Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 769: The sword refers to the Holy Palace!

"The three guards are better, but Dong did not hurt the three people to go to Daxitian, I am afraid... It is just three dead gods released from hell! Or the name of 'Black Devil' really wants to resound the nine heavens. The sky is over!” Mo Tianji watched the three people’s Changhong flashing away, and smiled bitterly: “No matter what the current situation of Gu’s current situation, but Daxitian will be overwhelmed by them before they go, it is beyond doubt. of."

"Of course." Chu Yang said of course: "They dare to treat our brothers so much, kill them one day, and why not!"

"Not only do they want to kill, but I also want to kill!" Chu Yang took the lead: "This place in the Holy Palace, I am going to go today, I have already destined for the end of the tile!"

Mo Tianji and others followed.

They are all fully aware of the anger in Chu Yang’s heart.

The whereabouts of so many brothers are unknown, life and death are not clear!

For the first time in so many years after the brothers’ righteousness! Facing the enemy that is too strong to be able to compete, such a severe situation, Chu Yang is completely angry!

There has never been a moment, Chu Yang’s murderousness is so strong!

Mo Tianji no longer said more, followed by Chu Yang, a group of ten people, turned into a sharp arrow!

Straight into the sky, ruthless city!

In the north of the ruthless city of Zhongji Tiandu City, there are 1,800 miles, and the place surrounded by mountains on three sides is the location of the Holy Palace!

To the north, a wide and unusual mountain is like going into the sky! It is like a huge backrest.

In the two mountains, it is like two handrails.

There are no traces of artificial modifications here. The whole terrain, when the three mountains are stacked, it is like a huge master's chair made in heaven!

And on the periphery of the two mountains. Each has a vast river, like a double dragon, and flows into the distance.

The Holy Palace is located in the seat of this Taishi chair!

Chu Yang and others just passed through the ruthless city. When the sky was just black, they saw this majestic Taishi chair. Also saw inside the Taishi chair, the beautiful palace of the Holy Palace!

"The terrain here..." Mo Tianji instinctively frowned. "How can the Holy King choose this kind of terrain to build the Holy Palace. It is the ending that is destined to be defeated early!"

“The terrain and feng shui have problems here?” asked Chu Yang.

As for Feng Shui's knowledge, Chu Yang can't even know one or two, and naturally he has no say. And the great **** stick is the expert hand in this respect, and it is inevitable that there will be a great failure in the pattern that makes him so strange!

"No problem, no problem at all. Absolutely feng shui treasure." Mo Tiandao said: "Because there is no problem. It is the biggest problem. I have said that this is an absolute feng shui treasure, the entire nine-day scorpio, absolutely no The second place is better than the terrain here!"

"Since it is already the best Feng Shui treasure, what are the problems?" Chu Yang does not understand.

"This is not the best place to be feng shui. You didn't notice what I just said is the 'absolute' Feng Shui treasure, and did not use the adjectives such as 'best' and 'best'? Of course, we are looking for a perfect place for Feng Shui. But in fact, there is no perfect Feng Shui treasure in the world. The world is not complete, even the world is incomplete, how can there be a so-called perfect Feng Shui treasure in the world!" Mo Tianji replied.

"Well, what you mean is that this ‘absolute’ feng shui treasure, and in fact is not a feng shui treasure!” Chu Yang asked.

"It can't be said that this piece of terrain has naturally formed a handrail on the back of the mountain, and naturally forms a double dragon. Everything is made by the sky. It is perfect." Mo Tiandao said: "No one can destroy such a natural blessed land!" Therefore, it is said to be an 'absolute' feng shui treasure!"

"There is no such thing as a holy monarch?!" Chu Yang asked.

"No, unless someone can raise their hands and see the destruction of the entire Nine Heavens, otherwise this geographical pattern will not be detrimental. It is a good eye for the Holy King to choose to cast the Holy Palace here. But, if not the Holy King?" Said: "In fact, anyone who does something here can be a good thing."

"Well? What are you talking about? Didn't understand!" Chu Yang confessed his ignorance.

However, the words of Mo Dashen’s stick are indeed a bit clouded, and there are not many people who can understand!

"Well, it should be said that if the Holy Judge dies, there is no impact on this feng shui. He is alive and there is no."

"Ah? The Holy Father's life and death have no effect on this feng shui? I said Mo Laosan, you have to tell me something, and you are completely angered, and I am really angry!"

Mo Tianji is awkward, this is the way: "It is my fault to talk about feng shui with your layman. Once you say it, this kind of feng shui treasure is completely perfect. It is called... Heaven Throne!"

"People can never be side by side with the sky. People here will not get the benefit of Feng Shui in this place. If this is the case, any excellent feng shui will lose its effect and it will be meaningless."

"I will not shelter the Holy King, nor will I shelter anyone here, so even if it is excellent in Feng Shui, it does not make sense. So, do you understand?"

"Oh, it turned out to be this meaning, isn't this feng shui a meaningless existence?" Chu Yangdao.

"How can there be no meaning? Such feng shui is actually used to maintain the heavens. It will never be a mere maintenance. No one will!"

Mo Tianji said: "So, this place of feng shui is not good for people."

At this point, Chu Yang suddenly realized.

"In fact, the best signs of feng shui here are that the Shuanglong is out of the water... It is the only place in this place. You can get the help of Feng Shui to help others, shade and future generations." Sighed: "But the Holy King obviously did not choose there."

"I don't think he doesn't know the mystery of this, but only because he can't afford to lose that person. It's really a face-lifting when he is said to be a blessing." Chu Yang smiled ironically.

"So although the Holy King can see it, he still can only choose here."

Mo Tianji also sighed: "Even if it is as strong as a holy prince, it will not be exempt from customs."

"This is the real reason why the Holy King did not build the real base camp here." Mo Tianji sighed softly.

Chu Yang nodded and picked up a water bag: "Everyone drinks some water. The battle will begin soon!"

"Don't wait a little longer? The night is not yet fully arrived. Don't you choose the best time to attack?!" asked Titian.

"No." Chu Yang each sent a Jiuzhong Dan, then a hand wave, a black silk scarf appeared in the hands, slowly covered in the face, tied behind the back of the head.

The nine robbery swords also appeared in the hands of the Qingming. Under the control of Chuyang, the light of the nine robbery swords under normal conditions slowly changed, and the whole sword gradually became black.

That is the look of the black dragon sword.

The back of the Chuyang is quite strong, and the whole person suddenly becomes cold and sharp, like a sword.

In a black suit, holding a black dragon sword, the body reveals a lonely and lonely taste, and it is a lonely journey.

I believe that Gu Zhuangxing’s deity will be different here. Is it true that he is a twin, and there is also a twin brother who has the same experience, the same experience, and the same strength!

Among the brothers, Chu Yang and Gu Danxing lived together for the longest time, imitating Gu alone, not only no pressure, but each difficulty can not only be shaped, but also like!

Even the sword method, Chu Yang can be completely imitated.

Including the 浑天剑诀!

In the last battle of Mo Yuntian, Gu Duxing once explained this set of swords in detail to Chu Yang. At that time, neither of them thought that this kind of sword would appear in the Holy Palace in this way!

"Tianji array, Leer closed the door! Bu Tian Qian Qian rushed to fill the gap." Chu Yang body together, has turned into a spur of Jianguang: "Today, the Holy Palace, chicken dogs do not stay!"

A murderous murderous, suddenly broke out, four volumes of the entire Holy Palace.

The whole stream overflows with a strong, clear, full of revengeful taste!

A black dragon, shaking his head and tail, sprinting and arrogant.

Rock enemies, Ji Mo, Qi Niang, ignorant, Mo light dance and other five people, followed by five, Changhong, spurred behind Chu Yang.

At the moment, it is only a few thousand feet away from the Holy Palace!

In the darkness just coming, you can clearly see that the sword light in the air! And, the unscrupulous murderous murderous, like a stormy wave, blowing in the face!

All the nuns in the entire Holy Palace felt almost at the same time, and the sweat of the whole body suddenly exploded!

"Who would dare to let go here! Stop!" With a loud noise, the shrine of the Holy Palace shook.

Then another loud noise rang: "The enemy attack..."

The sound is sharp and straight into the night sky, like a clear sky, bursting into the air!

The vigilance of the Holy Palace is truly extraordinary, and the response is extremely rapid.

Here Jianguang saw it, and they had reacted immediately.

The next moment, a ray of light from the Holy Palace!

This is a road to Changhong!

Every Changhong represents a master who has at least the high-end peak of the saint! Such consecutive 20 or 30 peak masters rushed out at the same time, such an imposing manner, such a lineup, can really be said to be earth-shattering!

Countless majestic momentum, rushing to the face.

In this regard, Chu Yang is completely ignored, a sneer: "Dare to destroy my Tianbing Pavilion, you must bear my revenge! Even the highest holy site of the nine heavens, the Holy Palace, tonight, will also bear the end of the smoke!"

The black dragon illusion, the sword light flashes, mixed with a lonely and desolate world, Chu Yang even people with swords, from the front, rushed to the gates of the Holy Palace.

The city gate is flickering in white, but it is forbidden to start immediately!

^^ (To be continued..)

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