Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 683: Motherly heart, reunion

Nine heavens!

Nine Heavens!

The land that I thought was hard to set foot on, was once again at the foot!

Standing in the foothills, Chu Yang breathed the familiar air, and suddenly a strange sour feeling rose.

Jiuzhongtian mainland, I Chuyang finally came back, I saw you again!

I only love the hometown, I don’t love his country, two thousand gold!

Mo light dance, Wu Qianqian, iron fills the sky, the three women return to their homeland, all of them are full of tears, full of water.

After going through the endless killing of the nine-day Scorpio, there is almost no stop, and then returning to the long-lost hometown, there is an impulse to cry.

Just standing on the land of this hometown, it is like returning to the happiness of the mother's arms.

"Come back home!"

Chu Yang cheered and screamed.

"Go home!" The three women are shining at the same time. The biggest hope of dreaming back every night, is it in sight? !

"Going home is to go home, but I have to go back to my home first." Chu Yang smiled and got up first.

"Oh..." The three women are also awkward at the same time.

This did not have to say that it is right to return to the Chu family first. If you wait for the three names to be fixed, you must first return to your husband’s home, and then you will be the mother’s family.

"You said, go back this time, do we want to do things?" Chu Yang touched his chin, and his heart was really infinite. Now there are three more behind me... I have to deal with myself, this should always be enough...

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, flying for a moment!


Southeast, Pingshaling.

Since the nine robbery sword master Chu Yang led the nine-robbery brothers to turn the tide, the Jingping mainland disaster, after a flying up the sky, the southeast Pingshaling, has become the holy land of the entire nine heavens, no one!

Every day, there are many rivers and lakes who are constantly coming, just to see the hero's hometown.

Take a pilgrimage mentality.

Chu Family Courtyard.

As the root family of the nine robbers, the Chu family has maintained a consistent low-key, just as usual business, and did not want to expand the size of the family.

For the sake of people, as always, not afraid of things, but do not take the initiative to cause trouble.

But the more so, the Chu family received more and more praise.

"Look at the family Chu family, that is the home of the nine-robbery master who saved the entire nine-day continent. Look at how low-key people are, how humble, how vain the valley; this is the real door-to-door! This is the real The aristocratic style, seeing it is heart-breaking, smelling people fascinated!"

"Yeah, I have never admired a family like this, except for the Chu family..."


The sound of praise such as this is endless.

However, the new owner, Chu Feiling, strictly demands that all the people in the family wait: no one can be arrogant, and must be arrogant and arrogant. Nine robbery sword master, that is Chu Yang, is definitely not anyone else in our family.

Being able to enjoy the honor of Chu Yang and the courtesy brought by it, this is already a great benefit; don't think about doing something with this name!

If there is a violation, immediately evict the family and kill innocent!

But no matter how low-key the Chu family is, the southeast Pingshaling has become a recognized holy place in the world!

This is already a fact that cannot be changed!


In the pavilion in the courtyard, Yang Ruolan earnestly practises and concentrates on cultivation. Then, carefully organize your face, seriously wash and decorate, go to the room where your son used to live, clean the table, sweep the floor, sweep the floor, and make the bed. Then sit quietly for a while, then come out and clean up your family.

Since his son left, Yang Ruolan has been doing this every day, day after day, Lei can’t move.

For the wife's move, Chu Feiling is somewhat puzzled and quite vocal.

Is it useful to pick up yourself like this every day?

Dufu old wife...

Besides, my son doesn’t have to come back later, maybe...

Regarding Chu Feiling’s question, Yang Ruolan is often furious: “Of course I have to keep it! I can’t let my son come back to see an old woman! Say, you said that your son doesn’t necessarily come back, maybe he will be back tomorrow. Well, if you come back, you will see that his own room is gone or it’s messy... How sad is it? Don’t you carefully clean up?”

Chu Feiling, who was sprayed with a slap in the face, was frustrated and fled.

What did I say? I am only stating an objective fact, how can I be misunderstood as that? !

Grandpa Chu discovered that since his son’s disappearance was the starting point, he completely lost his position in front of his wife. After the son came back, he thought that he could change something, but found that he was even more out of position; and since his son flew up to the Nine Heavens, he would start completely, he was completely... no status!

Everything, no matter what, in Yang Ruolan, you must give way to your son!

Even if my son is not there, even if I have been away from home for a long time, it is always the case!

Chu Feiling is only speechless, but it is helpless. I often sigh: "The mother's mother's love is really the most terrible feeling in the world!..."

This sentence was later praised by Jiuzhongtian as the most classic and famous saying.

Yang Ruolan came out as usual and looked at the gate for a while.

She always felt that maybe one day in her own eagerness, the son would suddenly appear from afar, plunging into his arms and calling a mother intimately.

This kind of eager anticipation makes her look forward every day and is waiting.

For a while, the wind blew, raising her dress and flying in a mess.

Whether you are a family or an outsider, you can't help yourself, and you cry out, "Mrs. Chu." Then walked.

Yang Ruolan nodded and smiled, then continued to look.

The morning light has gradually risen and it has been three days. The slanting sunlight pulls her shadow long, as if it can extend all the way to the end of the world...

Yang Ruolan still looks at himself, sometimes looking at his own shadow.

Shadow to the horizon, miss also to the horizon.

When the sun rises, the shadow is slowly shortened, and the son comes back with thoughts?

When your own shadow is similar to yourself, if your son has not returned, then you should be busy.

She stood in obscurity and her eyes were fascinated.

In the eyes of the world, Yang Ruolan is definitely a mother who envy the world. Her son is the master of the Nine Robbers; her son is a hero, and her son has saved the continent of Jiuzhong, her son is unprecedentedly amazing. Achievements, when I was less than twenty years old, I flew to the Nine Heavens and became the legendary flying immortal...

All the sons can earn the glory for the mother, Yang Ruolan is really possessed!

As such a mother, what else can you not satisfy?

But Yang Ruolan is really unsatisfied. Because... my son is not around.

Even though there are more honors, no son is around, everything is bleak and loses its shining colors!

Every mother is looking forward to her son’s success and ability to do great things.

However, when my son really has a good time, he can really do something big... but it is when he leaves.

That long-lasting miss will really make people crazy.

Staying with the qualifications and having a good time to do something big is undoubtedly a set of extreme contradictions.

But every mother has to face and choose.

The most painful contradiction in life is nothing more than this.

Because no matter how you choose, it will be accompanied by pain.

My son stayed with no interest, and he was angry every day. Why are you so promising? Why can't you do better?

However, if you really get out and go out, it’s a day-to-day hang-up... As long as you don’t see it, you won’t be relieved!

Poor parents in the world, it is almost like this.


Seeing the shadow gradually shortened, Yang Ruolan finally sighed again and was ready to go back.

It seems that my son has not returned today!

Today is not a success, there is tomorrow, tomorrow will not be the day after tomorrow, and there will be a big day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, there will always be a returning day...

At the moment when Yang Ruolan turned around, in a distant place, suddenly there was a long whistling blast, floating in the sky, and the sound shook!

That is a cry.

"……I am back!!……"

Suddenly this sound, Yang Ruolan has been prepared to leave the body suddenly like a lightning strike, suddenly become stiff. Immediately, his face suddenly rose red, and two lines of tears came out uncontrollably.

Immediately, she slammed into the air and ran wildly toward the origin of the sound.

This voice... Even if everyone in the whole world can't hear who it belongs to, Yang Ruolan will never miss it! Never admit mistakes!

That is... the voice of the son!

My son, I am back!

Come back to my side!

Yang Ruolan feels that in his chest, there is blood burning, boiling!

Her forgotten running, speeding, does not care about the strange eyes of passers-by, but also has a strong feeling of dizziness, rising. At this moment, Yang Ruolan almost wants to cry.

In fact, she did not know that her two lines of tears had already begun to scream at the beginning of the first time, and sprinkled the time.

"Yangyang!" Yang Ruolan screamed, tears splattered with the cry, slipped into the wind, and fell dust.

A few figures flashed from the clouds, and a black shadow rushed down from the clouds.

Chu Yangfei's general opening hand rushed into his mother's arms.


The two kings of Chuyang have experienced so many things, and they have been full of the world. The state of mind has already been rock-solid; the world is afraid that there is nothing more difficult to make him move easily; but this moment, seeing the mother in the wind In the midst of madness, when the name is called unconsciously, it is sour in the heart, and the tears are uncontrollably.

There is no hesitation any more, and it has rushed down. One rushed into the arms of Yang Ruolan.

Yang Ruolan clung to Chuyang and muttered to himself: "Children... The child is back... Yangyang, the mother can die of you..."


Today is the birthday of the book ‘If you are well, it’s sunny,’ let us wish him a happy birthday! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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