Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 788: a story caused by trouble

"Or when we are really out of control of the heavens and the earth, it’s not too late to talk about what it is." Chu Yang smiled.

"But at that time, we still need to make a avatar?" Mo Tianji also laughed.

It was not until Chu Yang finished all of this passage that Mo Tianji really dispelled the idea of ​​making a avatar.

Mo Tianji also recognized this as a trap. However, this temptation is too tempting. It is almost a perfect secret method for people like Mo Tianji. So Mo Tianji has this kind of thinking, but it is reasonable. In the matter, I ask, with the wisdom and wisdom of Mo Tianji, there is still such an impulse, let alone other people.

Because there are too many advantages that can be achieved, there are too many things that can be done.

For example, now, if Mo Tianji has a avatar, he can accompany Chu Yang to fight together here, and another avatar can help Gu Daxing to cope with the crisis in Daxitian. If there is one more, even the arrogant cloud can also Take care of both...

This is really a temptation to refuse!

Therefore, Mo Tianji is so excited when he knows the secret law. With this means, he can more perfectly cope with the unfavorable situation in front of him, and even many subsequent problems are no longer a problem!

However, Chu Yang directly and unrelentingly cut off this mourning!

"The Holy King is also a wise man, but he still chose to make a avatar..." Mo Tianji took a long sigh of relief, and some fear in his heart, vests, and cold sweats.

With the wisdom of the Holy King, he will not know that this is a cultivation trap.

But he still chose it.

This is with my own thoughts. It is exactly the same.

"Perhaps only those who are smart enough will step into this cultivation trap, and they will only be eager to seek martial arts. Instead, they will not fall into this trap." Chu Yang couldn't help but look at Mo Tianji: "Our brothers In the middle, the strongest of these ** should be you. Heaven."

The rare face of Mo Tianji is flushed and has a strong embarrassing embarrassment.

"Like Gu Zhixing, Dong is not hurt... These two people are the ones who killed and did not create a avatar, Ji Mo and Luo Ke. The way of thinking and acting is closer to Gu Zhixing and Dong Wuju, and the arrogant cloud And Xie Danqiong is closer to you, as for ignorance. He will not practice, his Nirvana is more advantageous than the detachment, he is the one who does not need to worry."

Chu Yangdao: "So, as long as the key points to remind the proud evil cloud and Xie Danqiong. It will be fine."

"Tianji..." Chu Yang is sinking. Finally, I said: "On the road of cultivation, sometimes... it doesn't need to be so smart... you understand what I am talking about."

Mo Tianji nodded deeply and looked alert.

Chu Yang leisurely said: "I heard people tell such a story... In a village outside, there is a jungle, no one can pass through this jungle, and naturally no one knows what is outside the jungle. Look like..."

"Ancient legends, among the jungles. There are devils who eat people. There are wolves and tigers and leopards, and there are countless dangerous and numerous crises. As long as people enter, there is absolutely no hope of living out. Everyone from childhood, they are the old people in the village. Instill this idea."

"There have been many smart people trying to solve this mystery, but they have never come out as long as they walked into the jungle. It seems that the legend in the village is so unbreakable and unshakable."

"Until one day, someone bet, saying, if anyone goes in, he can still come out and let him marry the most beautiful girl in the village."

"So a young man walked in... but he walked in and died."

"Another youth has also gone in... but he is also dead. I don't know why, when I got to a certain place, I died without warning."

"Finally, a very honest young man expressed his willingness to try. The people in the village always called him a fool. Because he didn't know it except to work. But he deeply loved the girl. He wanted to try to marry her, so he was willing to try. He also walked into the jungle..."

Chu Yang paused: "Two months later, he came back alive and brought back a lot of things outside the jungle, saying that outside the jungle is a city, a big city... as long as it can pass through The jungle is here..."

"Everyone is very surprised, why are so many smart people unable to get through this path, only this half-stupid guy has gone through?"

"There are a few daring young people who walked along the jungle road with the idiots and finally learned that there is not much danger in this jungle. It is just because the forest is too dense, and there are some poisonous snakes, or Some potential crises like poisonous mushrooms... There are only a few wolves at most... As long as you are open-minded and work hard, you will be able to go out."

"But the jungle is really horrible. The forest is really big, deep, and dense. It doesn't take a few days to decide whether to wear it, and every night... the atmosphere around it will change. It’s terrible. So many smart people walk in, most of them are not in the jungle’s potential crisis, they are scared to death by themselves...”

"But, a man with a simple mind and nothing to do, but he finally went out and went back. Because he didn't have so many distractions in his heart."

Chu Yangdao: "No matter how wonderful or not this story is, how unreasonable it is, how unreasonable it is... But this story is like this. I am finished."

The Mo Tian machine, which has always been calm and calm, is sweating at the moment, and it’s only a long time: "Yes!"

He understands that Chu Yang tells the implied meaning in this story.

In most of the time, life needs wisdom and wisdom. Smart and intelligent can solve most of the problems in life. However, under certain timings, atmospheres and conditions, only one tendon goes forward. Instead, you can reach the other side.

The so-called speed is not up, can not be expected, but also for smart people!

This story is said to be heard by others, and it does not necessarily have any effect, but it is like a slap in the face!醍醐 顶 top!

A voice filled with anticipation and said: "So... later? Did the young man get to his beloved girl?"

The two turned their heads and saw that Chu Leer, Mo light dance, ink tears, 祀 mother, Wu Qianqian, iron fill the sky ... six women are looking forward to wait for Chu Yang to talk.

They simply don't care about the truth of the story. For the six women, what they really care about is not the truth. But is this young man finally married to the girl?

What is the truth, for women, it doesn't matter!

Including the aunt's mother-in-law, including the iron-filled days of the emperor's talents, including Wu Qianqian, who used to be the king of Chu, where are waiting, looking forward to, looking forward to a perfect ending.

For this kind of psychology of women, Chu Yang and Mo Tianji were both stunned, dumbfounded, speechless, and even helpless.

"Oh..." Mo-light dance and Chu Leer’s dissatisfied pouting at the same time: "What the **** are you thinking about? Is the man married to the girl? You are saying it, isn’t it a word... ”

Chuyang has a black line.

You all know that it is a one-word thing, can you make up your own? As for the question? Say it again... This story... Don’t you get that girl, heavy?

It’s completely...there is nothing to do with it...

Woman, woman, what are you thinking about...

Of course, for Chu Yang or Mo Tianji, they have long known that they can't reason with women. They are all people who have learned the painful lessons. They want to reason with women. There is only one kind of end, that is very miserable. Very miserable end!

Off-topic, this principle is absolutely applicable to most men and women. Please take it as a warning. Don't try to change this truth. Otherwise, the end will be equally miserable and miserable!

Half a cold field -

"Well... this story is actually over here..." Mo Tianji spread his hand, a black line: "Who will still manage the girl who didn't find it? This is basically two things..."

"That can't be! It's not right! The core of this story is not the lover's wish?" Chu Leer and Mo Qingwu's angry opposition: "So - certainly not finished, is it big brother, you are going to say ah Don't sell it. Isn't that stupid boy going to the girl? Is there a wonderful follow-up behind?"

Chu Yang opened his mouth for a while and finally said with a black face: "Well, after the young man went back, he found the girl, and then the story came to an end..."

Originally intended to match the taste of women, the words "end" caused more trouble.

"How come it will come to an end, and how did he get it?"

“What reaction does the villager have? Is it envious? Is there a lot of jealousy?”

"What did the girl say? Can she easily agree? This is not fair to the girl. A **** bet has ruined the girl's life for a lifetime..."

"That is... how does this honest young man follow up..."

"Even if you are really married, what is the specificity of their wedding? Isn’t the honest youth not in the city, and there must be any decent gift, what are the specifics?"

"Is there anyone in the village who is very jealous? Then it is destructive. This is a contradiction in the drama, and the inevitable development trend. Your story is not wonderful at all. There are bones, no meat, no meaning, you I really didn't create talent, oh..."

"In the end, did they have a few children?..."


Chu Yang is in a sluggish situation... If there is a choice, or if there is a regret, Chu Yang can swear to Heaven, and he will definitely never tell Mo Tianji what Ruoshizi story!

Isn't this a trouble for yourself?

And it was looking for six troubles!

Six days of trouble!

Chu Yang mourned in his heart: help!

............(To be continued..)

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