Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 706: Can you go out? [Fourth! 】

Lin Zun is obviously in a hurry and can't wait to wait for Chu Yang to go on.

Everyone's breathing was heavy again, but no one spoke, waiting quietly for Chu Yang's below.

"Other brothers... Well, the misunderstanding of the year... now it has been solved." Chu Yang looked up and looked at the seven-ninth robbery sword master. Shen Sheng said: "Now, the brothers are no longer I hate you, and... they are very regretful now, very sad, and now the biggest wish is to see you on your side and say sorry to you."

The look of the storm and other people’s faces suddenly stunned and widened their eyes: “You mean... they already know the truth of the year?”

Chu Yang nodded.

“How did they know?” The seven people asked together, together with the Qin Fang, who was extremely painful, once again asked, “I told you?”

"Yeah." Chu Yang nodded and admitted.

"Who wants you to tell them?!" Seven people screamed together, one by one, as if to swallow Chuyang.


In the face of this completely unexpected Chu Yang, I was so stunned and speechless that I didn’t know what to say and what to do!

What is the situation? I have clarified the misunderstanding for you, even if you don’t thank me collectively, how can you blame me in unison? Is there any reason for this, is there any reason, is there any reason?

What is this about him? !

"Chu brothers, we are so jealous of you. It is really different, just... you don't know... Hey. You said the truth like this, they will definitely not stand it..." The storm frowned, said distressed "My temper of my brothers, I understand, if they let them know that the things of the past were actually smashing me, it would have misunderstood me for so long... then... I don’t know how hard it will be, I will do something. What is it... Hey."

"The same is true of my brothers." Meng Cang stood up and paced back and forth in a panic.

"Who said it is not..." Yundong was upset and turned a teacup in his hand. Said: "The bastard, you should never do something stupid..."

Chu Yang continued to stunned, finally not dumb, and pointed to his nose and said: "You boss, everyone is a nine-robber sword master? I will not think of things you think of? I have not considered the interests of it. Relationship? Since I have said it, I must be precautionary and make good arrangements for the aftermath. Can I look very unreliable?"

The people turned to look at him together. For a long time, I laughed together: "It’s also said..."

Chu Yang whispered: "Hey? Howling is also said, it is simply! I am so laborious for these former generations of you, spending so much effort, no credit, no hard work? At least there is hard work? I did not expect I said it today, I didn’t get a good word. I have to be reprimanded by your face like this, and there’s no eyes in the sky! June flying frost!”

A complaint complained about the faction, but it diluted the sentimental atmosphere that had just picked up.

When I saw Chu Yang, I knew that Chu Yang had the ingredients to play, and many of the nine robbers were still embarrassed. Or the longest-timed four-year-old white man, Yundong, who is with Chu Yang, said: "Chu brothers, I just waited for a moment of urgency. Absolutely no disrespect for you, Xiao Yu, you mean, you are a lot of adults, You can take a boat in the prime minister's stomach, and you can beat the horse in the stomach of the sword. You certainly won't mind it!"

Chu Yang was mad: "There are a lot of adults, and the sword master can run horses. Do you praise me, or boast of yourself? Or are you touting everyone here? Everyone is a sword master!" ”

The boss storm opened: "Yes, that is, even a good word will not say, relying on the lowering of the prestige of the nine robbery sword master, that ... Chu brothers, then?"

Chu Yang had a stomachache and was forced to smile. He said: "When you do, we know that the two brothers are the most important brothers. I know that you are in a hurry. When I tell you carefully..."

All the people claimed to praise: "The Chu brothers are really good brothers, magnificent, elegant and high..."

Actually, I was able to be touted by all the nine robbing swords, except for myself. Chu Yang fluttered, and leisurely, take it for granted...

Immediately, the group of people sat in a circle, and concentrated on listening to Chu Yang.

Under the strong request of the people, Chu Yang first talked about the battle that took place in Zixiaotian. Under the unanimous request of the seven sword masters, Chu Yang focused on describing each person’s current form and appearance, and there is no matter how small. Full description...

This naturally makes Chu Yang fall into arduous memories.

Even though Chu Yang’s memory is so good, how amazing it is, it’s not easy to remember all the characteristics of several of them, but if you think about it all, it’s absolutely impossible!

But these guys are not considering the reality of the situation, do not rely on it, the whispering question, when Chu Yang can not tell, actually even with constant reminders.

Chu Yang has been through a lot of twists and turns, and it’s hard to finish. I thought I’ve been doing my best. The big home is still full of meaning, and you don’t try your best.

Then everyone further asked Chu Yang to talk about Jiuzhongtian from the Jiuzhongtian mainland. He has been talking about it all the time. He has been talking about it until now. This is a good talk. Chuyang himself has already drank no more than four or five pots of water. Then, when Chu Yang thinks that he has finally come to an end and ends this painful storytelling career, he is actually asked: You will tell the battles of the Zixiaotian brothers again...

Chu Yang instantly collapsed: "Do you want people to die? There is no end!"

Very resolutely and resolutely refused this unreasonable request. Finally, the swordsman is still a person who understands the affairs. I also know that my request is indeed too much, and that Chu is also at this stage. It is indeed dry and dry, and it consumes a lot of energy. The spirit is severely depleted. It is more costly than the war, and it has to be temporarily let go.

Just as a sigh of relief, Chu Yang intends to turn his head and ask everyone to introduce their experiences to each other, but they find that the sky is bright... It seems that it is just this round of "review", which lasted for a whole night. .

But everyone is full of spirit, except Chu Yang.

Well, it seems that it is not only Chu Yang, but also the spirit of Qin Fang is also very depressed. Besides asking other brothers, I can laugh with joy and gratification. Most of the time, I am in a state of sorrow and silence. .

There is no reason for him, naturally for his brother, the fifth.

Everyone talked about Xingzheng, and he was so eager to talk about it. Even Chu Yang is not in a state of exhaustion. After this guy secretly drank a life spring, the essence of the spirit instantly recovered, naturally it is a spirit.

This talk is to maintain seven days and seven nights!

These eight people, no one has ever walked out of the tea room.

The husbands of other swordsmen are greatly surprised.

This situation has never happened once in tens of thousands of years. What happened this time?

Although every 10,000 years, there will be a nine-robbery master who enters this special situation. Every time he welcomes the new sword master, there will be similar gatherings. There will also be a sword master gathering, but at most one night is enough. Never lasted for such a long time,

It’s just that when everyone knows that Chu Yang is the ninth nine-robbery sword master, but also the last nine-robbery sword master, the collective is silent.

Everyone can finally guess what happened in the past few days.

This newcomer, who has surpassed her husband, has done what they have failed to do with countless efforts! Strongly rewritten the fate of the nine robbers!

Everyone was silent, silently sorting out the meals, the side dishes, and sending them to the tea room on time, and then quietly exiting.

Everyone knows how difficult it is to get together this time and how valuable it is.

It seems to have a very rare commemorative value, epoch-making significance!

Because this is the first time the nine-robbery sword masters gathered together! Of course, except for the first generation...


"How come you come, I am not interested in knowing it for a while. What I care about most is how can I get it out?" Chu Yang asked.

Go out!

When the topic turns back to these two words, everyone is silent.

And this strange silence lasted for a long time, and no one ever spoke.

After a long time, the storm coughed twice, Shen Sheng said: "I just came in, I want to go out every day, I tried to go out, but I never did it... Slowly, I used to, and then, behind Brothers have come one after another, and almost every time we meet a newcomer, we will work together and brainstorm ideas to try to go out, but it has always been fruitless. Going out is probably a luxury."

"At the beginning... After sending the brothers away, I really lived like a corpse for a long time. That kind of uncomfortable, it is hard to describe." Meng Cang smiled: "Although they know that they will not die, they actually go Create miracles, become legends, and create a new life, a brilliant future... but... there is always some drumming in the heart."

"I fear that the decision is wrong, it will really kill the brothers."

"And... is..." Meng Cang smiled sadly: "Even if you have confirmed from the mouth that they are still alive...but, when his brother’s body was destroyed in his own hands, his body was incomplete. The pain in my heart...but what the words can describe?"

"At that moment, it is equal to personally smashing up one's own brothers and smashing the soul!"


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