Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 725: Enter the Lord!

"Which is willing to gamble and lose, I will not say it here, it is meaningless." Dong’s unscrupulous voice reveals infinite determination and the heavenly warfare: "If you want to fight, we are always ready to accompany you!"

I am willing to gamble and lose.

Everyone is shocked.

At the beginning, the ruthless Emperor of Heaven did not hurt the Emperor, and said good in advance, the winner is the king!

Even though the ruthless Emperor is already dead, it is still the promise he has made! It is also the last command issued by this ruthless Emperor.

This point, tens of millions of people can testify!

Commitment and order will not change for anything, for any reason!

If there is a battle with a non-injured army, it will be a violation of the last command of the ruthless Emperor!

The generals who led the soldiers across the army struggled fiercely, their faces were full of sweat, their lips groaning, but finally the eyes were cold and cold.

For the first general of the purple robes, raised his hand, his eyes became more and more cruel and bloodthirsty!

Obviously, the moment when his hand fell, it was the signal that the two armies officially started fighting!

He does not want to change his original intention!

Even the last command of the Emperor, but... this order, I can also refuse!

Will be outside, Jun has no life!

The enemies of the Emperor of Heaven must be reported!


However, at the time of this millennium.

A voice suddenly came from midair.


In the sky, suddenly golden light, a sacred inviolable light quickly spread, become an aperture, just like the gods come to the world at this moment!

A person, wearing a bright yellow robe, wearing a crown, and a negative hand appeared in midair.

And beside him, behind him, there are ceremonial staff who are bowed. Dense. No less than hundreds of people.

Really great style!

But everyone’s eyes only noticed himself alone!

It seems that he is born with the charm of becoming the center. Naturally, he will fully concentrate all his attraction on himself.

"His Majesty!"

All the people of Zhongji Tianqin Wang Jun immediately smashed the ceremony, and hundreds of generals burst into tears: "Please ask the sacred priest to preside over the ruthless Emperor!"

This person, of course, is the supreme ruler of the Nine Heavens, but I am a holy man, the cloud is on!

The people on the cloud sighed softly. Dao: "Please, please, a general of the generals, full of blood, this seat is very clear, and your mood, this seat is fully understood."

"This seat is proud of the ruthless Emperor. Although he is dead at the moment, he still has your loyal subordinates! It reflects the personal charm that the ruthless Emperor is unimaginable!"

"In love, this seat really should be revenge for the ruthless Emperor. After all, in the same year, the emperor is a million years old, and each other is also a life and death, he will return. Let this seat painfully!"

"But Yu Li, this seat can not do this, the ruthless Emperor has a commitment before the final battle, the winner is the king!"

"The ruthless Emperor has always been a singer, he has died today, but how can we make his last promise become a piece of paper, a laughing stock?! This is not a great sorrow for the ruthless Emperor!"

The words of the Holy King. Enthusiastic.

All the soldiers, at this moment, are full of tears.

"The ruthless Emperor of Heaven is in a fair battle, and he is not killed. There are words in advance, no regrets for the living, no regret for the dead, and a winner for the king! You. As the most loyal subordinate of the ruthless Emperor, is it necessary to let the ruthless Emperor kneel down?" Still shame after death?!"

Having said that, three million ruthless Heavenly Soldiers also felt what the Holy King was going to do. In the tears of one by one, the heart also has a strong sense of powerlessness.

"This seat is coming today. It is to implement the ruthless Emperor's behest, declare the world, the book is not injured, it is the Zhongji Emperor, and it is said that it is harmless!"

"Since then, without harming the great emperor, it is the master of the middle pole. Hope, you can see a more peaceful Zhongjitian, not a full-fledged bonfire!"

The words of the Holy King are very heavy, and even the smell of gunpowder is full, revealing the hegemonic taste of the person who is shunning me.

"Thank you for the fairness of the great saints." Although the heart of this sacred king hated the bones, at this time, Dong did not hurt to make a sincere gesture.

"There is no harm to the great emperor." The cloud man showed a kind and awkward smile in a group of golden light: "Since then, in the middle of the sky, it is no harm to the great emperor, and hope that the uninjured emperor will show revenge in the chest, Everbright. In the middle of the sky."

Dong no injury promised, loudly: "The opposite ruthless Tianbing listened, this seat announced today that I and the ruthless Emperor, is a fair decisive battle. The living person has no regrets, the dead have no regrets! I admire the loyalty of you, and today retreat I can make a promise, everyone will not blame the people present, everyone, the official residence in place! Will not pursue ..."


Immediately, Dong announced that he had issued a military order. These were all written by Mo Tianji in half an hour. Not to mention the word beading, Dong did not hurt for a long time, but still can only understand part of it. Only.

Now I can say it here. I can’t really tell the original taste of the literary genre. There are a lot of words, all of which are forgotten. I am taming with myself. Fortunately, I have almost the same meaning. There is nothing wrong with it.

But Mo Tianji still heard brows at the back.

"When the Emperor of Heaven is in charge of the speech, how can it be done by Dong Wushou as a bandit leader..." Mo Tianji has a black line: "I have done so much work, but at the moment it is totally useless. I have no taste of the original text. What, what..."

The people are laughing together.

Regardless of the Emperor's appointment, or the bandit leader's party; this squat under the seat of the St. Junyun people, after all, did not fight.

Dong is not hurt, but it is also truly recognized by the official official.

At this moment, it is a matter of course, and it will only be a matter of course. However, before this, Dong was not injured but he was already able to use the identity of ‘Zhongji Tiandi’ to give orders.

Everything, finally stumbling has taken a step forward!

With the relentless reluctance of the ruthless Heavenly Soldiers from all walks of life, the uninjured Tianbing finally settled in the ruthless city.

Almost at the first time, some people proposed to change the name of the city to ‘no harmless city’.

This suggestion is self-conceited. The so-called dynasty and the courtiers of the first generation, the fall of the generation of kings also marks the rise of another king. The rise of the new king, even if it does not destroy the traces of the previous generation, will inevitably mark the previous generation. The things are destroyed, especially the country name, to no exception, and drunk and ruthless in the name of "ruthless", handed down on the "ruthless" number, even the name of the country is also "ruthless", now Dong is not injured Here, there is no reason to follow the old number.

Everyone agrees that this proposal is understandable.

I don’t care if Dong is not hurt, but this proposal is a very firm veto.

"This city is called a ruthless city, never change!" Dong Wuju said: "The ruthless Emperor, is a good man, it is worth everyone to remember him! I do not want to annihilate his traces!"

This move, if it comes from Chu Yang or Mo Tianji, has a great chance to have utilitarian heart and reputation, but it is completely true that Dong is harmless.

After learning about the sadness of the ruthless Emperor, in the end, it was a heroic battle. Dong did not hurt the heart but there are many feelings that can't be said.

But his categorical veto made all the ruthless heavenly soldiers suddenly feel a lot better.

For these people, Dong’s move is no matter whether it’s a fame or not, and it’s good to buy people’s hearts. As long as the traces of the ruthless emperor are not erased immediately, it’s worth it.

Even if it is buying people's hearts, then this move is also done beautifully!

When entering the ruthless city, Chu Yang and others naturally would not show up rashly, deliberately hide their own strength, mixed in the **** team, everyone embraced, everything went very smoothly, there is no block.

The army entered the army and the military power was established. Then it was naturally taking over the political official forces. The crude oil and civil servants of the ruthless Emperor Tiandi, one half of them, proposed to resign from the office on the spot. For this group of people, under the many means of Mo Tianji, one by one is sensible and emotional, and finally it is 70% or 80%.

Others can't stay, and only regrettable to send away.

The loyal ministers are not the two masters. Regardless of the other, they only talk about this style. Those who voluntarily resign are worthy of retention. They can be used for their use. They can’t be saved. Chuyang Motianji is only more respectful. The final decision will not be difficult.

As for those who came up, they expressed their warm welcome to the innocent emperor who was on the throne. Dong Wushou always looked at them with slanting eyes. Under the combing of Mo Tianji and Chu Yang, the vast majority of these people were dismissed and there was a small part. Directly copying the family...

There is a very stubborn idea in Dong’s heart: the person who can be loyal to the old master can’t be bad or bad. And those who can't wait to change the string to change the singer's slogan's surrender... Even if the ability is stronger, I don't need it!

I didn’t know you before, but do you know who I am and what ability? Why do you want to support me? The ruthless Emperor said that he has led you for hundreds of thousands of years. Even if it is a short time, at least for thousands of years, you are so nostalgic? Such a natural and cool generation, even if you have the talents of the world, what can you do?

I have to say that this kind of thinking, if it is a measure of a hero hero, is more than enough, but it is never suitable for governing the country. It is not suitable for being a party emperor.

However, the place where Dong did not hurt the most cattle is here: I have never thought of being a Emperor.

I am just here to make a transition here.

It’s just to complete the nine-day mission of killing the demon, nothing more.

The position of the Emperor of Heaven is sitting under the **** of others, especially under the control of the people under the saints. It is very uncomfortable, and there are dangers of various hidden dangers; if not, Dong will not come to sit here. !

As for killing the demon...

God Ma Tiandi, I am not a Heavenly Emperor, who loves to do who!

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