Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 800: Are you qualified to let me hate you?

Just in a moment of communication, the four people in the battle, suddenly suffered serious injuries at the same time!

The only difference is that the holy prince is only a simple injury, but in fact there is no serious problem; at least, it will not endanger life, but also have spare fighting power, and even a lot of spare power!

However, Dong did not hurt, Xie Danqiong and the ink tears three people at the moment was completely lost to the fighting power.

Not only did it lose its fighting power, but now all three people have gone to the point where the oil is dry and the injury is serious. Only the rest of the life is like a candle in the wind, crumbling!

Xie Danqiong, who was the first to be shocked, fell into a coma, while Dong Wuju and Mo Tears only kept a little conscious, but they were unable to prevent the body from falling and falling down if they fell.

Everything can only be left to its nature.

Gu Miaoling swept the body and first caught Xie Danqiong. Immediately, the body sank and flew again. He hugged the tears in one hand. Finally, he used his shoulder to hold Dong’s injury and the brush fell. .

Although her cultivation is only at the present stage, it is still not difficult to do all this.

If it is still in Jiuzhongtian, she is only afraid that she will be better than Jiuzhongtian’s strongest wind and moon!

It’s a pity that this place is Jiuzhong Tianzhu, and Gu Miaoling can do it at most now!

Beside the side of Gu’s side, at this moment it has completely turned into a red ocean.

Countless red energy, the endless stream of drilling into his body. The situation of the volcanic eruption is now nearing its end; the recent war has caused the ground to be constantly shaken. Finally affected...

Gu Miaoling, who was flying back with three people, just fell to the side of Gu Duxing, and heard a sound of "calling" behind him. A hoarse voice said: "Girl... why do you have to do this futile struggle... The death of these three people is already doomed... or let go."

It is the voice of my holy prince.

The sound is full of fatigue, but there is also a feeling of comfort that is almost unmaskable.

Everything finally settled!

These four juvenile geniuses who can pose a threat to themselves will eventually fall into my hands today! !

From then on, you can rest easy...

Gu Miaoling trembled, but did not turn back, not even talked. Still in accordance with his original idea, the three were gently put down, Xie Danqiong and Dong Wuju were placed next to Gu alone. The ink tears made her rely on Dong Wu.

This time, I looked up and stared at me. I said softly in my mouth: "Are you very proud now?"

For the woman in front of him so calm, the Saint Jun feels a little strange, saying: "Successful. Not necessarily. However, I will still win."

"Hehehe..." Gu Miaoling smiled faintly and said: "In the past, in our hometown, there was a rogue, very tall, and powerful, not a lifetime. Or because he is really tall and unreasonable, folks They are very afraid of him... One day. He bullied a group of foreign children indiscriminately. The children who were outside were beaten and beat the body of the hooligans, but the hooligan finally took the children. Down, the rogue was also very proud at the time, saying: I will still win."

She licked her head and said: "His priest, I don't know why. I suddenly remembered the original hooligan. I told you the general words, but it was so ugly and despising... this is true. Not disrespectful to you, I feel a moment!"

The face of Saint Jun has finally changed.

Not disrespectful to me?

In my status, with my cultivation as a skill, fighting these young people, isn’t it the same as the hooligans fighting a small group of children?

This is not for me, what is it?

This is simply the most vicious irony!

The sacred sacred priest, the first person of the nine-day scorpio in a million years, the supreme power of the lord, has directly become a sinister, contemptuous hooligan!

On the one hand, he was still savvy, but he still kept his awake Dong no injuries and ink tears. Although he couldn’t move, although he died, he couldn’t help but laugh. .

While vomiting blood while laughing, it is full of pleasure.

Ink tears coughed and said: "Miao Lingjie... I have known you for so long, I really don't know, you will speak like this."

Gu Miaoling said: "What is the age of the street, it should be called a blind man!"

Ink tears hurried for mercy: "I was wrong... hahaha... scorpion, two s..."

The people on the cloud looked cold and Shen Sheng said: "I repeat, I am not a holy prince. You have repeatedly linked me to the holy prince. Do you want to count your death on the head of the holy prince? You still No such qualification!"

Gu Miaoling smiled slightly: "Is it true? You are not the only one who is my sage!"

One side of the Saint Louis: "Nature is not!"

Gu Miaoling said: "Then you must be more powerful than the holy king!"

The people on the cloud heard a word, and the subconsciously asked: "What is the meaning of this?"

Gu Miaoling smiled and whispered: "The little woman is repaired to be shallow, and it should not have been judged. But when I was in the same battle with Daxi Tiandi Emperor Wu, I was also present at the time. At the time of the Sword of the Sword, the sneak attack on my husband, causing my husband to finally lose, and he sneaked into my husband’s weapon, I really felt very deep, it seems that you just used to take the mouth that did not hurt the four brothers. Sword."

She sneered softly: "Since you are not a holy prince and have a sword, you must be the hand of the sage, are you still stronger than the sage? The sword of the prince has been taken, it is a Poor child... Presumably, the word "Saint" is in your eyes, isn’t it better?!",

Gu Miaoling smiled and looked at the holy king, faintly said: "Do you say it?"

The face of the sacred face was twitched and forced to calm down, so it was a light road: "The words of the woman, the mouth of the mouth, the mouthful of the tongue! Even if the sky is falling, it is still a dead body. If I were you, I will never talk like this, because... even if it hurts quickly, it is better than survival, and death cannot."

In his eyes, there is a strong threat: "You are all women, you should also know that there are many ways in the world that can make women survive and not die."

Gu Miaoling laughed ridiculously: "I know, I admit, there are many such methods, but women are different from women. The reason why you can't ask for death is not to die. The root cause is... Don't want to die! That's it. ”

"Even if you are dead, you can be ashamed for a long time." Sheng Jun said lightly.

"If a person dies like a lamp... Even if he is shameful, what is the relationship?" Gu Miaoling said: "I am not living for the world, the people of the world are sorry, but sad and angry. A half relationship."

She suddenly turned her head and looked at the holy prince: "Actually... out of good heart, I think I need to remind you of one thing, um, you are not squatting, a slip of the mouth. You... after all, I still care too much about others' opinions... This is not a good thing. If you can be more ordinary, it is a good thing to be a person."

The language of Gu Miaoling’s foreign language is long and profound.

Dong did not hurt and ink tears, but it was a pain in his stomach. Even Xie Danqiong, who had just woken up and was weak, heard the words and laughed.

And the sacred nose is discouraged.

This sentence seems to be good, but ... how old is it, but let a girl with a hostile position educate?

No, it is a lesson!

The downright lesson!

"Hey! You are looking for death!" The Holy King finally moved the fire, and the time was murderous!

In particular, I saw that I was injured in my own hands, but the three opponents who were so embarrassed that they were so incompetent, although they were physically weak, could still laugh so happy, and they couldn’t help but be ignorant and difficult to suppress.

If I have such a brother, will I be alone here today?

At this moment, a cold voice said: "I am still alive, right here, who can say that my wife is looking for death?"

Xie Danqiong Dong is not hurtful: "Two brothers!"

Gu alone lined up slowly, and the black dragon sword was in the hand, like the same autumn water, radiant and awesome.

His eyes, watching the Holy King coldly, even without hatred, no disgust.

"Your eyes are very calm." Shengjun said faintly: "It seems that not only the hatred of the soldiers who died in my hands is not in your heart, even your brothers will fall for your sake, you Don't care, you don't hate me at all?! You are so timid, it really makes your seat feel chilly, and those who are really dead are not worth it."

His sorrowful sorrows seem to preach the truth and act for the heavens.

Gu Lianxing smiled faintly: "I claim to be my own? Is it finally self-supporting? But you said it is good, I really don't hate it, because my hatred, disgust, and contempt are based on one. A minimum basis, otherwise my comrades in battle, and the brothers in front of me are afraid that they will blame me, the basis is... the other is at least a personal!"

He smiled coldly, and his gaze glared at the holy prince and smiled. "But you are a person in the cloud, can you count as a person? What qualification do you have to bear my hatred?"

St. Jun stunned!

On the one side, Dong Wu and Xie Danqiong shouted loudly!

"The second brother said it well, and won my heart! On the cloud, where do you count as a person? Actually, I want to consider myself in the perspective of ‘people’... Hahaha... It’s a joke!”

"I am so happy! I said that Gu Erge usually does not swear, but once Zhang mouth squats, it is really dead to be mad at him in the coffin."

"Ha ha ha..."

Sheng Jun did not laugh, looked at Gu alone, still faintly said: "Gu alone is really a lone line, at this end of the road, I can still say this to me, this seat has to say one Give the word to you."

Gu alone can't help but sneer. (To be continued.)

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