Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 718: Never give in!

"What is the life-saving grace..." The mysterious man in white looks at Ji Mo, who is ventilated with less gas, the blood in his mouth, and the scattered pupils; he can't help but sigh.

A master of such a sage who is so heart-felt, but can not be used by me.

Moreover, it is still dying, not saved.

The white man stood quietly for a while, suddenly his body floated, and said coldly: "He saved your life, you died for him today, but it is also a courtesy, no drag."

The next moment, the body is already in the air, the sleeves are waving, the sword light flashes. A sword was inserted around Ji Mo.

That is the sword of Ji Mo.

"Pity you are a hero, let your sword be buried for you!" The words fell, and dozens of consecutive impacts, the mysterious man in white has broken through the blocking of dozens of masters, and grows away, There is no trace.

He can see at a glance that the injury of Ji Mo is already a **** is difficult to save!

It is no longer a waste of another shot.

Ji Mo’s pupils were slowly scattered, and they saw that they would go to Jiuquan, but his fingers were doing some hard action.

In the middle of his finger is a nine-density Dan.

He is active in a tough and extreme action, trying to put Jiu Dan into his mouth.

As long as the entrance to Jiuzhong Dan is equal to the hope of returning to the sky.

However, his injury is too heavy, and he has become so heavy that it is difficult to move a little. His arm is completely shattered, and he has no ability to send Jiu Dan to his mouth.

The pupil continued to spread, and Jimmy’s mouth finally showed a bitter smile.

Really dead?

It is at this time. A person coughing blood while crawling over. One leg of the man was already crushed, and one of the arms was already crushed. He only climbed to Ji Mo with his other hand and the other leg.

The person coming is Li Xiong.

Looking at the pupils of Ji Mo's continued spread, and the Jiu Dan in his hand, Li Xiong swallowed a sip.

However, he did not hesitate. He took the Jiu Dan from Ji Mo’s finger and immediately put it into the mouth of Ji Mo.

The injury of Ji Mo’s meeting has been heavy enough to be added. Life is only in the first line, and even if you take this Jiu Dan, you may not be able to survive. Because the previous series of blows was a heavy blow from the world's first person!

Before Dong did not hurt and drunk and ruthlessly fight, the injury is still within the controllable range, because the power of drunkenness has climbed to the level of the field, resulting in a significant reduction in the effect of Jiu Dan. At present, the status of Ji Mo is more than several times more serious than that of Dong. The performance of Jiu Dan is not optimistic.

However, Li Xiongtu’s injuries are quite heavy, but they can still be active and even exercise. If this Jiuzhong Dan is taken down by himself, he will be able to heal quickly, and his broken hands can also be reborn with the help of Jiu Dan.

but. Li Xiongtu still chose to put the Jiuzhong Dan in the mouth of Jimo.

Not mine, I don't want to. No one else gave me, I don't want to.

Even if Ji Mo ate Jiuzhong Dan, he was still dead... Jiu Dan was wasted, and that was also something for others.

The husband has done something. Something is done, something must be done. Also do not!

Li Xiongtu thought in his heart.

Four times, the master who fell to the ground finally moved slowly, and even began to climb up.

Li Xiong said sternly: "Calling people...healing..." When the words were not finished, they fell to the ground with a slamming sound and fell into a deep coma!

If Li Xiongtu’s injury is compared with Ji Mo, it is slightly lighter, but the weight of his injury is equally bleak. Apart from one foot and one foot, there is even more internal injuries. This injury is only slightly worse than Dong’s injury. On top of the trauma, Qian Li supported Qi Jidan to serve Jiuzhong Dan. After shouting out the scorpion, he could no longer support it and immediately fell into a coma.

At this moment, Ji Mo, the whole body is like a broken sack, and it is bleeding everywhere. Quietly lying on the ground, although I was lucky enough to take the Jiuzhong Dan, but still do not know how to live and die, life and death is not clear.

Everyone was struggling to support the body that was almost ruined and ruined, and when they saw the physical condition of Ji Mo at the moment, everyone had tears in their eyes.

Just before the battle between the electric and light fires, everyone saw how Ji Mo fights.

The adjectives that can be used to describe Ji Mo are only eight words - don't fear death, fight with death!

That's it!

In the face of the powerful and completely irresistible enemy, Ji Mo did not hesitate from beginning to end, exhausted all methods to contain, entangle, block, and directly used his life as a weapon to block the opponent's progress.

Just to block the enemy for a minute.

Create opportunities for your brother to escape.

Now, no matter how much he has, he has been lying here, motionless.

The body has completely lost the signs of life.

A bodyguard with tears, supporting the body that used to pick up Ji Mo, to take him to the side, wait for the unharmed emperor to come back, and then bury it with the ceremony of the national priest.

But when I came into contact with Ji Mo’s body, I suddenly stopped, and then I was pleasantly surprised, like madly yelling: “There is still gas! There is still anger!”

Everyone is sensational because of this sentence.

not dead?

Just don't die, God bless good people, no death!

Everyone was ecstatic and cheered, and many tears of the man who had been a tough guy.

The injured people were extremely careful to lift Ji Mo, carefully placed on the re-bed, and several of the most powerful saints supported the wounded body, sitting around the body of the ink, not to be normal The self-cultivation is transported to the body of the ink...

As long as you think about the war just now, everyone is worried!

The strongest person in life has no less than the mysterious person of today!

Fortunately, the man did not intend to directly kill the killer, so although everyone was seriously injured, five labors and seven injuries, but no one really took the job. The most serious injury is Ji Mo.

Because he blocked the most embarrassing. Therefore, the injury is also the heaviest. The mistake is not to have Jiu Dan Dan, such as anti-day drugs, I am afraid that Ji Mo really wants to become a ghost!

In fact, even the mysterious and powerful enemy also believes that Ji Mo has been beaten to death by himself, and he has not saved it.

When I think of this, everyone can't help but wonder: "How can I judge mistakes like the repair of mysterious people? Such a master who surpassed the peak of the saints said that it has not been saved."

But Ji Mo can still live!

This is simply an impossible miracle!

Also. Everyone has a question in mind, and a deep fear: Who is this mysterious man in white?

It can be so powerful!

The people here are the old rivers and lakes of the Nine Heavens, and many people have participated in the battle of the Yuan Dynasty, but never thought that in this world, there are people who can make such a point!

As many as hundreds of sage-level masters are besieged. In the end, everyone is injured, but people are not hurt at all. Ji Mo, who has been at the peak of the saints, desperately blocked the other side, and was almost crippled in an instant, mourning and dying!

And from the beginning to the end, even a drop of blood on the other side is not contaminated!

In the millions of military horses that are like a master, you can come and go!

I believe that even if yesterday's decisive battle shakes the world's innocent emperor and ruthless Emperor. There is absolutely no such repair!

What a powerful enemy!

Can someone really be an enemy of this person? !


"go back!"

When Dong woke up, he found that he was in a different place and only saw ink tears. After knowing the history of Ji Mo and the enemy from the mouth of the ink tears, Dong’s first sentence is to go back!

Dong’s unharmed body still can’t move. The whole body seems to be empty, and it can't be used at all.

But this moment is determined. It is a firm and unquestionable!

Ink tears looked at him.

"Go back immediately! Immediately!" Dong did not hurt to look at his wife's eyes, gradually indifference, said in an almost commanding tone.

"If my brother Ji Mo is dead." Dong said with no sorrow: "The trick is also alive."

In the eyes of Ink Tears, this moment Dong did not hurt to look at his own eyes, there were a few strangers, he gasped a few breaths, suddenly burst out in general: "You... how can you escape?" How can you let our brothers face the crisis alone?"

Ink tears bowed his head: "I..."

"Go back immediately!" Dong Wuju said undoubtedly: "Even if it becomes a place of death and death, I have to go back and see what happens."

"But your body, even if you go..." said the tearful tears.

Dong did not hurt to go too far: "My body... Hey, your eyes are only my body, but my brother is facing me for my death!"

Dong’s unscrupulous voice is very cold and strange.

The heart of the ink tears was suddenly deeply hurt...

I admit, my choice is a bit selfish, but I am a woman, you are my husband... I... I was at that time, I really can’t care for others...

Although I know that I should not do it, but even if I let me choose it once, I will still do it...

Dong did not hurt his eyes, did not speak, his face was like iron, and his breath became more and more smooth.

Ink tears lingered for a while, suddenly picked up Dong without injury, madly going back.

After all, since you insist on this, then I will go back with you!

It’s good to die in death!

You can die for your brother. Can I not accompany you to Jiuquan?

At the moment when the tears bowed, a tear fell on Dong’s face.

Dong did not feel the temperature of his wife's tears, and his heart was inexplicably sighed, but there was no intention to compromise.

If it is in the past, I have already begun to pay attention to it at this moment. It is not a loss or a small talk.

However, at this moment, Dong is not worried, and his heart is as cold as iron; but he feels that he remembers that the blood is boiling, burning, and the heart is jumping wildly.

Sorry, sorry!

If anything else, I can let you, even if I am wronged.

But in this matter, I will definitely not have any concessions!

It’s a matter of my brother’s life and death, I will never give in!


<Because, come out, I am homesick... Go back tomorrow. >

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