Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 763: Breaking back

The Nine-Party Nebula World is like nine cicadas that exist in Chuyang.

The sky is endless, the nebula is dense, the stars are dotted, and the embellishment is incomparable!

The next moment, an unprecedented strong atmosphere, instantaneously swept out, it is a kind of feeling that the world is in the world, but it is gentle and infinite.

Chu Yang, broke through!

For Mo Tianji and others, Chu Yang has been in a state of lethargy, and is still in a state of deep drowsiness, and seems to have done nothing.

But for Chu Yang himself, he clearly knows what he is doing!

Yes, Chu Yang is now immersed in some kind of inexplicable extreme comfort, running Jiuzhong Tianshen in almost unconsciously; he can clearly feel the whole process, from the beginning of Dantian in the slow reorganization, until the Yuan Infantization is a nebula, but rather than being a participant, Chu Yang is a bystander.

This is undoubtedly a magical feeling, but also a difficult atmosphere to describe the language.

Eyes look at the seemingly incurable devastating name of the wound, recovering slowly in a little bit, and even during this period did not make any elixir, running any healing heart. What is this feeling like?

"Open the door of the avenue, you can do anything!"

Chu Yang really felt this.

It is indeed omnipotent!

He can feel that with the constant influx of aura, with the new life of plant insects and other new life, the joy of getting the pulse of life, Chu Yang is fully integrated into the heart, but also slowly being backed.

Because Chu Yang, these things are derived, and after derivation, they start to give back.

Being backed by the environment, being backed by nature, being backed by the power of life pulse -

All the life in this world is backed up collectively.

If it is human, if you see that these fundamental cures are hopeless, I am afraid that I will give up in the first place. This is a solution without any solution. This has already become a kind of cognition, but it will not be the most simple life between heaven and earth. Kind of understanding, this kind of cognition.

Injuries are injuries, but minor injuries, minor injuries, minor injuries, major injuries, serious injuries, fatal injuries, but injuries are always injuries, no matter how serious injuries, or injuries.

They just know that one life has been injured and needs rescue.

And this life is the one who has given life to himself.

This person who is very important to himself has injuries on his body. I will heal him, not only because he has given us life, but because he has recognized us.

They don't care if their output is useful, they just pay for it, the whole body's output...

Countless vitality, after scouring the body of Chu Yang, after cycling in the body of Chu Yang, go back again, and then come again, it will grow even stronger...

It is this kind of mind that has created this miracle, and it is impossible to heal the wounds. Under this kind of atmosphere, it is impossible to cure quickly.

Reinvent the machine and reshape Dantian!

Chu Yang and the heavens and the earth have formed an unprecedented cycle of perfection.

Landscapes, even the stars and sky, the sky, the infinite aura, all are dedicated to the whole body...

All the things that have life are doing the most sincere hard work for the injury of Chu Yang...

A drop of water may not cause any change, even a hundred drops, a thousand drops, may not be able to cause any impact, not to say that the dam is destroyed, at best, it can only wet a piece of land.

But, 100 million drops of water, 1 billion drops of water? More?

What are the consequences of 10,000 and 100,000 shares of water that can wet the ground?

When such water droplets accumulate to a considerable extent, they will change qualitatively due to quantitative changes!

Even if you want the effect of the mountain and the tsunami, you just need a gathering process!

No matter how strong the dam in the world, in fact, it can not withstand the uninterrupted impact of endless water!

Crash, it’s just a matter of time!

Or a thousand years, perhaps a millennium, it may be more than a hundred years, ten years, of course, it may be a moment!

Water is actually the most terrible thing in the world.

As the saying goes, water and fire are ruthless; but the flame can only be burned for a while, and hundreds of people who have lost their lives because of the fire can already shock the world.

But how a huge, wide-ranging fire is also rare to burn more!

However, because of the people who died in the floods, they are hundreds of thousands, millions!

There is no comparable surname between the two!

Nowadays, this is filled with the vast aura of the universe, which symbolizes the power of life. It is using this method. It is a collection of scorpions, sands and towers... The drip is the Bohai Sea, and the universe is full of material!

Gradually merged into an unstoppable torrent.

When such a flood really formed, Chu Yang had always been enlightened by the door of the avenue, and it happened to be at this time!

Immediately, the power of a huge life rushed into it.

No matter where there is a gap, there are shortcomings, where to fix it, where to make up, go...

Rich and unimaginable life, Chu Yang is full of body, the body is already scarred everywhere, but it is filled in a very strange way, repaired, and once again enriched The whole process is not very fast, it is very hateful, perfect, even more perfect than perfect...

Dan Tian, ​​recovery!

Jin Dan, molding!

Yuan Ying, re-condensing!

Nebula world, gathering!

After all this is done, countless auras are still rushing into the world, full of these nine nebula-centric worlds!

In these nebula worlds, the sky is vast and beautiful, but the ground is just a desert. It can be said that apart from the stars, the stars and the sky, nothing else.

There is no sun, no moon, the sky is gray, there are no mountains, no water, no animals, no life in the ordinary sense...

The enormous gas of life rushes in, but it does not bring the breath of life to the world, but the gas of life that enters the world of this nebula will quickly disappear without a trace, and it will not bring any changes to the world. It seems that the huge energy of life, no effect at all...

But the aura is still clinging in, the mountains and the tsunami flooding in, flooding in, pouring in, constantly pouring in, just pouring into a thought...

And Chu Yang, such a crazy sucking action, formed a huge vortex over the valley! Like a tornado, the true to pure life aura, just like the sky, the general rushing in from the sky, into the Chuyang lodge, into the body of Chuyang, if it is reciprocating, endless, endless...

This change made all the brothers stunned and helpless.

Now, I finally understand... Why is the change here so big, it turns out that... the boss...

Ji Mo wants to cry without tears, looking at himself because of the thought of dig the lake that the baby dug out, the look is very entangled... If I knew it was because of the boss, not what baby, as for so many hard work? The strength is also enough, as for the ridiculous laughter of the bastard... In short, I made the second cognac?


This situation has been going on for a day and a night, all day and night.

I have been waiting for the next morning.

Chu Yang finally opened his eyes and finally woke up from the deep sleep! .

Mo Tianji and others who have been paying close attention to Chu Yang’s movements, at this moment, are almost lost in Chu Yang’s eyes!

Chu Yang’s gaze flashes at this moment, just like the door of the starry sky suddenly opens. Full of mystery and mysterious colors...

I was shocked to see this scene, Mo light dance could not help but exclaim.

Chu Yang turned his head: "What's wrong?" The voice is full of concerns,

After this sound, the magical light in his eyes suddenly converges. At that moment, the mysterious and subtle color of Chu Yang’s scorpion disappeared and returned to its usual glory.

"You are awake!" Mo slammed into his arms and burst into tears.

Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian's clumsy smiles, tears in their eyes, they also want to plunge into Chu Yang's arms, but Mo Tianji is on the side, and is also taken a step by Mo Qing dance; Tianzhidao... coma in Chuyang In the half-month that I have not woken up, how much pressure do the three women have in their hearts...

That is a mood that will collapse at any time...

"When I was in a coma, you didn't cry. How could this wake up? Instead, you should cry." Chu Yang repeatedly comforted.

"Boss, how are you?" Ji Mo squinted: "So fast... just fine?"

Mo light dances and glares: "Do you mean this? Do you still think he is too fast?"

Ji Mo’s mouth was stunned, and he didn’t know how to answer it at the same time. It seemed that he could not answer the question.

The brothers despised together: "This goods is too much, and you can't say a word! You said, who can be two more than you!"

Mo Tianji first stabilized his mood: "Boss, it seems... your repair has also broken through?"

Chu Yang nodded and said: "Yes, this time it is a blessing in disguise, and repairing is a big step forward."

Feeling that he is full of strength, Chu Yang only feels awkward and relaxed.

“A big step...” Mo Tianji cautiously said: “How big is this step?”

Everyone was gazing, watching Chu Yang, waiting for the answer.

Chu Yang indulged a bit and said: "If you encounter the East Emperor now... there should be a battle."

Mo Tianji took a long sigh of relief and said: "That is to say... now that the words of Shang Shengjun are only one line apart?"

Chu Yang cautiously said: "It should be the case. I can't be sure if I haven't really handed it over. But in any case, even if I really meet the Holy King, even if I can't beat it alone, he can't kill me, I want to make sure. It should be fine if you retreat."

As soon as this statement came out, all the brothers cheered.

............(To be continued.)

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