Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 648: Nine robbery seven stars!

Stepping back to the sky one step forward, said: "I am waiting for Jinyi Tianwei! Who are you among the devils? What is the identity? The name is coming, our brothers, the killing of the devil is gone, It is also rare to kill people like you!"

The Golden Crown Devil laughed and said: "Sure enough, it is the face of Jin Yi Tian Wei, the tone is not small..."

"My name can't tell you, and you can't kill me." He meditated and suddenly looked up and said, "You... still surrender. You are now nowhere to go, no way to go back, our army is gathering troops." Coffering, masters, and the strength of each other is very different... You have no way to go. The only chance is to surrender to me, I can keep you waiting for death! Moreover, I promise that as long as you can surrender, tens of thousands of years of killing, a write-off, No more investigation!"

"Ha ha ha ha..." The season came back to heaven and laughed, and the laughter was very happy. Just as I heard a big joke, then I said loudly: "Brothers!"

"In!" The crowd screamed.

"This magic scorpion actually wants us to surrender. Everyone said, is this joke saying good?"

"Well, I really didn't think that the magic scorpion actually has such a joke gift!"

"That is, the real person does not show up!"

For a time, the sound is loud!

The Golden Crown is a cold face, Shen Sheng said: "This is not a joke, this is your last vitality, don't make mistakes!"

The season returned to the day and heard the words: "Hey? Not a joke, the brothers, this konjac said that he did not say a joke!"

"How can it be a joke?"

"If it is not a joke, then I want to go crazy!"

"These demons are brain-dead? Can you tell me something like this?!"

“Direct part-time divergence!”

"The demon who can tell this idiot must have been born on the wall, and was born with a head of bean curd?"

"Ha ha ha..."


The face of the celestial leader of the brocade gold crown has changed and changed, and it has become a little angry at the moment. I still couldn't resist the immediate outbreak, and asked again: "What the **** are you? I am really sincere. Why do you want to laugh at me like this?"

His eyes are filled with anger: "Even if you don't accept my sincerity, you don't have to insult your opponents! Your Scorpio people are really low quality!"

"Put your mother's dog stinky!" Yan Fei yelled: "It is obvious that you are insulting us first, but now you have another fight, saying that we insult you... Are you so handsome? How can we be so interested?" Insulting you? Isn’t it so self-raising?!”

"What do you say? I insult you first? Where do I insult you?!" The demon was so a little bit that the two monks could not touch the mind, and argued loudly.

Zuo Qiu’s operation is a faint smile, and the light in his eyes is like a sharp edge: “What is your intention, it has nothing to do with us, but when you say it and let us surrender these words, it’s already Insult us!"

He stood up and said loudly: "We are the nine brothers! How can we surrender the aliens!"

"If you come directly to the battle, regardless of life or death, you are respectful to us!"

"But you want me to wait for you to surrender to you... hahahaha... you actually treat us as the kind of person who can be surrendered, not insulting us, but what can it be?"

The golden crown of the gods heard the silence, and revealed a resolute expression, saying: "It turns out."

In the voice, there is an infinite amount of regret.

If it is possible for these humans to surrender and be fully committed, then there are many benefits. In addition to being able to continue to send them back to guard the first bridge and build a fortress that is difficult for the Terran to break through, the Demon army can sneak into it as desired. To the nine heavens!

But now, this idea has undoubtedly become a bubble.

These people will never surrender!

Since there is no hope of surrender, I have to...

That day, the magic nodded, and the eyes gradually showed sharp murder. One word said: "It’s good, but I shouldn’t have to fight for you to surrender... If so, then go to war.”

He still seems to want to say something, but after all, he did not say it. His body suddenly volleyed and swiftly swept backwards. A pair of black wings with strong black color appeared on his body. As the black wings emerged, the speed increased. Several times, quickly away from the attack range of Zuoqiu Yunji and others.

Immediately, I only heard him screaming in the air: "Kill! Strenuous force! One does not stay!"

The thousands of devils around him were screaming at the same time, and the voice was shocking. The next moment, the demon in all directions was killed in the middle!

Thousands of great army movements together, the sound is shocking and inexplicable, the ground is almost trembled!

"Everyone quickly surrounded!" Zuoqiu mobilized a low drink: "There is a big fight in the nine-hunt! This battle, in any case, we have to rush out alive, this is definitely not my return!"


After a series of promises, the seven camps were formed at the same time.

The sound of continuous sounds screamed: "Nine hijacks! A big fight! Get up!"

"Glory forever, only I am robbed!"

"Brothers are on the side, the world is invincible!"

"Nine hijacks, one is undefeated!"

In the wake of a long shout, the back of the sky is golden, and the sword is the first to come out. The eight brothers follow closely, and the nine stars are in a strong position.

First occupied a position!

Once, the first, followed by the third generation of nine robbers and nine people immediately followed, occupying another position.

"This is a nine-star seven-star array!"

Although it is only two directions, Chu Yang has already seen it immediately. I couldn’t help but watch the past.

Now there are only seven generations and nine robs together, so everyone will line up together, at most, they can only rank seven stars! Moreover, this array has a rather fatal flaw.

To say that the nine-robbery seven-star array itself, there is no omission, is definitely a first-class super-matrix method, under the joint application, can integrate all the combat power, multiply the increase, as long as the battle is not broken, the formation is not In chaos, the combat power formed by the formation will not be exhausted.

But the problem now is that the current array of people is simply not enough.

The second generation, the third generation, the fourth generation, the nine robberies, and the seventh generation, the eighth generation, and the nine robberies are all nine complete people! Their partial arrays are naturally complete.

However, among the fifth generation of the nine robbery brothers, there is one less dance city; in the sixth generation of nine robberies, one fifth less!

Although only two people are missing, it is enough to cause omissions in the operation of the array. The omissions of these two loops are destined to be irreparable defects. Once the Nine Robbers and Seven Stars are launched, in addition to the power of the battlefield, there will be a potential crisis that will be tempted by the enemy!

Although everyone knows this thing, there is no solution!

Even though Zhuge confused and Zuoqiu mobilize Ximen Wanli Xuanyuan's long-space think tanks, there is nothing to be done about this!

In the implementation of this battle, although there are drawbacks, it also has the advantage of improving the combat power. If this is not the case, the situation will be even more dangerous.

So it can only be stiff.

The army of the demon has been getting closer and closer. Once the war situation is started, it will no longer be able to make changes. Although there are omissions in the Nine Robbery and Seven Stars, it is already the best response for the nine robbers and others. Knowing the risks, it can only be so hard in the past... ...

"You don't need to take care of us!" Jun did not laugh. "As long as you can rush out, I will die without regrets. What's more, although we have one less person, we may not really die!"

On the other side, Lou Wenlong laughed happily: "Yes, let's fight!"

"Wait! Wait!"

Chu Yang quickly stopped, immediately screamed: "Light dance, you go to the side of Jun Wei Ling, as a role in the dance city, perfect the nine-role local array, be sure to make the formation no omission, give the enemy Machine!"

Mo lightly danced a little, the red fluttering, the body flashed, and it was already in the position of the empty dance city.

Regardless of the strange and incomprehensible eyes of all, Chu Yangdao: "Purple Big Sister, the fifth position, you can make up for it. Make sure the battle is complete!"

The purple evil sentiment promised, and the white shadow fluttered, and it has already stood in the ranks of Lou Wenlong.

Even if Zuoqiu’s operations and other people know that Chu Yang’s arrangement is good intentions, he still can’t help but frown. Isn’t this a mess?

It is necessary to know that this nine-robbery seven-star array is a special array of multi-generation and nine-role joint efforts. Naturally, it is not comparable to ordinary battles! It is not a matter of adding one person at all, but it can be supplemented; otherwise, Zuoqiu’s operation and so on have already invited Chu Yang and others to help out. If the people who participated in the formation are not the nine-robbery brothers, they simply do not know the operation of this large array. Famen, forcibly joining in, will not only play any role, but will cause the big array to collapse from the inside.

Once this happens, it will undoubtedly be destroyed by the enemy in the first time!

Of course, if there is a nine-robbery sword in the middle of the situation, this situation is still possible to avoid; but now, not only these people are not nine robbers, even the nine robbery is not complete...

So rushing to join, is simply a noisy, or even burying the lives of the people?

More than this sister, there are nine sisters, the daughter of the Purple Emperor...

In case something really happened, how can this kind of responsibility and others wait for it? Even if you die in Jiuquan, it is hard to see!

This guy in Chuyang looks very clever and personal. How can this be so reckless?

However, the people still had no time to react further. A large number of demons had already rushed over, and countless swords were shining cold and neatly falling.

This is the end of the matter, and it is too late to change. If you force a change, it will only further damage your own combat power. Everything has to be resigned to your heart and try your best!


The season came back to the sky and took the lead, rushing into the crowd.

......(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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