Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 767: Buddhism

"Shut up!" Chu Yang screamed, and interrupted the question of the two. "If you both can only say this kind of anger, don't say it anymore. Now we need to be calm, any negligence." It will only cause more serious consequences. Without a little help, can you understand?!"

If this is what Mo Tianji said, Dong Wuju and Ji Mo are afraid to argue a few more words, but this is from the mouth of Chu Yang, but the two are immediate residents, the authority of Chu Yang boss, no one can question , not allowed!

On the forehead of Mo Tianji, there is a faint beating in the blue veins. "It’s just anxious, but it’s just useless. The first task at the moment is to find a quiet and stable place to stop. Dong Wuju, Ji Mo, Rock Enemy Responsible for patrolling, protection; I and the boss, light dance, two nephews, and tears, Le Er, Dan Qiong, nowhere, Yu Niang and others to open a meeting, to sort out the context of the invisible situation."

He took a deep breath: "This is a critical moment, and it is impossible to make a mistake, and no one is allowed to act rashly!"

"In this period of time, the words of the celestial plane are equivalent to my words. If you violate the celestial plane, it would be contrary to my words!" Chu Yang added that Chu Yang was really afraid of the brothers here, and hurriedly rushed to help, then It's really bad.

Do not doubt that Dong is not hurt, Ji Mo, and Roxie are still ignorant, and they are able to do this kind of thing!

So this vaccination is still good early!

"Why didn't we call us because of the meeting..." Rock's enemies just called out, and they were stunned by Chu Yang's eyes.

"Why don't you call you. It's because of your stinking screams!"

Mo Tianji said wickedly: "From now on, if you three of you dare to say a word more, immediately downgrade to the old man! The boss just said. I can talk now!"

The three people suddenly stunned, and did not dare to make another noise.

Chu Yang sank in the heart.

The current situation is so bad that it can be seen from the reaction of Mo Tianji.

Mo Tianji is so violent, but also to collect the power of the whole person to sort through the whole story. Drinking and blocking Dong is not hurting, and even borrowing his own words... Judging from the signs now, the feeling in his mind A mist, I am afraid that it also exists in the brain of Mo Tianji!

and. Because so many brothers have an accident at the same time, Mo Tianji is also a real mess.

At this stage, there is no focus on the target at all. Because everything is going on everywhere, every place should be a goal worthy of attention!

It doesn't matter at all!

After a while, a stone crypt created by humans has been formed, and the three guards went out to guard. Form the first line of defense. Then Dong did not hurt, Rock Enemy, and Ji Mo three out, made a second line of defense, the other ten people sat heavily in a circle.

Participants, Chu Yang, Mo light dance, Mo Tianji. Iron fills the sky, Wu Qianqian. Ink tears, Chu Leer, 祀娘, 芮不通, Xie Danqiong.

This time, Mo Tianji offered to add himself.

Then everyone proposed that each of their own opinions should be presided over by Tiebu Tian.

This decision made Chu Yang and Tie Tiantian both admired.

Because, Mo Tianji himself clearly realized that although he is now trying his best to pretend that nothing has happened, the current heart has been somewhat disordered. It is almost impossible to maintain the calmness of the hole.

This matter has always been a matter of life and death of many brothers, and will lose oneself, but no one is willing to give up.

It’s not good to say that the current Mo Tianji may not be able to compare with Dong’s injure and so on. They have a hot head and rushed to support. The purpose is single, the concern is less, and the positioning is better, and Mo Tianji needs to take the overall situation and consider carefully. I want to cover everything, and now the situation is likely to be all-inclusive, so Mo Tianji is now a mess.

At this time, Tie Bu Tian, ​​the emperor who once mastered the world, used an emperor's heart to analyze and make choices, which is the most appropriate choice.

"Now, you are too anxious, so some have lost their squares. Heaven knows that you can't be anxious at this moment. You can use this to say other people, but on his own, it is ineffective." Tiebutian said calmly and calmly: "It is true that these worlds are undergoing major changes... Any party is in a difficult and struggling atmosphere, and the situation is awkward. Any party, is a brother of their own, has their own brothers, can not be thrown But now, it must be clear, where is the most in need of us."

"And, that is, the Holy King deliberately created such a messy situation, and what is his purpose? The Holy King cannot blindly retaliate."

Although the words of the iron patch are not cold, but it is like a basin of cold water, poured on the top of everyone's head.

"Now, let's rule out and get rid of those unnecessary places."

The iron scabbard in the hands of the scabbard draws a big circle on the open space, and then marks the names of the big heavens on the circle.

Then, the scabbard first points to the words 'Zizitian', and faintly said: "Although the extraterrestrial demon is the biggest enemy of the future, but now, on the other side of the purple sky, there are former generations of nine robbers sitting in the town, and There is a mysterious white fog to make the final barrier. As long as this last line of defense is still there, I believe that there will be no unbearable changes in the short-term. So, the place where Zi Yantian can be removed, not here. Within the scope of attention!"

The scabbard has a stroke, and the purple day is gone.

"Donghuangtian, there is the East Emperor personally sitting in the town, the strength is the most powerful, and has been prepared. So Donghuangtian, also does not need reinforcements, can also be removed, in fact, if even the East Emperor Tian fell, we rushed past no The bigger meaning, the trade-off of this piece, is obvious!"

Dong Huangtian was also taken away.

"There are also Moyun Tian Xie Danqiong, and there is no injury to Zhongji Tiandong, because the Emperor of Heaven is not here, so the dragons have no heads, and there are people who are provocative, so they are always noisy, the situation is very chaotic, and... Noisy, in chaos, I believe that as long as there is no major incentive, it will not be able to fight, or it can be said that there is nothing to worry about in the future... So, these two worlds can also be removed, or even from these two The heavens and the earth pulled out some of the confidant masters and went to other places to reinforce."

"Even if there are chaos in these two worlds, but one day Dong is not hurt and Xie Danqiong can go back as soon as he can go back."

Tiebu Tian also went to Zhongji Tian and Mo Yuntian.

The circle on the ground has become much simpler. The mood of everyone is gradually calming down a little.

Iron-filled days wrinkled the eyebrows, pointed to the scabbard and the big Luotian with a scabbard, and sighed a little, and said: "Fa Tu Tian Di Emperor ink back to the dust, and Da Luo Tian Tiandi purple promise, now that the flag has been clearly expressed willing to East The emperor stood together, then, the two worlds, the problem is not big, as long as the local forces do not shoot, the Tianbing Pavilion of Ji Mo on the top, the Tianbing Pavilion under the enemy of Rock, and a group of wolves Not to be truly stifled... At the very least, there is a great chance of turning around... So, these two worlds, because there is no possibility of lore, can be temporarily excluded."

"As for the master of the Holy Palace... After all, it is a minority. Although there will be sacrifices, we can’t take it anymore. I said this sentence is not ruthless. I believe you also understand... not to mention, even if there is sacrifice, Before you go back, you can’t recover it...”

As I said, Tiebu Tian crossed the two worlds.

Everyone nodded.

Including Ji Mo and Rock Enemy, Yan Niang, they all agreed to nod. It is true that Tiebu Tian said it. Although such an analysis has calmed down to a near-cold level, it is now needed!

"Qingyitian, now the whole territory has fallen into the hands of the proud evil cloud, although there are still confrontational appearances, although it is triggered at the moment, but this just shows that the proud evil cloud has stabilized the situation, so this world can also temporarily Don't worry about it."

Said, Tiebu Tian will also turn this side of the world.

"As for the demon emperor, now in the chaos of extreme chaos, the situation seems extremely dangerous. In fact, the situation may not be so bad. First of all, there are almost all of us, and there is the full assistance of the demon Ning Ning. It can be said that it is the foundation of our stronghold. Under the leadership of such superior forces, I believe that there will be no big things happening in a short period of time. Especially at this stage, the demon has returned to the demon day, even if it is seriously injured, there are She is still innocent when she is in town."

Iron-filled days faintly said: "And, because of the injury after the demon, the demon emperor will be more enemies. So, the demon emperor's side can also be crossed!"

In the end, the vacant part of the front is only the Daxitian, Antarctic, and Chibeitian Santian!

Most of the territories have been eliminated by the iron patch.

Mo Tianji took a deep breath at this moment.

Iron-filled days are sinking, and the eyebrows are slightly slim.

Finally, the hilt of the hand points to the Chibeitian: "The Tianbing Pavilion founded by Tanyi has not developed many people. The power can be said to be the weakest party among all the Tianbing Pavilions. This is not the most talked about. The main reason, but this weakness is not necessarily a benefit, the strength is weak, the number of people is small, and there is relatively less need to be scrutinized after the loss..."

"Since the talks have been spared by the four masters of the war, then it is sure to leave with Danfeng. Otherwise, to talk about the character of the singer, it is better to die, and will not give up Xie Danfeng... In this way, it is a serious injury, but with Dan and Feng, there is still no life threatening. At most, it is a comprehensive abandonment of the Tianbing Pavilion over there... So, this red northern sky can also be temporarily Reason."


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