Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 768: Sound east hit west

"Antarctic Heaven is the place where the arrogant Tianbing Pavilion is located. It is unable to develop the forces of the Tianbing Pavilion. It is different from other Tianbing Pavilions. It is committed to cultivating a group of stolen children. Although in general, the strength is relatively weak, but it is escaping. On the other hand, these people have considerable advantages, and each person has their own strengths and survivability. It is not difficult for everyone to infer the character of these people who follow him... Most of them should be well-hidden. of……"

Iron-filled day faint smile: "So, the Antarctic days, you can also temporarily exclude."

One by one, the past is eliminated, and finally there is only one goal left.

Daxitian. Gu alone there!

In the hearts of everyone, this will be a lot brighter, more like a lot of confidence in the air.

Even in the iron-filled days, I said, 'Everyone can’t figure out the personality of these people who follow him... Most of them should be well-hidden,' but I still couldn’t help but laugh. .

I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say...

"Now there is only the side of Daxitian...that is, Gu Lianxing, Gu Miaoling, and the place where the cloth stays in the place is the most dangerous place, and it is also the place where the most urgent need for help."

Tiebu Tian looked up and thought about it. He said: "I also said in the intelligence... In the battle of the Great West, the fierce battle, the forces of the Holy Palace suddenly shot... and in other heaven and earth information, there is no similar Intelligence."

"From this sentence, we can see that the main target of the Holy King. It is Daxitian, Gu alone. And this news, a great opportunity is the deliberate release of the Holy King."

Tiebu Tian frowned: "So. Daxitian is the land we have to save, and it is also the most dangerous trap of the Holy King!"

"I even suspect that the Holy King himself is on the side of Daxitian, waiting for us to vote for the net."

Tiebutian faintly said: "We have just destroyed his base of the true spirit, destroying one of his avatars. The prince can not retaliate... and his revenge, I judge, most of it is here!"

Tiebutian finished. After quietly thinking for a while, after confirming that my thoughts and speculations were not missing, I finally smiled: "I have these opinions. Others, what else do you want to add?"

The audience is silent!

After a long time. Mo Tianji repeated the words that Tie Butian said just now in his mind. Then I looked at the picture on the ground again, and I re-drawn it one by one. I couldn’t help but sigh a long sigh and said: "Boss... It’s too bad to make up the sky, it’s really fine. It’s a generation of emperors, the characters who are in the world..."

Chu Yang looks pretentious. Road: "Where is it, praise it!"

Modest in the mouth. But the expression of ‘with glory’ is undisguised.

Mo Tianji shook his head: "Who is that, I am not praising you, what are your strengths, don't say that I didn't remind you, you can't be sorry in the future, you can make up your mind, don't say you. Even if I have a mental calculation, I have to wait for the bad luck. In the past, Yu was a small person, and the fifth is gentle..."

Iron make up a pretty face, no words.

Chu Yang smiled and said: "Where can I dare to make up the sky? Don't say it, I just can't think about it. Hey, I never thought about it. How wise is it to make up the sky." How can I... In fact, what Tian thinks, you can also think that if I sink my heart, I don’t think of it, but we are a bit confused now..."

Chu Yang’s remarks were repeated, and the whole audience was full of laughter. Fortunately, Dong was not hurt at the moment, and Luo Ke’s enemies, Ji Mo and others went outside, otherwise they did not know what it would be like to laugh. However, there is still nothing left in this place. The voice of the hahaha is always broken. I don’t know if it’s laughing at the plane, or laughing at Chu’s boss.

Mo light dance suddenly remembered, said: "Second brother, you are sweet sister, you should also call me a blind man."

Mo Tianji roared: "Roll! Little girl! It's the day!"

Everyone saw it and laughed and made a mess.

"This program is completely feasible. Even if I personally plan it, it will be like this!" Mo Tianji took a deep breath: "Although I know that Daxitian is a trap, but now we are Don’t jump, you have to.”

The people slowly nodded and expressed their approval.

"The spider web can be used to net mosquitoes, but can you net the tiger?" Chu Yang's eyes reproduce the sharpness of the gods.

Everyone stunned: "Not bad!"

"That's the case, let's set off immediately, first go to Daxitian!" Mo Tianyi waved.

"it is good!"

Even though the road ahead has been set, when the people came out, they still had concerns. They still missed the brethren in other worlds, but they have already strengthened their convictions.

The road has to go step by step.

Rice, you have to eat it bit by bit.

It’s useless to be in a hurry, to save the crisis and to save the emergency. You can only do this now, starting with the most dangerous places.

"Just, we have to go to China!"

The words of Mo Tianji’s strange peaks made everyone stunned.

It is imperative now to go to Daxitian. Is this not a good thing?

Why are you going to China?

Could it be said that Mo Tianji overthrew the already fixed plan for a while?

What is this saying? !

Only the iron to make up the sky, Wu Qianqian and Chu Yang three people are eye-catching, already aware of the heart.

The mind is calm and calm, and the mind is calming down again.

Going to Zhongjitian at this time is indeed the best choice.

"Now we can't go directly to Daxitian, and rushing to a big chance will make a stunned snake." Mo Tianji said with a deep heart: "Although the Holy King has already laid a good network in Daxitian, waiting for us to drill, although we will eventually If you want to go, you will have the confidence to break through the network. However, there is always a lot of risk in this, and taking the lead will be enough to subvert the final victory of both sides."

"Especially... The Saint is himself in Daxitian, which is undoubtedly our most difficult place! So this is an unexpected opportunity. We must create it!"

"However, if you want to create such an opportunity, it is crucial that there is enough sound in this opportunity, and there must be enough shock to the Saints, so I decided that we should go to China." Our goal is to put it in the Holy Palace!” In the eyes of Mo Tianji, there is a sizzling thing that has never been seen before: “Take the Holy Palace. In a thorough revenge, completely smash!”

“This will make people realize that we are doing deliberate retaliation!”

"Original. The Holy Palace is a hard bone that is difficult to smash, even at all. It is not only a sacred monarch, but also a myriad of hidden masters. If this place is in peacetime, even if we gather all our battles. Force may not be able to overcome it."

"But now the timing is just right. First of all, the holy prince certainly does not sit here. Secondly, the former masters who used to conceal the siege and reinvent the demon, even if there is part of the hidden power of the sage, there must be a considerable part of the holy palace. The hidden masters of the side. The three, the forces under the saints annihilated the Tianbing Pavilion all over the place. Among them, there are certainly many masters of the Holy Palace. In summary, now the Holy Palace is bound to be the strongest and the most destitute. When you hit it!"

"And as long as we try to be as realistic as possible, as much as possible to destroy, there will be some formal changes in the Great West, even if their main force can not come back, but psychologically must have a considerable degree of slack: the most critical point It is also... many proofs, our main force is still in the middle of the sky. This can give them the illusion..."

"As long as there is such an illusion, people in Daxitian will have some slack in the situation of Daxitian. What we need is this slack, and this slack can be transformed into the first chance for us to attack Daxitian. Moreover, it is possible to reduce pressure for Gu.

"On the way to the march, I will hurry to collect the news and determine the whereabouts of Gu Zhixing... Well, if there is a need, the boss may wish to imitate the sword of Gu Zhixing, so as to wash the Holy Palace in the blood! In the name of ... the lone emperor!"

Mo Tianji said.


Chu Yang sighed.

"However, Dong Wushen and Xie Danqiong can't face this battle." Mo Tianji said: "We can't give them any reason to trigger wars in this two clouds and intermediates. So, you two, you can One step to rush to Daxitian, but the whereabouts must be hidden."

Dong Wu's injury and Xie Danqiong's spirit were shocked.

"Right, tears go together! Make sure that the whereabouts are absolutely secret. This is believed to be a good show for the Dark Lord!" Mo Tianji’s voice suddenly became serious: "Xie Danqiong, you and the tears of you two people Be sure to watch Dong no injuries! Do not act rashly, affecting the overall situation!"

Two people solemnly agreed.

"You have an important task in this secret trip. It is to find Gu as far as possible and rescue him! To ensure his safety!" Chu Yang said: "Tear, Dan Qiong, this matter, please You are."

Dong did not hurt while listening, and could not wait to turn around and walk.

Ink Tears and Xie Danqiong said seriously: "As long as Gu Erge is still not dead, we will fight for it, and we must ensure the safety of him and the second brother!"

"Please, let's go." Chu Yang took a deep breath.

"it is good!"

"Let's see you, Daxitian!"

Six people appeared in the air, Dong did not hurt, Xie Danqiong, ink tears, and Moyun Tiansan escort. Immediately, when he was three feet away from the ground, he turned into six long rainbows and went away! Obviously, these people really can't wait.


<Cough, I really tried my best... How many lines of eight million words should be straightened out, so the explosion is already at the limit... Come and have a few monthly tickets to comfort and comfort...

There is also a happy event... Our home "Ao Shi Jiu Tian Tian" game will be officially tested tomorrow, I hope that this novel's adaptation game can make everyone happy, now many fans are playing inside, good reviews, I also take time Going in and playing for a while... Yes, the game is called "handsome guy" is me, um, this name is very consistent with my personal image. Everyone saw that you should not bully me~ Hahaha, saying, I am very strong! Be careful not to be abused by me! Official website address: as.37/, tomorrow at 10 am, "Auspicious World" is officially open beta, we will see the same in the game!

(Add a bracket, cough, I may get up a little later...) > (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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