Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 646: Purple Imperial City

"You are here today, no matter what reason you are for, for what reason, but you are still human." The man sneered and said: "From now on, I will gradually go deep into the purple scorpion The center of the sky... The power of the demon is bound to become stronger and stronger... Although we don’t like you, we still have to solemnly warn you that if you are consciously unable to do so, you should quickly roll back to the first bridge!"

"Nine-Heaven Scorpio does not recognize Ziyantian, but we are not rare to admit the Nine Heavens!"

"You are so self-sufficient!"

The two men shouted in unison, and even the greetings no longer hit one more, and between the spins, they disappeared into the jungle.

The branches and grasses that the two men passed by did not even show signs of shaking. The two big living people seemed to disappear from the air.

Only one voice came from afar, indifferently said: "The day I forgot hatred, when people get used to the happiness, when the hero has been forgotten, when the martyrs have no mention... When the shame has been buried in the dust, when The glory is already covered with dust... Then, in the period of demise, it is not far away. You will regret it."

The voice is indifferent and screams in the sky, and it is endless.

The sound is especially reverberating, but the two people have gone without a trace.

The people stood in silence, no one spoke, and everyone felt that the heart was like a mountain that was innumerable, and it was almost breathless.

These words are like a weird prophecy that slams into everyone's heart and can no longer be forgotten.

For a time, everyone is speechless.

Although the nine robberies of the past did not think that their actions were really irresponsible, although they knew that the two men were talking about the people who were greedy and happy, but they could not help but flush their faces.

Being stunned and sloppy, but **** is not as good as it is.

Even a thumbs up and praise: a good man!

The feeling of being so greasy to the extreme is really difficult to describe in words.

Zuoqiu strategizes and sighs, saying: "One party dances and sings the paper drunken gold fans; one side of the squadron has a long history of arrogance... Once it is really fighting, who wins and loses?... It is really not optimistic."

Xuanyuan said in a long way: "The white mist is indeed the Scorpio that prevents the demon from advancing, but it also prevents the blood and revenge of the Nine Heavenly Scorpio. The world is... there must be a loss, and vice versa. The long, millions of years of calmness of the Nine Heavens, if the hearts of the people are not corroded, it is a strange thing."

Simon Wanli said: "But this layer of barriers can never be broken, and it is even more impossible to take the initiative to withdraw... Otherwise, the charcoal can be expected, and it is the ordinary people who bear the brunt of it. The death of hundreds of millions is by no means a rumor. This is the responsibility that no one can afford. My generation adheres to the first bridge defense line and is determined to be good. In fact, it is just trying to continue the false peace and harmony of the other side. Does it really make sense for us to do this? !"

"But, Scorpio, always needs a war, not how to arouse the blood of the Scorpio! More need a catastrophe, so that the Scorpio people are sober and awake, not facing does not mean not needing to face, the face always To face..."

"Although war can cause infinite innocent casualties, after a long period of comfort, you must use blood and fire to wake up something..."

Zuo Qiuyun screamed with a smile: "But... when it comes to the real situation, hundreds of millions or even billions of innocent souls are caused by war, but who is the fault?"

Everyone is silent.

Everyone will say that even their own hearts are already clear, but when they really face it, who can be honest!

This way, everyone turned out to be more and more silent.

In the face of the current situation, I really don't know what else I can do. My long-term persistence in the past has no meaning, and how long can I support myself, only full of guilt, powerlessness, and helplessness.

Chu Yang lips tightly, feeling from the bottom of my heart, never any moment, as now, let him feel the urgency of time.

The plans of yourself and your own nine-robbery brothers must be carried out in advance.

Not only the devil and the devil, but it has reached the point where it can't be delayed.

There is also a need to save people, and it is also a matter of urgency.

But the demon can be eliminated; how can the people save? ?


"Purple sister, just facing the survivors of Ziyan, why didn't you show your identity? I believe that if you come out, they will be happy to return." Mo Qingwu was puzzled and asked: "I clearly saw Your excited whole body is shaking... but... but it doesn’t..."

The purple evil sighed with a long sigh, and the face was full of sorrow: "I don't know if I will show my identity, they will definitely change for me. However, it is because of this that I have not had a little bit of power for the sable." The Purple Princess, what is the position to speak, and what qualifications are there to accept the pilgrimage of the sacred people who have struggled for millions of years?"

"If I have to admit my identity in front of them one day, then I have to do something before that day, do something I should do... at least to be worthy of the woman of the Purple Emperor 'When this title is called, I will reveal my identity. Otherwise... I don’t have any face now, and I will see them. Now, I am not worthy of their loyalty."

In the eyes of the purple evil spirits, there is a deep attachment.


Chu Yang and other people walked through the last road without any danger. I don’t know how many complete or run-down towns have passed along the way. However, what you see, only the traces of the devil!

The grief and grievances of this road can be imagined: here, it should belong to the territory of our humanity, the home of the people!

at last……

The destination of the Purple Emperor City, is far away!

Chu Yang looked at the front, and could not help but be a bit embarrassed.

Face, a solemn respect!

Because... Chu Yang finally saw the legendary hero in the purple sky!

It used to appear numerous times in the last words of the Zixiao Emperor, and the nine-day scorpion was the first!

Among the illusory pictures, there have been countless times of majestic flashes!

That is a big door!

On both sides is a towering city wall, all of which are cast with steel! The city wall is as high as a hundred feet, and the thickness is dozens of feet. The sides are stretched, as if there is no end.

In the middle, it is an infinitely majestic gate. It seems to be able to hold up the whole world!

There are three big characters directly above the gate: Purple Seal!

Even if it is far apart, you can see it clearly.

This majestic wall does not know how many fierce battles have been experienced!

The above is a bit mottled, although it has been too much renovation, it is still clearly visible.

Above the towering walls, the huge banner of a thousand squares stands tall and flutters in the wind!

"Purple Sky"!

Seeing these three words, the tears of the purple evil can no longer endure and rush out.

This is the battle flag of the Purple Emperor!

Although this is obviously not the original side, it can still be seen. The extraterrestrial demon has done its best to maintain the original appearance!

This is their great respect for a generation of heroes.

On both sides of the Guan, it is still a couplet.

Above the couplet, it is the kind of heroic writing that goes straight to the heavens!

"But there are purple scorpions in the soldiers!"

"The devil is thinking about this!"

Even after a long period of millions of years, the handwriting of the Ziyan Emperor is still standing.

Proud to the world!

Facing this shocking building, the iron-clad handwriting, everyone smashed down neatly!

Pay tribute to the hero!

To the legend, worship!

Yes, you did it.

I have fulfilled the promise of this sentence!

Zi Yantian finally battled to the last soldier, and the demon did not cross this level!

Until ... all the soldiers died!

After the horror of the extraterrestrial world, after facing the purple scorpion, it is an empty city that covers an area of ​​ten million miles!

As long as there is still one person, there is still a breath, and the devil will not come!

Unless we die dead!

In a solemn silence, the purple evil has already burst into tears.

Before the game.

It is a crowd of people who come and go in abundance. They are grotesque, and most of them are short, and they are gathered in various ethnic groups.

Unusually calm in and out, there are few flaws.

Quietly enter and exit this original hero!

Everyone looked at this scene, biting their teeth one by one, and breathing heavily.

Can't conceal the murderous murder, deep anger and anger, almost want to come out!

The devils who come and go are looking at these aliens. Although each one has vigilance, curiosity, or some brutality, they are unresponsive, and they have passed...

Even though I look back continuously...

But here, they have never been loudly screamed and no one has shot.

When Chu Yang and others entered the city gate, they found a signboard to explain the silence.

The following two swords crossed, and the sign was lifted up.

"The sacred place, don't let me! The devil is dead!"

Below the order is a black emperor.

This is the symbol of the supremacy of the imperial power in the heavenly demon: the seal of the Emperor!

Chu Yang and others, with endless grief and indignation, walked into this Guanxi, which is contaminated with countless heroes!

Going into the destination end of this trip - Purple Emperor!

The place where the Purple Emperor Tiandi fought **** battles... The hometown of the purple evil feelings!

At this moment, everyone does not even know, it is difficult to grasp, when they walk in, what kind of mood is it.

When sixty-four people walked into this majestic gate, outside the Purple Emperor City, on all sides of the horizon, suddenly there were countless demon army!

From every direction in all directions, there is no gap between the two sides, and the seams are tight and there is no gap.

Further away, there are a large number of black-pressed Tianmo army in the assembly, gradually approaching this side; only, all the Tianmo army have stayed 30 miles outside the Purple Emperor, standing still.

There are more and more people gathered in the Tianmo army, and gradually they can't see the end in all directions.

With the current lineup, the devil has used at least 10 million troops!

And the purpose is precisely for these sixty-four people!

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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