Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 734: My life, no end!

"Qingdai Emperor...hehe..." A faint cloud smiles, shaking his head slightly, with a hint of disdain in his mouth: "Is it my ultimate pursuit?"

Unexpectedly, a voice suddenly sounded, and the voice said softly: "Since the Qing Emperor is not your ultimate pursuit, then why are you doing this?"

The arrogant cloud smiled lightly, and the answer was not answered. "I have been waiting for you. I thought you would not come."

The voice smiled lightly: "Before today, I will not come. But now, I must come."

The proud evil cloud slowly turned around, beyond Baizhang, under the pine, stood alone.

That person, a bright yellow color, wearing a crown of the crown, holding hands and standing, detached.

That pair of eyes, really like the stars of the night sky, 熠熠 flash, the whole person is gentle and embarrassed, but it is not angry and self-defeating, naturally, there is a footsteps on the earth, the head of the sky is the king of the world!

"I am the Qing Emperor, and I am very young." Qingyi Tiandi said with a smile.

"I am proud of evil clouds." In the eyes of the proud evil cloud, there is appreciation, saying: "In this side of the Qing Dynasty, I believe that no one other than the Wuwei Emperor, no one else can have such a junta! Wuwei Tiandi is really mighty and famous. It’s better to meet and meet more famously.”

Mo Qingqing shook his head and smiled: "Your boy can push me to this point, and then you say this sentence, are you not boasting yourself? The meeting is not as famous, the face is really loose!"

In addition to a joke, the two laughed at the same time.

A pair of well-coordinated enemies meet each other, but the atmosphere is a rare harmony.

Someone outside asked: "What happened to your majesty? You have to wait for the minister to come in..."

Proud evil cloud faintly said: "No! I am here to discuss things with my friends. I will not disturb."

The outside person said: "Yes."

Then it was silent.

However, everyone is wondering in the heart: This place has long been classified as a forbidden place. It has always been that you are alone in your own place. How can you have a friend out today? How did the man get in?

What kind of friend is this again?

However, I believe that these people who want to break their heads will not think that the ‘friend’ in it is actually the owner of today’s youth! I am waiting for the biggest enemy now.

Wuwei Tiandi is a young man!

"Please sit down." On the ground, there was a jade table and two white jade chairs out of the air. On the table, there was still a pot of hot tea and two cups, which were hot in the Teng Teng.

A cup of tea, burst out, quiet and far away. Light and pleasant.

"Your space props are very good." Wuwei Tiandi praised a sentence, sat down, this sentence is of course the passing words.

The space ring of the proud evil cloud comes from Chuyang, or is refining for the brothers at the time of Jiuzhongtian. It is true that it is really good in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is said that it is necessary to enter the hall of the nine heavens and the nine emperors. Law eyes. Some names are not true.

The proud evil cloud smiled: "Wu Wei Tiandi came down, I must have advice?"

Mo Qingqing smiled and said: "No, not, the Emperor is here, but he is going to ask the evil spirits."

The first sentence of the proud evil cloud is full of enthusiasm, but it also has the meaning of starting the two people to talk about the starting point. However, this sentence of Wuwei Emperor’s response is really a shock. Unexpectedly, it is necessary to know the strength of his identity. Even though the arrogant cloud has its own strength to keep pace with it, even if it is replaced by it, it is impossible, but in the face of the word "inquiry", the meaning is big. Unusual!

There is a little doubt in the heart of the arrogant evil, but it is still sitting on the side, more cautiously said: "Please speak."

"Dare to ask the evil cloud emperor. What do you think is the end of life?" The strange green face is awe-inspiring, and it is the key to the problem.

The arrogant cloud is slightly indulged, and this is faint: "I have always felt ... my life, there is no end."

For this seemingly infinite "big talk", it is silent.

He can feel the confidence of the proud and evil words when he said this sentence. There are still some uncertainties. Because, I asked ‘you think’; and arrogant cloud answered ‘I feel’.

After a moment of indifference, this is a bit of a continuation: "Do you feel?"

The sinful cloud is sinking and discreet. Slowly, the daytime accompanied by almost ordinary emotions, said: "Yes, it is feeling, since I am repaired to the level of heaven and earth, I can feel it faintly, there is no end to this world. And my life is inevitable. Will be permanently integrated into the process of chasing the end of the world, so there is no end."

"Before this, there was never such a feeling, but since then, this feeling has been felt, and with the growth of self-cultivation, this feeling is becoming more and more real and more and more intense." Helpless smiled.

The face of Mo Qingqing was awe-inspiring, but suddenly there were countless waves of waves in my heart.


feel? !

The reason why he was nervous just now is because of these two words.

Because of this feeling, it is the true direction that guides the peak warriors.

This kind of thing has always been unclear, the road is unknown, but it exists.

However, in the proud and evil cloud, this kind of thing not only exists in real life, but can even feel very clear!

This time, I was silent for a long time. This is the way: "I don't have this feeling, never, I am not as good as you."

This sentence, even with a bit of bitterness.

"When I arrived at the high level of the saints, I suddenly gave birth to the idea of ​​becoming a heavenly emperor. In the near future, there was a battle for the Emperor of Heaven. At that time, I said to myself that I became the party that dominated the world. The Emperor of Heaven is my goal. In the end, I have achieved this goal and become a Heavenly Emperor until now."

"But I have always overlooked the fact that since I set this goal for myself, my cultivation has reached the peak of the saints, and then I have taken another step forward to reach the peak of this world strength level. However, the other half step is not going anyway, knowing that there is a road ahead, but it is hopeless."

On the face of the strange green, some are awkward and still envious.

Because, he knows very clearly one thing: he has already set the end point for his life, and he has already reached the end, but the proud cloud, but not.

This is the fundamental difference between the two.

The essence of the distinction!

I set the highest goal early in the morning, and after I reached it, I will be slacked off. Even if I don’t want to slack off, I can’t do anything any further. Because I always think in my heart: This is the highest achievement in my life, has been completed, and where is it going? !

Oneself, one of the heavenly emperors, is actually really not as good as this young man!

I have a life, this child is endless, and I will judge it!

"That is to say, the green sky in front of you, the position of the Emperor you are vying for, is just an experience in your life, or even dispensable?" asked Mo Qingqing.

The proud evil cloud thought for a moment and said affirmatively: "Yes."

A strange green long sigh.

People are really mad at people than people!

What you can do to fight for it, and to swear to death, for what you can do at all costs...

It turned out to be just in the eyes of others... something that is optional!

What is this feeling?

This is his own grass!

"I understand."

After saying these four words, Mo Qingqing began to drink tea. But the brow, never stretched, has been wrinkled tightly, and the eyes are filled with a strong sense of thinking. It seems that there are major things, it is very difficult to decide the general.

The atmosphere suddenly silenced.

The arrogant cloud is not in a hurry, but it is just a calm and self-satisfaction, but at the moment, the topic that can be of interest is not a word. He knows that in the heart of Mo Qingqing, I am afraid that I can't tolerate anything.

Any word that has other meanings will make his thoughts deviate instantly from what is being considered now.

"The devil! The devil outside the domain!" Mo Qingqing finally said again.

The proud cloud is still silent.

"Your real purpose is actually the extraterrestrial demon?" Mo Qingqing seems to be talking to himself, and does not need anyone to answer, because he himself is then answering: "And it is precisely because of the battle with the demon outside the domain, eliminate This scourge of the world will allow you to seize the supreme power of the Nine Heavens! Because you simply don't trust us and don't trust at all."

"You never thought about fighting with us."

"It's not about monopolizing, but not worrying about our comrades!"

"No, we simply can't call the title of comrades-in-arms. Your backs will only be handed over to your own people, and we..."

The stranger and the younger sighed, and actually broke the truth that he was most unwilling to break.

"Yes, we don't believe you, we are ignorant, we don't believe it bit by bit. You guys can never be our comrades in arms! In fact, in our eyes, you guys can't be comrades-in-arms of anyone, you guys. It will only be the existence of this noun."

The proud evil cloud looked up slightly, and the hair of the forehead was gently lowered, but his gaze was projected from the gap of the hair, and it was sharply projected: "Is it?! Since millions of years ago, the battle of the purple day, Zixiao Tiandi Zihao dies, after the fall of Ziyantian, you will never be believed again, who can dare to believe you?!"

"Although you have strong tyrannical strength, although there are powerful forces, there is a lot of help for the war. Unfortunately, we are not rare, because we don't dare to be rare, although it is not good, but this is the truth and the fact!"

"If this is narrow, then we would rather be narrow. Because you have no qualifications that make us believe."

"This war, we can't afford to lose, and the nine heavens, can't afford to lose."



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