Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 708: One year! [The sixth! Ticketing! 】

Everyone is thinking, since you Chu Yang opened our words, then you have to take responsibility accordingly, and then you are so good, hey, actually better than us...

We are not happy! Although you can't do anything, it's always okay to vent.

Now, don't you hear that your mouth is sore and you want to go? Where are the cheap things!

Want to go? sure! After the words are finished, listen to the story and you will go. At that time, no one will stop you!

The so-called heavenly work, there is something to do, self-satisfaction, not to live, not only the seed industry, but also the fruit!

Ever since, in the following period, Chu Yang was directly tortured and tortured in shifts.

Who can bear to listen to this almost similar story for a few months?

The story of the nine robbery brothers and the sword master is nothing more than those: the next three days, acquaintance, brothers formed. In the middle of three days, I worked hard and became a life of friendship. Continued to deepen in the last three days, and then everyone will create a great cause of unification...

The story of every nine robbers and his brothers is basically the same.

It is basically the same for the change of soup, no matter what the beginning, the process, "gao chao", the end, the end, there is no accident.

Chu Yang was bombarded in such a continuous manner, one after another bombing...

The only advantage seems to be that only the aura here is unusually strong, which is good for Mo Qingwu Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian's cultivation, and the nine golden villains in Chu Yang’s body are slowly Absorbing aura to grow and develop...

otherwise. Chu Yang may have completely collapsed...

At the moment of sighing, I only heard people calling outside the door. It is the voice of Jun Lie: "Chuyang brothers, walk around, let's go to the tea room... Time is up, everyone is waiting for us there..."

Chu Yang screamed, pulled over the quilt and covered his head, whining: "You boss, I beg you to let me go... I am going to collapse, you will open up..."

The footsteps started. Apparently, the monarch came in: "Oh, isn't this really a collapse? Come here, everyone will see you, talk about it, and when you really collapse, we are sure to be envious."

Chu Yang squatted with a quilt, sorrowful and angry: "Of course you are interested... each of you has not talked about this for tens of thousands of years... This will finally have an opportunity. Even let you talk about it again. You can also be excited in the year, but I..."

The more he said, the more he was wronged and angered, Chu Yang was furious: "But me? I..." He straightened down and squatted on the quilt and hammered his bed with his hand: "I walked over with him all the way." Yeah... I’m still walking so far... ah!”

"Hey, this guy is so stunned... Actually, he has been walking like this..." Someone outside was screaming: "It’s clear that we haven’t looked like we haven’t been here. Come and come, I have to do a good theoretical theory with you... everyone knows It’s the Lord of the Nine Robbers. Why are you so arrogant with you? Are you more than everyone?”

Chu Yang Yang Tian long sigh: "Heaven, earth, God, ah... you blink!"

However, no matter how reluctant Chu Yang was, he was still pulled out by the two masters of the nine robbers. The escorting usually went out: "Do not worry, your wife has my wife and wife. It is safe, absolutely can't run..."

Jun Lie is comforting.

Chu Yang wants to cry without tears: This is comfort, this is clearly to be embarrassed! The most hateful is this! - If I want to go with them and they are entangled in your wife, I have already escaped...

Mo light dance looked at the back of the three people, and sighed a long sigh: "Did you find out? The temper of these seven guys is not much different from that of Chu Yang... Every one is a good man who is a rare life, and each one is bright and upright. Big hero... but don't know why, every one is so much... wretched..."

Tiebu Tian smiled and nodded: "It is really, it seems that it should not be, but this should not be seen."

Wu Qianqian has the same feeling: "It's not only wretched. It seems that everyone likes gloating in disasters... especially for those who recognize themselves. It's especially true to cheering... changing the pattern."

"Nine robbery swords are all freaks!" Mo light danced the conclusion.

Suddenly, I felt a chill, and I was scared: "Oh, fortunately, they never knew that I was actually one of the nine robbers. Otherwise, there is more than one imprisoned by Chu Yang... think about it. terrible."

"Hmm?" Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian looked at each other with a squint.

Mo light dance, immediately raise his hands in the next moment: "I was wrong..."

"Are you wrong?" The two women came over with a smile and looked up and down: "Where are you wrong?"

Mo light dance turned to escape, but was joined by Tie Tiantian and Wu Qianqian to stay in bed, yin and yang strange: "Hey, I really didn't see it, our light dance girl is still one of the nine, that The meaning is that neither of us is... Come and clean up this girl! Look at one of the nine robbers in the end..."

Say, itching is full of power.

Mo light dance suddenly laughed and shouted, curled up, and couldn’t escape, and pleaded for mercy: "Giggle... forgiveness... giggling..."

The three women suddenly became a group.

Finally, after a round of laps, Chu Yang was almost an escape from the Cangjie.

Going to the barrier all the way, is still a cold sweat.

Behind them, seven people stopped together.

"Chuyang, all the way down the wind. We will not be far away."

Seven people said together.

Chu Yang turned his head, the seven people opposite, everyone is the true face of a face, smiling and looking at himself, as if looking at his brother. Shortly together, they have already recognized Chu Yang.

During the long night of this period, everyone is very fond of this little brother. At this moment, there are actually some reluctance.

"You have to take care." Chu Yang took a breath: "He killed the demon in the day, we will see you again in the field battlefield. Then we will go together and drunk in the sand!"

"Yes! When is the time. Let's go with the brothers, the devil will drink. Reminder purple!"

"When you arrive at Scorpio, see my brothers, don't forget to talk to them."

"Yes, what I did by myself, give my brother."

"Tell them, we will find them soon."


Seven people hold fists at the same time and cherish goodbye!

Chu Yang took Mo and danced three women and turned away, passing through the barriers that the Lord of the Nine-Dragons had never been able to pass. But seeing the barrier is like a wave of water, then the four people disappeared into the sight of everyone.

Watching the crowd leave, the storm sighed for a long time: "Hey, the same life, the ninth generation of the nine robbers... really strong!"

Meng Cang has the same feeling: "Yes. On him, there is a feeling of high mountains and seas."

Yundong smiled bitterly: "So, I wanted to talk to him. Later, I still didn't."

The other six people laughed together: "Haha... don't take it for granted!"

Jun Lie said: "If people are still young, they already have such achievements. They can agree with the conditions of the nine robbery swords. It can be understood... No wonder we can't do it, but he can. Hey, it's really human. Man **** it. The goods should be thrown."

Lin Zun nodded: "So everyone doesn't have to be convinced. Strong is strong. There is no reason to talk about it. If it doesn't match, it doesn't match. It doesn't make much sense. The only thing I worry about now is that he meets the brothers. After that, my repairs can't compare them. Don't fall down."

He looked at a few other people and said faintly: "As far as you are... no interest. There is no comparability. Compared with Chu Yang, it is even less interesting and more incomparable."

The other six people smiled at the same time: "This **** is cold-spoken, for fear that we are jealous haha..."

The group turned around and turned back.

However, everyone feels that this time walking here, the mood is very different from the past. It used to be plain, but now it’s a bit more eager to be anxious.

Also, there is a strong expectation and awkwardness.

When... Going out? Brothers, I... I miss you...


When the four people of Chuyang just stepped out of the barrier, they felt that their body was falling down quickly with a kind of flying, and then they found that the original position of their four people was actually in midair.

The body is vacant, and no repairs are made to float. If you don’t fall, you will have ghosts!

The blue waves below, it is actually the lake of death!

"When did you actually run this?" The four people in Chuyang are all confused: "Isn't it still at the bottom of the lake? It was only after entering the bottom of the lake that I entered the mysterious space... How can this be? Is it out in the sky?"

The four people launched their own control of the body's empty space, falling back to the lake, and then watching the clear lake, the three were puzzled. There are reasons for this, but now I can't figure it out.

"Where are we going next?" asked Tie Tiantian.

"Or first find someone to ask, how much time have we stayed inside..." Chu Yang said.

The four people quickly descended.

Just looking for someone to ask, the four people are still on the spot!

Because nowadays, when I am entering the lake of death, it has been a whole year of a year! !

One year!

As soon as I calculated this number, the four people were almost stupid: How long did it last? How come a year has passed?

Unbelievable, I asked a few people to ask questions. I also found several farmhouses and found a few gangs to inquire. The four finally confirmed: Yes! It is a year passed!

"This is bad!" Chu Yang's face is quite ugly.

The four looked at each other and said in unison: "It is really bad! Let's go! Come back soon!"

Without saying a word, the four people started the limit speed, and they rushed to the channel opened by the snow and tears.

For a whole year, how much has changed during this time!

How many things have you missed? The four people can't even think about it now.

Just hope not to be too late, don't have regrets!


"Six more! Tired down..."

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