Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 722: The brother is used to step on

"That is!" Dong nodded and nodded again and again: "Unlimited contempt! My wife is right! No more!"

Ink tears snorted and still not blame someone.

"But this section is inevitable..." After the Mo Tian machine's skin, he did not see blush, and tapped his knees with his fingers. He meditated: "How to prevent it?"

"Be the first to be strong!" Ink tears shouted: "Let's concentrate on the people and kill the cloud people directly! Not once and for all!"

Everyone looked at the ink tears with a sigh of relief, and then they all lowered their heads, and no one answered.

Mo Tianji coughed and looked around. He began to observe the wounded soldiers in the tent. The look on his face was very meaningful.

The meaning is obvious: no one has taken the effort to make this virtue, and you actually want to start with a strong...

I really don't know where your confidence comes from. Is this a annihilation? It is simply a group plan!

Ink tears suddenly do not hit a place, a pretty face rose red.

I only feel that Mo Tianji is even more hateful than Dong! Still hateful! Hate a hundred times, a thousand times!

This is a git!

Is this a monk? What is this?

When you don't talk, you are even more angry than when you talk!

"Well... it looks a bit wrong." Mo Tianji pondered: "The mysterious master is very likely to be the person on the cloud... and since he has been here, he will definitely pay attention to the movement here... you return, he It’s impossible to be unaware of it. Your two couples must be his primary concern. The new Emperor is controlled, and all of them are on your lips."

"But why...has he not come yet?" Mo Tianji frowned. "What is going on? Is there something that we don't know?"

Dong Wu is also somewhat puzzled, no matter how to prevent it, block the news, but the atmosphere in the camp itself is completely different from the absence.

The people on the cloud are so anxious to find themselves to control themselves. Why not come?

Suddenly there was a bang in the air.

A figure of people fell straight into the camp, causing a burst of embarrassment.

Then a deafening voice sounded: "No injury, are you okay?"

Everyone heard the sound at the same time!

"The boss is here!"

Everyone is inexplicably excited!

Chu Yang came at this dangerous time, it was a big pie falling from the sky! Everyone suddenly felt that they had a backbone!

Even the unprovoked Mo Tianji is also sighing with relief!

This guy is finally here...

The people greeted them together.

Surrounded by the sergeants. Chu Yang stood side by side with the three beautiful women, looking at this side with a smile, calm and calm.



"Big brother!"


It’s too late to come, and Chu Yang, who knows the status of Ji Mo from the mouth of Mo Tian, ​​came to the bed of Ji Mo, and screamed in the mouth: “This guy is really desperate this time... not many of the bones in the whole body are complete. I didn’t see that this kid is so desperate, people can’t look at each other, and don’t look at it for three days, look at it...”

Dong did not hurt the guilty saying: "It’s all because of me, Ji Mo was seriously injured..."

"If you change position, you are likely to be heavier than him." Chu Yang interrupted him and said: "What kind of guilt is this kind of thing? This is what should be done by Jimo. If he does not, Let you and the tears be caught, let us not talk about how our brothers look at him, he must look down on himself..."

Speaking in the mouth, but the men are not stopping. The Jiuzhong Tianshen catalyzes the Jiuzhong Dan's potency hidden in the body of the ink, and works at full capacity. At the same time, a pot of life spring is poured into the mouth of the ink.

Two hands wearing a butterfly usually return the bones of the broken ink to the original position. Then force the medicinal force to cover the broken bone, prompting its broken bone to renew and recover quickly.

Before Chu Yang did not come, there was no life spring to protect, and everyone did not dare to shake. But now, looking at Chu Yang’s **** and **** injury, everyone feels that the vest has risen up...

This is just watching. I can feel how painful it is. The person who is the party’s Ji Mo, really hurts? !

Fortunately, Ji Mo will still be unconscious, or else. This guy must be crying and shouting...

It’s okay to be a friend, but it’s too painful to yell at the mother. It’s definitely not good. This is what Jimo is!

The broken bones that can be processed are taken back one by one, and the drug is running with the force, and the meridians are continued. Until all the conditioning is good, Chu Yang only takes a breath, wipes the sweat on the rag, and takes out the Tianyu, in the ink The mouth melted a small piece.

In fact, this healing, this piece of Tiantian jade is the top priority of treatment, and the timing of use is also very important, the use of early, the bone injury is not fully processed, it will make Ji Mo's bones abnormal, afterwards It is extremely difficult to correct, and it is too late to be used. It is difficult to recover to the peak state of Ji Mo’s body repair. It is even harder to get in the future. Only when it is not too late or late, just when dealing with bone injuries and meridians, it is exactly Use the moment of Tian Tianyu.

The effect of Bu Tian Yu was fully operational. Through the whole body, Chu Yang took out a small piece of the nine great medicines, and opened the mouth of Ji Mo. A drop dripped into his mouth and went down the throat.

The medicine drops of the nine great medicines exude a strange scent, which drops into the mouth of the ink, instantly turns into a colorful color, and then flashes away.

It’s just the third drop. Ji Mo, who is in a coma, actually has consciousness. He said in a confused way: “Fucking, how can it be so itchy... Itching me... Who is it, quickly give me a scratch Scratching... It can tickle me... It’s too uncomfortable for him...”

When everyone saw it, they all thundered.

Everyone understands that the operation of Chu Yang is finally a life of Ji Mo, pulled back from the gate of the ghost.

Itchy... It is the phenomenon that the wound is getting better!

Everyone is cheering, Ji Mo has been able to open his eyes and see the people in front of him, first stay: "Boss? You come here? Where is this, the hell? The land? I am a good man, can't go to hell. ?"

Then he was amazed: "Hey, is this big camp? I am not dead? Why didn't I die?"

Then it was a scream: "Oh... it hurts me... Who is it that he is so rude to treat me... oh... it hurts and itches, I am going to die, I am so hard to die... ...scraping and scratching..."

"Tip a fart!" Chu Yang said: "Do not scratch! You have a wound that really scratched it?"

"My flesh doesn't itch..." Ji Mo even pleaded: "It's itchy inside the bones... My god... It seems like I have raised ants in the bones... This tastes, I can't live..."

Everyone is a cold sweat.

It is difficult to get these points from the repair of Ji Mo, showing how sharp the itching inside the bone.

Chu Yang slammed his heart and directly fixed Ji Mozhen’s body and body, and prevented him from moving. Ji Mo's eyeballs are turning straight, and they plead with each other. What good New Year's words are spoken, but no one cares.

The screaming is miserable, and life is better than death. Seeing this time, Jimo knows everything!

"You still stun me very much... lying trough..." Ji Mo "shen yin" said: "I want to be my iron-clad prince..."

Everyone smiled.

Everyone knows that they are poor, and it seems that the injury is not a big problem.

That is to say, the boss can have so many stocks of Tiancaobao. If you change someone casually, Ji Mo’s injury is really awkward.

"Ji Mo, don't shout." Mo Tianji said with a calm face: "Just let you go first, you are leaving with your four brothers. Now these two quarrels are noisy, they have to Breaking down... We haven’t advised us yet...”

Ink tears stunned: I went, what is it with, when did we both quarrel? How did it break? How do you know how to open your mouth?

Sure enough, Ji Modun was filled with indignation and gnawed his teeth. "Don't you hurt your stuff? Can you pinch it? How can you beat your wife and wife? Is this still a man? I am very good at 傲波那, never There is no red face, no matter how I let her, you can't learn from me? Actually fight with your wife, you and you... I despise you!"

Ink tears help one hand.


This is also the virtue!

It’s not a family. If you don’t enter a house, you are a brother-in-law. In addition to belittle others to flaunt him, there is really nothing else to say...

"Yes! The words of Ji Mo are not rough!" Chu Yang said seriously: "No injury, I can say good things about you... How good is tears for you; such a good girl can marry You are the blessing that you have cultivated in your life. Can you do this? If you say that you will not be happy with your wife, you can learn from me. You look at me, as the boss, always Wifes are so considerate, I am doing this for you, you are still quarreling with your wife... It’s just that I think this boss is very shameful, you have to learn the lesson..."

Ink tears coughed, and the brain was black.

I finally know where the roots are. The roots are here...

The example is to do this! His brothers have learned thieves one by one...

Chu Yang and Ji Momo Tianji three people together, the mouth and the pen, the head of the skull will be stepped on the neck without a scar. Stepping on Chu Leer Mo light dance iron supplement Tian Wu Qian Qian is not close. That is, the man who is still awkward is good...

The day is not yet bright.

Rock's enemies and rumors have arrived.

Knowing the current situation, letting go of worry, under the "unintentional" provocation of Mo Tianji, the two men also joined the ranks of the big sniper Dong, who should not quarrel with his wife, what is not as good as himself, what is worse than himself Hurt wife and so on...

The meaning of the words: If you have such a fight with your wife, all the brothers are ashamed, shame and it is...

Thoroughly implement a sentence: the brother is used to step on... especially in front of his wife.

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