Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 721: Self-promotion

The sages of the sages belonging to the Mo Tianji are eager to see the whole tent.

Mo Tianji is confident, and if you say it inside, there will be no leakage. Even if the **** is a super-powerful person at a higher level than himself, it is impossible to secretly observe everything under his own mind without disturbing himself.

After listening to Dong’s words, even if it was calmed by Mo Tianji, I couldn’t help but take a sigh of relief.

Mo Tianji asked himself, even if he changed himself to be drunk and ruthless, with his family members full of coercion, can you break the drunken ruthless and so tragic fate? Mo Tianji has no confidence and no confidence at all!

Mo Tianji has always been very calm, but never cold-blooded, the same family shackles are equally effective for him!

Other people present are hating their teeth!

Who can imagine that the imperial concubine who dominated the heavens and the earth in the heavens and the earth has such a bleak past! And such a tragic experience, actually continued to entangle the ruthless Emperor for a whole life, to death can not get rid of!

"On the cloud!" Mo Tianji said: "The people on the cloud!"

"This cloud person is really a generation of scum! Geshi bait!" On the one side, Chu Leer was full of red face, extremely rare comic curse: "If this mixed thing falls into my hands, it must use poison." He has been a million years old, so that he can't live, he can't die, he can't die for a million years, which makes him die!"

"I have always treated all the enemies with a knife! I will never let the mud and water cause people to suffer more." Dong did not hurt but also bite his teeth and said: "But after hearing this, I suddenly felt. If one day let the cloud People are very happy and die without pain. I can't forgive myself. I really want to smash him!"

Mo Tianji’s cold smile smiled and said: “That is of course. If such a person can finally get a good death, then it is God’s eyes!”

Then he said: "Is the base of the true spirits determined to be in the Tianganshan horror jungle?" He frowned. "There are three bases like this. The other two are still missing."

Standing up and taking two steps, I quickly integrated all kinds of information into my mind and slowly nodded: "It turned out to be..."

"The most important thing now is the first. It is to solve the immediate crisis and solve it as soon as possible. Let the middle pole really start. Secondly, try to stabilize the injury of Ji Mo. Even if it is not stable, it must be delayed, and the boss will come. Third, the secret mobilization of the hands, will Tianganshan ... Oh, no! No, not yet!"

Mo Tianji quickly vetoed the third resolution and said: "I still have to think about it again. If this time, the Tianganshan base is destroyed, it is likely to be a stunned snake, causing panic in the other two bases. If this is the case, It’s zero, it’s going to be a river, how can it be more difficult to deal with...”

"But if you don't get rid of it as quickly as possible... How can the other two find relevant clues?"

Take the wisdom of Mo Tianji. At this moment, there are some uncertain ideas.

I only feel that I am not doing it right, and I am at a loss.

At this moment, Mo Tianji really realized the benefits of Chu Yang. In terms of decisiveness, he was not as good as Chu Yang. Since then, he couldn’t help but sigh: "If Chu is in the boss, he only needs a hammer, where is needed? Think about it again..."

Even Mo Tianji couldn't make up his mind. I don't know how to choose. Others are of course more uncertain.

Dong did not hurt and said: "In any case, when you make up your mind, let's do it again!"

Mo Tianji nodded: "The most important problem now is instead... the holy prince obviously wants you to replace the drunken ruthlessness and become the new celestial emperor of the middle pole. And as long as you really go to the seat, a palace can take you Blocked in. At that time, in this place of Zhongjitian, he has infinite means and opportunities to deal with you, turning you into a drunken ruthless, with his strength and mind, want to do this. It is not a difficult thing."

Dong did not hurt his mouth and said: "Yes, my weakness is too obvious. As long as he holds his tears, how can I get it."

"Hey, it’s better to say than to sing, I really have..." The ink tears are still angry, saying that a radius has turned from one mouth to one side.

"This is a slap in the face? Sister Sister, are you really embarrassed?" Chu Leer’s eyes were filled with the light of gossip.

"You ask him!" One of the tears of the tears is not hurt: "This is not conscience..."

"In the end, there is a flaw, is it that the tears sister is happy?" Chu Leer's eyes sparkled, do not know how she associates, actually think of that aspect.

When the ink tears heard this, the face was red, and a handful of Chu Leer was a good itching. Chu Leer repeatedly asked for mercy.

Dong did not see Mo Tianji also locked the eyes full of gossip taste, the old face is a red, very awkward laughter, said the previous things.

Mo Tianji listened to the end of the reason, suddenly picked up the shelf of the third brother: "The fourth child, I have to talk about you about this matter, the younger brother and sister pick the rationality, this matter is that you are not doing right."

Dong was hurt and humbly educated, saying: "Yes, yes."

Mo Tianji said very eloquently: "You said, let's find a wife for you? Isn't it just to protect her? Love her? If you marry a wife, you have to take your wife as a treasure, and all others must be placed in the second place. Otherwise, what do people marry for you? Right? You said this is not the truth!"

Dong Wushou listened to the more scratching his head, full of suspicious look up, even his unloving person can feel the motive of Mo Tianji saying this, it seems that he is not teaching himself, more like showing to someone What is your heart?

What is the situation?

Could it be said that this is why the brothers and I have been shot?

"Women are just squatting, they need to be cared for. How can you do this? It’s just too much!" Mo Tianji hated the iron and looked at Dong without injury. He did not squint: "You are like me." At this point, I am stronger than you, and I am too strong. Too happy in my heart, that is the sacred and inviolable existence! No injury, you said that you can do this? I have always been... ..."

"Cough... It’s good." Ink tears turned a big white eye and said: "Mo San Ge, you stop, I forgive him. I forgive him for not doing it? Please do not say, I can’t stand it, I can’t stand it...”

It is really unbearable.

It’s unbearable and unbearable, and the uncle can’t bear it!

This Mo Tianji is simply too much, actually holding my man to flaunt him... Is this for me? I want to be angry with me?

Is there such a fairness? Clearly, it is a fake public!

If you seize the opportunity, you will fall into the rocks, degrade others, and raise yourself. This is also called a brother? Really...

"I still have a good temper! Who are you looking for?" You said that you still don't know how to cherish!" Mo Tianji said with great enthusiasm: "The temper of tears is just as good as the temper of the temper, no harm to you. Why don’t you cherish it as much as I do, and I must take it for granted in the future...”

Dong did not hurt and sat face to the side, his heart said: "Brothers are used to sell... this idiot!"

"Mo San Ge, almost got it... The situation in front is so bad, what are you going to do?" Ink tears quickly changed the subject.

In this way, it became a self-promoting and attentive meeting of Mo Tianji.

"This, we only need to stabilize ourselves." Mo Tianji sneered: "When the injury is not restored, as long as one appearance, all the storms will subside. The so-called rebel army, but the cloud smoke, will instantly disappear! ",

"Big Brother, you can see me too much. How can I have that ability? How can there be that prestige?" Dong did not hurt and stunned: "These are all drunk and ruthless troops! How come the smoke?!"

"You said? Who said you now?" Mo Tianji looked at him strangely: "Where do you have that skill?"

Dong is not stunned: " just said that as soon as I show up..."

Mo Tianji snorted and said: "Oh, I am actually talking about people on the cloud... As long as you come out, the people on the cloud look forward to your success in taking the Zhongji Emperor, can you not help? As long as he shoots, this is in front of him. Point scene, what is the problem? Cloud smoke only!"

When Dong did not hurt, he suddenly realized that he scratched his head and said: "It turned out to be this meaning, I understand!"

Mo Tianji said from the lesson: "I said the fourth child, you can be a generation of heavenly emperors in the future. If you don't move, you will scratch your head. This is very uncleful and you don't understand. You said how many times you have scratched from now to now. Too much image!"

Dong is hurtful and shameless, and he has no face.

Whatever he is, from small to large, I have never buried me like this. I was so ruined by you. You wait for me, and I will retaliate if I have a chance.

The same gaze is also the ink tears, it seems that has been held several times the legendary black blade!

The so-called "death" is probably just that!

"If the people on the cloud take it seriously, they will definitely have another move, and lead me into the game." Dong said without injury.

"That is natural!" Mo Tianji turned his eyes and said: "People in the cloud are forced to be drunk and ruthless, just to wait for you to take office, and then to control your wife, and then let you sell your brother, everyone has become his aunt." ”

Dong did not hurt and angered: "Do you want to sell my brother?"

"You are not as good as me." Mo Tianji exclaimed: "I am willing to do it for the sake of fun, I can do it..."

Dong is no harm for the knot!

Ink tears finally couldn't help it: "Mo Tianji, you are a confusing thing, you shut up, and you control your wife, you will do it too. You are so embarrassed to say this! Who can control you in this world? Wife? Your wife is all poisonous... I was uncontrollable when I was careless... Losing you so eloquent, with more affection, hypocrisy! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster !

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