Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 655: Who is the master of the nine robbers? !

With the power of these 64 people, whichever one goes, for the next three days, if you want to subvert the dynasty, you don’t need to spend any effort, maybe you just have to wave your hand.

This is also not a bragging, but a fact of truth.

The crowds are rolling away, the heads are rolling, the yellow sand rolling up, becoming a yellow dragon roaring in the air!

Almost everyone is crazy.

Since all sides, I have been working hard to attack this Huanglong, which is almost invincible, desperately killing, desperately blocking, and fighting desperately!

The sound of launching a self-destructive offensive has been endless, and the explosion has almost become a piece, and it has not stopped since the beginning!

Under the command of the Golden Crown, the Demon army gradually divided into countless waves.

Only the front-end tens of thousands of people are desperately entangled in the nine-robbery brothers, while the others are extending outwards, and the roads are lined up!

Because he also looked out, even if it was really put on thousands of people together, but really can face the nine robbery brothers, it will not exceed 2,000. At this moment, the small number of people actually have Absolute advantage!

A lineup of two thousand people is obviously not enough. The enemy can easily kill the light without any effort. Therefore, a one-time four to five thousand to 100,000 people is the most effective offensive. More, it will only cause a waste of fighting power in vain. There is no threat to the enemy!

100,000 people continue to fight here, and another batch of 100,000 people are waiting outside the front line.

Once the season and other people broke through the 100,000 people who fought in the initial battle, then they will immediately fight another batch of 100,000 people, so endless!

There will never be any chance to rest back between the two battles!

Then, other teams are armed one after another.

Every wave of teams, there are corresponding masters to form a jade team, to fight together!

After the explosion, it is a continuous wave of offensive.

Are you high? Ok, nothing.

Can you kill? Ok, it’s okay.

You kill, I have someone!

Even if you can't kill you, tired, you must be exhausted, drag, and drag you down!

If you have the ability, you will kill all the thousands of demons here. If you want to kill them all, I really admire you!

The only strange thing is that Suzuki’s second team has no follow-up force to support it, but has been fighting so crazy and without rules!

The other gods of the Tianju army are on the sidelines.

Until then, the army fought to the last person, all of which became the body of one place, and another group of people rushed up.

In addition to the demon soldiers who died in the hands of the nine robbers, there are about a few thousands of squadrons who have escaped because of being chilled. The nine robbers are trying to break through. Naturally, there is no plan for further pursuit, but they don’t want those squadrons to actually It was taken collectively by the local Tianmo army, and all killed on the spot!

These rigorous military disciplines, such as Chu Yang and others, can not help but vest chills.

In the eyes of these devils, there is no comrade-in-arms friendship, no compassion and sympathy, and no human feelings!

What they want is victory, only victory!

If you can't finish the mission, there is only one dead road!

Even if the enemy you face is hard to resist, it is difficult to compete!

However, as long as you go up, don't think about it, you can only stick to it!

Until the death!

It’s not that the enemy is dead, that is, you die!

There is no third possibility!


This kind of rigor, this kind of cruelty, makes everyone have an inexplicable worry in their hearts.

Chu Yang is now more and more aware that the race of the extraterrestrial demon itself is a great threat to the Nine Heavens.

This road rushed out, has left the Purple Emperor City about four thousand miles away, on this road, how many times has been fought, the most memorable left hill operations have not been calculated.

All in all, it’s all the way!

Almost no one breathed a sigh of relief, and did not stop for a while!

Such a high-intensity crazy battle, do not say that they are Chu Yang, even if it is the season back to heaven and so on, it is the first time in his life!

There is a sentence called ‘the killing of the hand is soft.’

This sentence has always been thought to be simply a description of a sentence;

But this time, this battle, but it is indeed worthy of the name, that is, killing and killing are soft!

Fortunately, it is the devil who kills the gods. If it is a man of the nine-day scorpio, no matter how much hatred, so many millions of people will kill it, but they are psychologically afraid that they can’t stand it!

The season back to the sky now has some regrets.

Because the current situation is completely different from the original plan. If you follow the original plan, you will not be able to go back to the first bridge base by encountering such a crazy killing!

There is absolutely no chance, no chance at all.

At this stage, just rushing to this meeting, everyone has basically reached the limit; if it is not Mo light dance, the little girl has a lot of expensive Jiu Dan, I am afraid that everyone can not support here.

It is precisely because of the unexpected and powerful supply of Mo-light dance that everyone does not have to worry about any problems with the exhaustion of the oil.

But now the new problem is coming again.

That is... where is the number of Jiu Dan in the Mo-Meng dance? The space ring of Xiaotoutou seems to be endless nine-density Dan. It is said that during this time, hundreds of Jiu Dan have been spent!

Even if it was originally followed by the boss, it seems that there are not so many Jiu Dan.

In the past, how many years have you been in the mainland? How many years did the boss practice a few Jiu Dan? That is all counted!

Jiuzhong Dan needs to use nine great medicines to make medicines!

Even if the nine great medicines are placed in the present nine-day scorpion, it is extremely rare.

At that time, the boss who had been added to the air transport had got two of the nine great medicines.

I have not burned a hundred pieces of Jiu Dan Dan!

It’s just this day, until now, this little girl has spent at least a hundred more at least... Looking at her face with no worries, it seems that even taking out a hundred is not a difficult thing... ...

Also, the Jiu Dan, given by Mo Qingwu, seems to be too strong.

In the initial period of time, the people did not realize this at all. Later, they remembered that Jiu Dan had a resurgence of life, and instantly added the vitality of physical strength, but it was aimed at the state at the time of the nine heavens.

Now I have to wait for myself, than the nine heavens, it is far from the same, the most conservative estimate, the difference must be one hundred and eighty times, the light weight of the given Jiu Dan, as long as the service, the injury The more the physical strength is full, this is also down, but even a lot of loss of vitality, can also instantly return to 40%, the amount of this response is a bit too much, no, it should be too much, this is definitely not the general meaning of the nine Dan, it is simply the super nine heavy Dan, super super nine heavy Dan!

What the **** is going on?

The more people who think about the season and the Zuoqiu operation, the more they think about it, the more they feel the difference.

It seems... it seems too bizarre.

In the fierce battle, the season returned to the left without a trace of the left Qiu operation, and lowered the voice and asked: "I said ... Zuo Qiu, you said ... this little girl will be the ninth generation of the nine robbers Sword Lord? Or else, where does she come from so many Jiu Dan? And it’s still an exaggerated Jiu Dan!”

Zuoqiu mobilized his left hand and a sword to make it appear, so that the oncoming twenty-day demon smashed into the broken soul, and his right hand still scratched his head unconsciously. He said, "I just thought of this possibility, but even She is really the master of the nine-robbery of this generation, and there should not be so many Jiu Dan. Her effect of the Jiu Dan is only a hundred times higher than the Jiu Dan of our boss, and I want to get this. Jiuzhong Dan, how many nine great medicines are consumed, what kind of air transport is it..."

"I also thought of these things that you thought of, but if it weren't for the nine robbers, there were so many nine-density Dan, isn't it more bizarre? It's even more unreasonable?" Ji Huitian was dissatisfied with the reply from Zuoqiu.

"There will be no female nine-robbery sword master?" Zuo Qiu asked for a frown, and raised another questioning point.

"Why can't there be a female nine-robbery sword master? Who stipulates that the nine-robbery sword must be a man?" The season is back to the battle, the voice is kept secret, and one heart is used!

Zuo Qiu mobilized and said: "Your thinking is simply unreasonable! This is absolutely impossible!"

Season back to heaven: "Why do you say why she understands the operation of the Nine Robbers? Why are there so many Jiu Dan? Why do you say that all these signs are pointing to the ninth generation of the Nine Robbers? ..."

"Don't say that her brother is the ninth generation of the nine-robbery think tank. The sword master and the nine robbers never had the same surname. If she is really the nine-robbery sword, her nine robbery sword?" Doubt, but not in the same direction.

The two men discussed while fighting.

However, the suspicion of the season back to the sky has always been on the Mo light dance.

However, the skeptical gaze belonging to Zuoqiu’s operations is actually Chu Yang, who has been passing through until now.

Gradually, there is a hot glow in his eyes!

Even, I feel a sore nose.

He remembered one thing. At the beginning, Chu Yang arranged purple evil feelings and Mo light dance into the two nine robbery swords. From the perspective of the exercises and methods of the two people, the effect of joining the two people is also Immediately and incomparably, the incomparable fit!

If you let the purple evil spirits and Mo light dances change the battlefield, I am afraid that it may not be able to achieve the seamless effect of the present!

Why did he understand the nine-robbery law?

And the three of them are together, I believe that any discerning person can see that these two nationally beautiful women are Chuyang women!

"In addition to the nine robbery swordsman... Who else in this world is worthy of such a boundless blessing..." Zuo Qiu is thinking about wishful thinking.

Suddenly, Zuoqiu’s mind is sure!

Vaguely, there is a kind of blood rushing up.


I rushed out of the two chapters overnight and hurry to catch the plane... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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