Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 726: Come back after the demon

After Dong Wu’s injury was drastically reorganized, he immediately became a military madman who was fully trained.

Throughout the process, he seems to be less than three days in common!

The so-called resolute and popular is just that.

As for other government affairs, Dong did not hurt.

Still, I don't care about politics, who cares who cares!

In the face of this uncle, this makes Chu Yang and others have a lot of pain: you are the Emperor of Heaven, you are no matter what, who is his tube?

Listening to this sentence, Dong did not directly throw the Zhongji Tianyu in the arms of Mo Tianji: You are my third brother, you help me!

Anyway, even if you don't do it, I won't do it!

Or it’s completely yellow, it doesn’t matter!

I will only train the soldiers, only when I can get a strong brigade to enter the purple day, the other, no interest.

Mo Tian was so angry that his nose was smashed.

However, in the face of such a slap in the hands of the treasurer, even if the wisdom is like the sea, the deep mountainous Mo Tianji is nothing to do, nothing to do, but Dong can not care, can not care? I had to slap my face from my own intelligence department to a guy who was responsible for the overall coordination, directly appointing the prime minister, and began to completely rectify the mid-day.

This new Chinese-style celestial celestial adult was a powerful assistant to Mo Tianji. The same high-powered, same-speaking method followed, the same one, more than N, and a large talent came...

But now, for the sake of Mo Tianji, he can get away from it, but he did not hesitate to sell the right assistant.

Suo Xing, the new prime minister, still has a little addiction. Although it was also under one person, there were no official approvals for N people. This suddenly became the prime minister of the emperor, and it was floating on the ass. The fire generally began to deal with government affairs. Looking at the side of the Mo Tianji, I will start quickly, like a fish...

This seems to have produced a joke. The new Zhongji Tiandi Emperor Dong has never known what the new name of the prime minister’s surname is. When he meets, he is naturally saying: Hey, who is who...

Wenwu Baiguan, this is a dissatisfaction and complaints.

However, in any case, the Emperor of Heaven has given the crowd too much space to play, and completely decentralized to let everyone show their talents... Is this one of the benefits?

Also. The Emperor of Heaven has vigorously reorganized the army and intends to re-emerge with the purple scorpio, which is also what the hero does. Therefore, everyone has adopted a tolerant attitude towards the inaction of the Emperor.

Even, even the throne of the throne, Dong is not a single sentence: I think. Can be omitted.

This sentence, so that Xie Danqiong who just arrived in the hundreds of thousands of miles has not yet sat down, feels the egg hurt!

At the beginning, I held such a grand ceremony... Can you omit it here? Where do I put me?

What is even more exasperating is another sentence that Dong did not hurt, directly detonating a war, the war between two new emperors.

The innocent emperor said again: "In fact, I still think that the classics can not only be omitted, but should be ignored! Just a ritual. Regarding these, the Emperor believes that it is stupid!"

The Qionghua Emperor was furious and frustrated with the unharmed Emperor.

The root cause is not to hold a grand ceremony, but to make such a good idea, why not say it? ! Now, you are stupid enough to put Laozi in it...


Few people know. Just as Dong Wu’s army entered the ruthless city, another big event happened in another location.

Or it should be said that this time, when Dong no injury and ink tears contradicted and returned to their own camp, this matter is already happening and in progress.

The white man incarnation of the Holy King naturally does not watch his target run away, in fact. He has been observing the movements in the innocent camp; and when he found that the atmosphere in the Tianbingge army was changed, it should be said that Dong did not hurt back.

He wanted to enter again immediately.

This can replace the drunk and ruthless, and the guy who can bring more benefits to himself must be in the first place. In order to avoid night long dreams, don't make a difference.

But just the moment he wanted to go in, he was surprised to find that someone was in the air and staring at himself coldly.

I was shocked to see people, and the Holy Spirit turned to the heart and greeted the man.

A gentle face and a sly look: "Hey, why are you here?"

Opposite, the white demon's face is full of unrecognizable disgusting color: "On the cloud, you don't force me to shoot! The most annoying thing in my life is that someone calls me a nickname."

The people on the cloud smiled and said: "You, this person, I just care about you, so I don’t see it for thousands of years. For the little girl, I am worried about it."

After the demon is still full of ridicule, said: "You are thinking about the demon king, how could you miss me!"

The people on the cloud shook their heads and smiled bitterly: "Your words are as sharp as ever. It is hard to fight."

After the demon, he said: "You just went in and screamed in the big camp of Tianbing Pavilion, but didn't kill people. Why?"

Sheng Jun smiled lightly and said: "I have to say that the potential of this young man is really quite big. At the beginning, when you were at this age, there was such a strength, it was far from good."

His tone is full of appreciation and sincerity.

It is like a kindly grandfather who sees a naughty grandson who is finally a talented person.

After the demon sneer: "So you go to beat him? Declare your existence?"

St. Jun smiled and shook his head: "I do things... naturally purpose."

He looked up in good faith and looked at the demon: "But, the real thought, I can't tell you now, you have to understand this. After all, here is the middle pole, and my base camp is here. Heart, you should understand me."

After the demon sneer: "Good clean words, of course, I have to express understanding, but if you shoot again, I will come forward to fight with you, and, to reveal your identity, see your clean words, can you Say to the people of the world."

The Holy King heard a sigh of relief, and then he smiled from the heart: "Well, since you said so, I didn't move him. I didn't expect... This Dong is not hurt, actually has a relationship with you."

"Is there any relationship, it doesn't matter to you anyway." After the demon, he said coldly: "At this moment, don't you deal with this situation?"

The holy gentleman laughed and turned away.

After the demon is also a flash of light, instantly disappeared in the local.

Because of the sudden arrival of the demon, it is very uncomfortable for the saint to change the established plan. For the time being, I would like to recognize Dong’s status as a non-injury, let him stay in Zhongjitian, and then slowly find ways to deal with it.

As long as he stays in the middle of the sky, he is not afraid of flying to heaven!

Can you keep it for a while after the demon?

Just... How did you suddenly come here after the demon?

The Holy King is thinking about things.

Is Dong no harm... The power behind it is actually a demon? Dong is not the actual darkness of the demon?

Otherwise, how can I appear rashly in this position with such a high weight after the demon? It seems that it is simply escorting Dong’s injury...

However, if it is really a demon, she jumps out so brazenly, is it not exposed?

Shengjun thought about it, his brows were close, and it was always difficult.

If you say that Dong is not a demon, then you can control Dong’s injury. Doesn’t it mean that you have the most difficult opportunity to control the enemy?

And... Once the demon is controlled, does it mean that it controls the entire demon day?

The people on the cloud smiled lightly, and the sacred wind bones were holy and refined, but in his heart, he had already flashed dozens of methods to control the demon after using Dong no injury!

Every method is different, the only thing that is the same is that it is all right!

Because even if Dong is not hurt, it is not the person behind the demon. However, since the demon is willing to help himself, Dong is not hurt and she is destined to be unable to do it. Even, it is possible to harvest bigger fish by Dong’s innocence...

Just, to handle the rhythm of this matter, we must speed up some more...


Although Zhongjitian continued to be in the midst of storms, it finally came to an end.

However, at the moment, the Zhongji Tiantian League has a huge embarrassment!

Because of all the complicated things, the big ratios of the great super-sects that had already been thrown by Chu Yang to Jiuyunyun were finally held today.

However, the seed players, the younger generation leaders of the various sects, are not willing to come on stage.

The reason is simple and consistent. Everyone is ashamed.

In the clouds, the strangers, the purple emperor, these people, in the absence of the past spirits, full of enthusiasm, one by one, only the rest of the stomach and the trouble. Where else is there any face?

I thought that this time, it will determine the people of the new generation of younger generation, and this decision will indirectly formulate the pattern of hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years.

What will stand out here will be the people of the future.

The world is in full swing, and it is in the hands of these people.

However, it seems that this super-big ratio has completely lost its meaning and has no meaning at all.

Because even if you really won the world first here, what can you do? Does it make sense?

At the beginning of the enemies, Chu Yang; to kill the son of Mo Yuntian Emperor Yuan Tianjun as the starting point, all the way to escape, under the chase of the entire Mo Yuntian, not only safe and sound, but the strength rose, the power rose!

In the Emperor's Day, Tianbing Pavilion was established, Megatron!

Nowadays, after experiencing countless difficulties and obstacles, ten deaths and deaths, even Yuan Yuan is dead, and Chu Yang is still alive and kicking. Even, according to reliable news, the current Chu Yang, has already possessed the cultivation of a senior saint!

As soon as I think of this, Yun Zhongtian and others will want to kill one person: the young leader? People Chu Yang is considered a youth! If you count according to the age of normal people, those of you should be regarded as old people.

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