Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 684: Nine robbery swordsman is back

Yang Ruolan said and said, tears fell.

Chu Yang also choked up and hugged her mother tightly. The two men embraced each other and felt each other's existence.

For a long time, Yang Ruolan took his son's head from his arms and wiped his tears carefully: "How is your child so thin? Yangyang, you have suffered a lot... poor me At a young age, there is a color of wind and frost on the face, where the outside is comparable to being comfortable at home..."

Chu Yang broke into a smile: "Mother, we have come all the way back, how can there be no color of the wind... I will wash my face just fine, your son is always so handsome. Where I am thin... I will be more than that." It’s seven pounds and a half fat. I think I’m getting fat...”

Yang Ruolan is dissatisfied: "You, this child, will talk back to me when you come back. I said that you are thin, you are thin, how can you get fat, how can you become fat?"

In the eyes of the mother, as long as the child is not at his side, it is definitely not good to eat well, even if it is really fat, it is thin.

Chu Yang smiled bitterly and said: "Mother, your daughter-in-law also came..."

Yang Ruolan was shocked and almost panicked: "Ah? Then my hair is not messy? Wrinkles are not wrinkled? don't say this kid early..."

I said early? Chu Yang’s heart...

The next moment, Chu Yang saw the face of the mother's extraordinary sanctification. I saw that Yang Ruolan pushed Chu Yang away, and then quickly picked up the hair, wiped his face, took out the silk scarf from his arms, cleaned himself up, and then "brushed" his body, at a speed that was unstoppable. The dust completely disappeared.

Turning his head to Chuyang to reveal a splendid smile, graceful, serious and generous, said with a smile: "Yangyang, what about your wife?"

"Hey...hey..." Chu Yang looked stunned.

It turns out that my own mother is so powerful...

It changed like this soon. From a mother who missed her son's disaster, she immediately became a prospective mother-in-law who was waiting to meet her new daughter.

This kind of effort is really incredible, incredible, difficult to understand, difficult to explain!

It’s too shocking! Too strong!

When the figure flashed, Tie Bu Tian took the lead, but she was jointly launched by Wu Qianqian and Mo Qingwu.

Under the Tianzhu, but the first one entered the door, but also continued the Chu family incense wife, she does not lead, who is leading? !

The former emperor, now the Chu family wife, is full of red face and helpless.

Oh, in fact, it’s no wonder that the people in front of us, the standard acquaintances, are not only the current mother-in-law, but also the former sisters...

This is the case... The Queen’s heart is also full of sorrows... Although I have seen it before, I have also recognized each other’s identity, but I have seen it once, is there a wood?

"Hey..." Yang Ruolan was also a mistake, then he laughed: "Sweet..."

"Well..." Iron-filled days were shy, and Ying Ying stumbled: "Women fill the sky, see the mother-in-law."

Yang Ruolan smiled and hurriedly helped: "Get up quickly, it’s not the first time I saw it. How can I still do something big, you are really a girl..."

Iron fills the sky and stands up.

Yang Ruolan was waiting to pull the iron to go home, but he saw the shaking of the figure in front of him. In fact, there were two more beautiful and beautiful people in the moment, and they went on to worship themselves.

"Women Qianqian, I have seen my mother-in-law..."

"The daughter-in-law danced lightly and saw her mother-in-law..."

Mo Qingwu and Wu Qianqian have actually seen Yang Ruolan, but at that time they were not the identity of Chu Yang’s daughter-in-law, so there was no such thing. But now it is the ritual of the daughter-in-law who sees her mother-in-law. The sly in the heart is really indescribable, at least not the pen and ink can describe it!


Can my mother-in-law see me? Will you think that I am too frivolous? Will the first impression be bad? Will it...

The two women thought about each other while pondering, while still trying to maintain their best side, but I don't know, which one has already burned into a red cloth.

Yang Ruolan suddenly stayed.

I never thought that today I will have three daughter-in-laws, and each one is Zhong Ling Xiu Xiu, each one is a national fragrance, each one is a beautiful woman who is hard to find in the sky!

"Oh yeah... get up quickly." Yang Ruolan hurried forward to help, and raised one hand in one hand. Finally, I had already helped the iron supplement first, and it was not enough to use it. I looked back at my son. When you come back, you can make your old lady look good. This is the first time I met. I just ran out and didn’t bring any meeting... So rude, you said, okay?

I was thinking, but I felt that there were two jade bracelets in my hand, and I saw my son wink.

I hurriedly smiled: "The first time I met... this, you are the people who have seen the world, and the good things are not rare... Well, this is the heirloom of our Chu family... Come here, one person, Put it on... It’s the one who is wearing our Chu family..."

Chu Yang coughed up in the heart: This is... heirloom? ......

Yang Ruolan happily smiled and handed the jade bracelet out.

The next moment, I stayed for a while.

I am so modest as I said.

When the two jade bracelets were taken out, they suddenly had a bright glow and a thousand colors.

It seems that the entire sky, the Milky Way, is concentrated in this bracelet.

This is the best thing that Chu Yang made after he made a fortune in the treasure house of Yuan Tian.

The good things in the private inventory of a generation of Emperor will definitely not be simple.

As long as it is a woman, there is basically no resistance to seeing this good thing.

Yang Ruolan, with his bracelet, was almost unwilling to send it out.

Mo light dance sees the hunter heart, cheers, not to mention, after wearing it, wear it on his wrist, flipping up and down, full of love.

Wu Qianqian did the same, and took over the past. After a few words of gratitude, it was obviously cherished.

Yang Ruolan’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch, and then I saw that Tie Tian’s hands were empty and stood on the side. It’s not a taste. When I reached out, I twisted Chu Yang’s ear: “You are a little bastard...”

But I feel that my hand is warm, and two radiant bracelets appear.

Chu Yang’s deceitful eyes are squinting, and the intention is self-evident.

Yang Ruolan, who wished to get paid, immediately recovered his gracefulness, and he handed one of the bracelets to the iron-filled day. He smiled very skillfully: "The last time I entered the door, I forgot to give you... this unified replenishment."

"Thank you mother-in-law." The three women also thanked.

Yang Ruolan laughed and said nothing: "Hey."

As for the remaining bracelet, he was silently worn on his wrist, and he had already had a look.

"After wearing this bracelet, you will be completely exempt from the attack when you encounter an attack below the sage level." This sentence, Chu Yang left it in his heart, did not say it.

After all, for Mo Qingwu and others, the saint-level attack has already hurt them, not to mention any exemptions; but for Yang Ruolan, who is still on the mainland of Jiuzhongtian, it is a real treasure of self-defense!

The entire nine-day continent, it seems that there is no master of the heavens, let alone the sage level... After Yang Ruolan took it, it can basically be said that the world is invincible.

In the evening, the entire Chu family compound was brightly lit. Everyone in the Chu family was uplifted, and the heroic laughter of Chu Xiongcheng’s father was basically unbroken.

Only Chu Leer’s parents were somewhat lost. After all, their niece did not return this time. I don’t know when it will return. Fortunately, Chu Yang’s explanation, Chu Leer is very powerful now, and very happy, but also found his own happiness...

In the near future, I will be able to come back with the son-in-law... A comfort, Chu Sanye and the two of them finally relieved, and began to eagerly look forward to...

Sleepless all night, Chu family up and down a drunk, even the steady Chu Feiling, actually drank a drunk. Looking at his son and the three daughter-in-laws of the genius, Uncle Chu only felt comforted, how can he not get drunk? !

The nine robbery sword master is back!

This news, for the entire Nine Heavens continent, is undoubtedly a heavy news that is a stone-shattering level. In fact, just in the evening, the local law enforcement hall came to report it.

Fengyue two law-abiding adults, immediately carrying their daughters to leave, come here, the reason why they will carry their daughters, is not because this daughter and Chu family have such a relationship?

Come together, there is the fifth gentle person who is now highly weighted and indispensable.

Soon after receiving this visit, they received new news: Wei Gongzi and his wife came together, and they are already on the road...

There are also news from the Royal Palace in the next three days: Tieyun Emperor Tieyang has already set off for three days.

It seems that this little guy misses his parents too... This news makes Chu Yang and Tie Tiantian very happy...

All in all, the entire Nine Heavens continent has fallen into an unprecedented storm of excitement because of the return of the Nine Robbery Swordsman.

Even some of the robbers on the mainland, some famous killers, some unstable elements, and the unknown are unknown. All of them have been closed down in the past few days.

Closed door, infinite honest, very very interesting.

Are you kidding, don't you know how to do it?

The legendary nine-robbery sword master is a hateful man...

In case he was known by his old man, he was somewhat untrue...

Looking for the door, it is not the usual bad luck...

I don’t need to take a shot, but we will blow them apart in one breath...

Even that breath can be saved, as long as you pout, a little look, naturally there are many people doing it for them, it is not too easy to kill people!

So during this time, it is better to be honest.

There is only one small life, or a little treasure!

Throughout the last three days, the winds and clouds surged, and countless families were rushing around. They were all star-nights at the level of the family. They rushed to Pingshaling in the southeast and saw the myth of the Nine Heavens.


Please take out your mobile phone, public search, and letter search for the world, and then add a concern. I will interact with you there more in the future... Thank you. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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