Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 698: Prank [third more! Supplement 1]

Mo light dance was hot, and he smashed two powder punches on his back, saying: "Bad!" But it was all soft.

Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian looked at the two men with great enthusiasm. I was faintly aware that there was nothing else in this. Although I didn’t understand it, I saw the two people relaxed from their hearts. It was an unprecedented gesture. ......

I can't help but be happy for them.

Wu Qianqian said with a sour taste: "Well, someone and someone don't want to be clear, I am... After breaking the customs, let's hurry up. Look at what is the mystery... As for the intimacy, wait for the lake, I And sweet sister specializes in giving you a place, giving you two people the opportunity to be alone...

Mo light dance heard the words shy, the path jumped from Chu Yang, jumped to Wu Qianqian, a burst of spoiled.

Everyone laughed.

Finally, after the starlight and faint disappeared, the four people walked into the back.

Mo light dances in the middle, holding the iron in the left hand, holding the right hand holding Wu Qianqian, walking forward cheerfully, while walking and talking, Chu Yang is smiling and followed.

However, at this time, it was a change!

Chu Yang’s heart suddenly filled with a warning sign inexplicably, and screamed: “Get out!”

But this vigilance has come late.

From the void in front, there was no light in the light, and the light was divided into three, and the speed flashed.

It is a kind of extreme speed that can be traced back to the time of the ancient times. The moment has already reached the light dance, Wu Qianqian, and the chest of the iron patch.

Heart position!

The light is fascinating, and the original shape is revealed. It is three swords!

But how can there be such a fast sword between heaven and earth!

Even if the nine robbery swords are fully operational, it is possible to display the speed of the slaughter, but it is not as good as the speed of the three swords! It has just appeared. The next moment has already reached the heart!

Chu Yang simply did not consider more, completely subconscious instinctive reaction, body down, one horizontal! In the middle of the situation, it is in front of the three women.

Nine robbery and nine heavens gods broke out at this moment!

puff! puff! puff!

Three swords. Without exception, all of them are deeply inserted into Chu Yang’s body.

A sword on the left, deeply inserted into the forehead of Chu Yang!

In the middle of a sword, deeply inserted into the heart of Chu Yang!

A sword on the right, deeply inserted into the Dantian of Chuyang!

In the eager sorrow of the three women, Chu Yang’s body slammed. He fell heavily on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief and breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that I am relieved that I can successfully protect the three women at that moment, and I am relieved.


The three women also shouted at the same time, and only felt that the heavens and the earth had lost any color in front of their eyes!

There is no loved one, even if you have a whole world. !

Looking at the three swords on Chu Yang who only have the hilt. At the same time, the three women felt that one of their own hearts became a piece of debris at this moment!

Just passed the customs, just had time to come to joy, but suddenly this kind of tragic!

For a time, the three women's bodies were crumbling and opened their mouths. But it can't be heard.

This Chu Yang actually smiled, although the ultimate pain invaded every nerve in the body, but still barely revealed a smile, whispered: "This time... When I am not dead... Absolutely no one Can hurt you! I am very pleased that I have done it..."

I don't know why, now Chu Yang's heart, suddenly a piece of extreme ease.

"Don't talk..." Mo light dance and iron make up Tian Wu Qianqian tears like a spring, kept in front of Chu Yang body;

Looking at the three swords that were deeply inserted into Chu Yang’s body, I didn’t dare to move...

Every sword is inserted very deeply, leaving only the hilt outside. This is also a matter of time. If it is only a serious injury, there will be no serious injuries to Jiu Dan. The more important thing is the position of the three swords, one forehead. One atrium, one Dantian, every place is the most deadly key. If you don't move, Chu Yang can still extend the life of a moment. If it is instigated, it is not good, and it will be played on the spot.

At the same time, the three women felt dizzy and dark, and there was no light.

Wu Qianqian and Tiebu Tian’s heart are suddenly infinite confession.

Just now, I was still a bit jealous in faintness. I always felt that Chu Yang was not as good as Mo Qingwu for myself... but now... but for himself, he fell in front of himself.

This is not enough to think about it, it is enough to prove too much!

If he only cares about Mo-light dance, or that Mo-light dance is most important in his heart, then his subconscious movement should be to come forward, the whole body stopped in front of Mo-light dance, and the two arms are in front of him.

The arm is different from the body.

However, in the moment when it is too late to consider, Chu Yang thinks about how to save three people at the same time!

The only solution is to traverse your body and use your body to block the fatal injuries of the three women.

At that moment, there was no hesitation at all.

At the same time, the two women felt the regret of despair, and the sputum of a broken heart rose.

I shouldn't doubt you... shouldn't be jealous...

The three women looked at the smile on the face of Chu Yang and satisfied herself. Suddenly, she felt that there was no love. Seeing that Chu Yang’s breathing gradually weakened, the three women only felt that their souls gradually left their bodies.

"If you are here, I will accompany the king's head. If you don't leave, I will live and die."

"If you go, I will accompany the king to the yellow spring. If the ghost is a ghost, I will follow the shadows; if the spirit is scattered, I will die!"

Mo light dance slowly pulled out the star dream light dance knife, and looked at Chu Yang with deep affection. The depths of the blind man contained the endless infatuation without regrets.

Chu Yang, the moment I wait for you to swallow this last breath, I am arrogant.

Go with you to go to Jiuquan.

In order to avoid being scattered, it is still hard to find.

Wu Qianqian and Tiebu Tian also made the same choice at the same time.

Chu Yang is dead, and it doesn't make much sense to live.

If this is the case, let's go together.

This life is shallow, pray for the next life to be a husband and wife, to bring one!

After a long time...

“Hey?” Mo 舞 舞 眸 兀 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫 莫

Wu Qianqian and Tiebu Tian turned their heads and looked at them at the same time.

It’s also a strange surprise, and it’s called “咦?”

Because ... the three women found at the same time, the three swords were inserted at the same time, inserted very deep, enough deadly weapon, the wounds actually did not seep out blood! ?

Although Chu Yang gradually weakened, but how did he not vomit blood? Suffered from such a heavy injury, how should you spit a dozens of blood to make sense?

And this seems to be not the most bizarre, the most bizarre is that ... Chu Yang's body fell to the ground, the three swords did not go in, the wound position only left the hilt ... but in the body of another On one side, there is no sword tip penetrating.

What's happening here?

This... What is going on?

Lying on the ground, I thought I was dead. I just waited for Chu Yang to feel that my body didn’t hurt. I was a little surprised at the moment. I blinked and said, "What is the situation, how can I still die?" Why didn't it hurt? Is it because it hurts too much, or is it back to the light? I am also afraid of death, don't play with me anymore, give me a good time..."

"You!" Seeing that someone is more and more suffocating, and there is no sign of injury, the three women can not help but anger.

Mo light dance carefully tried to touch the handle of Chu Yang’s forehead with his hand...


A soft bang, that is only in a critical position, shockingly, the hilt was turned into an air that disappeared.

Someone's forehead is unscathed, and it seems that there is not even a red stamp.

"Wow wow wow..." Mo light dance with tears, wow, excitement, yelling, yelling, tears, Wu Qianqian and Tietiantian, and no sense of grace, now I feel My heart is jumping.

Tension is like a drum.

Wu Qianqian and Tie Butian almost reached out to the other two hilts at the same time. There was no accident. The other two hilts were also smashed and turned into air. Dissipated between heaven and earth.

The three women in the heart of a boulder are no longer avoiding anything. They are tearing away the clothes of Chu Yang, and sure enough, the sword is in a smooth skin, and there is not even a little blood mark.

The three women covered their mouths at the same time and cried.

At this moment, fear, fear, ecstasy of the rest of the life, happiness, excitement... all kinds of emotions come to mind,

Of course, this time happiness and excitement are the absolute advantages.

The grief collapse just now, but now almost ecstasy to the point of collapse, incoherent, dancing.

"You are not dead... Hey... It’s so good... You are not dead... Thank goodness..." The three women whimpered, whispering in tears, and excitedly indifferent.

Chu Yang blinked, pretending to be a 'hard" saying: "How... what?"

The three women rushed to him at the same time and burst into tears: "I was scared to death just now..."

Chu Yang blinked, and suddenly there was some unintelligible. At this time, I really felt that my body didn’t hurt at all. I wondered, “What is going on here...”

In the air, suddenly there was a burst of laughter.

It was a wretched laughter full of gloating, mischief, and ambition.

"Ha ha ha ha ... finally got fooled... hahahaha..." In the laughter of the ecstasy, in addition to the wretchedness, it seems to be filled with the taste of owe.

"Hey, the trap I set, where is it so good, wow hahaha... I like to see other people’s wrong expressions. Wow haha..."

The shadow of a white boy gradually emerged in the air, holding his stomach, laughing and screaming at the west: "I like pranks hahahaha... Every success of mischief makes me smack, can laugh for a long time... ..."


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