Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 667: The world is in chaos!

After the two kings of the demon stood side by side in the foothills of the mountain, they took the hand and stood up.

Looking at the enemies that flooded the tide, his face was stunned and he smiled slightly.

If they want to go, absolutely no one can stop it.

The remnants of the Ziyan formed a large army and rushed to the front for about a hundred feet. Suddenly a horn sounded and stopped neatly. Although it was a survivor, it was a forbidden order and the law was strict.

An old man, Changhong, flashed and said: "The wind, the warehouse, it turned out to be your two devils!"

The two great devils snorted.

The old man asked: "Who are you fighting with?"

The look and tone, there are a few tensions that can't be concealed.

The wind sneered and said: "When you congratulate you, the original Purple Emperor...there are still future generations left behind!"

Everyone is a master of the same level. All the lies are deceiving and the tongues are arguing. There is no more meaning.

Tianyuan did not want to squat.

"The day is pitiful!" The old man was in tears, and he was trembling. He suddenly yelled at the sky: "God my purple!!"

A word came out, actually burst into tears!

"It’s a pity, it’s still very small!” Cangjing is not cold and cold: "Your princess, the one who was shocked by me, was seriously injured and comatose, I am afraid that it is not far from death!"

The old man sneered: "Is it by you?" Suddenly, the body slammed up and rushed up. A Changhong appeared, only listening to the sound of screaming. The two men had already been together like two whirlwinds.

After a while, a rainbow flew again and reverted back to the old man's figure. Haha laughed: "Remove!"

Tens of thousands of survivors, at the same time retreat, calmly and steadily, will be exhausted and disappeared.

Kurashii is not ugly standing there.

I only heard the old man’s voice coming from far away: "God to my Lord, the Purple Emperor and the Emperor of Heaven have blood in the world! The old age has confirmed that this is indeed true. Hahaha... On the arm of Cangjing Tianmo, there is also a purple 霄The traces of fighting, there is no flower holiday! I am not far from the day of the purple light!"

Suddenly, the joyful thunder in all directions.

There are traces of purple jade, that is to say, the blood of your majesty is not dead, and there are future generations!

"I will wait for the time to retreat, save the strength, and wait for the opportunity." The voice of the old man is like a thunderstorm on a sunny day, and the bang is loud: "When the jade of the Emperor of Heaven is once again appearing in the sky above the purple sky, it will kill the devil! !"

"Kill the devil! Heavy light purple!"

The majestic voices come and go in all directions, and this team of people has already withdrawn from the jungle!

In an instant, the world returns to silence!

The two great devils looked at this thick jungle, for a long time without a word, his face was gloomy and his eyes were cloudy.

"You must first completely remove these old guys!" The two had this idea at the same time.

Immediately, the two great devils turned and went.

Back view, but already a little sorrow.

After all, the injuries of the two great devils are not easy. In addition to physical injuries, there are also psychological injuries. Whether it is the descendants of the Purple Emperor and the young man who claims to be the owner of the Nine Robbers, it is a big worry... ...


The moment when Chu Yang and others took a foot on the first bridge was a dream.

Especially the brothers of the nine generations of the past, never thought about it, this time it can still be true... a lot of alive come back...

Just now, the four strokes came out. Chu Yang can be said to be overdrawn to the extreme. If you don’t dare to loose the last bite of instinct, you will immediately fall into a deep coma. In the most straightforward way, it’s just tired and even gasping. To the point; at any time on the verge of syncope.

This situation has made everyone in the nine robbers feel a sincere embarrassment.

At the beginning, we said that we are doing a good job. We will use our lives to protect the three people who are safely going back and forth. It’s safe, but it’s safe. It’s all the nine brothers, Chu Yang, three people. Serious overdraft, at any time, a serious injury, life and death is not clear, so Mo light dance is still intact.

Protecting others has become protected. This taste is undoubtedly extremely uncomfortable.

But more, it is a sense of belonging.

There is also a happy, long-lost feeling of happiness.

Boss, never really abandoned us. There are also nine robbery swords, and they have not left us...

We...have seen the nine robbery sword masters, and saw the nine robbery swords!


Overdraft or serious injury, there are nine robbery spaces like the cheats, countless elixir, countless heavenly treasures, Chu Yang and purple evils are the most dying and can not die, and in the days when the two of them were injured, Carefully taken care of by the nine brothers of the past.

After the injury recovered a little, Chu Yang immediately began to realize the experience of this battle through hundreds of thousands of miles. This time, the real sword and the super-powerful of the nine emperors are compared. When the wars of the same day and Yuan Tian are limited, they must not be the same in the same day. Naturally, the great benefits of their own combat literacy are extraordinary.

In addition to his own experience of fighting sentiment, he also learns from each other with his brothers and sisters. Don’t look at the cultivation of the nine robbery brothers and the superpowers of the demon king level can not be compared, but the strength of any one of them is still present. On the stage of Chu Yang, in terms of opponents alone, they are the most suitable for Chu Yang...

By the way, I waited for the arrival of Mo Tianji and Chu Leer, but when they waited, the two of them never came. Not only did the two not arrive, but even the news was not passed.

In a twinkling of an eye, it is three months passed. Chu Yang’s battlefield harvest for this battle has also been absorbed almost. The soul of the catastrophe and the tiger brother have all recovered.

At the same time as Chu Yuzuo's rapid progress, the small days are also extremely pleasant. As long as you are free, you will talk to Xiao Tian with the purple evil spirits and Mo Qing dance, talk about the small feelings, talk about the two beautiful women, and listen to the thunder and roar of the purple evil spirits every day. Beaten and enjoyed it.

Seeing that Mo Qingwu was angered by his own face, Chen Yu is even more excited and happy. If it is not my heart, I have been worried about where Mo Tianji and Chu Leer have gone, why there is no news... Chu Yuzuo is just a little happy...

Practice exercises, drink tea, taste wine, chat, talk about love, teasing and beautiful girls... When you are free, you can go to the bridge and fight with the devil, venting the strength of venting, such a fairy day, Where to find it?

But finally on this day, Chu Yuzuo is completely unable to sit still...

Because, from inside the nine heavens, there was an absolutely shocking news.

The news shocked Chu Yang on the spot and stared at Venus. He almost fainted because of the shock, and he really couldn’t sit still anymore. In the first time he heard the news, he was stunned and stunned... Although his mouth was not flawed, he almost completely broke open behind his ears...not laughing, shocking, scared!

In the face of such shocking news, Chu Yuzu took the initiative and immediately set off, and quickly left here to return to Jiuzhong.

The nine robbery brothers did not persuade them. The road to the nine robbers and swords always insisted that the nine robbers should go on their own, and they now shoulder the heavy responsibility of guarding the first bridge. Even if something really happens, it cannot be separated. There is no more important thing than guarding the first bridge.

And Chu Yang, obviously it is impossible to stay here to guard the first bridge, at least not at this stage.

"When I return again, it is bound to bring billions of troops, swept through, and regain the purple sky! Extinguish the extraterrestrial demon!"

When Chu Yang said this sentence, his eyes were shining.

That is an absolute confidence.

And the nine brothers of the past, the eyes are also shining.

They don't doubt at all, Chu Yang can do this.

A strong man who can face the demon king at the age of twenty; the founder of countless miracles! There is no reason for doubt about such a legend.

"Please ask the main master of the sword... I must inquire about the whereabouts of our boss..." Zuo Qiu, acting on behalf of all the brothers, made this request.

"The hero will not be buried!" Chu Yang Shen focused on the head.

Everyone is saying goodbye.

Until Chu Yang left the first bridge and climbed to the top of a mountain, looking back, I saw the first bridge in the mist, and there seemed to be a few black spots, which did not move at the bridge.

It was the brothers who watched the departure of the nine robbers.


The news received by Chu Yang is actually very brief: Nine Heavens, chaos!

It’s not all of the world’s chaos, mainly Daxitian, Qingyitian, Zhongjitian, these three worlds, chaos!

There is a peerless swordsman named Gu Zhixing who screams in the Great West and fights against the Great Western Emperor. Not only does it not lose, but it does not fall.

Of course, it is not that the strength of the solitary line has really reached the level of one person's strength to fight against one side of the world. How can it be more appropriate to say that the other side is the other side of the world!

Because this one has always liked to be a solitary swordsman, this extra case has a strong ally, and his allies are called cloth!

The nine-day-old Tianzhu’s coveted swordsmanship is finally in the dust, and together with Gu’s singular sword, he teamed up for the first time!

Gu’s singularity, the singularity of the cloth, the combination of the two swords, claiming that the world is invincible!

The two men attacked each other and confronted the West!

Gu alone, acting alone, is the only one who has taken the lead and led himself to formally provoke the official power of the Great West!

"You don't play in the devil, I am going to fight! You don't deserve this position, let me sit!"

This is Gu Zhanxing’s declaration of war against the mad sword Tiandi Wu!

This declaration is straightforward, and there is no rhetoric, no guilty conscience, only the simplest meaning!

The news spread, and Qiankun fluctuated!

Another century of war, the intensive is about to be staged.



It’s very difficult to write... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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