Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 645: Purple scorpion

Everyone frowned at the same time.

This situation is wrong. According to the judgment of the people, the demon side’s calculation is to block all of them and others from the area outside the city of the Purple Emperor. It is completely annihilated. Although it is not far from the Purple Emperor City, there is still a certain Distance, if this is the case, the offensive will be launched. The surrounding front will inevitably be pulled too long. As long as one's heart retreats, the chance of retreating from the whole body is quite large. The other party will not be so unwise. !

Just as everyone thinks about it, the cause of the immediate change has already appeared -

The two meteor-like figures flew in front of everyone, and did not stop at all. They just yelled with a strange accent: "A large number of demons came, and fast into the jungle!"

Immediately, the two men slammed into the primitive jungle that almost reached the horizon.

I saw the sound of the leaves and grass screaming, and the two men had already disappeared.

"Master!" Ji Huitian and other people are surprised to see you.

Although these two individuals may not be able to cope with their own personal strengths, they have always been able to say that they are at the peak. Before and after, it was just such a blink of an eye. Actually, it disappeared without a trace under the eyes of others. It is an extremely rare means.

Later, countless flying demons came one after another. However, after seeing the two men sneak into the jungle, they saw a group of Jinyi people preparing for the battle here. They did not attack the situation, but stopped the pursuit.

After a while, it seems that I received a command, and all the flying demons immediately withdrew, and there was no love stack.

Yan Fei couldn't help but be furious. He rushed to catch up with the retreating flying demon. Several other people chased him with him, but the other person's horse quality was extremely high, the strategic intention was obvious, and he did not take over, and several people tried to cover up. It is still only slaughtering a handful of flying demons, and the other party has already escaped without a trace.

"This guy is really fast!" Yan Fei and others returned a little.

I really didn't expect these guys to be such a huge lineup, but after seeing myself and others, they simply turned their buttocks away, what is his mother's name...

When this change is felt unspeakable, a voice with a doubtful voice suddenly screams: "Don't ask your lord, but Jinyi Tianwei?"

Everyone looked back and looked at it, but saw the turf next to the forest squirming. The flat turf, which seemed to be the same as the silk, was a sudden and violently popping out of a human head. He was lifting himself up and looking at himself and others.

Here are the masters of the world. If ordinary people rush to see this scene, even if they are not scared to death, it is almost because they are all masters of the world. Although they will not be regarded as ghosts, the bottom of my heart is The suspicion is even worse; no one in the group actually found that the turf not far away was the change of these two people.

These two people’s invisible wandering skills are simply amazing and amazing!

The season nodded nodded: "Exactly, I don't know if the two are?"

The two determined the identity of the people in the quarter, but they were cold, and the voice was indifferent: "Why did you come here?"

I asked back in the season: "Can't we come here?"

The man smiled and said sharply: "When are you nine-day-old people, when do you remember that we are purple?"

The purple evil spirits are shaking, and the more people come out, saying: "You are the people of the purple sky?"

The two men stood up in the shadows and in the grass, and stood up in their chests, their eyes shining, and the loud voice: "Yes, we are the people of Zitiantian!"

"The people who are still fighting the demon, the purple sky!"

Two people seem to have too much anger for the quarter-to-day people.

This sentence also seems to be shouting out.

Chu Yang’s heart moved and said: “The two are only afraid of some misunderstandings to us. Everyone is a person with a nine-folded scorpio. In the face of the aggressors, they should be enemies and enemies.

The two men heard the words for a moment, then laughed sadly: "Is the same person with the nine heavens? The same enemy? Hahahaha... ridiculous, ridiculous."

Ji Huitian and others heard a heavy sigh and did not speak.

Only listening to the two, the older person said: "But I don't know who else is going to fight with us? Haha...Is it the same person? Is Jiuzhong Tianyi still acknowledging the existence of Zixiaotian? The people also recognize that Zixiaotian is the land of Jiuzhong Scorpio? Does the person of Jiuzhong Scorpio still think that the person who survives Zihuangtian is a person of Jiuzhong Scorpio? Hahaha... fart!"

His hoes screamed and sipped, and said disdainfully: "The scorpion has fallen into enemy for more than a million years; for more than a million years, He once had a nine-day-old man. Purple day?"

“Who had a team of nine heavens coming to Zixiaotian?”

"Your Jinyi Tianwei has risen in these tens of thousands of years. It is a powerful confrontation against the devil and kills countless demons. We are not aware of this. I also recognize that you are good men. You are fighting... but your purpose of killing the enemy. But it is for the sake of the nine heavens, and why was it for us to be purple!"

The man was ragged and his hair was unkempt, but the eyes were sharp and lightning-fast!

It seems that I have to look into everyone's heart.

Chu Yang couldn't help but sigh, he couldn't understand the psychology of these people. They are only abandoned for too long, and they hate the Nine Heavens.

This is the human nature. Imagine that since the home was destroyed, the earth and the earth were destroyed. The Tianzhu army, which has always had high hopes and is expected to receive help, has never appeared. Looking forward to waiting for the arrival of the Nine Heavenly Scorpio army to recover lost ground and return to their hometown, but for a million years without any news.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, and the disappointment to despair. This kind of abandonment is completely ignored. The feeling of cold heart and cold liver is enough to make any one of the best tempers. People must also break the liver and intestines.

What's more, these are the people who grew up in the war from an early age, and the Zishentian indigenous people who fought in the battle?

"When the devil is raging, it will still be destroyed. After all, our homeland will have a day to recover!" Chu Yang and Yan looked at the two men and said seriously: "Please rest assured that this day will not Too far!"

The two men laughed aloud: "Reassured? We still have nothing to worry about! We have already died, no heart..."

They smiled sorrowfully and said: "We are all purple people, we have the purple bones of the heavens, we will always have the Purple Emperor Zihao! We will continue to fight forever!"

"As for those of you who are nine-day-old, how do you love, what do you want, what does it have to do with us?"

"At the beginning of the gradual fall of the purple sky, time is not one day, the top ten heavens and the earth have never been a soldier before the reinforcements! At the beginning, the purple scorpion Tiannan was eventually captured by the gods, 30 million people were buried alive, you are nine Where is the power of Scorpio? Will this say that the homeland of the Nine Heavens is recovered?"

"When we struggled and survived, we left helplessly from our homeland, and accompanied by beasts in the depths of the jungle, and struggled to prosper. Every generation must know the past history of Zixiaotian since the birth of the fangs, know us. The great Zixiao Emperor Zihao, why? Because we know that the people of Jiuzhong Tianzhu will never remember us, we will not remember Ziyantian, and we will not remember the Ziyi Emperor. If we can’t continue to inherit, we The hero will be buried in this world!"

"No one will ever know!"

"A child with a purple day has been born with a poisonous beast. He will learn to fight when he is one or two years old. When he is a teenager, he will struggle every day on the edge of life and death... until he is killed, or Starve to death, sickness, or, buried in the mouth of a beastly poisonous insect!"

"Do you know that in the hundreds of thousands of years, all the remaining Ziyuantian indigenous people, almost no one is dead in a calm and serene atmosphere! Whether it is a man or a woman! The so-called Life is dead, almost a legendary noun!"

The man smashed, and almost oozing blood in his eyes: "And you are shining with justice, stationing on the first bridge, killing the enemy, and the achievements of generations are fascinating! The clothes are fascinating, the deeds are earth-shattering, the legends are written, the legends are created... but But not once, I rescued these survivors of our purple days!"

"I want to ask you." The man smirked calmly: "Now, in all the books of the school, there is a word that once mentioned the beginning and end of the battle of the purple sky."

“Can you mention one of our unparalleled heroes, the Purple Emperor?”

“Can there be anything that mentions the people who have been struggling to fight for millions of years?”

"Is there?"

"Ha ha ha..."

The two laughed together and burst into the air, but their laughter was full of sadness and anger.

Chu Yang sighed low and was speechless.

Yes, in the past few years, in addition to the Eastern Emperor and the Emperor Heaven, other heavens and the earth, it seems that even the books of the enlightenment students have disappeared the words of the demon.

The century-old war that shocked the world in the past, in the vast majority of places, is unknown.

At the beginning, there was a lot of people who knew his name, especially in the civilian population. The name is almost insignificant.

In the face of the sorrowful and angry complaints of these two people, even though Chu Yang is not an indigenous people of the Nine Heavens, but also feels the word, a voice, full of blood and tears complaints!

All of them are filled with the irony and disdain that fill the world.


The leaders and several author friends are here with me... there is really no time; in my own place, as a landlord...

Coming back in the middle of the code... tired and dying. - I am not an iron man after all... The update is irregular, please understand... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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