Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 707: The suffering day of Chuyang [the fifth! 】

"Now...we don't want to see them again? But just as they know that we have misunderstood us, how can we not have a little bit of sorrow in our hearts? Even if it is the initial heart, but how can you personally destroy the brother's body? Not uncomfortable? There is no shadow at all. In my case, it is an unforgettable nightmare, a painful memory!"

"Brothers are eager to see us again, but they may not be afraid to see us in their hearts. And we are the same." Yundong was deeply unable to sigh.

Everyone was amazed.

Chu Yang sighed in his heart. He has never thought about it for a long time, but he has never thought of this problem so deeply.

The causal entanglement between the nine masters of the nine robbers and the nine robberies seems to be simple and complicated, too difficult to sort out, and the cuts are still chaotic, and non-external people can understand, even if Chu Yang is like this, the same is the nine robbers, the same There is a group of life and death brothers, just because they have not experienced the same thing, even if they are aware of things, they still can't really understand the bitterness.

Now, listening to this, this is really awakening: both sides are jealous, they are missing, but they are also afraid, looking forward to seeing again, the heart may not have feared goodbye...

This is the inevitable result!

"At the beginning... When we came here, we already knew that when one day, nine robbing, Jin Guangyao; Jinshen... even when we went out." The storm shook his head: "But let's go out again." what to do?"

Seven people sighed together, and for a time, they were as short as heroes and brothers.

"The heroic ambitions of the past, the feelings of the martyrs..." Yundong said quietly: "After tens of thousands of years of burial, how much is left? Others don't know, I am afraid that there are very few."

Qin Fangxuan sneered: "Now, apart from the first generation of the nine robbery sword masters, they have gathered here as much as possible. Nine robbery has already reached ... and then the so-called Jin Guangyao. This Jin Guangyao... I am afraid Not far away. But Kim is..."

He smiled happily: "It should be the golden body of our brothers..."

Cast my brother, become the golden body of immortality, the extraterrestrial warfare, become an immortal skill, enjoy the supreme glory...

For a time. In the eyes of the seven people, there is some crystal meaning.

Yundong flew out.

Just before and after the moment, I have already returned, saying: "The barrier is still the same as before, and can't get out."

Several other people are expressions of 'early know'.

"In these years, these people have been practicing cultivation in this unique environment, and they have grown at an alarming rate. They have consciously broken the bottlenecks one after another. But now, I have forgotten what these are. It’s been repaired...but it’s been a lot more than the nine-day heaven’s cultivation.”

Lin Zun smiled faintly: "Brothers are killing the demon, and the cultivation is undoubtedly a lot of growth. Although we don't know what it is, we are confident that we will not fall behind too much."

Chu Yang nodded.

Mind, perhaps this mentality, so that these people are still trying hard to practice in such a comfortable situation, still in the general growth of cultivation...

"And I don't know why... Sometimes I don't practice. I also feel that cultivation is growing... I will even break through the bottleneck naturally and automatically." Jun Li frowned, apparently puzzling about this situation.

He said this. Several other people have also echoed: "Yes, there is indeed such a situation, or more than once."

Chu Yang’s heart moved, saying: “The situation of everyone, isn’t it... is it not related to your brothers?”

"I think so too, and only this is more reasonable." The storm said: "If not, the conditions for customs clearance will not have the condition of 'golden body'. I guess, will it be our brothers? How many days of killing each monster in the extraterritorial battlefield, or how much contribution can be made, can we drive several of our repairs to grow simultaneously? In addition, it is really difficult to have a more reasonable explanation."

Seven people were silent at the same time, and immediately nodded and expressed their approval.

"In fact, the brothers are the same." Chu Yang said with pleasure: "While the body is not together, how has the heart been separated? At least, everyone's friendship will not change, you have already linked each other's fate together, in the future, I don’t want to go out, I’m afraid I can’t get it.”

Seven people all smiled bitterly.

"Don't you really want to go out and fight with your brothers again and again, in the battlefield outside the field, to re-light my purple eyes?" Chu Yang asked: "The kind of life and death, blood and fire, your real Forgot?"

“Is it really forgotten?” The seven-ninth robbery sword master, while his eyes lit up.

How can I forget?

Who can forget?

Young children, old and young, who can forget the rivers and lakes?

Yundong picked up a cup of tea and gently swayed it. The blue color of the tea swayed and fluttered, and the mouth whispered softly. "When I was in the middle of the year... I was screaming and shouting together; the wind started, together with the rivers and lakes; Born into death together; in danger, together with the sea of ​​sea knife... The brother has something, the brother pulls the knife; the brother is difficult, the brother nine does not return; the brother is on the side, I am invincible!"

If it is oh, the sound suddenly becomes fierce, such as gold and iron.

The other six people listened quietly, and each one was shining with brilliance.

That was the time of the past, the old **** rivers and lakes, the former brothers and comrades... everything that I once had!

It’s all so lively.

For example, yesterday.

"If one day, I can work side by side with my brothers and indulge in the rivers and lakes, once again galloping and drunking in the sand field..." The storm said softly: "Although dead...and no regrets!"

Several other people nodded heavily!

In the next few days, Chu Yang and Mo Qingwu lived here.

Chu Yang is not wanting to leave.

Because, here, he is actually not very comfortable.

It’s not that these people are not good. On the contrary, these seven people are each a good man who is empathetic and righteous.

Chu Yang consciously can be said with them, is definitely an honor!

But the real problem lies in -

After living in Yundong for ten days, I was taken away by the storm. From the first night of the storm, it was a night of night and night.

People are still the ones who gathered together before, and many of them.

The storm turned over and wanted to drive out the other six swordsmen, but all of them were dead skins, and they stayed with their hands, stayed with them, accompanied them, and accompanied by chat, the standard "three accompanying" entertainment. .

The storm met the life of his nine brothers, and each person's temperament was introduced in detail. It has been a long time since the 80,000 years have passed, but the storm is organized in an orderly manner, and the ideas are clear and unambiguous.

Obviously, his brothers are always in his memory, always vivid and vivid.

From the next three days of acquaintance, to the three days of rushing, and then to the last three days, everyone has done what has been said, how many things have been experienced, how many battles have been played, how to fight each specific battle, etc. ......

Which brother used to block me, which brother used to be how for me...

The face of the storm with a long-lost expression of 'enjoyment' shouted.

In the storm home, other people just played the audience; only the storm and Chu Yang talked with each other, of course, mainly the storm said, Chu Yang listened, only occasionally inserted a sentence and a sentence, as for other people to listen to the whole process, listen to all Have a good taste.

In the storm home, this residence is full for half a month.

Then he was taken to his home by Meng Cang, and it was very reasonable to eat and drink and sway the dragon gate array, and then it was a long night talk... The storm and other people became listeners...

In the fourth place, I returned to the home of Yundong...

Then, finally, when I arrived at the home of Jun Lie...

Chu Yang feels that he is going to faint, and he may faint at the moment...

"I am really scared now. What kind of people are there? It is really a legendary legend. The nine-robbery sword master, this is too talkative..." Chu Yang was busy in the room where he lived, crying and sighing and sighing: "Yes Let's go... really."

Mo light dance and iron fill the day to hear a word, then the three women screamed.

The first time I saw Chu Yang was so helpless.

"Really, although these people are veritable heroes; I am really touched by the friendship between them, but... there is a limit to everything. Just so, the bombing is going on, I am... even It’s a lot of feelings... I can’t help it.” Chu Yang was crying and sulking, throwing himself on the bed and spreading it into a big character. He sighed again: “I have already served... really. I don’t want to live...”

Yes, these conversations, storms, etc. have been together for tens of thousands of years before, and have not talked about it any time.

Because, brothers, is always the knot that everyone can't solve. It is also a pain that cannot be mentioned.

But with the arrival of Chu Yang, this situation was completely broken.

At the beginning, there was a subtle feeling of 'near homesickness and more ambiguity'. Suddenly facing the reality of the situation, I was really scared and fearful, and I dared not face it. However, with the fear of the past, it has been suppressed for tens of thousands of years. The memory slammed.

It is the old house that is on fire: no rescue!

Everyone wants to spit!

The best object to be poured first, the best choice, is of course the new nine-robbery master Chu Yang.

Although not to mention, but a few swords masters in fact everyone is very embarrassed: your kid is cool, we have not done things, your kid actually did ... ... we are not enough conditions, but you are enough ... We all need to send the brothers up in a way that is cruel and home-stricken, and you can fly up with your brother easily... We all live here for tens of thousands of years. You are outside, but you are happy and happy...



<I continue, there is still a chapter. Seeking a monthly ticket! >

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