Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 668: It’s hot!

On the other hand, in the mid-day, in a very short time, a super killer organization emerged, and its leader claimed to be a harmless emperor; claiming that there was no injury, no death, no harm; this Dong Wudi and his wife The swords and swords are combined, and there are no ones who can resist. In the absence of exceptions, the souls are gone, and the souls are gone.

The husband claims that the king of the killer! His wife is unknown, only knows that it is ‘the first kill in the world’!

It’s nowhere to go.

The unscrupulous Emperor, the most elite killer is said to have reached the number of thousands of people. Recently, the king of the killer has targeted the ruthless emperor of the ruthless emperor, and the two sides launched a no-fake, hot and unusual. Rush.

There is another thing that needs to be highlighted: ... This innocent emperor has an inseparable male assistant, and his temperament looks like a non-injured emperor.

Even the momentum of the shots has a similar taste.

This assistant is said to be called Li Xiong!


Chu Yang, who heard the above news, almost cramps the eggs. Li Xiong has always regarded Dong as the biggest opponent. How can these two people get together and become a partner? What is the name of his mother?

For this matter, Chu Yang could not understand.


The source of the Qingtiantian war is because of the arrogant cloud!

The three-day evil son is now known as the Qinglong Emperor!

The words are unspeakable and far-fetched, and there is a madness in the mouth: the green of the Qing Dynasty is the Qing of the Qinglong Emperor!

Qingyitian, this place of the emperor should be mine!

Its arrogance, its extent, has clearly reached a certain level. Very human can...

If the green of the Qing Dynasty is the green of the Qinglong Emperor, then, according to this statement, everything in the world has the Lord...

Also. The Qinglong Emperor also has several quite powerful helpers. One of them is usually dressed in black, and his face is cold. Once his body is extremely heavy, he will have a magical spirit and it will infiltrate people.

This guy is eccentric except for appearance. The temper is even more strange. It is obviously a black dress, but it is also a Confucian dress. The face is cold and cold, but it is characterized by impermanence. Once you drink a little wine, it will be revealed. It’s full of anger.

This self-titled ‘the drunken talent in the night’.

However, as long as I have seen this person and the opponent who has played with this person, I have to admit: This person is really crazy!

Another assistant is more eccentric than the show; it is clearly a big man, but the voice is whispering. The waist is like a willow, the apricot is a peach, and when you don’t talk or walk, it’s a sly man; but as long as he talks and walks, it’s a woman!

The mantra turned out to be a servant...

Let everyone who sees and even fights with it be the first to be disgusted by the bones before they fight.

I heard that this person is called the night rain...

The two men who bought the drunken talents at night and the night rains temporarily acted as the think tank of Qinglong Emperor. They had to make a plan and had to say whether the two men were not wise. But it’s the turn of scheming, sinister and sinister, but it’s really rude...

The ideas that come out are simply the sinister, mean, poisonous, wonderful, sly, sloppy...

With the help of these two men, Qinglong Emperor gradually gained a firm foothold. Gradually expanding,

Now, it is said that there is already a qualification to compete with Wuwei Tiandi.

At present, the official forces of the three worlds are in full swing, but the strangest place is... oh, more and more...

It is said that nowadays, in these three worlds, many places have become a pot of porridge, and there is a growing trend.

During this time, the position of the Tianji Intelligence Department in the nine-day Scorpio, all of a sudden went to the hot spot!

The Tianji Intelligence Department has truly become an intelligence dealer at this moment!

And it is still the top war intelligence dealer.

The Tianji Intelligence Department has gradually become one of the leading intelligence agencies in the world. In the recent period, it has gradually penetrated into the official forces of the Nine Heavens and penetrated into the military.

The area involved in this outbreak of war is directly rooted in all the more influential organizations that specialize in trading intelligence! Because these heads of the bandits are afraid that these guys will leak the wind, and it is still necessary to prevent them from happening.

After all, the headquarters of the Tianji Intelligence Department is too far away from the incident, and it’s really a little overwhelming...

Ever since, the Heavenly Intelligence Department suddenly became the only remaining intelligence organization in this region!

Such a strange "monopoly" situation has almost changed overnight.

Other intelligence organizations, from the general rudder to the branch, were completely picked up!

Even the source channels have been broken, destroyed, scribbled, and no more!

Of course, on the bright side, several of the divisions of the Tianji Intelligence Department were destroyed by the mysterious forces, but the vast majority of the information network still survived. In the eyes of the discerning, the secret intelligence department can save it.

The source of intelligence information of the Tianji Intelligence Department has always been mysterious. Only the highest level knows the details. As for the various channels, only the simplest single contact is maintained, and it is still a single-line contact. Even if one of the lines is turned over, I can't trace more, I want to destroy it completely, I really don't know where to start.

As for other old-fashioned intelligence organizations, they are self-sufficient in their own strength, and they have not put any external forces in their eyes. In the face of this mysterious origin, but the strength is arrogant to the irresistible external force, it is completely annihilated as if it were destroyed!

Even more than civil intelligence organizations, the military intelligence systems of the three worlds were not spared. In just less than a month, they were continuously attacked by saint-level experts and assassinated!

From top to bottom, the death and injury were heavy and horrible. The other party finally attacked the past with a slap in the face. The intelligence system of the military government was almost uprooted, and a small number of people who survived the battle were completely unable to carry out the action. , rebuilding the intelligence system.

This wave of crazy assassinations is really swept away like a gust of wind, with clear goals, well-planned and rigorous; every link is seamless and dripping!

For a month in a row, before and after the hundreds of thousands of people-level masters to carry out this action, the momentum is vast, unprecedented! The plan is well-conceived, and it’s the best!

Next, when the three major worlds began to undergo a large-scale war, everyone found a fact: the entire intelligence system running through the three worlds can still be considered as a grade, it seems that only the new rise, and There is no such thing as the celestial intelligence department in this wave of "intelligence organization annihilation" catastrophe!

Ever since, suddenly, the secret intelligence department has become hot!

It’s not that no one doubts it. It seems that this thing is too coincidental. For the sake of others, everyone has been slandered, and your celestial intelligence department is okay? I am afraid that there is a stupid one! ?

But everyone doubts that it is doubtful, but it is not a piece of evidence!

Not only is there no evidence, but those who try to find the collusion between the Ministry of Intelligence and the mysterious forces have found many counter-evidence in the process of searching for evidence. It can only prove the innocence of the Ministry of Information.

For example, in the previous "Holocaust", the Tianji Intelligence Department did not have no loss at all. It was only that the intelligence structure of the People’s Intelligence Department was unique. There was no fixed information transaction mode. The process of information transaction was never the same, even though there were occasional leaks. It can also quickly make up for it. If it is accidentally pulled out by a foreign force, it will quickly break the line, and will retaliate against the provocate in a very short time, showing the tyrannical strength behind it.

In addition to the above-mentioned counter-evidence, even if there is any suspicion... it has been harmless. And now the whole day is a mess, the intelligence system of the three worlds is almost completely paralyzed, and only the secret intelligence department is still operating, even if it is not reconciled, but only holding his nose to buy intelligence from here...

It’s better to spend money to sell intelligence than to be a nephew!

Then, things are relatively simple. After the turmoil of the Tianji Intelligence Department, the first thing after reopening is: price increase!

Originally a piece of information on fifty purple coins, now there are no five hundred not to sell!

No scruples, unscrupulously making war money!

The most threatening language is: big, you don't give money, we can't do it, can you? We really don't want to make money. This industry is too dangerous. You don't know that our storms have been swaying before. The intelligence is exchanged for our lives. Without money, there is no intelligence. We want to live a good life for the rest of our lives. Of course, you have to have money, you have to pay a lot of money, and you need to raise money.

Are you too expensive? Don't buy just right!

If you dare to bargain, directly cancel your trading qualification!

If you put a lot of eulogy, you will always cancel your trading qualification!

This decision made many people want to cry.

Grandpa, now only a few of you in the bottom of the world are selling intelligence. If you don’t do it, who are we looking for?

Don't cancel the transaction qualification, it will be a life...

If you want money, you have to pay for it. You will be more expensive!

Then again, the news provided by the Tianji Intelligence Department is still very real and comprehensive! Very reliable!

Just this is just enough, it is worth it.

So on the one hand, everyone did not give up doubts, on the other hand, secretly committed to suppressing the action, but ... on the other hand, it must be real money, not afraid to bargain to buy...

The celestial intelligence department, this seems to be sent!

Until now, no one knows who the ruler and founder of the Tianji Intelligence Department is...

This person has been seeing the dragon and not seeing the tail, not right, it seems that even the capital has not seen...


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