Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 647: Tens of thousands of days are trapped!

The gods use millions of troops, and the purpose is precisely for these sixty-four people!

This huge movement, no doubt, shows that the extraterrestrial demon at all costs, but also to leave these people's great determination!

Despite such a huge movement, all the demons are silent.

These Jinyi Tianwei have now entered the Purple Emperor City.

When they came out, it was the beginning of a fierce **** battle!

And the end of this **** battle must also end with the full fall of Jinyi Tianwei, even if it is necessary to pay more and more of the demon army!

In any case, we must also destroy the biggest obstacles of the devil in the past few years, and destroy it here!

Absolutely not allowed, any one of them will go back!

On the side of Chuyang, everyone knows the situation outside the city! It is clear that the extraterrestrial demon has surrounded it like an iron bucket, and it is impenetrable, and there is no gap in it.

Even on the way back, it is also full of celestial nets, ambush!

However, everyone does not change their face, no fear.

Sixty-four people, so safely as a car, leisurely strolling in the Purple Emperor City, looking at the surrounding scenery, watching the traces of the battle, remembering the deeds of countless souls, with a pilgrimage Go ahead and head towards the destination.

For the horrible extraterrestrial demon everywhere, everyone directly ignores it!

Outside the world, the demon can still respect our heroes, then we certainly can't lose face.

In front of the English soul, what we maintain is the grace of the nine heavens!

It is the pride of mankind!

If one day, when we regain the Purple Emperor City, we will not be able to kill the Heavenly Devils here and clean them up.

But before that, I won't be here.

Today, we won't do it!

Will not disturb the rest of the soul of the soul for a moment.

Just in the center of the Purple Emperor City, it is an unusually large square!

In the center of the square, there is a gold armor sculpture. It is visually inspected that the statue is at least a hundred feet tall and stands tall.

The golden statue is in the hands of a sword, the cold light flashes, and the two feet are in tandem, such as fighting in anger.

On the face of fortitude, there is a contemptuous arrogance, and in the eyes, there is a persistent murder.

This golden armor statue is the statue of Zihao Tiandi Emperor Zihao himself!

Lively and vivid, vivid.

Just seeing this statue, it is as if I saw the singularity of the singularity and the ignorance of the singularity of the singularity of the singer.

It is a kind of heroic spirit that oozes out from the bones.

And the incomparable momentum!

Purple evil thoughts looked at me, tears filled his eyes.

In tears, it seems that I saw the scene of my father’s **** battle.

"I am the Purple Emperor Tiandi, Zihao! Heavenly Devil, come to fight!"

Even though it has been separated by a long period of millions of years, the words of the Zixiao Emperor seem to still reverberate here.

Even if they fight alone, even if they are helpless, even if the mountains are exhausted, even if the oil is exhausted.

However, I am still a purple lord, still full of pride, still heroes!

Just under this statue, the purple evils looked down.

"This is my home."

"One day, I have to go home."

"I want to take my home back from the enemy!"

"Hey, mother, daughter is coming back to see you."

"thank you all."

"I want to say, I miss you... I never hated you."

"I love you."

"Very very loving..."

"When I dream, sometimes I dream about you... Is that you coming to see me?"

"I hope that I can dream of you every day."

"Even if it is in a dream, it is good."


The purple evil is low.

"Hey, mother, you know what, when I got here, my heart suddenly settled down. Although you are no longer here, I still can feel it, you are there! You are still there!"

"I have a home."

"I'm very happy."

"Chuyang is very good to me... If you see, you will bless me..."

"Hey, mother... I miss you..."


That night, the purple evil affair fell asleep unconsciously in Chu Yang’s arms.

This woman, who has always been strong and has always been alone, tonight, is like a vulnerable baby, so she fell asleep without defense...

She had a dream.

I dreamt of my mother.

Tears flowed.


Two days and two nights later.

When it was time to leave, the purple evil at this moment has returned to the past.

In the two days and two nights that the Purple Emperor City experienced, she seemed to find the comfort of the soul. A wandering heart is finally settled in stability.

And it's still more practical than ever.

There is a mother in front of him, and there are him around.

"When we come here again, Zixiaotian must have recovered!"

"I swear!"

Chu Yang silently vowed in his heart; looking at the statue of the Purple Emperor, the sword in the hands of the hundred swords, Chu Yang eyes light.

"Heroes should not be dusty! Heroes will not be dusty! Purple will be restored! The devil will be wiped out!"

"I swear to God!"

"Do not destroy the devil, do not report this hatred, swear not to be human!"

"I am Chu Yang, the master of the nine-robbery Chu Yang, the Chuan Chuan Chuan."

"In addition, I am still your son-in-law Chu Yang!"

"Goodbye. Father-in-law. Heavenly Emperor!"

"In the near future, we will see you again. Before the devil is destroyed, it will be the time to meet again!"

When sixty-four people, including Chu Yang, walked out of the city gate after worship, all the demon people watching along the way looked at themselves and others were very strange.

Or it can't be said that it is strange, but it is actually a kind of gaze in the mind, and also in the expectation.

It is the kind of eyes that contain hatred, hatred, and pleasure.

Just like watching the dead, I waited for myself to wait for sixty-four people.

It seems that everyone has confirmed one thing, that is, if these 64 people go out of the city, they must die!

For this kind of mentality of the demon, everyone is clear to the chest, but they are scornful, and ultimately only a light smile.

Walking out of the city gate, everyone looked back together.

Finally, I looked deeply at the Purple Emperor City.

This castle trapped in the hands of the aliens is the holy place of all the **** men in the world.

Today, stay away!

We are about to take the blood of the sky, the hurricane, and step on the boundless bones!

And the day when we return to it, it must be the time of recovery!

After a glance, everyone resolutely turned back and no longer loved.

Start together.

Everyone just came out about a dozen miles away. After turning over a slope, they saw the Tiandeng army that was dense and invisible in the distance!

Numerous armyes are like a black smog that passes through the sky, such as no margins.

In all directions, they are all secrets!

The tens of thousands of army of the demon, silent at this moment, but the silent silence, but seems to be able to stagnate the air!

Such a battle can be said to be first and foremost, but those who have a slightly poorer psychological quality do not need to fight against each other. They only see this battle, and the strength of each other is disparity, and it immediately collapses!

The wind has passed through the sky, and countless flags are screaming. That unrecognizable suffocating temperament, blowing in the face, filled the sky!

"It’s really a big battle!" Chu Yang narrowed his eyes and smiled softly. "Golden clothes Tianwei, it has become a big worry for the demon outside the field. Just look at the clumps they put out." It is not difficult to guess that in this battle, they are already at any cost, and they are determined to win!"

The season returned to the sky with a blank expression of hands, faintly said: "They are destined to be disappointed. It is not so easy to stop the way of our nine robbers."

These two words make everyone's eyes shine!

Nine robbery brothers!

The long-lost name, the long-lost name has finally reappeared!

Everyone suddenly became excited and excited.

"This war, no one of us can die!" Zuo Qiu raised a long eyebrow and gently said: "If you really want to die, you must also be after the devil! It is the wish of the Purple Emperor; also the boss died. Everything is the opportunity for us! We must not only be worthy of the Purple Emperor, but also the boss, we must not let the boss disappoint!"

Everyone nodded silently.

Chu Yang deeply looked at Zuo Qiu's operation and looked at it. It was a nine-robbery think tank. This sentence is undoubtedly the strongest mobilization order for the nine generations of brothers! It is also the strongest life preserver!

It is simple and self-satisfied for a person to want to fight hard, but it is undoubtedly the creation of a person who works hard in the desperate situation of ten deaths and does his best to survive. The only motivation for this miracle!

What can the boss do not pay attention to when he exchanges his life? How can I give up easily? !

We are already sorry for the boss, how can we bear to let him down again?

Our lives are no longer their own, they are all bosses. If you don’t complete the wish that he wants to complete, but he has no chance to complete, how can he die!

In the distance, the demon army was separated, and several figures swarmed up and rushed into the sky. Then, after so with both hands, they floated in the air.

The hands and feet are not moving, but they are the most imposing winds.

Ten Devils!

It can be seen that these devils are the leaders of the various teams.

The season back to the sky and other people looked at the ten devils who came slowly, and the look was calm and calm, and the waves were not shocked.

"Golden clothes Tianwei?"

The crown of the devil, the golden crown, is very different from the general demon. This person is not as ordinary as the devil, the strange shape, the face is white, looks like the ordinary human beings of the Nine Heavens, and especially the overflowing a refined atmosphere,

The voice of the speech is also elegant and calm, full of a heart-breaking kingly demeanor.

At the same time, everyone sounded the alarm.

The repair of this demon is absolutely extraordinary!

I am afraid that I will not be the highest season in the crowd!


I recently discovered that I have become a fragrant scent... fragrant scent... fragrant scent... (to be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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