Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 735: 青霄天定!

"We have to change everything, all the hidden dangers that may cause negative effects, and then we can completely destroy the magical evil! We don't want to be betrayed, we don't want to follow the footsteps of the great emperor, we are to destroy the magic, not to be Sell ​​it out!"

The eyes of the proud cloud are getting sharper and sharper.

Mo Qingqing smiled and was silent. For a time, he was born with a guilty conscience that dared not look directly at the eyes of young people.

The arrogant cloud looked at the strange green, and suddenly a kind of inexplicable thought rose in his heart. "Don't you, you are not a holy man?"

This sentence is very straightforward, and it can even be said that it is naive.

Are people who are holy people, will tell you the truth? Whether it is or not, the answer can only be no!

Sure enough, Mo Qingqing immediately answered: "I am not."

He paused and said: "He is kind to me, great favor!"

His tone is very heavy, and his inner voice is as infinite.

The proud evil cloud is like a stunned moment, silent for a moment, then a word said: "The holy prince ... is the true magic!"

"What?! What are you talking about?"

Mo Qingqing suddenly stood up suddenly, his posture changed dramatically, his face was blue, and he changed his personality.

The proud evil cloud looked up and looked straight into the eyes of the strange green, and did not shun it. It was still affirmative: "Yes! It is the people on the cloud, the people on the cloud are the new true magic!"

The green and blue face of the strange green, suddenly became a bit pale, no more blood!

"The true magic of the Holy Spirit has long been annihilated. You said that the people on the cloud are new Halloween magic, what evidence?" When the stranger was talking, the voice even shivered.

In the end, it is also a generation of heavenly emperors. At this moment, there will be such a situation. It can be seen that his emotions have been beaten by the sudden words of the proud evil cloud just now!

Not acceptable at all.

Now what is the identity of the proud evil cloud, how can you speak the vernacular with nothing. However, the strange youth will want to ask for evidence from the arrogant evil spirits, and the words of Dingxuan will be revealed. Everything is inconspicuous. At this moment, the spirit of Qingqing is already chaotic, and it does not restore the stability of this book.

In fact, it is no wonder that even if you have a million-year-old comprehension, you will still be a human being. Bloody and fleshy,

At the beginning, there were only two people who were kind to the stranger; there was only two people in total; one was Yuan Tian, ​​one was Yun Shang, and now, these two are the king of the demon who has been confirmed as the extraterrestrial demon; if another person It is still a notorious new generation of true magic. Mo Qingqing doesn't even know how to face this world!

"Evidence, I don't have any evidence to prove my words." The words of the proud evil cloud made the stranger's heart more sad.

Without any evidence, it is the most normal.

With the talents of the people on the cloud, how can you leave behind what handles and flaws are caught?

However, there is no evidence, but the arrogant cloud still dares to say this. What does it mean?

"In the near future, we will start with the place where the true spirits of the Lord are." The proud evil cloud said: "At that time, or you and I can only have one person to present... Of course, it is possible that both of us can meet their meeting. This option is not there for you."

It’s justified to say no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

"About the extraterrestrial demon... about the position of the emperor... about the green sky..."

Mo Qingqing immediately began to talk about these problems. In fact, these purposes are the main reason for his coming here.

And these problems, let the proud evil cloud can truly feel the sincerity of the strange green, seriously answer one by one.


The conversation between the two people lasted for an afternoon.

At the end of the day, Mo Qingqing got up and said goodbye.

"I haven't asked, how did you find me?" asked Ai Xieyun with a smile.

"As a generation of Emperor, I am looking for a person on my site. This ability, I still have." Mo Qingqing made a joke.

Proud evil cloud does not understand: "Oh?"

"When you really become a Heavenly Emperor, you will know that this is actually a mysterious atmosphere. I, when a leader is there, will have a feeling of being a king. I just need to look for this feeling, just Can find you."

"Because, in your army, everyone in your army will carelessly take your place as a central place; and their mental, eyesight, mental power, and attention, quite a few of them are On your side; this atmosphere, when you get to a certain position, can be clearly distinguished."

Mo Qingqing smiled.

The proud evil cloud was silent and said seriously: "Teached."

It is indeed taught, this sentence is equivalent to reminding one thing that the sinister cloud did not know.

A very important thing!

A strange area that was previously unknown.

At this point, the two people have finally come to an end, and they are drifting away.

A word came from the wind.

"I think, when you set out to deal with the true spirit of the Holy Spirit, I should be there. As a witness!"


From the moment when Mo Qingqing left here, the battle between the Tianbing Pavilion of the Evil Cloud and the Qing Emperor of the Wuwei Tiandi was finally broke out and the limit broke out!

The arrogant cloud sits in the middle of the army and dispatches troops. On the other hand, Mo Qingqing has retracted his intention to go to battle. He just continued to reach the military order, and he personally took the military and put one army after another into the battlefield. !

The entire battlefield seems to have become a super giant meat grinder.

However, what the people of the military do not understand is that those who are really able to fight for good warfare are those who are unfamiliar with the youth, and they are not used.

Just adopt some unexplained people.

The so-called inexplicable, has its own inexplicable points... For example, tens of thousands of years ago, someone who claimed to be far away from the crowd, this person is very capable, but his origin has never been known...

For example, there are people who have some external connections, officials who come from other heavens and so on...

Of course, the most ones are the ones sent from the Chinese monarch.

To be more precise, it is an official who has a tens of thousands of relationships between the ancestral home and the Chinese celestial world.

Mo Qingqing faces a question, his face is calm and indifferent, does not explain, does not respond.

Only he knows it, it is inside. There are those who are corrupt officials, who have used power for personal gain, and who is the insider of others, and who else. In the corpse meal, some people...

Who is very capable, but the character is not good... How many people are how...

On that day, when I said something to the arrogant cloud, I was convinced of the first time, and I believed in it.

This phenomenon is even strange and surprising to himself!

Why is that? !

He has tried to overthrow his feelings more than once. But I was surprised to find that I could not do it.

Maybe, I am too tired, too tired, right?

For so many years, I have never seen the truth. For so many years, I have not done what I really want to do. Let's take a look at how others do it and eventually do it...

However, what really prompted Mo Qingqing to make this decision came from his own heart.

That is a kind of negative.

And a faceless face.


The war has been going on and is continuing.

The arrogant cloud and the strange green are both taking time, and both of them understand that there is a place between heaven and earth. There may be a lot of dross and obstacles, but it is definitely not as much as I imagined.

After all, the vast majority of people are people who do not know the truth.

They are just used to blind obedience, although this habit is very annoying, but they are not bad guys after all; the key. Still have to see how to guide.

When the war reaches a certain level, you can stop, whether it is for people or for yourself, it is a good thing.


In the next few months. Although the war is still frequent, the general trend is already very obvious. The official side of Qinglantian has already been defeated by the mountains. A large number of large numbers of troops have been compiled by the arrogant cloud, and the mountains and the tsunami are unstoppable. The last line of defense rushed over.

In the face of this situation, all the generals in Qingyitian are red eyes.

But Mo Qingqing is determined not to send these people to fight!

Finally, things finally went to the last moment of the picture.

Unfamiliar green swords come out.

"The victory in the first battle! The winner is the king!"

This situation is almost a ruthless copy of Zhongdi Tiandi.

The proud evil cloud incarnates the golden dragon, and the clouds rise in the fog!


After a short period of time, a message shocked the entire Nine Heavens at the moment the news detonated.

Chu Yang and Mo Tianji and others are walking on Tianganshan Road, passing through the last city. Once they leave the city, the next journey will be a wasteland and a mountainous area. ,

The destination Tiangan Mountain is hidden in this rolling mountainous area.

At this very delicate moment, everyone received this explosive news.

Even the two people of Chu Yang and Mo Tianji got a stunned and stunned story after getting the news!

Green day changes!

The evil cloud emperor led the army of the Tianbing Pavilion under his majesty, and attacked the Qing Emperor Tianwuwei Emperor.

Under the end of the road, the Emperor Wuwei proposed a decisive battle, and the winner was the king.

Proud evil cloud Jinlong attack, a battle to set the stage!

Unfamiliar defeated, lost willing to admit defeat, hand over all the rights of Qingyitian, personally announced the world, abdicated to the sage, and helped the evil cloud emperor to organize the internal affairs of the government, only to take care of the family, so that the rivers and lakes, I do not know Traced...

At this point, the third heaven and earth of Jiuzhong Tianzhu also fell into the hands of Tianbing Pavilion!

Uninterrupted, the arrogant cloud that has won the victory has begun to rectify the order of the Qing Dynasty and reorganize the three armed forces. Everything is so vigorous and vigorous...

No one thought that the green sky would be so fast.

Wuwei Tiandi would have been so unsatisfactory, so quickly collapsed and failed.

Chu Yang and Mo Tianji also felt that there was fraud!

And Mo Tianji immediately let the secret intelligence department pass the secret question, and went straight to the proud cloud.


<Today, one of the two goods just left, the game company then came, accompanied by drinking...>

<Hey, the last time I went to Guangzhou was overturned, this time I wanted to avenge my hate... I didn’t expect to be at my doorstep... and stunned...>

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