Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 801: Life and death, go on the road together!

Gu Zhixing said coldly: "You can't help but pull yourself too high... In the eyes of others, you are the first person in the world, but... In my eyes, you really are nothing; At least I shouldn’t add the word 'person'. I’m telling you this sentence. Are you very face? Have you been honored?”

The heart of the Holy Spirit was on fire, and he was about to say something, but suddenly he was gazing.

Gently snorted.

Because, at this moment, he was surprised to find that the momentum of Gu’s independence was no longer the kind of momentum he had seen before.

Before the Gu alone, sharp and straight, rather than bend, the whole person is like the sword that has been squirted with the same handle, and it is sharp!

But now, at the moment, although the momentum is still there, it is a bit more calm, a bit thick, and a bit solid!

Even, there is a hint of ethereal taste.

Let yourself feel even more, the foundation of Gu’s uniqueness is actually deep and sea-like.

"Gu is alone, don't you know that during the time of your injury, you have a new understanding?" When the Holy King asked this sentence, it was not only the rise of murderous madness, but also accompanied by extreme madness!

What kind of opportunity is it, and what kind of comprehension is it that can change the temperament of Gu Daxing, which has already been shaped?

This kind of comprehension, how many people have never been born from birth to death, and Gu alone is actually at the end of the most deadly road, but he has gained such insight!

For him, is it so simple?

Gu Zhixing smiled and said: "Are you embarrassed?"

St. Jun slowly nodded, killing the machine and starting again: "It's a pity. Your epiphany should be interrupted by your brother, Gu alone. Seriously injured you will die today! Remember, you are harmed by your brothers. dead!"

Up to this moment, the Holy King did not forget to fight the brotherhood of the people present, and the viciousness of the heart, can be seen, but from another level, it also declared that the person on the cloud, as a "person" is sad!

Gu alone slows the sword. Faintly said: "It doesn't matter."

This is really super doesn't matter.

Xie Danqiong and Dong Wuran screamed and struggled and said: "Gu Erge, you and my brothers are three, and they are here at the same time today. This is really what our brothers have. If you don’t ask for the same life, you have to die. ""

"If there is an afterlife. Let's be a brother again!" Dong did not hurt and shouted.

"Yes, if there is an afterlife, we will be brothers again." Gu’s voice is full of deep feelings: "Remember that I used to talk to the boss. If the brothers need to step on me, I will let He stepped on; even though he stepped on me, he could only go further."

Xie Danqiong and Dong Wuju also laughed at the same time: "Not bad! Even if it is only going further!"

"Because the brother is on the side, I am invincible!"

Gu alone, screaming in the sky, laughing, he has always been sharp, at this moment. But it shows the extreme mania, a long sword. Drink: "Cloud people! Remove your camouflage, show your mountain river sword, come and come, fight with me!"

St. King bit his teeth, faintly said: "This is the end of the matter, I will fulfill the last wish of your dying person!" Said, the body swayed, the bloated body suddenly disappeared, replaced by a plain robes The face of the sacred King.

One stop, Ruoyuan, Yuelu, is inviolable.

Although the chest is particularly bloody, his face is pale, but it does not detract from the sacred spirit of the Holy King!

Gu alone faintly nodded: "Yes, really good, although you are consciously have absolute control, it shows your true identity... But I still feel a little happy... By the way, let’s just say that bloated Meng Face fat, far from being as good as being beaten by the Scorpio, and... pleasure."

Dong Wujue and Xie Danqiong almost laughed and burst into tears.

I didn’t expect Gu’s solo to do so... Let the Holy Resurrection restore its original appearance. It turned out to be a sense of accomplishment and a sense of pleasure. !

Shengjun snorted heavily and turned to Xie Danqiong and Dong Wuju. He said: "You two are always a generation of heavenly emperors, you have to be protected by the laws of heaven and earth... I am not good at killing you. So, I will give you a Opportunity, as long as you take a trip and you can do whatever you want, I will let you three people. Today, I only care about the life of a single person. Even my wife’s life has been spared. This condition can be considered rich. ,how is it?"

On his face, he was upright and stunned, and he promised a pit. He said: "With such a small request, you will not know how much concession I have made... you have two worlds, hundreds of millions of people. People, how much responsibility... and the extraterrestrial demon... Can you throw your life here? Without hurting the Great, Qionghua Emperor, you may wish to carefully..."

In the mouth of the sky, with the most sincere language, with a look forward to the prodigal son's expression, even with the charm of the Yuan Li repair.

In the heart of the Holy Spirit, I ask myself: This low price can be exchanged for a chance to live, not only to save myself, but also to save people. If it is me, I will never let go of such a desperate self-help, save people and save myself, and never have trouble. opportunity. I don't believe it, you really don't feel tempted, even if you don't be tempted, will you be unwilling to be alone?

You can save the lives of you and his wife... Whether you are swearing alone or alone, you should be alone and promise you! There will be a crack in the so-called fraternal feelings that are unbreakable between you.

And what I want is this crack!

There is no feeling in this world that cannot be destroyed.

Those of you, the bones are just greedy and fearful! It just didn't show it!

Once you say it, I will immediately kill you all!

And in my heart, I will eliminate a big shadow!

- The world, after all, there is no such thing as an irrefutable truth!

However, after he had not finished speaking, he was interrupted by Dong.

"Close your mouth full of squirting feathers!" Dong did not hurt and sweared: "I am so disgusting, I would rather believe that women will not be jealous. I will never believe that you broke this mouth." The bird promised! If you want to kill it, why bother to say it! Really everyone likes the **** you said?"

Xie Danqiong sneered: "Don't ignore him. This **** is envious and hateful... I know that I have a pen, and I have to wear it like a pen, but I have to hold the pen of the world. I think I think it is the world. Just a smart person... talking to him is a waste of spit."

"Gu Er Ge, do it with him, dry him, dry him. Kill him! Brothers accompany you! Health, go on the road! Die, and go on the road together!"

Both of them are at the same time.

"it is good!"

Gu alone, Yang Tianxiaoxiao: "Say well! We are brothers, students, go on the road! Die, but also on the road! Good brother!"

The black dragon sword overflows the extreme bloodthirsty cravings, and the swordsman flashes.铿锵剑吟.

The face of Shengjun gradually darkened: "Since you have given birth to you, especially if you don't know how to cherish it, then don't blame me for being ruthless! Let's go on the road!"

His body suddenly jumped. Grab to Gu Zhixing!

Now that Gu is alone, although the injury has improved a lot, at most it has only one blow!

at this point. Everyone in the room can see it!

Even without too much effort, you can beat him! Crush! Kill!

But Shengjun obviously does not want to kill Gu alone!

"Since your brothers are deep, don't blame me for putting you in front of your own brothers, cruelly killing them! Brothers in life and death? Hahaha..." The face of St. Jun suddenly appeared to the extreme: "I will let you Brothers, in front of you. Match your women! I will see, how do you resist this human instinct? After each other's women, can you still be a brother after death, hahaha..."

The sly laughter exudes the ultimate evil, sinister!

Gu Zhixing and others until now, finally changed!

Gu Miaoling and Ink Tears looked at each other and said, "Let's go one step ahead!"

If you say it, you will die and die, and avoid the last scruples of the three brothers!

"Alive, traitor; dead, natural "jian shi", even if the body is gone, it doesn't matter! Regardless of life and death, I want you to be difficult to protect these three sorrows! Even if the woman is dead, it doesn't matter, I can Putting the bodies of several of your brothers together, since the brothers are deep, life and death do not abandon, then go further! Gu alone, you have the last blow, what are you waiting for? Shot, after you shoot, It’s my turn to perform and enjoy the show!” At this moment, the Holy King has no demeanor of a generation of peerless powers. This kind of extreme evil that has reached hysteria has just come out of his mouth.

Gu Zhixing and others showed sadness in the eyes.

Encounter such a completely shameless madman...

What else is there?

The only choice is... self-destruction?

Can only avoid this shame if the flesh does not exist?

However, Dong Wuwei and other three people may not be able to do it themselves. It is easy to talk about it!

The only chance is that Gu will use the last blow of his efforts and use it all five of his own.

This last blow is actually used here? !

However, at this time, in the sky, the wind and thunder surge!

A grand and sturdy sword, the thunder and the thunder are generally coming.

A cold voice said: "The people on the cloud, the original generation of the holy prince, acting so shameless, really worthy of being the first in the sky, no one can stand side by side with you! However, want to bully my brother, you have asked I do not have?!"

At this moment, I heard this not long-lost voice, whether it is Dong Wu, such a majestic man, or a long-lost and ruthless Gu Xing, or Xie Danqiong, who is already a generation of Emperor, at the same time, suddenly burst into tears.



<I am very lost, my protagonist dream, finally broken. The person in the film and television company said: In your photo, there is still a little bit of a good talk. But... now I see you... I found that you are still the most promising in writing a book; you will be able to fly, and you will be absolutely red and purple...

When I said this, I was so excited that I decided to write only books and not do anything else. After drinking the wine, I went back to the hotel and didn't think about things. I slowly understood... Nima is not hurting me...

Now in Mudanjiang, the ear root and the knife sharply heard about it, and laughed on the spot...

Amount, about the film and television, the future development will report to everyone immediately...

I will go back tomorrow afternoon, it is estimated that I will be home in the middle of the night... I wish you all a happy! >

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