Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 685: Loveful!

Of course, when these families come, the gift is definitely ready to be filled...

It can be said that only the financial resources of the gifts that are still on the road are enough to completely rebuild the nine dominant families of the year, even more than ever!

In other words, Chu Yang came home this time, but brought a lot of benefits.

Chu Yang himself does not care about these gifts, some people's eyes are now not the same as the general high, but ... Chu family is really concerned about the drop ... this time really really made!

And it's still big!

At night, a few times to appease, and finally served the mother to sleep, Chu Yang quietly came out, along the path that year, went to the backyard.

In the backyard, the clear-cut woods and the lonely little yard, Chuyang stepped on the fallen leaves and walked toward the Chu family ancestors.

It seems that the ear rang again and the voice of the ancestors was indifferent: "Tread the grass, don't step on my hay."

Chu Yang sighed in his heart.

The courtyard door is still as rotten and closed as usual; obviously, Chu Xiaoxin does not allow anyone to break his calm.

Knocked at the door, no one answered.

Chu Yang pushed hard, "Oh," a sound, the yard has already accumulated a lot of dust, and then scattered.

At the sight of it, there are thick hay in the yard and dense grass.

Chu Yang floated up and stood on the stone steps covered with moss.

"Come on Chuyang." The voice of indifference sounded.

"Yes, it is the grandson who came back, see the ancestors." Chu Yang said respectfully.

This sound is from the bottom of my heart, not because my strength has already exceeded the ancestors too much and there is any scorn.

"Very good..." The indifferent voice, with an unspeakable tiredness and sigh, said: "It’s the time to come back, just to be able to catch up... send me a ride."

Chu Yang was shocked: "What happened to your ancestors?"

Qingying flashed, Chu Xiaoxin's thin body and clear face appeared in front of Chuyang, a faint smile: "I don't have much, just... I always feel these days, your old grandmother, she misses me. I think it’s urgent..."

He smiled awkwardly and said: "I miss her too, it is time to spend time with her."

Chu Yang was silent for a while.

In the face of Chu Xiaoxin, I completely saw the transcendental mentality of life and death. I didn’t know what to say for a while.

"Original, I should have been there. When you rushed to the Nine Heavens, I wanted to go." Chu smiled and greeted Chu Yang to sit down and said calmly: "Just, you are on an unknown situation, Yu Jiu The sky is an end, but the other side is just the beginning. I don’t know if you can stand on your feet, and you can’t worry about it. Now when you can come back, you know that you are standing still... I will see you old. Grandmother, there is something to say, but I have to show off, huh, huh..."

Chu Yang respected and sat down, said: "Maybe the old grandmother still hopes that you can stay, look at her for future generations to grow up healthily... You may not really understand the true meaning of the old grandmother."

Chu smiled and smiled: "You kid... Ghostly eyes are still so much. Your grandmother may not want me to pass, but my old man is already very tired, very tired, and really miss her. ""

Chu Yang silently, only felt that a heartfelt heart and soul rose sharply.

Chu smiled and said: "They all went.... There is only one person left here. Every day, I can only talk to myself. I can’t even help you with my troubles... You are all good. I want to come with me, but every time I see you, I always feel that I am farther away from this world..."

"After all, not people of the same era..."

Chu smiled with a faint smile: "The heart is already exhausted... I am alive again, what is the point?"

Chu Yang sighed deeply and said: "At the beginning, the old grandmother said... let you finish the tea..."

Chu Xiaoxin missed the can of tea in front of him, and the innocent tenderness in the throat, finally got up, slowly took out the tea, and made a cup for himself and Chu Yang, and said: "Chuyang... You know, every time I open this tea and drink it into my mouth, what is the feeling in my heart?"

Chu Yang was shocked.

"This is the tea that my wife personally baked for me, and my wife... has been away from me for more than a thousand years." Chu smiles and sighs: "The tea is still the same, but where is the person?"

"The girl who was picking up the shofar and picking the tea for me... Where is it now? At that time, the wife who accompanied me and worked hard, never lost my life, is there? At that time, the girl who gave birth to me, and me Where are the women who are in the same breath, now?"

Chu Yang slowly lowered his head and looked at the green tea leaves floating in the cup. He only felt heavy in his heart. It was an unspeakable sentimentality. The tea leaves floating and sinking, the millennium has passed away... that kind of loneliness and desolateness, is it true that the party can really know?

"The Chu family has you, I am very at ease, can go safely." Chu smiled softly: "I believe she is also very reassured."

"But the ancestors of your ancestors have always been sentimental." Chu Yang said with utmost effort: "Just let go, after all, it is still narrow..."

Chu smiles and looks at Chu Yang, whispered: "Is it really narrow? What is love? Chu Yang, love is deep and there is no blame... Love is deep, not sentimental, but no complaints In particular, it is love. Life and death are also."

Chu Yang heard a shock, and he was speechless.

This old and young have not spoken for a long time.

The night is deep.

The wind rang out like a cry.

The leaves are squeaking.

In a silence, Chu Xiaoxin said softly: "Let's go."


At night, Chu Xiaoxin died in the broken small courtyard. The face is serene, and the corner of the mouth comes with a smile.

The bottom of the eyebrows, with real joy and yearning.

For the past thousand years, this is the only thing he really wants to do, and he has finally done it.

The respectable old man who guarded the Chu family for a lifetime can finally put down the burden on his shoulders; he walked very peacefully, very pleased and relaxed.

This day is the biggest expectation of his later life.

Or, since his wife and brothers have passed away one by one, he is only a body that can breathe, and bears the responsibility of the descendants of the guardian.

Now, he can finally put it down.

The aftermath of the elderly is very grand.

The patron saint who guarded the Chu family was finally settled in peace and buried with his wife.

Chu Yang stood in front of the grave and stood for a long time.

This is an old grave that was more than a thousand years ago. Now it is opened again and buried again. In a piece of fresh soil, it is also mixed with traces of hay. After crossing the thousands of years, the husband and wife are still buried together.

That jar of tea was carefully put into the tomb by Chu Yang.

If you find your old grandmother earlier, you naturally don't need to drink this; but if you can't find it for a while, in the process of searching, there is a grandmother's tea to accompany you...

Love is not alone! I am not alone!

The sun sets.

The figure of Chu Yang was drawn long.

In my mind, I still remember the words of Chu Xiaoxin.

"Chuyang, what is love?"

"There is no sorrow in the depths of love... and no blame, these three words are just love."

"This is love."

In the daytime, I realized my heart - "It turned out that I was narrow!"

"It turned out that this is a sentimental."

"It turns out that this is love!"

Chu Yang seems to hear something broken. This kind of voice rises in my heart. It seems to be very ethereal, but it is so obvious.

In the next few days, the entire Chu family compound was busy.

Chu Yang is a lot quiet.

The state of mind is constantly changing.

Sometimes, he just sat quietly, quietly watching the three people dancing in the happy chat, one look is an afternoon, one night, and not a little bit intolerance, as if outside the three outsiders.

Such silence is undoubtedly very abnormal.

Chu Yang can clearly feel that the nine golden little ones in Dantian are changing. Although the whole process is slow, it is really abnormal. Although it is slowly, it can be observed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The golden little man slowly opened his eyes, it was a pair of eyes without impurities, pure as a newborn baby.

Then, since the baby has never had a golden man with a body shape change, the whole body has grown slowly, and the color is gradually deepening. It takes only three days before and after, and it turns into a faint purple gold. It is a color that is different from the previous one.

In addition, Chu Yang also feels that his own strength is gradually increasing, it seems that every minute and every second, there is a considerable increase! For this change, such a fast, Chu Yang feels a bit strange.

To cultivate this thing, the higher its strength, the more difficult it is to grow. For example, the current level of strength of senior sages in Chuyang, want to grow again, there is no possibility of any accumulation of accumulation of countless years, ordinary warriors, It is often stopped by a bottleneck and never enters the country. The current situation in Chuyang is almost unimaginable.

The only explanation is that the breakthrough of the state of mind!

The same is true of the fact that the conversation with the old man Chu Xiaoxin on that day has greatly increased the spiritual realm that Chu Yang has stopped for a long time.

Stepping straight into the sky, standing in the Buddha's general, reached a wonderful realm!

As far as the military is concerned, the composition of its own realm mainly includes its own cultivation, skill, and its own spiritual realm. The so-called spiritual realm is a level that is created by changes in the state of mind. This kind of realm can not be described by words. The meaning can be hard to say.

The martial arts want to break through the boundaries of the spiritual realm, all of which stem from the "sudden enlightenment". Once they are enlightened, they are sanctified and not vain. However, if they want to achieve "epiphany", they can meet and not seek, but only the organic fate, " Epiphany will get.

And Chu Yang now, you can say ... this opportunity, has arrived!

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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