Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 709: Battle of the Great Heaven!

In a year, no major events can happen. Of course, many big things can happen.

For example, the current nine-day scorpio -

Now the nine-day scorpio, it can be said that it has become a complete confession.

The first is Zhongjitian.

The newly risen non-injured emperor Dong has not been hurt so far and has been ruthlessly ruthless with the ruthless Emperor, and both sides have won each other; and in a strict sense, the recent battles seem to have occupied the unharmed Emperor. A certain advantage!

This result made everyone fall below the glasses.

After leaving the Jiuzhong Tianzhu in Chuyang, Mo Tianji also no longer appeared in accordance with the agreement, but his secret intelligence department was swaying and shining, and it was the only intelligence network that was officially the Nine Heavens.

And the other old-fashioned intelligence networks were either disintegrated or swallowed up, or conquered, or defeated. Anyway, it was against me, and I was gone...

Of course, apart from the nine robbery brothers, no one will know that the recent reputation has risen. For example, the Tianzhi Intelligence Department is actually a team set up by Mo Tianji.

Even many people think that there is not much unknown hatred between the celestial intelligence department and the newly emerged emperors. This is not the case. The celestial intelligence department will collect so many, so detailed new emperors. Intelligence, as well as unscrupulous betrayal, is precisely because of this illusion, really played a big role during this time!

Although Mo Tianji did not show up for a long time, but. The situation in the whole world is still in an extremely tight manner in its hands.

Dong Wushou, the newly-injured innocent emperor personally led his majesty, and repeatedly succumbed to **** battles; one horse took the lead and defeated the thirty-seven encirclement teams of the ruthless emperor. The stronger the battle, the stronger the momentum, and no one at a time.

At present, it has evolved into a tsunami.

Zhongjitian, now in a stormy tension!

Among them, the Tianji Intelligence Department has undoubtedly played a huge role.

On the surface, the power of the newly-elected emperor seems to be extremely deep in hatred with the Tianji Intelligence Department. Naturally, it is impossible to get information from the hands of the Ministry of Information.

And the ruthless Emperor, as long as you get the money, there is intelligence. The more money you have, the more detailed the information, but if you don't give money, or don't give enough money. You can also get information. It is not responsible for the accuracy of intelligence.

Under this premise, the army that was drunk and ruthlessly sent out many times intentionally or unintentionally into the trap set by the Tianbing Pavilion...

It’s so screaming that it’s not to win.

The ruthless Emperor of Heaven has nothing to do with this. Selling information pays attention to your feelings, I want it, the price is clear, you have not given enough money, can give you comprehensive and complete intelligence, that is, there is a ghost. The strength of the Tianji Intelligence Department is growing, and the ruthless Emperor is also reluctant to establish a strong enemy. You can only eat dull and eat huanglian, then buy intelligence, and you need more money to give more money.

The intelligence of the real price was extraordinary, and for a time it was able to compete with the forces of the innocent, and the battle was deadlocked.

However, the intelligence price of the Tianji Intelligence Department is getting worse and higher, and it is getting more and more unacceptable. As long as you don’t buy it, the next time you meet, you will definitely fall into an unfavorable situation. It’s too expensive to buy, and you really consume it. Can not afford, such a vicious circle, the power of the ruthless Emperor of Heaven is not bitter!

On the other hand, there is no information on the side of the Emperor, but in fact, the information obtained is always taken earlier than the ruthless Emperor.

And more detailed.

If the people under the ruthless Emperor of Heaven saw the information of Dong Wu's injury, they would definitely spurt a blood on the spot!

Because of this kind of information, almost all of them have hemorrhoids written in it, not to mention the goal of the action plan...

And such detailed information, they have never enjoyed such treatment... people are more than people, mad people...

As for the top masters who are drunk and ruthlessly sent, in the face of the strength of the leaps and bounds of Dong Wuju, the tears of the couple, and Li Xiongtu and others, directly is not an opponent. Moreover, Ji Mo has also sneaked into Zhongjitian, with his own votes, as a dark hand support.

God is gone!

In such a dark and intrigue, the real strength of drunkenness is not as strong as that of other heavenly emperors. In the extreme, it is only nominally his master, but in fact it is controlled by the holy monarch.

This time, the people belonging to the Holy King did not intend to participate in this war at all. In addition, the Holy King did not show up or speak from beginning to end.

Under the negative effects of all aspects, the drunken and ruthless tragedy.

It was on that day.

In the absence of Dong’s wounded soldiers, he issued a notice to inform the world.

"Drunk and ruthless, can you dare to fight with me?"

"Since you don't want to fight against the demons; since you don't want to benefit the world, you are so vegetarian, then why not abdicate to the sage? I don't even care about the overall situation, but I also know that I am resistant to the outside world!

"The corpse is a very good day in the meal, ruthless and unjust for many years; if he is the Emperor of Heaven, the army is pointing to the purple sky!"

In the past paragraphs, it is obvious that others are practicing, but Dong is not hurting to face it; although Dong has no harm, there is also a sense of justice, to kill the devil as his own responsibility; but such a sour, such a gentle and verse That is killing him and he can't write it.

At most, it is just as much as you can read.

"The night of the full moon, the ruthlessness of the imperial city; ruthless and unharmed, seeing each other in life and death! The loser has no regrets, straight down Jiuquan; the winner is the king, who dominates Zhongtian!"

As soon as this challenge book comes out, the world is full of it!

At the moment, Dong Wu has already occupied an absolute advantage, and the troops are coming to the Imperial City!

At this moment, it is proposed that the king will fight against the king. Obviously, he does not want to create unnecessary killings.

This is the unharmable Emperor!

And this kind of decisive battle is undoubtedly the most inspiring way for men's blood, especially the king's decisive battle against the king, and it will become a legend.

No matter who wins or who loses. As long as this battle is carried out, it will be immortal in this extremely day!

For a time, the whole middle pole is calling!

"The ruthless Emperor! There is something. Come out and fight!"

"Drunk and ruthless, it is a man who will fight out! Fair war!"

"The winner is king!"

"The winner is king!"


The whole day is like boiling boiled water.

However, although everyone is calling it like this, few people really believe that drunkenness will really stand up and fight with Dong. because. The true strength of drunkenness is still far from being played out.

Due to the relationship of the Holy King, Zhongjitian is a true confidant who is drunk and ruthless. I have been sent to the place for a long time, and I have become a party in the country.

Dong did not hurt in the hinterland, and the siege land was progressing rapidly. On the one hand, it was because of the intelligence factor of the Ministry of Information. Hit the other party and caught off guard. On the other hand, it is also because the ruthless emperor's forces are not working. It is difficult to do so. If the command line is forbidden, the drunken and ruthless forces that can really play a decisive role are now just getting news. The soldiers came to Qinwang.

Therefore, as long as the drunk and ruthless side can support a month's time, the army of the Eight Faces and the Kings will arrive immediately and they will be defeated. Even in the midst of the smashing of the shackles, completely destroy the Dong no harm!

The ruthless emperor used this anti-strangle. Not only can it destroy the innocence of Dong, but it can also completely remove the people who are not their own, and the real unification is extremely high.

This is the most desirable abacus, and everyone can see it. As for this, if it is true, will it be the result of the anticipation, and there will be no countermeasures for the harmless emperor. For the time being, everyone has not considered it.

But at least in this respect, drunk and ruthless.

Under such a powerful backhand, there is no reason to be drunk and ruthless.

In fact, even if Dong did not hurt himself, he had long known that this time the challenge was just to build momentum. It was just a means to improve his reputation. He would never be naive to think that drunkenness would really come out and fight with himself.

That is absolutely impossible.

Even if you change yourself to a combat mad person, if you stand in a drunken position, you will never be so mad and come to a decisive battle.

But in the world, there are indeed many things that are unreasonable but happening. It is absolutely impossible that it is definitely not necessarily absolute.

Just the second day after Dong’s challenge book was issued.

The ruthless Heavenly Emperor is drunk and ruthless, giving a personal response!

"You have to fight, I will fight!"

"The night of the full moon, you can't see it; you can't die without a knife!"

"The winner is the king, the loser has no complaints!"

When the resurgence of such a hard-fought, such irony has just come out, all the people who know this information in the middle of the day are stunned at the same time.

Don't trust your ears at all, don't believe your eyes!

No one can think of it, drunk and ruthlessly will really accept this challenge. Still so positive response!

He really will face the challenge! ?

Was the brain of this ruthless Emperor suddenly kicked? Pumped?

Just when everyone was full of suspiciousness, they saw the four gates of the ruthless city of Zhongji Tiandu City opening at the same time.

What most people don't know is that the Imperial City is also being cleaned up at the moment.

All the guards, all walked out, the palace ladies, all gathered in three large palaces; other places, completely idle, empty.

It is not an exaggeration to say that you can be a horse.

The most central place, the Temple of Heaven, is silent.

Above, there are several people on the ground who lay a layer of bright red carpet on the ground.


Drunk and ruthless has already begun to set the battlefield!

All these signs indicate that the drunk is ruthless in preparing for this battle.

There is not much chance of winning this game, or even a decisive battle!

He actually promised to challenge, and he really accepted the challenge. He really accepted this kind of challenge that could be rejected in this unfair moment.


Today, my mother-in-law came, and then I accompanied my mother-in-law to drink, fair and contested, I was drunk, my mother-in-law was not drunk... I slept for one afternoon...

Hey, the amount of alcohol is now my fault... (to be continued.)

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