Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 717: Fight with your life!

Li Xiongtu has been in the past two years, and the progress has been leaps and bounds. Up to now, it is already an intermediate level of saints. It can be said that it has reached the top of the world. In addition, Li Xiong Tu has a kind of strong temperament that does not fear the death, and the strength of the Qianjun Yiyi. Compared with the warriors of the same level, it is almost unprofitable, even facing the superior superpower of the saints, it is not a fight. At this moment, it is such a repair, in the hands of the enemy, actually won a shot and was hit!

Even people come to disdain to kill, and to be merciful. If it is a real killer, Li Xiongtu is afraid that he is already dead!

Who is coming?

The night is heavy.

The elegant voice said helplessly: "This trip is to find the unscrupulous emperor to discuss major events, no malicious, so if you block this seat?"

Immediately, I heard a series of sounds, and then there were a lot of roars, screams, the sound of the golden blade, the sound of the clothes flying, obviously, the master of Tianbingge has come from all directions, join In the battle of intercepting people.

Brushing, in front of the tent, at least hundreds of people have gathered here to protect their leader.

The road to the coming of people has been blocked.

Through the accumulation of this time, the Tianbing Pavilion under Dong’s injury is now a master with hundreds of saints! This kind of strength is slightly weaker than other emperors. But it is already a relatively powerful force in the Tianbing Pavilion of the brothers.

Dozens of saints are fully besieging people.

More than one hundred masters guarded around the tent.

This lineup is absolutely gorgeous!

But in the mind of Ji Mo. There is no sense of security. The master of his majesty, he has already been ambushed at the moment. But even so, my heart still feels that it is not safe enough.

I don't know why, there is a kind of ‘stopping! Not an opponent! Danger! 'Weird feelings like this.

This is an intuition.

This kind of intuition made him feel that even now, the nine robbery brothers and the boss Chu Yang are all here, and the one who has come together to face it can't stop it!

Originally in the mind of Ji Mo, my brother joined hands and shouldered the enemy. Absolute battle is invincible, but this time, even this absolutely invincible dream combination is not an opponent of the coming, can people really be strong?

"Ready." Ji Mo bowed his body, like a leopard ready to attack, his voice was quick and nervous: "Four sly... This is the moment of crisis. You can't hesitate at half point... you must listen to me. Take your fourth brother. Hurry and go! The farther you go, the better, no matter what happens, don't look back!"

Ink tears took a deep breath and asked, "What about you?"

Ji Mo’s voice is calm: “I have a way to get out of it, don’t worry about me! Don’t hesitate!”

Ink tears nodded and quickly wrapped Dong no injuries.

Ji Mo is calculating in his heart.

If Dong is not hurt and the ink tears go away... How big is the chance of surviving?

The screams of outsiders are constantly heard in the ears, and people are constantly falling. Ji Mo feels more and more horrible.

Or, I am blocking this person from chasing Dong without injury... the possibility of being able to survive, there is no point.

Ji Mo tightened the sword in his hand.


In addition to a loud noise, the comer has already arrived in front of the tent, faintly said: "I have always been loyal to my husband. I just don't want to make a killing. I said. I just want to meet the innocent emperor, no malicious, you guys. Why are you holding me arrogantly?"

"Since there is no malice, then come back after the unharmed Emperor healed!" Li Xiongtu screamed, and he rushed back again: "Now the innocent emperor has just finished the battle, you come in this way, is He Juxin, obviously!"

The man seemed to be helpless with a bitter smile: "It’s a dead brain!"

“砰”, Li Xiong was shot again.

Speak hard, hundreds of masters in front of the tent, and join hands!

The man sighed: "So, then I am welcome."

A loud bang of "Boom", many people's boring, screaming endless, and outside is a hurricane sound.


That was the figure of the man, who was turning rapidly and turned into a man-made hurricane.

Only those who are outside will know that the body of the person has completely disappeared, and the body that surrounds itself and others is left and right, and it is really a tangible and unqualified wind!

No holes!


Dozens of masters are simultaneously in the middle of the move, and they have gone out in all directions, and there is no room for resistance.

With a bang, the curtain of the tent was slammed open.

A thin and slender figure that can't be seen clearly, stepped in.

At this moment, Ji Mo did not say anything, suddenly violently!

A group of Jianguang, in an extreme way like an explosion, is filled with the entire space within the tent category! Uh... the sword is raging, and the tent that first came from it is in the blink of an eye!

At the same time, the outside masters have already rushed in and the scene has been chaotic to the extreme.

In the darkness, the ink tears held Dong without injury, and unfolded the unparalleled technique of the world. From the cracked mouth of the tent, he quietly floated out and melted into the night of the ink.

The mysterious person’s induction was really real, and the chaotic scenes were still slightly aware of the sneak smear of the ink tears. When I turned my head, I felt that I was on the right side of the sword, and the violent explosion Hit!

In this tent, there is actually another master who has a level of saints!

A master who is not the same as Dong, but also has a limited difference!

And the first contact is not a direct attack!

The mysterious man may not care much about this raid, but it is a bit of anger and snoring, saying: "Look for death!"

As the robe sleeves waved, it seems that there is a weapon that "when" slammed into the long sword that Ji Mo attacked.

Time is burning with Mars!

There are many people in all directions, shouting and rushing in, and then besieging the mysterious people again. Ji Mo’s ambush in advance, also at this moment!

And this mysterious man took a look at the electric light in an instant, and there was no shadow of Dong in the tent, and he could not help but be furious! The two sleeves slammed and the crowds immediately fell back and forth, and his body floated, and he rushed out to pursue the direction in which he had just vaguely sensed.

Ji Mo gnaws his teeth, repairs himself as a limit, and combines his body and sword.

You have to chase my fourth brother, I will kill you!

Even though the mysterious man is amazing in strength, but in the face of the full-scale attack of Ji Mo, there are still some taboos. After the trend is stopped, there is a wave of sleeves, and a piece of jade is flashing again. The mysterious weapon is once again with Ji Mo. The sword violently collided.

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked!

What surprised everyone was not Ji Mo’s shot, but the weapon that the mysterious man used to fight against Ji Mo!

This mysterious white man used to fight, it was just a thin jade. Such a fragile material, and Ji Mo's hundred long swords and fires, there is no damage!

Just a fight, Ji Mo immediately spurted the blood backwards, the long sword took off and flew out, turned into a stream of spurs mysterious people!

He didn't give this person a trace of time, even if he was taking a breath!

Once he was given the reaction time, Dong was in danger of being harmless.

Between the mysterious figure in white, the long sword was already in the hand, and Ji Mo was rushed up like a mad tiger. Every part of the body was turned into an attack weapon.

Head, shoulders, elbows, knees, hips, legs, back, waist, feet, hands...

He is like a demon god, in an extremely rogue way, doing everything possible, all the way to entangle the mysterious man in white, although the difference between the two sides can not be counted, but he is dead. Not refunding!

The only purpose is to prevent the mysterious person from getting out of it.

The mysterious man in white was furious at the practice of Ji Mo, and he did not show mercy.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Ji Mo’s body suffered repeated blows. Every time he collided, Ji Mo felt that his internal organs were shaking and cracking.

Maybe the next moment, the next blow, your own internal organs will be completely shattered? !

Ji Mo's face is distorted, and the seven scorpions are full of blood, but he still does not retreat.

The fourth brother has not gone far. I can't retire!

Or the next blow, my internal organs will be completely crushed, but at this moment, I still have to insist!

Every time you stick to a little bit of time, your fourth brother will be safer!

His gaze has been somewhat disorganized because of the heavy blows, but the stubborn light is still blinking.

The white man flew up and was kicking in the chest position of Ji Mo. Ji Mo Qi Yan immediately blew his blood, but both hands suddenly hugged the feet of the white man.

The white man finally sighed and his legs and feet shook.

Ji Mo's two arms "snap" two sounds, immediately shattered, no longer able to force.

Ji Mo’s whole person is like a sack that has been emptied, but he is stunned and glaring at the mysterious person.

"You are his guard?" At this time, the white man finally gave up the idea of ​​pursuing Dong. After this period of delay, and then want to find Dong is not hurt, it is undoubtedly an idiotic dream.

"No harm to the great emperor... I have a life-saving grace for me..." Ji Mo rolled his eyes, and the blood in his mouth blew out. At the last moment of his life, he still couldn't tell the truth.

Because my identity is actually the same as Dong’s injury, there is really not much difference.

I can’t catch Dong’s injury and catch myself. The result is the same.

The same can threaten a brother, the previous fight is for the East is not hurt, the current lies, but for all other brothers!

Therefore, although Ji Mo feels that he is going to die, he still refuses to tell the truth. I can't let you, use any chance to deal with my brother.

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