Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 656: Magical water bladder

But he did not explain anything, but continued to command the battle, rushing forward, exhausting all means, maximizing the enemy, and minimizing the damage of his brother.

In the heart of Zuoqiu's management, one thought disappeared, and one thought started again.

If you are... then I will let you see that our nine brothers have not broken our boss! Did not live up to the hope of our boss!

If you are not, then we must let you know that the glory of the Nine Robbery has never ended!

No matter what, no matter who you are, is that person, even if it is finally killed, we have to fight for perfection and fight for a brilliant future!

Because we are... nine brothers!

Forever nine brothers!

Zuoqiu's heart is full of blood!

The war is still going on and continuing!

Driven by the full-fledged operation of Zuoqiu's operations, you have been thinking hard and constantly taking a subtle transformation. Although the whole is always a permanent nine-rocket seven-star array, the candidates in all directions are like a lantern. The general time is changing!

And every change, always can greatly retain the strength of the battle, killing the enemy!

In the process of transformation, those who have changed to relatively few enemy positions have finally had some neutral gears, and they can have some breathing room. In such high-frequency battles, they get an adjustment of the breathless air gap. The help to restore your own state is undoubtedly huge, and it is more effective to further enhance the ability to continue to fight!

During this period, there was never a single mistake!

This can be done in the cruel battle atmosphere of Russ, and even Chu Yang and Mo Qingwu are all eye-catching!

Nine robbery think tanks, indeed it is not a nine-robbery think tank!

While fighting, while computing, while commanding, the entire line is always dripping!

Although each of them has blood in their eyes, each decision is still clear and powerful, and it is still wonderful!

The battle was once again deadlocked and continued to the present.

There has been almost no intermittent war in this game, and it has lasted for three days and three nights!

On the side of the Nine Robbery, there is really no bit of rest to take a breather!

From the beginning of the rushing out of the Purple Emperor City, this road has come out of more than 10,000 miles. The number of demons falling down along the way, the most conservative estimate has already exceeded three million! In other words, the enemy's tens of millions of troops have already lost at least 30% of the way - this road is almost rushed with the body of the demon!

The nine robbery brothers screamed and fought! The spirit of war is high! Nothing is burnt!

Chu Yang is also amazing!

However, this battle is really the happiest, but it is not Chu Yang, Mo light dance, purple evil spirits, or the nine robbery brothers, of course, it is even more impossible to be the devil, although at the beginning, the demon leader Because it is confirmed that all the "Jinyi Tianwei" goes deep into their own camps, they will surely die. There are really many comforts, but now, the casualties caused by Jinyi Tianwei have made the devils of the devils horrified and heartbroken!

The most happy of this battle is actually only one person, or it should be said that this war has made a person.

That is... the soul of the catastrophe!

The essence of the catastrophe is now a pure energy body. Only by absorbing the dead air can it grow further, and the existence of this series of catastrophe souls, ordinary death, whether it is quantity or quality, requires It is extremely high, where the ordinary can meet him, but the dead air derived from the battle along the way, not only a large number, but also extremely pure quality and death.

The self-explosive attack is to concentrate the concentration of its own vitality and force it to the extent that the body can no longer bear it, so that it can exert a terrorist attack that is more than several times its own strength. In this attack mode, regardless of this Whether the attack can cause damage to the target, the level of attack energy that is erupted is extremely high.

The Tianmo army has attacked the nine robbers in a series of almost uninterrupted self-destructive attacks. It hopes that it can constitute effective damage, and the amount of energy that can be dissipated can be imagined!

Such a large amount of high-purity energy, really let the catastrophe soul thoroughly absorbed a fun!

He turned into a fog, blended with the sky konjac, and gradually circulated in the sky, enjoying the absorption, unlimited absorption.

Only occasionally there is a dangerous situation, immediately rushed to support, silently and immediately finished up and continue to enjoy the big meal, except for Chu Yang, no one found his existence!

The layer of konjac that appeared in the army of the demon, is definitely a natural cover for the soul of the catastrophe!

Even the soul of the catastrophe feels that in front of his own, the original future of the practice, there is a recurrence of the other side that should not appear! It seems to be... in the hustle and bustle of the sea, but finally, you can see that there is a mainland in a faraway place!

This is undoubtedly a great news for the soul of the catastrophe!

Although this is still far away, the other side that can already be seen is undoubtedly proved... As long as you can reach that realm, you will be able to break through the shackles of this world and reach the level of masters like the nine emperors!

This is a good thing for him, but he did not dare to think before dreaming.

But now, although not at your fingertips, there is always a hope that can be expected!

It’s true that I’m following Chuyang’s little ancestors!

The soul of the catastrophe is so excited that it will burst into tears. The main thing is that he has no tears. If there are tears, there is no need to cry at the moment, and the so-called happy cry, but nothing.


The Golden Crown Devil always looks at this battle in the air!

He is not unhappy with the sacrifice of the devil, so many soldiers, so dead in the hands of the enemy!

Up to now, there have been more than three million gods and eternal souls flying away.

But the other party did not appear to have a reduction, and no one was injured!

This is simply an incredible thing. If you don’t see it with your own eyes, it’s incredible anyway!

No matter what means you have taken, no matter what the targeted tactics, the other party seems to never know the fatigue, just killing, unilateral slaughter!

This thing is really weird!

He admits that these Jinyi Tianwei are masters and are first-class super masters! Even if you personally go into battle, you can only resist one of them at most! However, even if you use it as a reference, you must face such a high-intensity continuous battle, and it will definitely not last for a long time!

Even if they have the strength of the strength of the battle, even if their synergy has a special bonus; but ... how can it be unreasonable to support such a long time?

As long as their fighting power does not show signs of weakening, they will not dare to rush their own killers to attack!

Because the Golden Crown Demon also understands a bit: the people on the opposite side still retain a lot of spare power, in case of need! Even, I have already prepared medicine to make a head-on blow to my strongest blow!

If even that blow fails, then it is absolutely easy to break through to the next level of interception with the power of these people now!

If this large-scale joint interception operation finally fails, it will definitely become a laughing stock in the entire Tianmo group: the layer of defense under the real ten million days of the demon! Actually can't stop the team of 64 people!

If you don't say anything else, even if you are a slap in the face, it is enough to drown them!

At that time, even in front of the Emperor, he will only lead himself to a path!

Here is a sentence, "cut belly" in the Tianmo family is a very high self-exhaustion method, such as idle people are not eligible to enjoy this method of suicide, the metamorphosis of the race even the death method is extremely abnormal!

The strength of these more than 60 people can only be reduced to below the peak level of 30%, and the strength of the masters that they are prepared to defeat will be able to defeat them in one fell swoop!

This is the result he just calculated!

However, if the series of self-destructive offensives can not pose a threat, is there any way to reduce their combat power?

"This fact is... very strange." A general next to him slammed his mouth and was full of suspicions: "How can they do this? Even the kings of our major ethnic groups come in...not possible Have such a strong ability to continue to fight..."

Jin Guan Tian Mo eyes condensed, said: "According to your opinion? How to explain this phenomenon?"

The general shrank his head and said: "These guys are freaks..."

The Golden Crown is not responsible, but thoughtful.

It happened that at this moment, he saw the following people in the battle, there was a situation of disharmony and should not appear. Those people were gradually passing a water bag, whoever received the hand, sipped two, then Hand it to another person, if it is a reciprocating.

At this moment, the Golden Crown Demon immediately noticed this abnormality. In fact, such a water bladder has appeared many times before, but he has not paid attention to it. He only thought that it was very simple and ordinary to drink water and thirst, but now it seems that something is wrong.

Because, after drinking this water, these guys recovered their physical strength almost immediately afterwards. No matter how tired they were before, after drinking this two mouthfuls of water, they immediately became full of energy and vitality!

Even, the Golden Crown demon noticed that one of the characters who seemed to be a scholarly student had already had a pale face. It was already tired and almost collapsed. However, after drinking two mouthfuls of water, there was no such thing as a scorpion. Immediately, it gave off the light, and the face was a little rosy. The previous whiteness disappeared.

Just a little rest under the protection of my comrades, I will once again recover the dragon!

"Water sac?" The Golden Crown is thoughtful.

Suddenly a big drink: "The whole army pays attention and grabs the water bladder for me at no cost! I want to know what is there in the end!"

......(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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