Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 705: No more gatherings this life

Everyone is worried that Chu Yang’s gaze stops on his face and is subconsciously avoiding.

I am afraid to say it from his mouth... Which one of his brothers is no longer there.

Lost and recovered, but the blows that are lost and lost are hard to bear by anyone. Even if it is a legendary legend, the Nine Robbers are no exception!

Chu Yang’s gaze finally stopped on the face of Qin Fang.

Qin Fang, the nine-robbery master who once dominated the nine heavens and dominated the rise and fall of the Cangsheng, would be a little scared. He looked at Chu Yang’s eyes in a panic, but looked helplessly at others. Turned back again, because other people would not dare to look at him, seemingly afraid of being implicated by him, a house of nine robbers, the courage of this will definitely not be much bigger than the mouse.

Just because, care, too care!

Seeing Chu Yang’s gaze stayed on his face and no longer moved. Qin suddenly suddenly became pale, and he was cold and shivering. He stood up and couldn’t speak his lips: “He...they ... who... what happened?"

Qin Fang stared straight at Chu Yang, his eyes were sluggish but fierce.

Chu Yang had some sad sighs and said: "In the past nine generations, only one person has died... it is the brain of your generation..."

"Hey! The fifth!" Qin Fang exclaimed, obviously with a strong heartache. Immediately, the lost buttocks sat down and muttered: "How could it be him? How could it be him?"

Any brother who has an accident, Qin Fang is unacceptable. but. He did not dream of real dreams. The only thing that happened was actually the most stable. The most resourceful, the most unsuccessful one!

"Yes, it is the fifth one." Chu Yang sighed long.

This matter, he always thought it was cruel, but he had to mention it again and again, every time he raised it. Seeing the grief of the fifth brothers, the sorrow of the heart and death, Chu Yang also followed the pain and sadness.

Right? Law respect? The fifth? Nine robbery think tank? Any layer of identity makes people feel sad!

"My brother... The fifth...not living in the world?..." Qin Fang sat for a while. Suddenly, he raised his head violently, and his eyes shot out the crazy general light of the sword. He looked at Chu Yang and asked a word: "How did he die? Who killed him?!"

That is full of extreme hatred. Almost every moment, everyone was beaten.

Chu Yang closed his eyes: "He died on the continent of Jiuzhong."

Nine Heavens.

Seven people muttered at the same time. At the same time, I exclaimed at the same time: "Nine heavens continent? How could it be the nine heavens?"

"He wants revenge. Everything comes from a good-faith scam..." Chu Yang smiled, and finally he still told the Fa Zun that year, once again told him again.


"Revenge... Hehe..." Qin Fang’s eyes suddenly became red: "The bottom of it... I still killed my brother, I can’t help them..."

Everyone is sad at the same time, because they have experienced the things that Qin Fang has experienced, but they are more fortunate than Qin. There are no such people as the fifth.

It’s just that... The fifth will be such a hatred of Qin Fang, and I’m not saying it. My brothers, so hate yourself?

My choice at the beginning, right or wrong!

Although I have already prepared in my heart, although I knew that this is inevitable, but at this moment, I heard this message, everyone’s heart is still like a knife-cutting pain!

The storm smirked: "I thought... 80,000 years... The long years of 80,000 years are enough to make me forget all the past, but today it is suddenly raised, but still... it’s like yesterday! It’s still painful... Still... this heart!"

Chu Yang looked at the heartbreaking Qin Fang and suddenly said: "In fact, before the fifth sputum, I already knew the truth of the matter. He does not hate you!"

Qin Fang suddenly looked up, his eyes shining brightly, then dimmed down, bitterly said: "If you can, I would rather he always hates me...and don't want him to die..."

Chu Yangdao: "On the same day, after the fifth priest knew the truth, he wrote a poem and confessed to you."

Qin Fang lowered his head: "You read, I listen."

Chu Yang sighed, Shen said: "At that time, he said: When the vicissitudes of life changed, the brothers were deep in the sea; the dreams were faintly long and joyful, and they were shocked to sit on the moon; the Kyushu poly iron was wrongly cast, Can you say? The blood of the heroes in your hands, the footsteps of the heroes at the foot; the teeth are hateful of the sky, the nightmare is a brother-in-law; a sin is difficult to redeem, the **** dreams of both hands; the brothers shed tears, it is difficult for the brothers to face the sky Full of regrets, full of hardships, can't retreat, can't be before..."

Qin Fang listened and listened, and the Turkic screams: "Brother! Hey! Why are you so stupid... Don't you believe us, no matter what you become, no matter how you used to be, we will not Really blame you... Why are you so stupid?! Can't you step back? Can you say it? You can go back! Why don't you back? You can move forward, why don't you?"

"You and I are brothers, what are the difficulties?"

"A sin, your own brothers work together to help you redeem; both hands are bloody, we can do our best to help you wash it out! As long as you live, everything has hope, why do you think so? If you die, you will die if you die. No more!"

His voice is hoarse, it seems that at this moment, the liver is inseparable!

"Ultimately, the fifth embarrassment is to take the initiative to die under the nine robbery sword." Chu Yang explained everything, deeply sighed: "In the end, he did not finish a sentence."

"What?" Qin Fang rubbed his fists with both hands, but his eyes were empty, and he seemed to ask unconsciously.

"Life and death are not empty, brothers are also close to the head, hate me, no return to heaven..." Chu Yang said: "He said that he broke his breath."

"I will continue to say a sentence." Chu Yang said: "I am continuing...the endless waiting for the next life."

Qin Fang sneered, shaking his head and saying dryly: "You don't know my brother, he doesn't want this sentence!"

He smiled sternly and said: "Hey, I don't expect to come to life... Hehe, life and death are just empty, brothers are also in love at the end; hate me without any return to heaven..."

Qin Fang said quietly: "... no more to gather in this life!"

Suddenly heard this, Chu Yang was shocked.

Qin Fang’s sentence “There is no more time to gather this life”, then he began to sit and sit, half-squatting, and suddenly shed tears. He leaned back and his head slid down deeply, faintly heard, and he exhaled there.

There is infinite repression and grief in his heart.

There was a silence in the tea room, and the needle was audible. At this moment, a slight ticking sound was uploaded, but it was not the needle, but the tears of Qin Fang, and it dribbled into the ground.

Tears are heard!

The brother is dead, but there is no way to report even revenge.

I still have to be trapped here.

Every other sword master, everyone is empathetic.

The only thing fortunate is that their brothers are safe and healthy. If there are accidents among them, they may not be much stronger than Qin Fang, and even more unbearable.

Chu Yang was silent for a moment, said: "I went to Zixiaotian before, I have seen the season back to heaven, success or failure, dance in the city, Jun Weiling, Lou Wenlong...etc; the nine generations of brothers, except The first generation of the nine robbery swordsman and his brothers... Until now, all the other people I have seen are not falling."

"The first generation of sword masters? Even though the sword master is not there, the nine robbery brothers should be there? How can they disappear?" Storm asked.

Others also feel a bit strange, while looking at Chuyang. Because, since coming here, the earliest to see is the second generation. I have never seen the first generation of sword masters.

This has long been the biggest doubt in the hearts of everyone.

"The first generation of nine robbery sword masters, you have seen." Chu Yanghehe smiled: "In the dead lake, do you remember that you have passed a soul test?"

"It turned out to be him?" The seven men exclaimed together, and then they were full of anger: "The git, is the first generation of the sword master?"

Looking at the expressions of these few people, Chu Yang knows that it seems that these people have suffered a lot in the hands of the sword master. Thinking of the torture that he had suffered in the first place, Chu Yang also wanted to scream.

"The first generation of nine robbery sword masters, different from you. You are all choosing to sacrifice yourself and send the brothers up. The first generation of sword masters chose to kill the brothers... and then want to let them go. "Chuyang scornful smile: "So he was punished by the people who created the nine robbery swords, and pressed at the bottom of the lake. Now... it is already scattered."

"He...has the brothers really killed and wants to fulfill himself?" The storm squinted incredulously, suddenly yelling: "This devastating bastard!"

With a palm in hand, you should slap it on the table.

Yundong’s eyes were fast, and he held his hand in the air and smiled. I really want to let this raging palm shoot down, and my tea room will want it...

Others also think it is incredible.

In this world, has there ever been such a nine-robber sword master? Sacrifice all brothers to fulfill themselves? How can he bear to start?

" equal to death in my hands." Chu Yang said: "Just... it’s a pity that the generation of nine-robbery brothers are good guys. They die in the hands of such a person..."

"Kill it well!" The storm blinked. "This kind of scum, don't kill it, still keep it? This **** is also the master of the nine robbers. It was so cruel to us at the beginning... It turned out to be mad. ”

The people nodded together.

No one asked how to kill.

Chu Yang also breathed a sigh of relief - if let the guys know that they are swallowing the guy alive... cough...

"Then you saw our other brothers... this..." Lin Zun urged. (To be continued.)

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