Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 686: husband and wife? [Second more! 】

There is no such thing as a chance, and there is an opportunity for epiphany in any matter. The most common thing is the battle, the battle between the life and death, such as Chu Yang and the brothers. They are young, but they can have the level that ordinary people have been able to reach for thousands of years and millions of years, except because they have used too many natural treasures, and because they have experienced too much Many battles between life and death, it is the countless times to walk on the edge of life and death, in order to allow them to repeatedly break through their limits and reach a higher level.

However, there are disadvantages in the world, because life and death are no longer a "threat" for them. This kind of semi-human "enlightenment" opportunity is hard to create. For example, Chu Yang currently, his own cultivation appears. When it is repaired to be inconsistent with its own realm, it is difficult to exert the true power that it should exert.

In terms of the situation of Chu Yang itself, his current realm is a senior saint, supplemented by nine great infants. His normal power should be more than nine times that of ordinary senior saints, but Chu Yang can play it out. Power, which is three to four times that of ordinary senior saints, although this power is already commendable, in reality it is a lot of regrets.

In the previous battle with the two great devils, Chu Yang gathered all the fighting power of several generations of nine robbery brothers, as well as nine robbery swords, nine robbery swords, and nine robberies, supplemented by the final battle. However, this battle seems to be amazing, but in reality it is unbearable.

The reason why this is so is because Chu Yang's current cultivation is above the ordinary senior saints, but in the state of mind, it is far from passing, and there is a gap compared with the ordinary senior saints.

The words with the old man of Chu, but a potential pattern triggered the "epiphany" state of Chu Yang!

Therefore, Chu Yang consciously cultivated itself as an amazing progress, and the golden little man in the body also has many growth, which is also reasonable!

And the opportunity is often no stranger, a picture, a scene, a heartless speech, even a word, a ring, as long as the departure of the soul opportunity, can produce epiphany, the most typical can not be met.

Chu Xiaoxin’s father’s words to Chu Yang are actually more about speaking to themselves.

"Love is deep, it is not a sentimental."

"No complaints, it is the real love!"

However, this sentence is really great for Chu Yang’s touch, and the meaning is far-reaching.

Chu Yang seems to be able to feel faintly that his own state of mind, which has been dusted by countless killings, is slowly recovering from the Qing Dynasty; gradually recovering to the purity and innocence that seems to have just been born...

The barrier that had been unbroken before was also slowly disintegrating, and it was only broken between the night and the evening.

And many of the usual intrinsic meridians, which are difficult to mobilize, spontaneously flow out spontaneously.

Those who knew what existed but could not help but now have nowhere to go.

Now Chu Yang’s body is actually the ultimate comfort.

It seems that the entire Dantian has already flowed into a large lake, and hundreds of meridians have become unimpeded rivers.

And among these unimpeded rivers, too much water is rushing in and out.

The source is endless.

The aura of the heavens and the earth to the pure and pure, is also rushing into the numerous meridians in the body, from the aura and vitality, into the Dantian, nine Dantian, while the slowly brightening.

The nine original pale gold little men are gradually strong and strong.

Chu Yang was surprised that it was impossible to add a total of only a few days. He obviously felt that his strength was almost doubled when he was in the Nine Heavens! even more!

Moreover, this progress is still growing rapidly!

This time, the cultivation is growing, completely different from the past. In the past, it was basically because of a kind of excitement and enthusiasm for fighting. This time, growth has hidden happiness!



Now, Chu Yang’s own cultivation is already a veritable, true sense of the sage!

If Chu Yang before this feels like a mountain, although the mountain is up, it always has its limits, you can see the end.

So now the feeling of Chu Yang gives people the sea, the boundless, unfathomable.

"The Chu brothers really changed a lot when they were in the Nine Heavens. They are more calm and more indifferent. If there is a bit of deliberateness in the past, now it is from the heart, unintentional, and greatly different. And the language." The month of listening to the snow is detailed Chu Yang, sincerely said.

Wind and rain on the other side, the big table agreed to nod.

In her arms, there is also a little girl with a powdery makeup, and she only has two or three years old. She is looking at Chuyang curiously with her black and white eyes, two chubby little hands, clutching The toy that just got the hand.

The fastest one is coming, or the wind and the moon.

And that little girl, the only daughter of the Fengyue couple, Yue Xiaodie.

This little girl, maybe it may be almost the future wife of Chu Yang... No, it’s a daughter-in-law!

"Actually..." Chu Yang smiled and said: "I was not like this three or five days ago. This change really came back to the nine days of the mainland."

The Fengyue couple couldn’t help but feel amazed and hurriedly asked for detailed reasons.

Mo light dance three people sitting on the side to accompany, not much later, Yue Xiaodie has climbed the knees of Wu Qianqian, the little girl is young, but she is very jealous, not afraid of life.

In the hall, the room is full of laughter.

"It’s still faster for the Lord to come." A gentle voice sounded, and the fifth gentle step came in.

The wise man who had been confronted with Chu Yang for several years was still in the same style.

The fifth gentle addition to the conversation did not make anyone feel any awkwardness.

Later, when Chu Yang talked about the decisive battle of the demon.

"The fifth brother, as a good man, as a military sergeant, if he can't show his skills on the battlefield outside his domain, it is a great regret in life." Chu Yang said seriously: "I don't know if the fifth brother wants to participate." What is the big event of the devil?"

The fifth gentleness was silent for a long time. After a long while, he said seriously: "I don't want to. I don't want to! It's not a lucky thing to be with me like Mo Tianji. It's not a lucky thing to be friends. It's boring." Only when you are an opponent can you feel the joy of life. The talents of the nine-day-old military sergeant already have a single person, it is enough, one more, not necessarily one with oneself. A blessing."

Chu Yang sighed and nodded gently.

The fifth soft tone is full of confidence and pride; but Chu Yang knows that he has such a temper.

It’s been a long time. Weigongzi and Junyi couples came together. These two people are more familiar with a certain seat, and they will make a mess with Chuyang when they meet.

Wei Gongzi is unceremonious, and his palm is big: "Hurry, give me the baby of nine heavens, toys, delicious, fun, valuable, memorable, heavenly treasure, all left me... ...Yes, and your Jiuzhong Dan, also left me more..."

If you didn't have a knife in your hand, you didn't say "This mountain is me open" in your mouth, and you almost robbed the robbers.

"Greed!" Several other people smiled at the same time.

"What greed!" Wei Gongzi is justified: "Now I have finally seen such a rich man, how can I do not squeeze out some oil? I should have a lot of oil, not how much this kid is fatter than before?"

"Hey, people are fat, this is called strong, this is called strong, this is all muscles good? You know a fart!" Chu Yang was a bit irritated by a son, a panic explanation, all incoherent It is.

"Ha ha ha..."

On the morning of the same day, the Chu family opened a banquet, and Chu Yang and a group of old friends gathered together. Everyone solemnly promised that no one would ever have to repair the alcohol, and they must fight with the real amount of alcohol.

In the afternoon, I chatted together and talked, and when I was near dinner at night.

Suddenly someone was rushing to report: "Little Master is here."

Yang Ruolan’s attention was suddenly transferred, and he said nothing. He smiled and greeted him and went out to pick up his grandson. Tietiantian also rushed out with excitement.

Sure enough, only for a while, I saw Yang Ruolan and Tie Butian both of them holding a boy with a powder makeup jade, and the boy looked like at most six or seven years old, a face of the elf Weird, two eyeballs twirling.

Everyone laughed together, the one who came from Chu Yang’s baby son, Tie Yang. But taller than the average of these young boys.

Only the wind and the moon smiled a bit bitter.

This little magic star is coming...

When I was busy, I only heard a crisp, milky voice shouting: "Husband, you are here!"

This scorpion made all of Chu Yang all like lightning strikes.

Silly look at the sound.

The face of the wind and the moon at the sound source was completely bitter, and it seemed to cry out. Hey, the door is unfortunate.

Of course, this kind of ridiculous word is not the two people said, but it was called out by the little loli in the wind and rain. She saw her face excited, and she waved short arms and short legs, and struggled to the ground. The trail ran up and greeted the past.

In the whole petrochemical state, I only heard the six-year-old boy cheering: "Wow, wife, you are here, I want to die you..."

The three-year-old girl is called her husband, and the five-year-old boy is called a wife...

When everyone fell into the eye, they saw that the two little guys had already been together without any fake time. The little boy sipped a bit on the pink face of Xiao Loli and smiled and asked: "Wife, I Then miss you, do you want me?"

Xiao Loli’s two tender arms hug the boy’s neck, and they are so good and nodded: “Lan’s family miss you...”

Let’s go, oh, the next kiss of the kiss is coming...

The crowd collapsed at the same time...


Continue to work on Chapter 3! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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