Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 697: Miscalculated evil monarch! [Second more! 】

And that voice has completely lost the language at the moment.

Mo light dance is very cherished to look at the picture, everything in his predecessor, bit by bit, slowly, the corner of his mouth is smiling, muttering: "In fact... the light dance of the past life... you are You, I am me... Yours is a tragedy, but I am happy... Please, please... Don’t break my happiness again...or don’t destroy the happiness you once dreamed of. Because...we got it, isn’t it? ?"

"His still has nine swords in his life, but when he is with me... seeing me more than watching the nine robbery swords... your wishes have actually been reached, aren't they?"

"I will marry him soon... If you are happy, you can be together...because you are me. But...I am still me. I will marry him with your hopes and your wishes." And won't... accept your resentment again, please forgive my selfishness..."

"Because... I really don't want to torture him any more... Really, he has compensated Mo to dance, there are too many..."

Mo light dances and whispers, saying that he is talking to himself and seems to be telling another person.


"How can it be purple?"

Somewhere far away is very far away.

A white boy has widened his eyes and looked at the past and present life in the picture. His face is unbelievable, his face is incredible, full of incomprehensible, full of doubts, and depressed: "I originally planned to see it." A good show... How can the sauce purple not follow the script? I have this reason! It’s just a matter of course! What about the script behind? What should I do?”

Beside him, a beautiful flower of a beautiful girl laughed and said: "All said that you don't understand women, you are not convinced, now you know that you are not omnipotent? You are betting. But you lose I am willing to gamble and lose."

The white boy seems to be angry and angry, and screams: "How did I lose? This is clearly that the light dance does not follow the common sense... How did I lose?"

Next to a cold-faced woman, she smiled and said: "Win is to win, lose is to lose, gambling has no excuse! Is it the name of the evil monarch who is shocked by the name of the world? Now it will not be able to play it?"

The white boy angered: "But such a loss, isn't it the loss of my greatest pleasure? You don't know, my biggest wish is to let Mei Sister return to the prototype... 揉揉 small **** to play... easy Let her gamble with me once, and actually lost, too unwilling."

The voice has not fallen, and has been chased by the beauty around me.

Because of a moment of shame and anger, it’s not a good thing to say that a white boy is holding a squirrel. While hiding, he said: "Right and fortune... This is not finished yet... Look carefully, what if there is a big reversal?"

"What big reversal, there is no suspense at the end." The beautiful woman pouted and said: "That Chu Yang is emotional, there is absolutely no mistake."

The white boy’s eyes turned and said: “Not necessarily. If you have a gamble, you may not lose. Do you want to make another gamble?”

The two women asked at the same time: "What are you gambling?"

The white boy smiled: "I can gamble, I can gamble Chu Yang."

At the same time, the two women glared at someone and slammed them. They said, "You will really take advantage of it, so you can win without losing. It’s also a good idea. But are you thinking about others too? Silly, who will gamble with you..."

The white boy laughed.

The stunning beauty thought for a moment, saying: "Mo Xie, after this pass, Chu Yang, I am afraid that I really embarked on your path..."

The white boy nodded and said, "Yes. This is a great good thing... between the world, only these people are too lonely..."

The stunning beauty said: "You mean, can he reach your level?" There is a lot of uncertainty in the voice.

The white boy contemplatively said: "This is really hard to say, this little guy. In addition to beinghave in the beginning, it has already started to be followed by one after another... Perhaps, he may not be as me, but will go completely Belong to his own path."

"The test of the present. Basically is the last level I set. After the level, I am afraid I can't use it... because he has gradually surpassed that level..."

"After breaking this barrier, he got rid of the constraints of anyone, any external force, and began to walk his own way in a bright future!"

There is a strong interest in the eyes of the white boy: "And his own path...when can I go to what time, what state, and to what extent, can we meet with us, this is an unknown number."

"Now, is Chu Yang already outside the Tiandao budget?" The three words of the word "unknown" were heard by the string song, and the white girl was surprised.

"Yes." The white boy nodded deeply. "It's not just him...and the people around him, and because of this, they are out of control of the days... because...the nine robbers are the same."

"Now, although it has exceeded the established fate of the ninety-years of fate, because of the long-term tacit understanding, the feelings between them are inseparable. So as long as one of them reaches it, others will be like There is a line that is the same, one after another catching up... Hey."

He sighed softly and said: "The old black is definitely very happy. Because, suddenly, there are more than ten opponents... I will definitely play a happy and happy."

The white beauty white gave him a look, swearing: "Is only the old black excited?"

The white boy squinted and smiled and said: "In fact, I have you... I am very satisfied... I don't want other things to be gone... oh... really... you must believe what I said? !"

The two beautiful women took a sip at the same time and said in unison: "I would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world, and I absolutely don't believe you with this broken mouth. Your credibility has long gone bankrupt..."

The white boy said with exaggeration: "I really have such no credit?"

In the distance, another beautiful woman in white flew in and laughed and threw himself into his arms: "You are such a rogue, so no credit, but... this girl just likes, giggles..."

The two beautiful women at the same time sighed at the same time: "Xiaoyi... You are swollen, you are always growing up... People hit the South Wall and at least know how to turn back. You said that you have hit back many times..."

The white boy was full of laughter and laughed. Suddenly, he was very serious. "The old black is coming again, and it’s serious to go." The eyeball turned and muttered: "There are so many opponents. I can't let the old black take the lead, I will increase the hate value first..."

Suddenly, with a wave of his hand, he and several beautiful women disappeared at the same time.

A few shy and awkward voices came: "Nonsense... The old black didn't come at all... Hey... Hey... let go of me... you are a serious thief..."


The space of the starlight dreams gradually dissipated and returned to reality.

Mo light dances in a red dress, standing there, the star-shaped general door, has disappeared at the moment.

The third level, broken!

Although seeing the light dance returning safely, Chu Yang still has some worries: "Light dance?..."

Mo light dance turned like a dream, turned around and cheered: "Chuyang brother..." Suddenly, like a swallow, I jumped into the arms of Chuyang.

"Well," he kissed him quietly and whispered on the side of Chu Yang’s ear: "Chuyang brother... I miss you."

Chu Yang’s heart moved and suddenly hugged her with ecstasy: “Light dance, you finally passed away...”

Mo light dance and tenderly nodded, the face is playful and gratifying.

Chu Yang shouted, holding Mo light dance and screaming, and turned around, apparently happy.

Wu Qianqian and Tiebu Tianxin really do not understand at the end: Chu Yang said that this has finally passed away... As for such ecstasy? This vicissitudes? What is this?

The two of them would not know at all that Chu Yang’s embarrassing past was not a illusion of past and present!

Instead, I have lived through the true sense of the past...

From then on, the two worlds of life, no more, no barriers!

Mo light dance is like an octopus crawling on Chuyang. It is very spoiled. He whispered: "Chuyang, you have repaid everything in your previous life. You don't have to carry it again... your last tears, let me go before. I have already let go; I have let go, and you should let go... If you continue to squat in this life, it will be unfair to me for us..."

A glimpse of Chuyang, suddenly staying like a chicken.

Yes, the past and the present are fundamentally different. If you carry on your own, it will be unfair to anyone.

This level is not only the past and present levels of Mo Qingwu, but also his past and present life.

Suddenly, the center of the heart was tidal. For a time, I didn’t even know what to say.

The Mo-light dance on his shoulder suddenly became a red face and became the color of her own clothes. She shyly said on the side of Chu Yang’s ear: "Chuyang brother... Waiting to go out Just ate me..."

After that, he was ashamed to bury a face in Chu Yang’s arms, saying vaguely: “Chuyang brother... light dance is yours...”

Chu Yang, who put down all the knots, was so excited that he almost felt at the same time that he reacted and reacted a lot.

With no gaps, Mo Mou dance immediately noticed the bad changes of someone. He stretched his hand and twisted it on the waist of Chuyang. He shyly said: "Chuyang brother is really bad guy!"

Chu Yang smiled, very arrogantly with his lips covered with mo light and small earlobe, whispered vaguely said: "Well... I must chew slowly, carefully carefully one inch and one inch to eat... eat There is no bone left... but I want to die..."

At this moment, Chu Yang has a happy impulse to cry.

I really feel that the past and the present are different. You are you, Chu Yang of past lives, I am the throne of this life.

No more embarrassing, no longer carrying!

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