Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 786: Make a difference!

Wu also madly holding the black dragon sword, full of helplessness, full of disappointment.

The sword spirit was infested, and the sword was completely showing the determination to bend.

The loyal minister does not matter the two masters; the Excalibur also chooses the Lord naturally!

Both the service and the softening method have been tried by Wu. They can’t do it all.

And if you want to change this situation, unless you are alone, you are dead...

However, it is a pity that since the moment he got the Black Dragon Sword, Wu also knows that Gu is not dead!

The reason is very simple. If Gu Zhixing is dead, the soul of the sword that is closely related to his soul will definitely have an impact.

I don't want to look for the loneliness with the guidance of the Black Dragon Sword, but Wu also madly disappointed quickly: the Black Dragon Sword does not listen to his own command! Moreover, depending on yourself as a revenge!

In addition to resisting Wu’s madness, the rest of the time is quiet and not dry. Going out for a lap, there is nothing to do!

Such a complete non-cooperation, how to find a lonely person? If there is such a plan, Wu also madly will not doubt: Black Dragon Sword will not help to find a lone, and may even bring himself to the base camp of other Tianbing Pavilion, killing himself!

Wu also sighed with helplessness, and he must put away the Black Dragon Sword. It is really necessary to obliterate the Black Dragon Sword Spirit. Wu is also mad at the heart.

However, at this time, the accident happened suddenly, suddenly shaking in the sky, Wu also could not help but be surprised!


The tears of the whole person are generally falling, the speed of falling is extremely fast, and the saints are already exposed. But in the first time, it broke through the blockade, and a bang, rushed into the tent!

The few masters who are responsible for the protection outside only feel that their souls are suddenly shocked. The pains of the layers of the gods of the blockade were actually forcibly broken in the most savage way in the first time, and many of them were without exception, all of them were damaged!

The people were shocked at the same time and jumped up. But then I found out that a figure has already rushed into the tent!

Although I had to blink in front and behind, someone actually went in!


Several people are holding the same mind and coming in!

The surrounding guards are also alert. The entire camp was in chaos.

The only area that was still calm in the entire Daxitian was also confused!


Wu also madly fingered this side just touched the black dragon sword hilt, the top of the tent suddenly collapsed. There was no sign of collapse, and then a fierce wind rushed to myself!

Wu also madly instinctively receded, his wrist turned. Your own long sword is already in your hand. Sprinkle thousands of golden lights.

Strong enemy!

Just a sword, let him feel this sudden enemy, repair is absolutely not under himself, enough to pose a threat to himself!

Must go all out!

If at this time insist on using the Black Dragon Sword against the enemy, the Black Dragon Sword and the self-centrifugal Departure, once launched a counter-attack, causing a certain degree of interference to yourself, it is tantamount to self-seeking dead end!

These are Wu also mad under the sudden changes. The conclusion drawn in an instant,

Therefore, Wu also madly chose the most correct way to meet the enemy. Give up the contact with the black dragon sword, with the long sword in hand, the golden light is pouring out! Also attack and defend, both offensive and defensive!

Put yourself in an invincible position first.

Here is your own site, as long as there is little resistance, the outside guards will flock in, even if the coming strength is amazing, not under yourself, it is impossible to pose a threat to yourself!

With the bang, the whole tent was instantly torn apart. It seems that a bomb exploded in the center. All the things in the tent were turned into cotton wadding without exception.

If there is a black figure in the ground, there are countless cold light bursts, a low and cold voice said: "Wu is also crazy, your death is here!"

The cold light flutters, and the moment has already enveloped the body of the Sword.

Although Wu also stunned, he sneered: "Not necessarily!" The sword was exhibited, but it was full of defense and more cautious.


Wu also trembled a little and trembled back.

The other side's hidden weapon is all over the sky, everything is omnipresent. Every hidden weapon is mixed with tyrannical power. Wu also mad is a serious injury. After a battle with Gu alone, the vitality has not recovered yet, suddenly facing this strong Enemy, hard work is absolutely unwise!

Not to mention that their own reinforcements have arrived, why bother? It is the best policy to defend the whole force.

And Wu is also mad, but the heart is amazed: the other party's killing is not disguised, it seems that this time is to stab yourself! Such a murderous killer... It’s really hard to prevent!

Wu also mad is always a Chinese in the nine emperors, the strength of the same small, although the serious injury has not healed, the ink tears and slams the power of the raid, but in an instant still failed to break through its defense, one resistance, The eight sages outside have arrived, and they roared together and shot together: "The rats! Death!"

The thin figure laughed and suddenly reached out and the black dragon sword screamed, but it automatically fell into the hands of the coming person; it seemed to be full of joy and inspiration.

The sword light flashed, and all kinds of cold light came out over the sky.

The full-fledged attack of the eight peak saints immediately came, and the man apparently had no time to dodge. He was forced to slam a blow, snorting, and a blood spurted out, and the cold light rushed toward Wu!

The eight masters jointly attacked and killed the same person. Although the man had already smashed the ranks of the nine emperors, and suffered the combined efforts of the eight masters, he was still injured. However, the man still did not retreat, but he was still attacking Wu. go with!

"Wu is also crazy! I am dead today, I want you to be buried!"

Wu also darted to fly back, cold and authentic: "With you also match!"

However, just as he was retiring, everyone thought that the black figure on the opposite side would have to attack the end. The eight peak saints had already prepared for interception, but it was not easy for the black man to rise from the sky. From the rapid advance to the flying body, there is absolutely no reluctance in the middle.

In the blink of an eye, it has already rushed to the height of a hundred feet. Instantly got rid of the lock of the nine masters along with Wu also mad.

"Oops! The goal of this guy is actually the Black Dragon Sword!" Now, everyone finally wakes up.

In particular, Wu’s confession is the most regrettable, and he is really too careful. From the beginning of the black dragon sword voluntarily falling into the hands of the person, he should have noticed that the coming person has a relationship with the black dragon sword. Moreover, although the strength of the coming person is strong, it is impossible to take his life in a short time. Leading to the gods being captured, the people who have come are obviously born with a heart!

Wu also gnaws his teeth: want to go? Where is it so easy!

"Catch! At all costs. Stop him!" After an order, Wu also mad himself also flew out.

Countless figures leaped at the same time!

At this moment, it is not important whether the gods are locked. The black man's sky is soaring, the target is obvious, and the naked eye can see it clearly.

In the periphery of Wu’s mad bed, it’s Wu’s most cronies’ parent battalion, which has always been well trained. Can be eligible for this pro-barracks. Each is a master, in the moment when the black figure rushes, countless hidden weapon arrows usually cover the entire sky...

A piece of black pressure can directly obscure the sky.

Under such a wide range of indiscriminate blows, no one can completely avoid it!

In addition, hundreds of masters have already leaped high and shot in all directions, believing that the swordsman is turned into a bird. Also definitely can't fly out!

In the face of countless attacks, the ink tears did not reduce fear. Under a long shout, spit out the turbidity in the abdomen, and suddenly the white light suddenly shook. The warm snow sword that appeared without a trace appeared suddenly. The following people only saw her right hand under the wave, and the hidden weapon was completely cut off. This is not finished, the sky dark weapon actually with a wave of this sword, all neatly turned, shot in all directions!

Where do you come from, where to go!

This moment, it is like a sudden dark rainstorm in the sky!


The following is a screaming endless stream!

Everyone who is besieged by the siege is a glimpse of the heart: this person is actually a master of the ranks of the nine emperors, and the master of this series is not likely to cause such a sharp counterattack!

However, even if the other party is really a master of the post-Nine Emperor level, the manpower is sometimes poor. In this case, facing so many people at the same time, I believe that you can not help the benefits!

Attack at the same time!

This time, the tears of the ink were squeaking, and suddenly the whole body protection was removed. The thrust was concentrated on the foot, and the body was swaying. The whole person became a tornado, and a black hole was rolled out of the air!


When hundreds of masters attacked at the same time, the boundless effort made the whole space fragmented. However, the tornado that was made by the ink tears was the best thing to do, and the hundreds of attacks were wiped out, but the remaining power was still hitting the ink tears.

In the mouth of the tears, a blood spurted out of the mouth, but the whole person was swaying with the help of the remaining strength, like a streamer, straight into the sky!

At this moment, everyone looked at the black man who broke through the sky, and disappeared into the white clouds!

Almost at the same time, a grand sword light passed through the place where the ink tears had just stood, turning the fragmented space into a black hole. This is the reaction of the mad sword Tiandi just had time to make a hard blow!

With the departure of the ink tears, the difference is definitely not the blink of an eye.

Ink tears incarnate into a tornado, and they must use the attack power to leave when they are injured. It is because of this... because the mad sword world Wu also wakes up. Moreover, once again joined the battle circle.

If it is really surrounded, today's battle, ink tears I am afraid there is no room for any luck... A Wu is also crazy enough to entangle her, the other masters can completely calm themselves!

Therefore, the ink tears decisively took off and immediately rose thousands of miles.

There is no shadow when you come, no trace when you go, a hit, no trace!

It is a typical killer!


<It’s especially tired today... I feel particularly tired, especially I don’t want code words. It’s probably that the days when I don’t want the code words in the past few days have arrived... I’ve put on the scalp and put on the first word, urging myself to continue to break out!

Nothing wrong this time... I checked it three times!

For my seriousness, ask for a monthly ticket> (to be continued.)

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