Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 785: Black dragon!

The black dragon sword has a slender body and is clearly a bright color, but everyone looks in the eye, but the first feeling is that the sword is black; this is caused by the unique ingenuity of the swordsman when casting, although Chu Yang has repeatedly The sword was heavily forged with a large number of heavenly treasures, but the original appearance of this sword has never been easier.

The hilt is a seemingly simple faucet; although simple, the moment of anyone's eye-opening will immediately be like seeing a dragon in the wind!

The position of the hand guard is a slightly protruding dragon claw, but it is a vague shape, but naturally the scales are flying, full of a cold and arrogant hegemony.

It is this hegemony that is full of cold and arrogant taste, giving Wu’s feeling of arrogance and abruptness.

Because... This should be the lonely and cold temperament of Gu Zhixing who is in the process of communication between the long-standing and the black dragon sword and the sword heart.

This kind of lonely and arrogant temperament, let Wu also feel the faint pain in his body, and breathe a big breath.

The sword is slender, the tip of the sword is slender, and the feeling of bloodthirsty is faint.

However, Wu also has regrets in his mad eyes.

The source of regret is... This sword was not hand-picked by himself; but... On that day, the Holy King had already had the power to destroy the Black Dragon Sword. At that time, Gu was alone in order to protect his sword and actively throw it away.

This allowed the Black Dragon Sword to passively leave itself.

If not, the only result will be that the Black Dragon Sword will be broken first, in the way of sacrificing oneself. Paul Gu alone.

"It's really a peerless **** of the ancients!" Wu also sighed and took out his own sword.

Both hands are infused with the same strength on both swords while waving!

A cold flash passed. The two swords collided together without any flowers.


A slight sword.

The sword that Wu also took out after the madness broke into two pieces. The first half of the sword fell on the ground, and the tip of the sword jumped cold.

The Black Dragon Sword is unscathed.

"Good sword!"

Wu also madly admired that the sword he had just taken out was not the strongest artifact he had ever used, but in the context of the nine heavens. However, it is definitely a sword that is a god-level number. Can it be a sword collected by one of the Emperor of Heaven, and there is nothing to be?

But it is such a **** soldier. Under the peerless sharpness of the Black Dragon Sword, there is no resistance to it. It is even impossible to leave any little damage to the Black Dragon Sword!

The Black Dragon Sword is definitely what Wu has seen in his life. The best sword!

This makes his heart. The greed is getting bigger.

Such a peerless god, who can not want to have it?

He frowned and looked at the Black Dragon Sword. There was a question in his heart: Why did the Holy Sepulchate seized the sword, but did not leave it for himself, but gave it to himself? Even if it is the only holy prince, in the face of such a soldier, should there be no resistance at all?

Why is he not wanting?

This question flashed away in my heart. His mind was re-occupied by the Black Dragon Sword, and he was delighted that the sword finally fell into his hands. My heart is also a bit embarrassing.

Because, among the Black Dragon Sword, there is already a complete sword soul. The formation of this sword soul is due to Gu alone. Gu alone walks with the soul, with the sword and the courage, nourishes with the soul, accompanied by the day and night, forming a sword soul!

Therefore, this sword spirit is completely loyal to Gu, and will never betray.

If Wu also wants to completely possess this sword, he must be recognized by the soul of the sword!

If you want to do this, you must defeat the original owner of the sword in front, that is, defeat the Gu alone in the face. This is nothing to do with Wu’s madness.

Of course, Wu also mad can also choose to eliminate the soul of the sword, but if you want to erase this sword, you can always possess this sword, no longer need to worry about being countered, but the level of the sword will fall immediately; degeneration Into a common weapon.

The only thing that can be retained is the sharpness of this feature, and there will be no other magical features.

It is like a person who has lost all his intellect and turned into a walking dead!

This approach is equivalent to ruining this god!

For the sword-swords of the sword-like goddess, this is obviously unacceptable.

Sighed, Wu also began to try again.

His gods slowly entered the long sword, and once again began to try to soften the sword soul...

With Wu’s madness, it’s impossible to win the sword and soul with a bang. I can only choose the softening strategy of the second-class.


The Black Dragon Sword suddenly gave a sword full of anger, seemingly angry, resisting, resisting.

However, Wu’s madness is still being input continuously, releasing a breath of harmony, seemingly to appease, without any evil thoughts. Even release your own heart, open your own heart, in order to obtain the recognition of the Black Dragon Sword with the most honest and honest attitude.

However, the Black Dragon Sword did not appreciate it, and the sword body was clearly extinguished, and a sword of resistance was heard again!




Wu also madly can clearly feel what these Jianming represent.

"Get out!"

"Get out! Go away! I don't want you!"

"Get out of the way!"

Resolutely as if he is still alone, he is still mastering this sword!

With the continuous input of Wu’s madness, the Black Dragon Sword finally became angry and broke out completely. A black gas suddenly condensed from the blade, and a small black dragon emerged out of thin air. The little black dragon’s eyes shot indescribable anger and hatred. Then, a scream, turned into a sharp sword, a flash!


Wu also madly immediately recovered his thoughts and stepped back.

The swordsmanship that I said just now is not so powerful. It is not even enough to break Wu’s madness and protect the body, but it has the power to cut off Wu’s mad god!

Looking at the little black dragon shaking his head and swaying, the victory of the rotating sword body, actually a lot of smug taste. Wu is also crazy and completely unable to do it...

If you can't take it, you can't do it slowly. It's a soft and hard food.

A sword in the district. Actually, it is also like the most difficult hob meat...

Frowning, said with distress: "Do you have to destroy? Do you destroy this rare god?"


Ink tears quietly approached the tent from a high altitude, and instantly felt the spiritual blockade of several senior saints. If you want to forcefully break through this blockade, you can do it. But if you want to sneak in without disturbing these people, you can't do it!

Ink tears carefully observed the blockade of the gods below, and actively thought of ways. Even if the opportunity is embarrassing, we must make an effort of 1.2 million points.

Because she is now completely certain. In this tent, it must be the mad sword Tiandi Wu also crazy!

This is already an undisputed fact.

I believe that in addition to the Madonian Emperor, the core of the official military camp in the Great Western Heaven. No one has allowed eight top saints to qualify for him!

However, the core question now is, how can I get in? Don't be alarmed by anyone!

If you can't even go in, you can talk about stealing swords?

distance. The sound of rumble is still endless. That is Dong Wuwei and others are creating chaos.

To say that Dong did not hurt their manufacturing chaos was made very well in place. The Moyun Tiansan Seven Star Guards strictly followed the requirements of the ink tears, acted cautiously, and made incidents again and again, but never revealed their whereabouts.

And Dong Wuju, Xie Danqiong, two of the Emperor of Heaven, where is creating chaos, is simply venting anger, masking to create chaos. It was a very positive baton that launched a positive attack and vigorously vented the anger accumulated during this time. With the current strength of the two of them, after experiencing the battle of the sacred princes and the point of the Chuyang dynasty, the repairs have a considerable degree of entry. For the simple understanding of the realm, I am afraid that Wu is also mad at the battle alone!

Even if Wu also madly came forward to deal with it, he might not have managed to deal with any of them. They attacked in front of them, and those big Western soldiers who were attacked were better? Finally, they still remember the requirements of the swearing ink tears, did not launch a large-scale killing, if they are unscrupulously killing, then there are more dead people!

Of course, now that I don’t know the direction of the Holy One, I’m rushing to develop all the strengths, or I will attract the forces of the Holy One, so that not only will the real stuns be scared, but there will even be a catastrophe, so it’s necessary to hide the strength. Currently, Still based on the premise of creating partial confusion.

But those chaos, for ordinary soldiers will be called bitter, but for those who are here in the camp of the Sword of Heaven, there is no meaning, and there is no impact at all!

They seem to be blind, they can't hear it, they can't see it. Regardless of the chaos of the army, it turns a blind eye. I will not move a little bit of position at all.

After the tearful masked face, the face is gloomy and frowning. In the twinkling of an eye, I have thought about no less than seventy or eighty methods, but I feel that no one works.

At the moment, only continue to wait, waiting for a turnaround.

I was thinking about it, suddenly a sword screamed and came out from below!

Everything in this tent was blocked by the saints, and no sound should have been heard. However, this sound of swords seems to have crossed the sound of the soul, and came out of the blockade of God!

Ink tears thought, and suddenly hesitated.

This sound of swords, let her give birth to an instinct: that is the black dragon sword of Gu alone! Moreover, it should be that Wu is also trying to lift the influence of Gu’s soul.

Only those things that are generated by the spirituality of the heavens and the earth can break through the blockade of the gods and make a sound!

The extreme anger among Jianming, let the ink tears no longer consider!

When you find the Black Dragon Sword, you can find Gu alone. Because there is a guide to the soul of the sword, but if the sword is destroyed, it is really a needle in the hay...

As soon as the body moves, it sneaked away from the heights of the sky!

At this moment, the tears are like a black wind. In the boundless night, the meteors usually fall!


<third more! Seeking a monthly ticket! ! >(To be continued.)

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