you can't remember them all! But as long as you can't afford it once, you will never forget it!"

"We are a group of bastards! The down-to-earth thing!"

Simon Wanli pointed his finger at the past, and every time he pointed to a person, he yelled: "The ugly bastard!"

"The selfish self-interested bastard!"

"Won't be a singer!"

"Son of a bitch!"


In the end, Simon Wanli was slap on his face and said: "Ximen Wanli, you are even more ruthless and ruthless, the bastard! What qualifications do you have called the Nine Robbery Think Tank!"

"Why are you going to die in Ximen Wanli? It seems like you are hiding the eyes of the waste."

The painful roar of Simon.


Outside, in another tent, Chu Yang also closed his eyes with painful grievances, completely shutting down his six knowledge and breaking all perceptions of the outside world.

He really couldn't bear to hear this tragic scene.

This day and night.

The demon constantly sent troops to harass, but every time, they were madly mad to the ninth robbery brothers to kill the blood. Indefatigable continuous fighting, regardless of the way of life and death...

Chu Yang has never participated in the war.

Even Chu Yang’s heart is grateful to these demons at this moment, because they really provide a channel for venting for the nine robbers!

This walks between the life and death of the non-stop killing, the collision of each other's flesh and blood, is their best way to express!

The purple evil has been listening quietly, watching, and finally sighed a long sigh, said: "This gang... It’s too tragic... I really don’t understand, I chose to sneak into the extraterrestrial battlefield. How can you use this inhumane way? It’s too... too cruel.”

"In this case, I am afraid that even all the extraterrestrial demons will be killed by them... How can they be happy in their lives?"

The purple evil sighs.

Chu Yang is silent, and there is a speculation in his heart. However, at this stage, there is no real evidence or even any signs.

He did not dare to make assertions, not even dare to think.

Especially at this time, Chu Yang is naturally even more daring to make this guarantee or hope.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

In the future, if you want to become empty, and cause great disappointment, I am afraid that it will instantly collapse!

After two days of fighting, the dawn is again.

The smoke has never been scattered. The nine brothers of the past are standing on the bloody, debilitating battlefield. They are lost and soulless, but they are still in the air, but they are incompetent.

Chu Yang sighed, but he could only pretend that he did not know what happened. He slowly came out and said: "In these two days, the extraterrestrial demon has continuously moved from low to high, and the combat power is getting stronger and stronger. It is to test our true falsehood. Judging from this, they are in front of it, there should be a comprehensive plan for the whole, this section, we must not prevent it."

Zuo Qiu tactics barely smiled and said: "Yes, we are all aware of this, they will never allow us to come back in the purple hinterland, but also to live back."

Chu Yang nodded: "This is the way"

"This way, our direction has never changed. It almost means that we have told the other side where we are going and where the goal is. So the place where they gave us a fatal blow should be in the Purple Emperor. city."

Zuoqiu operations said.

"No." Simon Wanli said: "I feel that they gave us the final blow, that is, the battle that decided to die of life should be outside the Purple Emperor."

Xuanyuan Sky and others also silently nodded, agree with the words of Simon Wanli.

Zuoqiu’s operations suddenly woke up and said: “Not bad.”

This time it was Chuyang’s turn to understand, “Why? It’s the best place and the best time in the Purple Emperor City. Our destination is the Purple Emperor City. After reaching where, our spirit and morale are always Will it be a bit less because of the arrival of the destination, the extraterrestrial demon will not let go of such an opportunity?"

Zuo Qiu sorrow smiled and said: "The reason is true, but you don't know another thing. The singer of the purple scorpion is not only the hero of our hearts, but also the worship of the extraterrestrial gods. The hero, the hero’s move, not only we will not do, they will not do it!"

Chu Yang stunned: "Is there still such a thing? Is this true?!"

"Is it hard to imagine? The extraterrestrial demon is indeed brutal and uninhabited, but in their original instinct, it is still arrogant; for heroes, it is more focused, even if the object is once a hostile person; or, Since the event of the Purple Emperor, the status of the Purple Emperor in the hearts of the Devils outside the domain may have gone to the extent of their Emperor's Majesty!"

"They are extremely revered and extremely admired the Purple Emperor."

"Even in the extraterrestrial demon, there are still many people who have written books for the Zixiao Emperor. The content is completely filthy. In my opinion, this is really incredible, incredible, but when Really true and true!"

Zuoqiu has a deep sigh: "I even dare to guarantee that it is now in the Nine Heavens, knowing the deeds of the Purple Emperor, and there is absolutely no knowledge of the extraterrestrial demon. Is it sad?! But this is the truth. !"

"In the Nine Heavens, the respect of the Emperor Ziyan, there is no such thing as the extraterrestrial demon... that..." Xuanyuan’s long sneer sneer, with deep sorrow, said: "I don't know if this is a great irony. Our own heroes, the undisputed heroes of human beings, do not receive the respect they deserve in their own world; instead they have an extremely high status in the eyes of the enemy! The reality is terrible!"

Chu Yang is silent, half awkward.

A deep heartfelt sorrow, suddenly rising from the heart.

The question of not being able to help: What is the world like?

What is wrong with this world?

Reality, is the reality really so terrible? !

"Because the extraterritorial demon has great respect for the Purple Emperor, so in the Purple Emperor City, it is the safest place in the entire Zixiaotian; because the Devil does not allow any fighting in the hero's resting place."

Zuo Qiu strategizes and sneers: "Even, the cloak of the Emperor of the Purple Emperor is also established by the high-level demon of the extraterrestrial world..."

These words are said to be more than just Chu Yang and others. The nine generations of brothers in the past also felt a sense of grief and indignation. Almost impossible!

The heroes of their own world, in the land of their own race, there is no dress in the Nine Heavens, no monument! Instead, in the enemy's place, be respected and enshrined...

The purple evil suddenly felt a panic in the heart.

This kind of blockage makes her have an urge to kill!

Everyone tried their best to clean up their feelings, but they all knew that they couldn’t wait until now, and they all continued on the road.

This went to Huangsha for eight thousand miles, and it was just a blink of an eye. What everyone expected was the calmness of this accident. The extraterrestrial high-level devils may have already seen it: these people are now crazy!

Now rushing to send troops to the army may not be able to consume a lot of enemy strength, but will provide the enemy with a channel to vent negative emotions.

Although the extraterrestrial demon does not know what these people are crazy about, but knows that the nerves of these guys are now abnormal!

Since these people are already doomed, they will not go back halfway.

Now that we have set a general strategy to eliminate these people, then... the temptations of the present are not necessary to continue, and the basics can already come to an end. Let them go this way, why not?

Anyway, a team that is destined to go back.

Therefore, on the way after this, it was calm and calm.

This moment of calm continued until three days later.

In the vast world in front of you, standing on a high place, you can already see the situation in all directions, and there are mountains, lakes, towns, and forests...

Chu Yang feels open in front of him.

Finally... In this devastated purple sky, I saw some anger and saw some green.

Seeing this, it seems that my heart is also comfortable.

“Is this the place where the devil lives?” asked Chu Yang.

"Yes." The season sighed and sighed: "The sable day, there are still some indigenous people. But the indigenous people of Zixiaotian have been living very miserable for years. And, it is also very secret. Usually it is Deep and deep in the jungle...oh."

The season is a bit embarrassing: "The indigenous people of Zixiaotian have never contacted us. In those eyes, we are not trustworthy..."

Chu Yang deeply sighed.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a scream in front of me, and the sound was very far, but I could clearly hear the pain in the voice.

Immediately, the distant yellow sand rolled, and it seemed that someone was rushing over here.

Far away from the sky, a black shadow, like a flying magic army outside the field, is coming up... (to be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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