Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 802: Heavenly vows!

The three said that they couldn't think of anything. In this moment of life and death, the boss Chu Yang actually appeared in front of the gods. The excitement in this moment almost felt that my heart was exploding.

At the same time, an unprecedented inexplicable sense of security came to life!

The boss is coming, no one can hurt us anymore!

The holy prince slowly turned around and saw a handsome young man in front of him. He stood in front of himself with a dusty servant. Although his face was difficult to cover his tiredness, his eyes were sharp and swordy.

The eyes of people who looked at Gu Duxing and others were full of comfort and sorrow; but then they looked at their own eyes, but they became angry, despised, and despised!

There is also a sword in his hand.

Moreover, what makes St. Jun even more unexpected is...

At this moment, the swordsmanship, murderousness, and warfare that come from the face are even stronger than the one-of-a-kind!

Much stronger!

Sheng Jun took a deep breath and said with caution: "You... is their boss?"

This is the first time for the Holy King. I really saw Chu Yang, and it was the first time that Chu Yang had a positive contact with Shengjun!

At the moment when I heard the words of Gu Daxing and the words "Boss" at the same time, the Holy King regretted that the intestines were green!

Unexpectedly, the helper came so fast!

Unexpectedly, it is still their boss!

Unexpectedly, it is here, it is equal to the positive opposite of the decisive battle.

If you know so, you should ambush the master of the Holy Palace in the vicinity, if you do. Don't say that it's just a boss, even if it's a few more. What is the relationship?

But now, the situation has undergone subtle changes.

At the very least, my identity is exposed.

Gu alone, the **** just lie to himself to restore the original appearance, and the guy's boss actually came so skillfully.

What's more, he was injured at this time.

Even more unfortunately, the ninety-nine phantoms used to guard against accidents have also been used up;

There is...

Is it only the boss who came to help, or is there any other helper?

For example, if Donghuang Snow is tearful. Or it is the demon after the demon, if any of these two people come, the game of today will be very difficult!

Although it was only the first time to meet, St. Jun was surprised to discover the fact that the strength of Chuyang was not only on the top of Dong’s unscrupulous, but also even more powerful. Now he may not have a full chance of winning!

opposite. Chu Yang smiled coldly: "Of course, I am their boss; and, also me, rate people to destroy your holy palace! Or me, killing one of your true spiritual bases; killing one of your avatars That's right, it's me who killed your wife and a avatar! Now it's me. To be here, kill yourself!"

Shengjun haha ​​laughed: "The arrogant junior, the letter is yellow!"

Chu Yang calmly said: "Is it really arrogant?! When you want to viciously rectify my brother; I will swear in my heart! In this life and in this world, I am not in the same position with you! In this life and in this world, I must regard you as the greatest enemy. In this life and in this world. You must die under my sword!"

"No one can hurt my brother, and no one can threaten my brother!" Chu Yang said heavily: "Especially. You are more unworthy!"

Shengjun pupil shrinks.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a chill in his body.

He clearly felt that Chu Yang said the seriousness of this time!

That is every word that I am saying with my heart!

Moreover, these words are equivalent to Chu Yang's vow!

A lifetime of no regrets!

Sure enough, the next moment, the sky filled with volcanic clouds suddenly shouted, and the light was as bright as white, the dense smoke, instantly disappeared, and the sky reappeared in the blue sky!

There is no cloud in the air, but there is a voice full of majestic feelings: "A vow!"

Immediately, the sound was crisp.

It seems to be just a small clock, knocked out, extraordinarily crisp and clear!

But at this moment, this sound is ringing, but at the same time in all the places of the Nine Heavens, and even the small planes of the Nine Heavens; all the souls of the souls ring at the same time!

Whether it is a person, or a bird and beast, whether it is a warrior or an ordinary person!

I heard the sound of this bell and shook it.

Saint Jun also felt in his heart, a bell, was slammed!

His face has changed dramatically!

this is……

Heavenly vows!

He knew that Chu Yang had just spoken in an oath, but never thought that Chu Yang’s vow could actually lead Tiandao to testify! Launching the supreme, Tiandao vows!

Once this vow comes out, there is no room for change.

There must be a death between Chuyang and the people on the cloud!

No one or the other, no exception!

Even if this is the peak of the world, you can't change this vow!

In fact, it is necessary to say that Chu Yang can arrive in time, and there are also quite lucky components.

Chuyang’s galloping road was finally rushed to Daxitian, but it was rushed to Daxitian. It was not the same as to find Dong’s injured person. I want to know that Dong’s group did not use the Black Dragon Sword to look for Gu’s alone. The matter of falling is done in absolute privacy, and no one knows.

Therefore, their whereabouts, Chu Yang is completely stunned on this side, but it is a holy priest who has set a trap early, following all the way, and making trouble at the right time.

Chu Yangming knows that Dong Wu's group may have a life-threatening danger. He can only think of this when he comes to the ground. The only way is to use the mysterious machine to find them. It is impossible to apply different methods within the internal fault.

The guidance of the Nine Robbery Swords is only the general direction; it is impossible to be so precise.

Chu Yang did not care, but had no purpose, no clues around, but accidentally found in the distance there is a jade-colored light in the distance straight into the sky, a smashing battle is overwhelming!

This made Chu Yang almost screaming and screaming.

That majestic momentum, emptying the overbearing, fully in line with Dong no injury!

This made Chu Yang immediately conclude that this is exactly what Dong did not hurt!

At that time, Chu Yang was at least 1,500 miles away from the battle site!

Seeing this sudden change, I feel the momentum of Dong’s innocent violent world more clearly, and Chu Yang is desperately trying to come!

By the time the volcanoes of the surrounding area broke out, Chuyang’s galloping Zixia was close to the miles of the miles!

Fortunately, God blessed good people, Sheng Jun intended to dispel the friendship between the three brothers, who did not hurt Xie Danqiong, and made various means to achieve despicable purposes, delaying a little time, let Chu Yang catch up at the last moment. .

If the Holy King still acted according to the original intention, and said nothing to kill the killer, the five people who survived were all unable to survive. Chu Yang even rushed to the end and saw only five bodies at most.

However, although Chu Yang arrived in time at the last minute, the situation is still not optimistic!

First of all, the strength of the Holy King is still stronger than that of Chu Yang. Although the Holy King is traumatized by the attack of three people, such as Dong Wushou, the injury is not too serious, and the combat power is still full, and there is definitely a battle. force.

More importantly, it is the state of Chu Yang at the moment, very very very special!

Chu Yang at the moment, the outside is cold, the eyes are cold, not a trace of inferiority, but the inside is already burning inside, the situation is horrible.

Before the Mo Tianji warning, Chu Yang rushed to Daxitian in one breath, and traveled for eight thousand miles in the whole journey. The whole process was to mobilize the nine robbery swords with his own skill. The swordsman and the sword arrived in one, and the fatigue of this road was extremely consumed. I can imagine that almost all of the eyes that he couldn’t control could be blackened, and almost all of them would fall!

However, Chu Yang looked around and looked around the scene, and couldn’t help but almost didn’t come up, and immediately turned into raging anger!

The murder of the murderer began, and it was almost unthinking to say that.

After speaking out, he actually got the testimony of the Tiandao vows. This result made Chu Yang stay for a while.

This heavenly vow, it seems that it is not the time!

Although there is no vow, Chu Yang and the brothers will fight against the Holy King and swear by the end, and with this vow, each other's position is more obvious, and everything is placed on the table.

However, this Tiandao vow appeared at this time, but it is equivalent to forcing Chu Yang and the Holy King to start a decisive battle today!

However, the current situation is that Chu Yang's own situation is in an extremely bad situation, and Mo Tianji is countered by the secret, unable to do it. More than half of the brothers here are wounded, this battle is really too difficult to fight!

at the same time.

The demon palace.

After running the internal interest, the monk repairing the work suddenly shocked: "What is this situation? What happened? Whose oath, actually got the witness of the Tiandao vows directly? This..."

On one side, the East Emperor Tiandong Huang Xue, who was in the snow and white, was also frowning with an unexpected face: "This accident is really unexpected. The vows of heaven have never only appeared in the legend; In the real experience, at least for more than a million years, it has never been seen... In the end, whoever has such a thorough creation, and provokes such opportunities!?"

After the news that the demon was injured and was besieged by many masters, Donghuang Xue’s tears rushed to the demon emperor’s day in the first time; the devil’s war is imminent, the demon is such a major force, but it cannot be broken. of.

Therefore, Donghuang took the initiative to come to help the demon after healing.

At this time, it is already the fifth day of snow and tears reaching here.

The healing process of the demon has finally come to an end, except that the work has not yet returned to its full state, and everything else has been as usual.

This time, it is really a small injury.

At this time, the alarm of the oath of the Taoist voice suddenly sounded.

The two were shocked at the same time.

His face changed!


<Tomorrow home, it will break out immediately!

Seeking a monthly ticket! >

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