Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 809: So secret [second more! 】

Although the elves have deep roots, they are still masters, but the legendary creator of the elves, the Elf Emperor, never gave birth to one!

At the same time, the blood of the Elf royal family is cut off!

The most precious spring of life of the elves has also changed from a large lake to a deep well. Now, it must be exhausted.

This result undoubtedly declares that the highest ruling level of the elves has fallen into a terrible situation without a leader!

If it is not the other immortal legendary Elf Arrows who belong to the Elves, come back to the scene with a earth-shattering cultivation, and they will be sitting in the Elf, I am afraid that the Elves have already been divided for a long time!

This shows the importance of this thing to the elves. Now, the Holy King actually said that he knows the whereabouts of the Elven Emperor, how can he not be excited? How could you refuse the olive branch that the saints extended?

"Don't ask the Holy One, our Elf Emperor, where is it?" The Elf Arrow looked at the Holy King with a gaze: "Please let me know."

Even though countless years have passed, the arrow **** is the head of the four gods of the elves, but it still has not changed. A style of good boy, rude world beauty.

However, all those who are familiar with him know that the elf arrow **** is like a pure illusion!

Once he fights, he must be another image, without a trace, but wherever he goes, the corpse is everywhere! ,

The most brilliant record of the Elf Arrow God in the past is because a human sage master has sinned the elves, and many elf strong men have failed to make a fuss. The elf arrow **** finally bursts out.

In that battle, everyone at the time was watching and looking forward to it.

But until the end. Until the master died, no one knows when the arrow **** is out of hand! Even, I don’t know if the Elf Arrows have shot it!

Or, the only person who perceives the Elven Arrows. Only the human peak who is the party, the moment before his death, that moment, that moment!

In that battle, the arrow gods trembled the world!

That arrow, there is no shadow to go without a trace. When the arrow flashes, everything is over!

Arrow God, a well-deserved name, worthy of the name!

Because, he created a legend. In the battle of the masters of the same level, in the most thorough way to win the other side, even the enemy side did not know his position, his shot, his everything!

"In fact, when I talked about the specific whereabouts of the Elven Emperor, I really don't know." This sentence of the Holy King made the eyes of the Arrow God suddenly sharp. I hurried to continue: "Just, when the aristocratic queen left the scorpion to avoid the alien land, I knew why."

Arrow God frowned: "Oh?"

Obviously, his answer to the holy prince was very unexpected. His entire elf family did not know why the queen would leave. Instead, the outsider actually knew that nature was quite questionable.

Even if you are a holy prince, you shouldn’t be so versatile!

Saint Jun smiles and looks at it, and he has a well-thought-out attitude.

Arrow God breathed a sigh of relief. Seriously said: "Please enlighten me!"

For the elves, this is already a good thing.

The reason why the Holy King would say this, is this face, this equal opportunity, even to master some active qualifications!

Just this change. Both sides are well aware.

Because of this important news in his hands, Arrow God did not mind giving him this face.

After all, the whereabouts of the Queen, the cause, and the result, especially the whereabouts of the Queen, is that it is crucial to find the whereabouts of the Elven Emperor, which is crucial, because the Elven Emperor can find it, this is for the Elf. Say, it’s a big thing!

As for what is the face - oh, that is, you humans care about these illusory things!

"Oh, this is a pity for the nobility, but it is even more a scandal for the Terran. For a while, the seat does not know how to open it..." Do not make a fool of it. Actually, he sighed and sighed and screamed.

"If you don't know how to open your mouth, then you don't need to say anything, please, please!" The Elf Arrow God did not eat the Holy One, but he was eager to learn the whereabouts of the Elf Queen and even the Elven Emperor. But it will not let the holy king take full initiative.

There is no politeness between words.

"Don't be anxious, please do not hesitate to do this. If the cause of the matter is not clear, I am afraid that you may not dare to believe in the words of the seat." Sheng Jun smiled, still a slow speech "After all, although we have been in love for a long time, today, after all, it is only the first time we meet."

"Well, then you come slowly!" The elf arrow snorted.

"The Lord of Arrows, the disappearance of the noble queen, is actually related to two other big men, and two of the deceased old people. If it is not urgent, I would not want to mention this past..." bitter.

"Do you mean not to say, if you don't want to say it, you can leave!" The elf arrow **** is angry with the mountain, and his attitude is more intolerant. This guy is pulling, don’t you know nothing? Just come and fool me?

When am I stupid?

"Hello, this fact involves many of the top and bottom of the two elites. This seat has to be cautious... It is really important." Saint Jun is very serious.

"I know, you can tell the truth!" The elf arrow **** is strong and angry. Heart, is there really any major secret?

"The matter is related to the people, in addition to the aristocratic queen, but also involved the three emperors of Tianzhu, the other two generations of the red face..." Sheng Jun Xu Xudao.

"Ah?! What is the relationship between the Queen of the Queen and the Human Emperor? Under the command of the Holy King, don't deliberately exaggerate the facts, so it's a mystery!" Arrow God's heart moved, but the mouth did not show weakness.

"Hey, the three emperors I mentioned just now, including the prince, the three emperors are the East Emperor Snow Tears, the demon enchantress, the Purple Emperor, the Purple Emperor, and the current demon Children, the year-old beauty of the beautiful woman Piao Ping goddess Ling Piao Ping." Sheng Jun heavy sigh.

Arrowhead suddenly has a black line: "What do you say, a total of five people are mentioned, three of them have passed away, and the Holy One is squatting... Can you be more exaggerated?"

Sheng Jun earnestly said: "In addition to the fate of the aristocratic queen, there is a layer of conspiracy that spans more than a million years..."

"Don't talk nonsense anymore, hurry to say yours below, the patience of this seat has been worn out by you!" Arrow God finally broke out.

Shengjun breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said it.

"Well, the planner of this conspiracy is that the East Emperor Snow Tears! This person has a superficial appearance on the surface, but in fact, a male thief, a mean, a sneak, a sneak peek, what is done, it is arrogant, horrible, the demon The Emperor and the Purple Emperor of Heaven and the Fallen are all from this thief..."

"Stop, you can stop." Arrow God looked disdainful.

"Although the elves are isolated from the world, they are not completely ignorant of foreign affairs, and they do not say that the demon emperor declares to the outside world that the demon enchantress is rehabilitated because of a change, and it is still unclear whether it is truly degraded. The East Emperor Snow tears and colds intersected, when the Tianmo family invaded, Zihao aggregated all the fighting power to fight together, what a hero! But it is you... In that incident, some are not bright?"

There is no disguise in the myth of the Elf Arrow. We have never heard of any disagreement between Zihao and Snow Tears. On the contrary, it is rumored that you are doing very badly in this matter, even very embarrassing.

"No, the world is blinded by the illusion of the moment. The real situation of the day is actually that I will lead the army to support Zishentian, and fight against the demon. The snow and tears are reluctant to use retreat as an excuse. In fact, they secretly block me from sending troops, Zihao is falling, Zishentian The death of the snow, the tears of the snow is the biggest behind-the-scenes black hand, even after the fall of the purple sky, he went to the Holy Palace to find my theory, but it is just to cover the eyes and ears of the world." Shengjun generously, as if he said The truth is normal.

"Well, I understand. The East Emperor is actually a despicable villain, but even if it is the despicable work of the East Emperor, it is not related to my elves. We care only about the whereabouts of the Empress. "The elf arrow **** is impatient." In the voice, there is already perfunctory meaning, and the face is completely indifferent.

"The Lord of Arrows does not know, the demon enchantress has long fallen, and the fall of the two Emperors, in addition to the snow and tears, is also related to beauty!"

"Oh, can you say that the meaning of the saints under the sacred priests is that the emperor's snow and tears linger after the enchanting demon and the purple 霄 霄 霄 后 凌 凌 凌 凌 飘 的 的 的 的 的 的 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Laugh: "Haha... this is really funny!"

"Yes, the truth is like this! The **** of the arrow is really like a torch!" In the face of the ridicule of the arrow god, the holy king actually admitted.

This makes the arrow gods a little bit stunned.

Is your sister so shameless?

Is this... still holy?

Shengjun sighed and said: "The snow and tears are really the ghosts in the color, and the color of his hunting, in addition to the requirements of having a peerless face, the woman still needs to be top-notch, outstanding temperament, and the demon after the devil, purple Tianling Ling Piaoping is in line with his requirements, which is also the biggest reason for his calculation of the two great emperors! Nowadays, it is fierce with the demon queen, and it is more powerful to suppress the aristocratic messengers.

"Oh, my Holiness, I will finally reiterate that these things that you said are true or false. They are all things of the Scorpio. It really has nothing to do with our elves, if your message is This, you don't have to continue..." The patience of the Elf Arrow God apparently went to the limit and didn't want to deal with it anymore.

"Oh, the Elf Arrow God did not realize the problem. At the beginning, the Queen of the Queens was one of the targets of the snow and tears. As far as I know, it is even more unfortunate that the Queen of the Queen is deeply Fall in love with the despicable villain and tears!" This sentence of the Holy King, really shocked the arrow god.


<Second! I went on to write the third one! The heat is dead, the indoor temperature is close to forty degrees... Now it’s the code word of the bare fruit of the red fruit... This is the real shirtless! Give me a few monthly tickets...>

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