Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 779: Shocking weather

All the complex emotions in Chuyang’s heart are all attributed to these three words: “Help!”

When I came back to the nine-robbery sword that was looted, this story that should have ended long after Mo Tianji understood the truth, Chu Yangzhen has not finished...

Fortunately, the nine robbery swords came back and flew back to Chuyang’s hands. Chu Yang said that he had to hurry to clean up the harvest. The ladies and ladies expressed their permission very much, and finally ended this very painful dog-tailing story...

Then everyone set off on the way to Daxitian, Chu Yang was forced to talk about the majority of the road, the permit is temporary, packed up things, everyone on the road, the road is very boring, naturally it is to talk about "follow-up" Story... So someone sings and talks while still dealing with endless questions...

I have always said that Chu Yang’s heart has died...

I knew this, I will take the opportunity to die...

Dead boss is not dead!

Mo Tianji shot very rarely, personally, and explored the road far away. He left the dangerous area of ​​all women together with the ignorance. The Jimo Roker was far behind, and the name was defense. Chasing the soldiers, in fact, who really does not know.

For the miserable encounters of Chu Yang, everyone is only gloating.

You will tell a story... Tell me! - Tell you about death!

Dead boss, undead brother, this is the purpose of the nine robbery, 100,000 years have never changed, even if the contemporary nine robbery sword master, is no exception!

"This is not a loyal bastard! The **** brother, I am so miserable. No one said to help!" Chu Yang cursed while he continued to tell the story with bitter face... The truth collapsed.

Oh, no matter what woman. Regardless of size, regardless of beauty or ugliness, they only need to hear stories about love, no matter the initial starting point of the story is 啥... Anyway, the eyes are green.

If you don't let them know the ending of this "love story", especially if you don't give them a satisfactory flower to the end of the moon... then you wait!

Again, if you see the male compatriots here do not believe, you will try. I support you to try... oh...

Chu Yang and others stared at Daxitian!

and. The Tianji Intelligence Department under the Mo Tianji, the only one of the Tianbing’s organizations that have not been blocked by the front, has already spread the news of the destruction of the Holy Palace to the entire Nine Heavens!

Almost in an instant. The shocking news of this extreme is like a sudden throwing of 70,000 atomic bombs in the entire Nine Heavens!

The nine-day scorpion instantly boiled up.

Whether it is rich or not, I am buying this news, only to confirm the authenticity of the news; one by one, shaking his head and sighing and shocking, and so on.

But in the real strong world. For this news, it is astonishing. Shocking inexplicable!

For more than a million years, the Holy Palace of the Supreme Land of the Supreme Heavenly Supreme, since its inauguration, has never had any power, no one dares to call the sacred land of blasphemy, and it has been destroyed!

Between the evenings, all the destruction, it seems that there is no resistance in general!

"According to reliable news. After the Battle of the Great Western Heaven, the lone emperor lost to the Emperor and his men." Finally, the defeat was lost; all the deployments were also scattered; the years of painstaking efforts. Eventually destroyed. , resolution retaliation."

"On a certain day, the lone emperor led several confidants, sneaked into the mid-days, and smashed the sacred palace, launched an attack, lacked the Holy Palace to fight the Holy Journey, only tens of thousands of people, unable to resist the revenge of the lone emperor The Holy Palace is completely disintegrated overnight!"

"The Holy Palace dog does not stay, the first generation of the sacred snow fairy, and the same one."

Then, a parenthesis is added: (It is speculated that this is most likely a sacred avatar. Not myself.)

Such a thriving news made the nine-day scorpion completely boiling.

Everyone is talking about going to the peak of the warrior and going down to the civilian population.

Even, it is still unbelievable. The once impeccable Holy Palace was destroyed.

Just disappeared?

What did the news say, the lone emperor lost to the Holy Emperor and his men joined hands to attack? Resentful and revenge, led several men, attacking the Holy Palace, the Holy Palace is lacking the Holy Emperor sitting in the town, only tens of thousands of hands, incompetent resistance, once destroyed!

Should it be said? The strength of this lone emperor seems to be very, very, very powerful...

And... even after the holy death? Although the information indicates that 'it may be a avatar'; but, in the hearts of the world, only pay attention to the previous sentence: a generation of sacred snow fairy, also among them!

This is even more... shocked!

In an instant, the entire nine-day sky is boiling...

After a meal, everyone is talking about the streets and alleys.

"Do you know... there is something big..."

"What's the big deal?"

"The Holy Palace was chosen by the lone lord... chickens and dogs don't stay..."


"The Holy Snow Fairy was killed..."



"Do you know that something went wrong..."

"What's the big deal?"

"The holy palace of the Holy Palace was killed by a single man who died alone..."


"I heard that the lone emperor also killed the holy snow fairy..."


"I heard that I still kill after killing..."



"Do you know what? Big things..."




"... In this way, the solitary Emperor is the first to kill the men and women of the Holy Palace, and then kill them... Even the Holy Snow Fairy is no exception!"

"Ah! I was so shocked..."

"Oh... this lone emperor is really blessed, and it is said that the Holy Beauty was the first beauty in the year..."


For a time, Jiuzhong Tianzhu rumors have been rumored, and in a few days, it has been passed like a **** like a fairy like a ghost... The twists and turns of things are bizarre. It has also been rumored to be more confusing...

The population that said it was splashed, and the eyebrows danced like a witness. The person who listened was stunned and nodded, fascinated...


The masters of the Holy Palace who went to various places who heard the news were even more angry and violent. Going out, I want to bully others and suppress others, but my old nest is actually being shaved!

This is simply a shame!


This news is very fast in the ears of the Holy King. It can be said. He is the first person to know the news except for the insiders of the Ministry of Information.

Hearing this news, the Holy King rarely silenced.

Immediately, he continued to give orders to calm down and continue to pass: "No one is allowed to act rashly. Everything, act according to the original plan!"

The calmness of the Holy King at this time made everyone confused.

The old nest was shaved, and the holy family gave it to others. Can you still have such a thing? What did you think about the sacred priest?

But the Holy King finished this sentence. I have already left my hands and my face is still flat and my eyes are still calm.

"Everyone is scattered. Wait for the next order."

Only the last voice is passed back!


In another elegant room.

The Holy King is no longer as calm as before, and sinks into the water.

Although he just did not care on the surface, he was not worried about it. However, how can he really care if this story changes his foundation? not to mention. There are still a lot of their children there...

This time, I also made all the ashes.

Heaven and man are always separated!

No one can understand the anger in his heart at the moment. But he was suppressed. Do not let others know and perceive.

"You just want to irritate me, but no matter what you do now, one day, you have to come back to me with this benefit!"

"I will not allow any of you to die easily! Wait!" The Holy Spirit silently recited, remembering the following names in a word.

"All the leaders of the Tianbing Pavilion... No one, I will be light! Chu Yang, Gu Duxing, Xie Danqiong, Dong Wushou, Wu Butong, Ji Mo, Luo Kedi, Tan Wei, proud evil cloud... and, Iron-filled days, purple evil feelings, Wu Qianqian, Mo light dance, ink tears ... even ... there are Donghuang, snow tears cold, demon heart ... and a strange green!"

"You guys are not allowed to die!"

"I can count the death of Zihao on the same day. Do you think you can be an exception?"

The heart of the Holy Spirit is still in the bottom of the river, and the waves are constantly changing, but the face is returning to calm, and it is calm and calm to the extreme.

Like the sea, the waves are calm and the waves are not good.

The name of Chu Yang and others, Tianbing Pavilion is now known as the Scorpio, and the Holy King is almost like a few treasures. However, the Holy King is still not sure... Are these people a group? Is there a unified organization?

Or is it just the nature of being an ally, but is it fighting for each other?

Who is it, is there such a big handwriting? Being able to make such a big move is undoubtedly the biggest mystery of the Holy One at the moment.

All nine robbers, even family members, until now, only the last two people are not exposed: Mo Tianji, Chu Leer!

And this two people who have not been exposed, one of them, is the first to be poisoned first today, and can make a wide range of killings between silent, no trace and no trace!

Chu Leer!

The other person is the ultimate source of the current nine-day chaos, the master behind the scenes of all the roots!

Mo Tianji!

I believe that the Holy King may never know what he has missed, his own mystery... What the **** is it!

Beside him, it was a pale, sinister sorcerer.

"His Majesty..." Swordsman Emperor Wu also whispered softly: "This time, I am afraid that it may not be done by the lone emperor..."

Saint Jun rolled his eyelids and smiled faintly: "Well?"

In his faint smile, the calm face contained a bitter chill.

When someone like the Sword of the Sword, when he saw his calm face, he couldn’t help but shake his heart.


"Three more! Seeking a monthly ticket! ! 》(To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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