Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 649: Nine robberies, reappearing nine days of dance!

It’s just this moment of contact, there are already dozens of demons that squirt blood out of the mouth, the body is torn apart, and there is no dead body!

The season returns to the sword.

But no one saw how his sword appeared, and how to kill, even the Jianguang did not, but those devils were so smashed out like the meat stuffing.

With the return of the season, the brothers around me also acted neatly, and the other six groups also started neatly. Sixty-four people were like a huge arrow, facing the devils. Shooted back without a return!

Wherever you go, it’s all bloody, it’s a hurricane!

"The number of devils is not less than ten million!"

In the fight, Zuoqiu’s operations can still kill people with ease, calmly and unreasonably, and speak calmly.

"But the ones who really can reach us and can fight with us will not exceed one thousand at most!"

"The thousand people in front of the killing are facing the next thousand people! In fact, our goal is only a thousand people! It is always a thousand people from beginning to end!"

"Can everyone understand?"

"To deal with a thousand people, you don't have to use all your strength. Just kill them!"

"After killing, rushing! Going all the way forward, always rushing forward, must not change the original direction of travel!"

"The brothers on both sides are committed to defense, and the team must not fall behind after the break."

"The seven-star battle is running at full strength! There must be a slight slack and a moment of omission!"

"No one is allowed to die! We have to go back alive! And we can do it!"

In the shouting of the screaming of the sky, the voice of Zuoqiu’s operation is like the cold water reaching the freezing point, and it flows into the heart of every nine-robbery brother who is fighting.

It’s a calm and leisurely taste.

Everyone is listening carefully to the analysis of Zuo Qiu's operations, and the team is constantly trying to move forward!

"At this stage, the Demon Warriors are consuming our combat power. When they think that they have reached a suitable time...the moment when their masters are dispatched. If they fail, the follow-up attacks must be even more fierce..."

"The order of their masters is also one after another. Everyone should pay attention to every wave of appearance."

"They are using their own people's death to create opportunities and time for themselves. So these guys will never compare to us."

Zuo Qiu mobilized and laughed: "Because we will never use our brothers! Not to mention the use of life!"

"So in the face of such a despicable race, we will win!"

Zuoqiu mobilized a long shout, the long sword flashed thousands of points of cold light, and the demon in front of him fell like a rice cut.

"So we will win!"

He shouted and laughed.

The sound is also like a cockroach, and it resounds through the sky.

All nine robbers also laughed at the same time: "Yes, they are far worse than us! We will win!"

"In fact, we are bullying them! There is no feeling of fighting in the battle, there is no sense of accomplishment, it is too difficult!"

"No pressure at all..."

"Ha ha ha..."

In the sky, the leaders of the ten devils stood there and looked at the battlefield below.

Looking at Jihuitian and others, like a big ship, the waves are brave and forward, and the speed of advancement is really fast, and the Tiandeng army, which has an absolute advantage in quantity, can't stop them even one step!

Now, there are already a lot of Heavenly Devils who have been left behind by them.

These days, the devils have no obstacles to the speed of chasing and killing, and they have not been able to keep up with the speed of the breakout of the season!

In other words, if the speed of the breakout of the season is always the same, then there are already a considerable number of demons who can no longer pose a threat to them!

"Sure enough! Really strong!" The Golden Crown demon sighed softly.

"They are angering us." Another demon said a little embarrassed.

"But we can't shoot, at least not at this stage!" Jin Guantian demon eyes deep, said: "A high-level demon is not easy to appear, the decision can not be easily wasted. Or according to the established strategy, first use the cannon fodder army to break their sharpness, wait until certain At the time of the situation, the master will be dispatched and the lore attack will be applied! This is the best policy."

"The loss is only going to be great!" Another demon pouted and looked at the blood waves that rushed down like a rainstorm, feeling that his lips were dry.

"This is a no-brainer! If the loss is not big, they will not be called Jinyi Tianwei, and it will be able to stop our footsteps for nearly 100,000 years!" Jinguan Tiandi said indifferently.

The other few devils sighed and decided not to persuade.

Because the general has already decided, it is useless to persuade.

But in doing so, even if you can maximize the power of the high-level, but wait until the sixty-four people are killed, I am afraid that these millions of troops, the number of sacrifices will be a terrible number.

Even though these demons are all cannon fodder, they are always the Tianmo soldiers. It is an expensive price to lose so many Tianmo people in one breath!

Even if you are willing to pay this expensive price, another very debatable question is... can you really keep these people?

This is something that no one knows.

Those Jinyi Tianwei have created too many miracles of this impossible in the past!

Let's take a look at the people in the 10 million army, like the unreasonable torrents, who are all interspersed with each other. Everyone is scalp numb.

The strength of these Jinyi Tianwei is really too horrible and horrible...

Compared with the shock of the demon, it is even more unexpected that these people are returning to the sky.

I thought that the purple evil spirits and Mo Qingwu rushed into the nine robbery. It is simply a kind of nonsense behavior to perfect the nine robberies of the nine robberies. It will definitely not have any positive effect, and even it will cause Destructive destruction.

But now it seems that everyone has been greatly shocked by the heart.

Although the two people have indeed created a devastating and amazing effect, the effect is completely applied to the enemy!

The reason why this effect can be caused is that in the killing of this army, the strength of the team of the seven nine-hundred ones is actually completely in perfect harmony, complete and perfect fit!

No team is a little behind!

There are no omissions in the entire Nine Robbers and Seven Stars, no flaws, only unprecedented strength!

Jun Wei Ling and Lou Wenlong, the two nine robbery teams, have always been among the nine brothers of the past nine generations, the weakest two teams.

Not because they are less powerful, but because they are downsizing!

Especially when the team is fighting, this weakness is more obvious.

Although each team is only one person missing, the lack of results is the lack of strength of nine people!

So the two teams have been falling behind.

But this time, the two drivers have undoubtedly proved one thing: the two women sent by Chu Yang can actually supplement and perfect the nine-role independent array, that is, the defects of the nine-game catastrophe are not in the same place, and they still make up for it. Seamless, perfect!

No matter what kind of battle, the two women's cooperation, no less than anyone, even more skilled than others! With their perfect cooperation, the Nine Robbers reached the perfect limit for the first time!

How is this going?

Another bigger question is how can these two women know the secrets of the nine robberies?

That Mo dance, although it is one of the sisters of the nine robbers, shouldn't you know? Nine robbing people will never say that only the secrets of a brother are leaked to outsiders, even if they are brothers and sisters.

There is also the Princess of Purple, which is even more inexplicable...

Why does she know it?

If it is said that the sister of this generation of nine robbers knows that it is reluctant to make sense, or maybe it may be that her brother accidentally said that he missed his mouth - although this situation is basically impossible.

Well, it is really unreasonable for Princess Ziyan to know about this matter...

But now in the war, where do you have time to ask this question? It is serious to hurry to meet the enemy!

Although everyone is bored with a belly and puzzled, but now they only have to kill the enemy desperately, only to really rush out and escape to heaven. This doubt group has room for questioning the answer...

The purple evil spirits fluttered in white, and her body was graceful, but her shots had nothing to do with her wonderful body. Her shots were only arrogant and invincible!

Mo light dances in red and dances. The nine-day dance is unfolding in the end. It is like the dance movement of the fairy fairy, but it is the kind of pride that dances for nine days!

As she danced, the Star Dream Light Dancer swayed a piece of magical star knives, and the surrounding demons fell down piece by piece.

Some of the devils died until they fell to the ground, and their faces were filled with the look of intoxication and appreciation.

It turns out that beauty can also be beautiful and dead!

After a long while, the head of the Golden Crown, who was headed in the air, finally changed and became no longer calm.

Because he noticed the shot of Mo Qingwu, the muscles on his face were actually a subconscious convulsion, and there was a feeling of reappearance of the old scene.

"This... isn't this the famous feat of the Queen of the Purple Emperor?" The Golden Crown Devil was somewhat sullen, and his face was pale and muttered: "At the beginning... my father, the Lord of the Devil, died here. Under the beautiful fantasy nine-day dance, I didn’t expect that today’s nine-day dance... actually reappeared!”

"Nine-day dance! Is it really the legendary nine-day dance?!"

Next to it, a few days of magical generals also changed their faces.

The Devils respected the deity of the Purple Emperor, but the earth-shattering battle of the year also made all the demons suffer from phobias for some names.

For example, the purple scorpion tower of the Purple Emperor, the purple scorpion sword.

Another example is Ling Piaoping's nine-day dance!


There is still a chapter in the future (to be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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