Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 764: Brother, give you a way!

Only after reaching this level will you know how difficult it is to go further.

The known roads of the traditional practice roads of Jiuzhong Tianzhu have come to an end. If you want to go forward, you must open up new roads yourself, and take the path that the predecessors have not set foot on. But how difficult is it to open up a new road?

That is an unimaginable thing.

Therefore, the masters of the nine-fold Tianzhu Peak in the past are stopping here.

In the past, many people once wanted to go further. However, most people can only go to the confusion, but in the end it is a form of god...

"Let's gossip less, now, everyone is divided into different waves, I will tell you about your own understanding." Chu Yang said: "Only how much you can comprehend, it depends on your own chances, everyone is fighting for the shortest In the time, let your cultivation go further, I believe that it will play a great role in unifying the nine heavens and even against the devil."

Everyone jumped up together.


The first one to come in is the Mo Tianji.

"Tianji, what you cultivate is to master the world. This skill is magical and magical. When it is repaired to a true height, it is enough to capture the heavens and the earth." Chu Yang pondered for a long time, said: "But have you ever thought about this? Why is the name of the project law mastering the world?"

Mo Tianji meditated and said: "You mean..."

Chu Yangdao: "Mastering the world... Obviously it is still not complete. If you only want to master the world... So, what about heaven?"

Mo Tianji suddenly stopped!

So what about heaven? !

These five words. For ordinary people, it may be just a joke, and it will only extend from the superficial meaning; but for Mo Tianji. It is like a lightning bolt that directly hits the soul!

The heart of the lake, which has always been calm and waveless, is so choppy at this moment that it is difficult to stop.

Yes, there is often a misunderstanding in everyone's mind, that is: to control the world, it does not mean that it controls everything!

Everything, things, things!

But few people can think of it: the world, the original interpretation of the word. In fact, it is just under the sky! And outside the atmosphere of the sky, there is naturally heaven above!

There are already there!

This is the world!

Three-year-old children understand the truth, but they are ignored by most people in the world!

You just master the world. It falls on its own.

"I understand this." Mo Tianji opened his mouth in a difficult way, but his eyes glowed and whispered: "Just, how do I master... What is this heaven?"

Chu Yang Shen Sheng: "You said. This ‘the world’. Is it life?”

Mo Tianji heard the words and lived.

Chu Yang's sudden words, there is no logic at all, the grammar is unreasonable, but his tone is so solemn, solemn to the Mo Tian machine can not help but also to the point of dignified.

"The world... eternal life, even if it is declining and prosperous, even if it changes its dynasty, it always exists... Will it be that... This ‘the world’ is actually a life?”

"Assume that 'the world' is a life; then. 'Heavenly' is not?" Chu Yang slowly said: "Can we think... the world, and the sky. Is it a common life? Just like people, there are There is a chest in the front and a back. If this person has only the front chest and no back, then even if he practices the chest to the King Kong, it will not die, but it will still die; why? Because he is not complete, or say incomplete."

"The world and the heavens are attached to each other. If you are not ‘the heavenly’, you are already doomed to do your cultivation is not complete?”

Chu Yang said quietly.


After a long, long time, Mo Tianji was still frowning and thinking, such as sleepwalking, generally came out of Chuyang's room, all the way to read words, gods, more and more like a **** stick.

Don't have to use a heavy hammer for the drum!

For a person like Mo Tianji, in fact, it only takes a few words, and he can fully understand. Of course, if you can go further, you still need to rely on yourself. Even if you have a big chance, you still need your own efforts.

The second one went in, Dong was no injuries, and Dong was not injured. Among the many brothers present, the individual had the strongest fighting power.

"No injury, what kind of person can be harmless?"

Chu Yang’s first sentence made Dong no injuries, half a sigh, and replied: "No one can always be harmless?!"

"Yes, what you said is that no one can really be harmless, but there is one thing, but it can always be harmless, it is incredible, but this kind of thing really exists." Chu Yang said slowly.

Dong did not hurt and asked: "Ah? Is there really? The boss, you are going to say, what can be done without injury? Don't sell off!"

Chu Yang smiles, a touch of the road: "Dao! Road, you can always be harmless."

Dong did not hurt for a long time, said: "Do you want? Road? Heaven? Road??"

"No harm!" Chu Yang said in a word: "But all that you said, no harm, no harm."

"There is no injury in the road? There is no injury in the road..." Dong did not hurt for a while, and he couldn’t stop talking about Chu Yang’s words.

"Yes, it is no harm, and ... Road, all have life!" Chu Yang said: "Life!"

"The road is not hurt? The road has a life? The road is harmless, the road has a life..." Dong Wu is more confused and falls into deep thinking.

Chu Yang went on to say: "The heavens and the earth are sometimes done, but the road is endless, and there is no injury..."


When Dong did not hurt, it was also like a meditation.

And the kind of fierce momentum of the body has already converged.

It is no longer so fierce and fierce, but it is more calm and restrained.

Then there was Xie Danqiong, then Ji Mo, Rock Enemy, and nowhere. Finally, Chu Yang asked the situation of the mother, and gave instructions, then the ink tears, for the ink tears, Chu Yang is naturally Knowing the roots, fully understanding, and dialing is more convenient.

Subsequently, Chu Leer, Mo light dance...

Chu Yang himself remembered the "so-called, Tao"; for the cultivation of brothers and sisters, which direction should go, the heart already has a number.

However, Chu Yang can't say it out loud now, and can only keep prompting. Trigger, inspire their inspiration, let them find this way.

That is the way that really belongs to them.

If Chu Yang directly points out, it becomes the road they pointed out in Chu Yang, not the road they have explored. Among them, although there are only some differences, the result is greatly different!

It is likely to be related to the limit of achievement for everyone in this life!

That book, Chu Yang is still enlightened, the more I understand it, the more I feel that I understand it is really too little...

As for Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian, although they have been cultivated for a big increase, they are still far from reaching the road of Mo Tianji and others. The road is getting narrower and narrower. There is no way to go, so there is no need for Chu Yang’s guidance.


In the following period of time, although everyone was in a hurry and wanted to go out, but because the old wounds have not completely healed, in addition, the basic owners have been touched by Chu Yang, everyone needs to stabilize their own realm, at this time Distraction, breaking this sentiment, will not only lead to the overall progress of this time, it is more likely to cause serious consequences of life-long stop.

Therefore, even though everyone is anxious, they are eager to know what is going on outside, but they only have the courage to press their minds, let them completely let go, and fully participate in enlightenment, hoping to break through as soon as possible.

Everyone, including Mo Qing Dance, is retreating and thinking hard about his own path.

Completely restored and once again go forward, whether it is Chu Yang, who is completely relaxed in the body or mind, and Wu Qianqian and Tie Bu Tian naturally become the most leisurely person.

Every day, a certain king will take two beautiful people to watch the scenery on the island of Huxin, playing and playing, and the little days will be called a nourishing one.

With Chu Yang presiding here, the aura in this world is not lost, but it is more and more rich, and it is more and more comfortable...

Surrounded by mountains, but a few days, there are already trees growing to the thickness of the arms, a few feet high. This can be different from the plants growing on the outside land.

Even though it is the most common tree, it grows on such a density of land, and its hardness is also ten million times that of the same kind outside!

Even, it is no exaggeration to say that in this area, the nutrients contained in each grass can be compared with the general elixir outside!

The embryonic form of a quiet world has gradually taken shape.

On this day, Chu Yang made a whim, and took the seeds of various heavenly treasures that were born out of the medicine in his own space. In this valley, I chose some places that are more suitable for growth and relatively hidden. , spread it down.

And I used the spring of life to water it a little.

Yuxue Lingshen, Jiuyou reviving the grass... Tiandi Xuelingzhi...etc...

Then, Chu Yang looked at these thriving Tiandi treasures and said softly: "These things grow here, I don't know what will affect the future of this world...maybe, it will cause a catastrophe, maybe It will also be another master of the world, a casual move today, or may help a latecomer to create another legend..."

Iron-filled Tianrou said: "Yes, I believe that since these things exist, they must have the value of their existence. Whether it is a catastrophe or a master of achievement... that is the situation of later people..."

Chu Yang nodded and agreed.

Tiebu Tian said: "With your current cultivation as the standard, I believe that I have faintly possessed the ruins of the avenue. Since this is a whim, sowing here is not premeditated, and generally this kind of thing... will indicate that There must be some encounters in the future..."

"This seems to be a thing that is doomed from now on." Tie Butian said: "Do you not think?"


<Seeking a monthly ticket! ! > (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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