Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 765: Great chaos

Chu Yang turned his head and looked at the iron patch, saying strangely: "Sweet, although you are still far from reaching that point, but what you are saying now, you already have the feeling of sentiment." ”

Tiebu Tian smiled and said: "Is it?" The voice turned out to be somewhat low.

Wu Qianqian also sighed quietly at this time.

Chu Yang immediately understood, put the two women in their arms, whispered: "You don't have to lose, you will one day, the achievements will not be inferior to anyone, this is what I said. I firmly believe that my little wife No worse than anyone!"

Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian smiled at the same time: "Yes."

Chu Yang hugged them with some heartache and said: "I'm sorry, I used to ignore this point. I am not."

Two women satisfied with the smile: "You have done a good job. Whether as a man or as a husband, as a father, as a son, you have done a good job. You don't have to blame yourself. It's just our own encounter, always Something is worse, we will catch up."

Chu Yang’s heart is really a real thought.

Iron-filled days are also good; Wu Qianqian, the two women are very qualified, can be said to be talented. Moreover, both women used to be in high positions, ordering the world, and in the bones, those who do not think they would be inferior to anyone.

And they themselves, everyone is also qualified to have this pride.

However, after following Chuyang, all the way, but there has been no such encounter with the martial arts, living in a high position, naturally there is no life and death of the Jianghu people... So, the cultivation of the two women is always far behind others. . This is undoubtedly a huge blow to their arrogant people.

When I came to Jiuzhong Tianzhu, this time in the world of Wu Zunzun, I felt even more lost.

It’s just that the two women have been patiently losing their hearts, helping Chu Yang from other aspects in their own way, assisting Chu Yang and playing their own role.

But now, seeing that everyone is feeling, only the two women can't go any further because of their own shortcomings.

Although the two women themselves are also convinced that one day, they will eventually catch up with their pace.

Just... it takes time.

Chu Yang is aware of this, and really blames his own carelessness. I secretly made up my mind: In the future, we must create more opportunities for the two women in this respect, so that they can slowly restore their self-confidence and restore their self-confidence in martial arts.

It is like a tactic, in the court, in the battlefield, that kind of holding the world, the style of the world, also on the martial arts, in the most peak of the attitude of the front!

In fact, every woman will not really be willing to be a vassal of a man.

Especially the woman who is proud of her, even more so!

Even if the man is her favorite person, so is it!

To love one's own wife is not to fully satisfy any material needs of them, but more importantly... to return the sky that belonged to her own... to her!

Let her fly in her own field!


"This valley is now completely owned by us all... Do you want to take a name?" Tiebutian quickly suppressed his inexplicable feeling of loss and said with a smile.

As a former generation of emperors, a very qualified and perfect emperor, Tie Tiantian can perfectly control the emotions. In the past, a little bit of out of control, quickly recover the state, and first talk about a topic that is more suitable for the current.

"Okay." Chu Yang said: "You come to discuss a name."

"Just called the heavenly holy land, how?" Iron-filled Tian Xiaoran smiled.

"Good name!" Chu Yang and Wu Qianqian cheered at the same time.

No matter now or in the future, after the formation of this secret land, the place will be a truly "Tongtian" holy place!

Just do it, Chu Yang immediately made a decision to leave the name on the mountain.

When Chu Yang used the nine robbery swords to engrave these four words on the mountain wall, Dong Wushou took the lead in the customs;

Obviously, this time ** has already begun to bear fruit, and there are many improvements in the cultivation.

Everyone is like this. As long as they really explore their own direction, they will terminate this time.

The reason why I didn't deliberately go further is because... there is not much time left, there are still many things to do.

The stay during this time may have missed a lot, and no more delays can be allowed.


On this day, the last one of the epiphany, the mother-in-law, finally passed the customs, and everyone was anxious to bring out the valley!

In the rivers and lakes, I am afraid that it is already a mess in the world.

No one knows, how many things happened in this more than a month?

Before going out of the valley, Mo Tianji once again arranged the valley, and laid more guardian positions around him to ensure that no one could come in.

"In this valley, who can get in?" Chu Yang asked.

"After I cast a way to close the passage..." Mo Tianji said: "In addition to my own strength at least a hundred times more than my tyrannical existence, only those who have a good fortune will enter here by chance. ”

Saying, Mo Tianji blinked, revealing a look that could even be said to be 'naughty'.

"It turns out that you are not tired of this kind of bad taste." Chu Yang laughed: "So there, you should leave something else?"

"Just left a few words. There is nothing specific." Mo Tianji smiled and said: "And, I have a hunch, in the future, after not knowing how many years, some people will come here and get there. s things."

"I can even conclude that this person will become a legend after getting these things." Mo Tiandao said: "This... although I may not be in this sky at the time, but the legend here is still me. Made out... this feeling, as long as it is thought of, is very cool."

"Sure enough, you really played this idea, hahaha..."

The people laughed together.

"I really don't know what kind of character will be created in the end." In the tears, the tears go back and reluctantly reluctantly: "With the richness of the aura here, I am afraid that the Lingquan stone milk will be formed without a thousand years. In the year, it will be able to create Lingjing; in 50,000 years, it will be able to form the Xianshan Dragon Vein... Since then, it has a long history..."

"If someone really got it, then this person may still see us in the future."

After talking about such a distant future, Chu Yang inexplicably remembered a lot of people. When I said this, Chu Yang remembered the emptiness of the void, the majestic and magical palace.

There is also a white boy.

There is also a sinister boy who has talked to himself several times before.

There is also a name he once mentioned, it seems to be called, old black...

I remembered... what helper, what is ethereal...what...

I couldn't help but sigh and mutter: "In fact, there are two paths in life, one way, from birth to death; the other way, from birth to immortal... two roads, no one can be avoided. The **** person, No matter how hard you try, no matter how many roads you have traveled, you will end up with only one dead road... and those who can go to immortality; no matter how difficult, no matter what way, but the end, or immortal Words."

The words of Chu Yang, the point of specificity, let everyone fall into meditation.

As soon as I walked out of the valley, no one spoke, and I was quietly thinking and pondering.

Everyone carefully chewed the meaning of these two sentences. After a long, long time, everyone sighed at the same time. Immediately, everyone laughed together.

Because everyone sees the light in front.

Everyone has already stepped out of the valley, and it is in front of the terrorist forest!


It was not until the footsteps of the footsteps that the information system of Mo Tianji was restored. His celestial plane and the heavenly player could play a role again.

Almost immediately, when Mo Tianji took out the opening of the celestial disk, he immediately frowned.

I saw one stream after another flashing on the dial.

Every streamer here represents a message; but in an instant, there are no fewer than a thousand streams!

Moreover, the celestial disk is still receiving continuously, and it is still flashing.

Mo Tianji sighed softly: "We are afraid that we have missed a lot of things! My celestial disk, the most record of the day before, but only fifty or sixty messages, if it is just a general thing, they simply do not Will inform me specifically, but now..."

Looking at the densely smashed celestial disk, everyone was speechless and worried.

During this time, it is definitely a big thing!

Otherwise, the Tianbing Intelligence Agency will not contact Mo Tianji so frequently.

"In addition to the extraterritorial days, the squadrons have increased their troops, and they have been arrogant. The war between the two sides is on the verge of death. It is said that the main reason for the action of the extraterrestrial demon is that due to the homeland where it is located, a large-scale space collapse has occurred. The attacking power of the nine-day Scorpio, invading the territory of the Nine Heavens, and gaining living space..."

The first news that Mo Tianji said was extremely shocking.

Everyone did not speak, waiting for the next article of Mo Tianji.

"The Holy King issued an order in the entire Nine Heavens to completely ban the Tianbing Pavilion! The official forces, private armed forces, and martial forces in the Tianzhu area must fully cooperate with the annihilation of the Tianbing Pavilion. If there is any failure, the killing is not to be discussed. The reason is... because... Tianbing Pavilion It is the striker of the extraterrestrial demon against the nine-day Scorpio..." Mo Tianji smiled.

This is the second message, and everyone has frowned.

The low curse is up.

Are we the forwards of the extraterrestrial demon? What about him, this holy prince still has no chin in one mouth...

............(To be continued.)

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