Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 654: One pair

In fact, the word 'explosion', Suzuki is only two to say it.

Since the word is to be fully spoken, the second half will inevitably open its mouth. However, at that moment, Suzuki found out that he suddenly fell into a nightmare, and he couldn’t move any more!

It’s so impassioned to stand up and stand up here!

There is no enemy in front of his body, but he actually feels that his body is clamped by something!

Even the slight movements of closing your mouth can't be done!

This is how the same thing?

Did you hit the ghost?

One thought of this, Suzuki became a heartfelt sense of fear in the heart of the two hearts, could not help but want to yell, screaming out of the wholeheartedly whole spirit, and immediately want to launch a self-destruction! ......

This fear, Lao Tzu is not!

His body swelled to the limit!

However, at this moment, the red light suddenly flashed, and the hidden weapon released by Mo Qingwu accurately penetrated into his throat!

The secret weapon of Mo-light dance is a small short sword!

But its lethality is not to be underestimated!

The red light flashed past.

The short sword was drilled into the second oral position of Suzuki, and then it was drilled out from the back of the head. Then there was a bang, and Suzuki's head was like a broken watermelon, which broke open instantly.

And his body is still standing upright, keeping his original state.

In order to launch a self-destructive attack, the first step is to destroy the valley itself, so that the vitality is full of the whole body, and it has been destroyed until the body can not be loaded. This state is equivalent to turning the self into a human bomb, and detonating the raw material is to destroy the valley. The limits and even the limits of their own strength.

Because of this, this attack can cause damages that are many times more than the limit of its own attack, but there are many restrictions on this type of self-explosion mode. For the target, this self-explosion is too early or too late. Can not play the most extreme power, only to choose the right time point, in order to form the most effective damage.

Therefore, the point of detonation at the last moment of self-destruction is the most critical part of the entire self-destruction offensive, and no errors can occur.

As far as the first-class masters are concerned, this self-explosion process is actually reversible. The more masters, the more they can control their own aerodynamic directions. Even if the self-explosive action has already begun, the vitality has filled the body. If the self-explosive target suddenly disappears, it can still Reducing the dispersal and regaining vitality and returning to normal state, although it is inevitable that it is a big injury, it is not a certain commandment. It is only the practice of this kind of diversion and dispersal. It is also limited by the fact that Suzuki is now at the moment and has already gone to the self-explosion. In the last moment, it is impossible to complete the reverse grooming at this time.

And his own vitality filled the body of the pole, but suddenly opened a big mouth at that moment, his self-explosive power is still a little bit can be completely brewed, and can not immediately form an explosion attack, just in this delicate time But suddenly there was a catharsis!


From the position of the neck of Suzuki into the second, suddenly burst out of a round blood column, and even the blood column with his internal organs, like a rocket straight into the sky!

The next moment, his body was smashed down!

A detachment is a mummy, of course, if the head is intact!

This abrupt change is not only the demon of the devil, but it seems that even the nine generations of the brothers of the past, but also the second monk can not touch the mind!

Is this what is going on?

This is a very threatening demon leader level blasting offensive, how to finish it yourself?

Everyone and the brothers can say that they have done all the means. They are so desperately attacked, but they can't hurt him. In the end, just by a little girl, a flying knife, it has created a fragmented, destructive! Are you using life to satirize us and satirize our incompetence? Just... You are so old to be satirical about us?

You are so bloody, we can't be incompetent!

Really strange!

This guy is clearly a very cold, very fierce and unscrupulous cold-blooded existence!

Before so many attacks, he was used by his own subordinates to make a meat shield to block the students, just to rush to the battle with himself and others! Such cold blood, such cruelty, such unscrupulous means.

But now it has finally rushed over, and it has reached the effective attack distance, but suddenly stopped at the last moment of the rush! It’s not just a pause, but it’s like turning it into wood all at once, even as if it were to match the enemy’s attack, it actually opened its mouth.

I fear that the enemy will not attack his vital parts!

Then you can blew yourself at this time, but you haven't blew yourself up, gather all your power, and rush your own internal organs to the cloud for a long time in a way that is so flying.

This kind of death... can you die if you die... It’s too... let yourself be a man!

"Dad brother!" He witnessed the violent scream of the golden crown of the whole process, and the palm of his hand smashed out, splashing blood in front of him!

Not only is the dissatisfaction with the results of the war, but also because the Suzuki into the two **** viscera, actually rushed to the height of Baizhang, as if to assassinate the golden crown of the demon, straight to fly to him!

Fast as lightning!

Have to say, coincidence is terrible!

The other few demon generals stretched their necks neatly, widened their eyes, and looked at the sudden scene in a fog. I can't help myself in the heart: Suzuki, what are you doing with him?

This is a good thing. Don’t say that it’s absolutely impossible for a name to enter the shrine after it’s dead. Even entering the latrines everywhere will become a luxury...

"Opportunity! Kill the past!"

There is no doubt that this is a godsend opportunity.

Regardless of the reason for this opportunity, anyway, it appears, since it has appeared, it must not be let go.

Suzuki Sangji is already dead and can no longer die. His subordinates are caught in a situation where the dragons are headless.

Even the subsequent self-detonation attacks have only the most advanced wave. Later, they became direct headless flies.

This situation is really a gift from God!

In this situation, there is no possibility that the enemy will lure the enemy deeper. It is serious to move forward quickly. As for what happened in the end, it is okay to ask the party to dance after the war. Now, don’t worry, in fact, the leader is dead. All are dead, and there is no more meaning to ask if you don’t ask!

The team of sixty-four people rushed into the ranks of Suzuki into two, like a raging dragon. It’s really like a ruin.

How can the army that lost the command of the highest leader resist the 64 super-class players? In total, only a few thousand people have had the blast to succeed, and the damage caused is very limited. It does not constitute effective harm at all. While these self-destructive attacks have stirred up the dust, the nine robbers have already rushed into the back of the large army. , killing the ring, unfolding the one-sided massacre!

By the time the impact of the explosion had completely passed, sixty-four people had already highlighted the formation of this unit, leaving only the **** limbs of the land, a body with a horizontal and vertical body.

A group of people walked on the ground, like flying away. Speed ​​to the next camp!

In midair, the Tanaka, who was sent to rush, was scared by this scene, and opened his mouth in a silly manner, so he watched the people break out and the black line of the brain.


What else does this need to be?

At all, there is a chance for the rice to rush, and Suzuki becomes the second stupid x and rushes up to finish playing. Immediately, the situation of the defeated army has evolved... The battle on my side has not been able to open it. You have already lost so thoroughly, what do you want me to do...

What about him, daddy brother and daddy, you are so dead and dead, let me even find the object of blaming and cursing...

The horn of the air continued to ring.

The Tianmo army in front of it surged up like a tide, blocking the way of the Chuyang group of people. In other directions, the Tianmo army is also moving rapidly, giving up the interception of several other directions, all concentrated in front!

The leader of the Tianmo army has been able to confirm that the goal of these guys is obvious, just like when they came.

Their direction is very simple: just go back!

In other directions, they will not go, so just keep this road and let them rush over.


At the moment, it is only the first day of the rushing out of the Purple Emperor City. The interception of Chu Yang and others has already surpassed any battle before the birth of Chu Yang!

Even faster than the sum!

At the beginning of the Battle of Mo Yuntian, I also faced the actions of millions of troops at the same time, but not as it is now, and I have fought with millions of people with the strength of dozens of people.

The current situation is actually the case. I have to say that this is really crazy!

Just a lineup of only 64 people, facing the enemy with more than 10 million enemies to chase!

In this case, the basic cognition of the dynasty in the next three days is simply an incredible thing!

If it does happen, it is also a legend, a legend, a myth...

But here, it is so real!

Moreover, the army with a total enemy of tens of millions has now lost more than three or four hundred thousand, while the other sixty are still unscathed! If this is said in the next three days, it will definitely be a madman: How can there be such a thing in the world? If there is such a person, a punch will destroy the country, and what more military do you want?

Even if you say the legend, say the legend, say the myth, please please please a little bit better!

But the facts are now in sight!

Take a couple of million!

Vertical and horizontal!

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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